The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 05, 1925, Image 3

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Estate Ns. 28996..
NMIee af AdhaintetnUrix's flale ef
Quality Food Products
At the top among Oregon’s Finest Markets, we are
here to serve the mid-Coltimbia people the best in
Meats and Market Food Products.
A telephone call will always find us ready to render
courteous service.
It will always be a pleasure to show you over
But that makes no difference down at our shop,
where we can care for your automobile repair
needs. If your Truck, engaged in getting in the
last of the apples, needs fixing, just bring it
around. We can send a service car if you have
had a breakdown.
Our Shop is equipped to manufacture and repair.
HOWELL BROS., Fourth Street. Tel. 2551
Full Line of Supplies
derful grounds of the new Columbia
Union high school. You just can't
keep thaa* her« gurrels down!
Th« sight of tile Steamer M
at the Hood River dock recent
good for various forms of White
Salmon eye trouble. We wish the
good old daya would come again.
The White Salmon Tennis associa­
tion has decided to build two courts
at the east end of Aeolus park.
Ground will be broken at once, and
the courts will be completed by
March 1.
The various saw mills throughout
this district are taking on new life,
lb anticipation of good runs through­
out the year.
Over six miles of the Husum-Trout
1-ake road are to be cleared, grubbed
and graded this year, according to the
statement of the county commission­
ers. The estimate is set at about
820.000, and a call for bids has been
Social activities here during the
past week have been too numerous to
meution. One event, however, was a
unique Oriental supper given by Mr.
aud Mrs. P. G. Ripper and Mr. and
Mrs. O. it. Kreps for friends In White
Salmon. Chinese noodles were in evi­
dence, n' oodles’ of them at that. The
decorations were cleverly srranged to
suit the occasion.
Mrs. A. G. Lewis is recovering from
a recent operation.
Edward Bisson has acquired the L.
H. Breedlove Home Garden ranch and
will take possession In the spring.
E. R. Cornett, deputy field assessor,
will start work in this district March
I. Personal property only will be
taken this year, aceordlug to The
Euterpriae reporter. He should be
arrested at his very first offense—
Peter Ixinsony.
We are glad' that our Ann Teek
Remington is equlpfied with a period,
as happy Dean Collins puts it.
(By Will 8. BatM)
Th« eooperative weather obesr»«r’s
la th« Circuit Court of the Stat* of report for the 24-bour period eudlng
Oragon for th« County of Multnomah. at 5 p. m., January 30: Maximum
Department of Probate.
' temperature 40; minimum 89 above
In the Matter of the Estate of aero; precipitation, .14; west wind;
Charles E. Power; Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that, in pur­ partly cloudy.
Despite the wet condition of the
suance of an order of the Honorable .
George Taswell, Judge of the Circuit fields, plowing was recently started
Coart ot the State of Oregon for : on the old Shrader place in the North
Multnomah County, Probate Depart­ . White Salmon district Friday.
The county has started road
ment, made and entered herein on the i
28th day of January, 1925, for the > provement work in the Indian
sale of the real estate «hereinafter de­ district, a abort distance from the
scribed, the undersigned. Administra­ city limits.
trix of Mid estate will offer for Mie
Residents living on tbs old Lyle
at private Mie to the highest bidder ' road, east of the Burdick place, have
for cash, at the office of Manning A been forced to abandou that outlet to
Harvey, 714 Porter Building, Port­ the Snowden highway on account of
land Oregon, on or after the 6th day the unprecedented bad condition of
of March, 1925, at the hour of 10 the road, which waa put out of com­
A. M., an undivided one half interest mission by logging trucks. Beverul
in and to the follouring described real families have been forced to datour
estate, situated In Hbod River County, via* Laws Corner to the Snowden
Oregon, to-wit:
highway at Hessler» comer. ▲ part
AU of the Northeast Quarter of the of the stretch of road north of Laws
Northeast Quarter of Section 17, leas is about out of commission on account
10 acres more or less from the South­ of heavy logging via that outlet, after
ern portion thereof heretofore con­ the Lyle road had been ruined. Con
veyed to A. C. Sallenbach, and all of ditions are growing from bad to
the Southwest Quarter of the North­ worse, aud it will be net »M a r y to
east Quarter* of Section }7, save and abandon autos and resort to teams to
except 10 acres of the Northeast get into White Salmon from the dis­
Quarter thereof conveyed to C. 8. trict lying south of Hessler’s comer.
Bowe, all in Township 1 South of , These conditions did not exist at
Range 10 East of the Willamette , any time last winter and auto traffic
Meridian, containing 00 acres more or was uninterrupted throughout the Bea­
First publication February 5th, 1925.
