VOL XXXVI HOOD RIVER GLACIER. AY, FEBRUARY 19. 1925 VETERAN HAS N the honors accorded him in the infancy of this Republic were-shown the affection, the esteem and the trust in which Georgs Washington was held by the people of his day. As the years have multiplied, greater and greater tributes paid to the memory of the great Revolutionary General and First Presi­ dent have spoken eloquently of the debt this nation acknowledgea to this steadfast, far-visioned, resourceful leader—in truth one of the founder« of Liberty for the World. I Take a Kodak, withyou ' When nature beckons, Kodak calls and you put t the scene in a picture. It’s all easy the Kodak way and please i a-plenty as well. In winter, as in summer, you want tha dependable film in the famous yellow box. You can always it here in your size. Our finishing is the Quality-Right, prico-right kind. MR. BENNETT TELLS Highland Linen Box Stationery HOOD RIVER DRUG CO February Twenty-Second — WEDNESDAY THURSDAY T V D. 7Z Brandon Opera Co I FIFTY SINGING VOICES | FLUME REPAIRS Blythe, who la associated with Her­ bert J. Campbell in publishing the Vancouver Columbian, were present for the blrthday'dlnner. The wives of the following veterans were present : Mrs. Jewett, Mrs. John­ son. Mrs. Frasier, Mrs. Castner. Mm Longcor and Mrs. Billings. Mrs. John A. Wilson and daughter, MI hh Grace, attended the pleasant party, and Mist- Alice Blythe accompanied her father from Vancouver. Mr. Marlor and his son, George Finley, sat at the birth­ day board. Speeches of felicitation were made Saturday by Mr. Jewett, Judge Cast ner, Mr. Longcor and lira. Jewett. Mr. Ixmgcor in the course of bis re marks gave some reminiscences of Clrit war day», fle stated that he wa* well acquainted with member« of the Fotirth Michigan Cavalry, who bad participated in the capture of Jefferaon Davis, president of the Con­ federacy. Abe Sebring, one of the cavalrymen, aec-nred the cape to Da via’ riding coat. It wai exhibited at the Chicago World’« Fair, where curio hunters mutilated it badly. NEW BAKERY TRUCK AROUSES ATTENTION The Hood Hirer America's Greatest and Best Beloved . ' Comic Opera by Reginald DeKoven The Smart, Fascinating, Tuneful Comic _ Bargain Prices C. & M. ALLIANCE CONVENTION NEAR ¿First 12 rows Last 8 rows_____ ... Balcony__________ General Admission. “The Brandon Opera Company’s, presentation of 'Robin Hood” was one that approaches perfection.” —Portland Oregonian. “Everything to Build Anything NEW SPRAT PLANT