HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925 J. L. BLACK. M. D. DISCUSSION OF TOURIST HOTELS (Homeopathic Physician) Offico at residence, 724 Cascade Ave. Telephone 2961. A Specialized Service for 4k G W. HAMILTON, M. D. ♦ Physician and Surgeon I Office Bspslus Block Offico Phone 3741 Home Phone 3742 Stout Women i ONE of the reason* why stout women find our Fitting Service superior to that of other stores, is H. L DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly answered in town or country—Day or Night Phones: Residence, 1242; Office, 1241. Office in the Brosius Building tCWYUSH ST0OT1 Dr*. Abraham & Sifton Physicians t Surgeons Butler Bank Building Phones: Office 4151 Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. 8|fton 3613. Dr. W. Donald Nickelsen Cancer, Plastic Surgery and Radium Therapy Stevens Building, Portland, Ore. Consultation Hood River by appoint­ ment Phone 5959 DR. M. THRANE Physician and Surgeon Mt. Hood Hotel Bldg., main, entrance Office Phone 2172 Residence Phone 2174 DR. MEARLE C. FOX Eye, Ear Nose and Throat 915 Stevens Bldg. Portland, Ore. L. R. Alexander, D. M. D. DENTIST Office 4, 5 and 6 Smith Building Office Phone 2021 Ree. Phone 3144 Hood River, Oregon r ~ t ••Ordinary" shoes are sel­ dom wider than “O’, and a size 7 C is often fitted to a foot that will not find real comfort in anything but a 6 E. Stylish Stout Outsizes are Full Fitting • While they run wide Built with R«-btforc«d st«i they look slender; • Supporting Shanks EEE appearing no , wider than a C or D. S i Feet broader than the average find the required width in— ‘‘Style Shoes for Stout Women" 1 C. JOHNSEN EH E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. Broaius Building Office Hour* : 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Office Tel. 8161 Residence Tel. 3412 C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST Phones: Office 1081; Residence 3331 Office over Butler Bank ■ DR. S. L. PETERSON DENTIST Eliot Building, Hood River, Oregon Phones : Res. 2743 ; Office 3812 L. L. MURPHY DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Suite 5, Brosius Building A. J. DERBY LAWYER First National Bank Building ___ Hood River, Oregon We will please you with our Dressmaking Hemstitching a Specialty MRS. FLORENCE SIMONTON at The Paris Fair M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinary Surgeon la prepa red to do any work in the YOU NEED FEED FOR YOUR STOCK Look these prices over. We are closing down on certain fines and are offering good feed at reduced prices: Shorts, sack........................... Bran, sack.«.........,................. Rolled Oats, sack............... Ground Oats, 8O*s sack Ground Barley, 100*8.... Rolled Barley....................... Cracked Corn ........ .... Milk Ration.................... ....... Milk Maker........ ,................. Scratch Food........................ $1^0 1.25 1.65 2.20 “ 2.70- 2.15 3.10 2.50 2.75 3.10 While buying Feed look over our large Grocery Stock. Our prices are in line and quality the best veterinary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to the Fashion Stables. t Old City Hall Plumbing Shop has moved the new location is 008 12 8treet where there wttl be a large display of Plumbing and Heating Goods at reasonable prices. The new location will be known as— TOM FISHER'S Plumbing A Heating 908 12th St. Phone 21Ô1 Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate Abetracting of Land Titles Telephone 1331 Painting and Paper Hanging SPRING’S COMING Interior decorating, matching tinting and painting with draperies, etc. D. F. TAYLOR Tel. 5411. Hood River. Or. R. F. D. 4. READ’S RADIO SHOP ■fte Radio Shop of Hood River II. B. READ. Proprietor Snperbetrodynes and Neutrodynes G ree be, Atwater Kent and Radiola Representative *08 Cascade Ave^ Tel. 1234. B. B. POWELL PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK *10 Cascade Ave. ® | N the meantime the housewife ponders "Fl over what to provide at the family meal. It is the season when a choice is most dif*icuIt Our shelves laden with the best of the world’s gardens and orchards will solve the problem. Order by the Case and Save Money! Hood River, Ore. J. D. McLUCAS CONTRACTOR Practical Worker in Stone, Con* crete, Brick and Plaster Telephone 0931 mi FRASIER GROCERY CO = Wildflowers are Blooming! AÜTO WORK DONE AT TOUR OWN HOME Telephone 2782 and I’ll come at once. No garage and you save the cost of the overhead. • The time for Spring work Is just around the corner. How are your Implements ? Bring them in and get them ready. We repair anything from your garden hoe to your motor truck or spray machine. HOWELL BROS., Fourth Street Tel. 2551 J. P. POMEROY THE FASHION STABLES’ Parkdale Auto Stage ALL KINDS OF Phone 1201 Motor Trouble Shooting Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Electrical Work a Specialty Leaves Parkdale daily at 8 a. tn. (except Sunday). Evary Saturday it leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. HECK UNGER GARAGE to TUCKER’S GARAGE (Concluded) , The chief consideration is not to get It too high, as by the use of the you can get your road steam shovel . ... __ open in good shape by the first of July. That is when your travel starts, and you must be in shape to take care of it when it is there, or you wlU not break even. On Rainier It Is entirely feasible to open the road In 15 days, and wlieu you get up there in the meadows where the snow is thin, the Sower« are bloom­ ing, aud it Is always a source of de­ light to the visitors to drive through snow banks and then emerge where the grass la green and the flowers blooming. You must always keep in mind that your people are there for entertain­ ment. They are not just there to look off at the view. They are going to get out of their cars and stay a day or two. When we built Paradise ( I thought we would have a golf course aud tennis courts, aud all that sort of thing. When they get out ou the glaciers they don't ueed any of that sort of artificial entertainment. People are amasingly interested in glaciers. There is a fascination about a glacier that ^>sce is not even in the mountain itself, nor in the val­ leys, nor the timber, nor the flowers. There Is a mystery about that great body of moving ice. They will spend entire days Just Walking over the glaciers. The thing' they have been planning for, and «ending about, is got here. The Columbia Ilfver high­ that glacier. We have guide service, and suits way would provide one day, the for about 390 people; we have the lieaebes another, Mount Hood a third, slimmer trips and the horse service. and then you should have one more. "What features of your concession You should develop every feature. Every feature we have found feasible witli the government protects your you should develop, and as many investment?” Nothing whatever but the well- more as your location affords. The limit of people who want horses is known honesty of the United States always limited only by the number government. There is nothing to our concession except the simple state­ of horses you can keep. ment that we can go up there and Paradise Valley will always be the build a hotel and run it, but the gov­ place from which people will go to ernment has the right to stop our , get out on the glacier. Our Idea is operations at any time. They are that the ne?t unit will be developed keenly Interested in the development principally for those who want golf of tile park, and they have to depend and tennis. The third one will have upon private capital to do it, and a great natural interest. It will be they are not going to do it as long located on the edge of the great ava­ as you run your hotel in a legitimate lanche, and the hotel will probably lie way and don't try to "slip anything called Avalanche Inn, and the great­ over.” We find the government not est entertainment will be in watching only willing, but anxious to see our for those great avalancbos. These work a success. When we are criti­ people all want something to do, but cised we And the government right the peculiar thingxm which you have behind us with their endorsement and to build Is that they want to do the approval. We cannot even establish thing that is already there for thqm a rate without their definite approval to do. That is what they have trav- In writing. When we went into this eled all that distance to do »nd they many of our people were afraid it don't, want to miss it. When would not work out right liecause we provide that, you have done all bad nothing to show our protection, you can—you iiave reached your but the word of Mr. Mather, and I appeal. believe we would have the same from “How far will your units be B<1> Ills successor, that as long as we did avated?” this thing right we would not be in­ From 50 to 60 miles, connected by terfered with. The government stands an encircling road — something tiiat on the broad policy that the granting you start with that we are still a of these concessions is. the best way long way from. That is stTll a dream tbey have found so far out of their with us, and.lt has a wonderful ap­ experience to bring -about this devel peal—the very name “Loop Road,” a opment by the use of private capital, road that goes clear around the moun­ and yet keep the parks open for the tain, attracts, and when that Loop use of the general public. The devel­ Road connects with the greatest high­ opments are undertaken and carried way in the world, you iiave jour out for the benefit of the public, and the moment that is not done we foundation all laid. 1 remember Mr. Mather aayiug that would bf closed out. We cannot go In there with the congress will be quick to build these roads when you have built your ap­ idea of cornering a good thing and proach roads. In the last three or making a big profit, and ma.vlie sell four years, with state Money, and Ing out later to some private^corpor- with forest reserve money, and fed­ ation at a big figure. The govern­ eral aid, we have spent *8,000,900 In ment Is willing and even anxious that building approacli roads. you make a legit I mute profit, but he-' Tlie people who come here for a yond that you cannot go, and If you day or two and stop off must have should be aold out It would be only something definite to do offered thqm. at a fair valuation, and not at an You cannot say, “Come, stay here in exorbitant figure; and If you should Portland for three or four days; It is wish to sell out. they would send In n delightful city; we have nice resi­ an appraiser and fix the priee where dences, and fine parks, and a kxreiy they thought it should tv>. and you climate.” That doesn't mean any­ would not lie permitted to sell your thing to tlieia. You must lay down coueess ion for a great priee. these definite things for them to do while they are here. Ixtcal Men’s Activities Noted The jieople upon whom you are go­ The following appeared In a cur­ ing to depend for the selling of your attractions are the tourist agents. rent issue of the Log Cabin Bakery The railroads have wonderful repre­ Company's Crusts and Crymli*: “Cramy" Cramer, manager of the sentation. All the roads centering here have their individual repremnita- Hood River-29th Century has a new tlvea in (he t**ala*ard, and in the Studeltaker sport roadster. He is larger cities of the middle west; but getting lined up for some fine outing* there is a certain group of intelligent, around the new Loop Highway when carefully organized people—the tour­ It Is opened this summer. ist companies—who take time to ex­ plain the attractions of the resort re­ ■Mac' MacMillan, of the Grange gions. They go into each place care­ Co-operative store in Hood River, fully and in detail with each inquirer. had the misfortune to connect with You must interest thi*se agepts, and somo Insidious poison that worked lay down before them some definite up through his nostrils into his bead. things that they can sell to people It was neiessary for him to make a who inquire about Portland, so that trip a week to Portland for medical when they say that Portland la'worth attention, hut he is now showing^ three days' time, you must provide decided improvement. for those three days something inter­ esting to do every day. Let them sell New Cannery Head Named the tickets for it. then it liecomes con­ O. B. Kile, new district auperin crete to them. Their living la in it aud you can depend upon their doing tendent of the Libby, McNeill A Lib­ it. Let them make their 10 per cent; by canneries arrived at The Dalle« do not tiegrudge it to them, and they last week to assume charge of'Mhe will do far more than that for Port­ local plant in connection with his other duties. Mr. Kile 1« expected land. In view of the fact that these east­ to go to San Francisco shortly, but ern men come out intending (o take will return to Oregon before the sea­ in all the resorts, would It not be son opena. feasible to sort of diversify the enter­ tainment?' Instead of showing moun­ ANNOUNCEMENT tains everywhere, why not develop the sea coast; make a nominal devel­ December 1st we moved to our New Terminal—E. Water, opment of Mt. Hood, but in Oregon put the emphasis on lite seaside re­ E, Yamhill and E. Taylor Sts. This building being con­ put the emphasis on the seaside re­ structed solely for the handling of Freight via Motor Truck No, decidedly; I think they are all will greatly improve the service and create an efficient needed. In Puget Sound we don't method of transportation. bring to Mount Rainier one-third of the people who visit Seattle. That is one of the glories of Portland. Yon have done out great, outstanding fJUI l rnnWiN III thing. It is complete and known all WARREN 4L GREENWOOD TRUCK LINES over the country, and lias been for ES ten yi-ars. That is what people come Hood River The Dalles ML Mt. Hood to Portland for. There Js no single attraction anywhere in the United Ti.rk Ti,rk ‘" -' ¿aJ States that has liad the advertising [ ™- — wn»,» „ 1 ■„ '■■■ ...................... - that the Columbia River highway has. It la a comfortable, delightful drive, effkiiy done in a day. The Columbia River highway has ten times the na­ tional publicity that Mount Rainier has. TRY OUR Portland conld certainly have not less than four outstanding and total­ ly different forms of Interest and at­ traction. What we are seeking to do Is to bold these people in the Pacific Northwest for a ywk, two weeks, a month. We want their understanding and sympathy; yon are not going to WE KEEP IT g5t those tn s day. I have said over and over again GET FREE STENCILS AT THIS OFFICE RIGHT that these hotels in Portland. Seattle and Tacoma constitute the finest re­ sorts on earth, because they are situ­ ated where it Is comfortable in the ■nmmer time. Yon can consistently offer the hotels of Portland as the headquarters in which these people can live and take a trip every day. and that would he an entirely legiti­ 111 2nd Street mate offer, and you would have the entertainment for them when they Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks GREENWOOD TRANSPORTATION CO., Inc. Confectionery I Draught Luxo WE WANT Newtown Cookers SHERIDAN FRUIT COMPANY C. 1 RICHARDS