Virginia Brooks Washburn, writing
Last publication March 5lb, 1925.
under the name of Virginia Brooks,
Ethel A. Power,
of "Tilly From Tillamook," a
Manning A Harvey, Attorneys for book dealing with Portland vice con­
which has caused much spec­
Administratrix, 714 Porter Building, ditions,
ulation among Portland residents dur­
Portland, Oregon.
ing the past few days, was manager
the White Salmon Fruit company’s
NOTICE la hereby given that 'the of
orchard property, northeast of here,
State Land Board of the State of and when the stockholders realized
Oregon will receive sealed blds at its tiiat the venture could not be handled
office in the Capital Building at Sa­ ui>on a paying basis, it waa decided
Notice of Sheriff’ll Sale
lem, Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock A. to abandon the growing of commer­
Whereas, in a certain suit then
M., February 17, 192S, for lease of cial apples, grub out several hundred therein
In the Circuit Court
the following described shore lands in acres of fruit trees and substitute of Hood pending
River County, Oregon, where­
Hood River. County, Oregon.
hay. Upon Mrs. Washburn's Setlre- in Paul Aubert was plaintiff and W.
Beginning at the south quarter cor­ meiit as mauager, she accepted a posi­ L. Hanna, Myrtle Hanna, et' al, were
ner of Sec. 32, T. 3 N. R. 8 E. of W. tion of school teacher at Laws comer, defendants, an Execution and Order
M m thence North 13S5.0 feet on quar­ serving for nearly two years in that of Sale was issued thereon on Janu­
ter aec. line to low water, 8. 78 degg. capacity aud later moving to Port­ ary 6, 19*25, upon a certain Judgment
31 min. W. 1644.9 feet along low land to establish a permanent resi­ and Decree foreclosing the Mme en­
ter sec. line to low water, 8. 78 deg. dence. Slie was very active in pro­ tered in Mid suit on December 30,
water line, 8. 77 deg. 55 mln. W. moting diversified farming, and was 1924, said Judgment aud Decree be­
1062.0 feet along low water line, 8. a good roads enthusiast. Her mother ing In favor of the plaintiff and
46 deg. 22 mln. W. 1823.8 feet along aud sou accompanied her here from against the defendanU W. L. Hanna
low water line to 1-10 sec. line, South their home in Chicago.
and Myrtle Hanna, for the sum of
2010.0 feet along 1-16 sec. line to
31123.15, with interest thereon since
foeander line, N. 60 deg. 45 min. E. ’W. T. Bates, adjutant general, Fifth Msrch 29, 1023, at 8% per annum,
1704.6 feet along meander line to
Area, U. 8. A., Fort Hayes, O., and for the sum of 1243 09, with in­
fractional corner, N. It) deg. 00 min. Corps
from a serious opera' terest thereon since October 17, 1924.
E. 1176.1 feet along meander line to
in Columbus, O. The at the rate of 8% per annum, and
M. C„ N. 63 deg. 15 mln. E. 1805.1
owns a small orchard in the the further sum of >125.00, attorney's
feet along meander line to point of family
Burdoiu Heights district here, and fees, and a further sum of 822.90,
beginning being 170.1 acres shore have
been frequent visitors at tile costs and disbursements, and the
lands north of NW% sec. 5 and home of
Col. Bates' mother, who re­ costs and disbursements to be in­
north of 8E% NE% sec. 6, T. 2 N. sides at Kabekona
ranch. Mrs. Mar­ curred upon said writ of execution,
R. 8 E. W. M. ALSO
tha Bates' father, Col. W. T. Jones, which Mid Execution and Order of
Beginning at point which is south U. 8. A. Engineers, who died In St. Sale is to me directed and commands
quarter corner sec. 32, T. 8 N. R. 8 Paul, Minu., many 'years ago, spent all the real property hereinafter de­
E. W. M., thence N. 63 deg. 15 min. seven years as chief engineer in scribed to be sold to Mtisfy Mid
E. 1320.0 feet along meander line to charge 'of construction work on tie.- Judgment, costs and expenses.
M.C., N. 67 deg. 30 min E. 1581.7 feet Columbia cascade locka project. Dur­
Notice is hereby given that in com­
along meander line to M. C. between ing his term of service for the gov­ pliance with the Mid execution aud
secs. 32 A 33 N. 66 deg. 30 mln. E. ernment the family resided in Port­ order of Mie, I will, on Friday, Feb-
1439.4 feet along meander line to 1-16 land.
ruary 6, 1925, at the hour of 10
sec. line. North 400.0 feet along 1-16
the forenoon on that day,
R. I,. Krogman is making a check at the of front
sec. line to low water, N. 89 deg. 31
door of the County
mln. W. 1320.1 feet along low water on apple shipments for Chas. Mans­ Court House, in the City of Hood
line, 8. 75 deg. 03 mln. W. 1512.6 feet field, manager of the Star Fruit Co., River, Oregon, sell at public auction
along low water line, 8. 69 deg. 34 a pool of growers who took over the to the highest bidder, for cash In
min. W. 1250.7 feet along low water shipping end of the' old Columbia hand, for the purpose of Mtfsfylng
line to quarter aection line to point Fruit Growers Association here. Sub­ said judgment and accruing costa and
of beginning being 92.3 acres shore stantial checks are still being received expenses, the following described real
land north of the Elbert Fairley land by members of the organization. Very property situated in Hood River
claim in sections 32 A 33 T. 8 N. little of the •192-1 crop was told on a County, Oregon, to-wit:
consignment Itasls.
R. 8 E.
Tx>t 4 in 8ection 22, Township 1
The silver fox bunco game is get­ North, Range 10 East of the Willam­
If the lands are to be used for fish­
ing purposes bids will be received on ting to be a serious menace here, one ette Meridian.
Dated January 8, 1925.
royalty basis, the bidders being re­ venturesome rancher on the mountain
Wm. II. Edlck,
quired to specify in their bids not having ]>aid a faucy price for good
Sheriff, Hood River Connty, Oregon.
only the amount they are willing to stock and re<-eivlng in return a pair
pay the State per pound on all fish of worthless culls for his hard earned
We pay ca»h for vour okl furniture or
caught or landed on or abutting upon money. A venture of this kind is a
Mid lands but slso the minimum gamble, unless the animals arc pro­ make * Iiix-ral allowance on ne« goods.
Call Backett 8411, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur­
amount ot such royalty or yearly cured from a reliable source.
' ml7tf
Mrs. Mapes, wife of W. D. Mapes, niture Exchange.
The Board reserves the right to re­
H. L Hubo »<■* o.>u>ii<e riet.
being seriously ill.
ject any and all bids.
All bids should be addressed to G.
Continuous rains during the past
G. BROWN, CLERK STATE LAND few days have caused small washouts
BOARD, SALEM, OREGON, and must throughout the White Salmon valley.
he accompanied by certified checks Mountain streams are becoming tor­
for the amount bid as minimum an­ rent». _No serious damage has re­
nual rental, and should be marked, sulted, as yet. Many telepiiohe poles
“Application and bld to lease river­ are becoming loosened in the soft
front land In Hood River county."
ground, some of which are about
Done at Salem. Oregon, this 6th ready to fall acroM roads and inter-
rupt traffic.
day of December, 1924.
■ Otto Seghorn, former owner of a
Clerk 8Ute Land Board. 10-acre tract on the
Snowden road,
northeast of here, who was reported
Howard's Aces, Rockford, Feb. 18.
years ago as being dead, has been
heard from-r-very much alive. Beg-
horn, who was well known here, and
in Hood River yeafs ago, is living in
Germany. In a letter to friends here,
he expresses the wish that he could
again annex himself a»4 family to
God’s country.
Miss Christine Giader, sister of A.
E. Giader, Burdoin mountain rancher,
has gone to southern California to
spend the balance of the winter.
Although almost Inconceivable, some
of the radio fans have expressed the
belief that a defective power line
The larger the lot you
transformer, located somewhere in
the Hood River valley district, has
want, the better the price
been the cause of interruption to
radio reception here recently. It is
we will make you.
claimed that the leakage followed up
the veins of water in the ground,
passing under the Columbia river,
following a course of least resistance.
This may be a solution of the un­
usual disturbance, and again, it seems
Impossible. The machine-like precision
of the loud signals which came in
Tel. Parkdale 26X2
suggest heavy leakage of alternating
current somewhere, but wc would like
to be shown. It has been evident that
atmospheric conditions have caused
frequent sparking of variable con­
densers In radio sets during a snow
storm, almost heavy enough to ignite
gasoline. Will some real radio en­
gineer acroM the Columbia please en­
lighten us on this subject? Wonder
if it could possibly be Doc Collman's
electronic machine broadcasting a spec­
imen «8 Commodore Dean’s red blood?
Speaking of the electronic treatment
(Abrams theory) a special Investiga­
tion test is being made in Hood River,
the result to lie given to the public in
the near future, regardless of the
of electrical engineers and
Phone 3*94.
doctors who are incredulous.
The Woman's club here has waived
its regular meeting scheduled for Feb­
ruary 5 in favor of the Camp Fire
Girls and Boy Scoots organizations of
White Salmon. An interesting pro­
gram is being arranged for the young­
sters. Rev. Young is scoutmaster,
and Mrs. Young Is local guardian of
the Camp Fire Girls.
van Childs post, American Legion,
put on their annual masque hall
in the evening of February 21 at Le­
gion hall. There will be prizes for
the best characters who appear on
the floor on this memorable occasion.
Now that we know the Woman's
club had up their sleeves. The cat
Is nntuvtha hag! They are sponsor­
y ing a movement to beautify th« won-
Protect' your property
from the min of mmi and weather
Paint in time—paint now—and paint widf
WnAor eoaditioas oanaet affect Saa-Proof
P.lnt. It la
»tie—it s tr s t thee and eeatraett «rough to keep m
t no matter bow cold er bow hot the weathi
ed over the whole hoi
igain»t deterioration.
Remember that it is
repair. Sun-Proof will protect your
urgb Proof Product.
ptp for starting
g^flTS A BUY
wiatertad Cromi* i
Iny inTown
Need Hay?
“Quality will never
be sacrificed to
meet a price**
CuftunJMa Tin Cor.
A Challenge
to All Cars!
Spaulding’s Tailor Shop
So complete a combination of Jewett’s
new power, beauty, performance
and comfort will cost you far more
than Jewett’s price in any compa
rable car! See it at your Dealer’s
Anderson Undertaking Co.
C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor