-t- HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, Î925 of th« Old Country, as partly oar own. AR of us should appreciate the Af Ir. Hill. The North Bank way la open to the oast We will all go motoring there to see tbe ob­ jects of art. They will be an educe tiem to ua and our children. Rnuh Starr Clarirr JMD.TMOMBON.MKar CUBAN VP. PAINT VP, AND PLANT FLOWERS THE UNION HIGH SCHOOL We do not know whether the groundhog «aw hla shadow Monday or not At noontime th« sun seemed half veiled. Probably it will be a 00-90 proposfitton with ua as to our six weeks of additional winter. It ia encouraging to heat from Cascade Locks that they had a thunder show­ er the other day. Such a phenomenon always wakes the snakes, and spring­ time soon follows the sdvent of the reptiles. Anyhow these warm February days have tilled ns all with the urge to dig in the'gronnd, to dean np and to paint up our premise« The city council evidenced the fever Monday night by giving their official approval of an immediate dean up campaign. We will want to don our most im- preaalve garb for the thousands of tourists who are going to file chug­ ging through our mld-Columbia hub this summer. But even though we never saw a motor tourist we should make our town' appealing with flower gardens. Immaculate vacant lots and lawns Just for our own sakes. CUT THROUGH BUTTON POINT FEASIBLE The proposed linking op of the in­ terstate bridge with the Columbi« River highway by ratting Button point seems feasible from a stand point of road engineering and econ­ omy. The owners of the property evidence a gratifying fairness in their propoaal. Looking at the matter from every angle, it appears that tbe only prac­ tical connection to bo ranaldared at present to the rat through the Button promontory. than In problems. What percentage of the talk on any evening between eight and eleven would ho upon our neighbors? What percentage of it would be on large themes? The thought of It suggests a picture to which come skilled satirist might turn hla attention. A city, divided late groups, each group busy retailing in­ formation, for the most part false and erring about the other groups. There ought to he a mat dee) of tingling ears. There are certain dangers and ex­ cesses to which human interest leads us. There is the production of that type of poor creature, whose sole interest la Ute has come to be gossip, achieves a most marvelous In the same. He attains to a kind of omniscience concerning his neighbors. Their income, their family disputes, their wardrobe, the events‘ of their kitchen.—all these things he knows. Indeed, he knows so much, that he knows “for a fact” a great many things that never were, nor will be. facta. There ought not to be anything wrong with the word, “tale-bearer.“ But there is! Today we consider a tale-bearer one who teUa tale« to the disadvantage of someone else. The mental attitude which delights in tale-bearing is not the mental attitude of an educated man or woman. Surely not of a cul­ tured man or woman. Over-interest In personal detail Indicates a poverty of mind. Unsupported reporting is a mean, dastardly trick. Stories have been flung abroad lately which are enough to put our fair city to shame. The case is that of * child’s delinquency and of the lack of responsibility on the part of parents. Such a matter called for the speedy operation on the part of the Juvenile court. There are records showing that the child, who la but 14 years of age, was not la school. Officers knew of her perverted and precocious propensities. There Is but one place for such a nature,—a cor­ rective institution. There, at least, she would be safeguarded from the slander of men. The stories which are going the rounds, and which have sprung np out of this affair, are enough to brand our community as reveling in obscene. As are the words, so is the man or the woman. Out of the abun­ dance of the heart the mouth speak- eth. The malice or the paaaion that rings In the words lies first in the heart. The words are Inevitably a specimen of the man. If anyone be known to be a habitual tale-bearer and willful slanderer, distilling poison where he goes, though it be wrapped up ia honeyed words, and stabbing to the heart though It be with a stiletto which sheds no blood.—then he ought to receive no more mercy at the hands of society than an assassin. There Is nothing on earth so mean or so clever aa the evil tongue work­ ing deceit, working decently and po­ litely. It to easy to abuse another, but it to cowardly and unkind. ’ SAM HILL, BENEFACTOR Wa have read with Interest the past we ek of the plans of Samuel Hill, that leonine good roada booster, phllooopher, philanthropist and man of the world, who is going to open noon a wonderful museum at his Maryhill residence. We think we have a right to consider this museum, .whMa will he exhibited art treasures From every angle, the' proposed union high school, which wiU draw its revenue from the combined prop­ erty of all Lower VaUey districts, exclusive of Odell, seems feasible. From a standpoint of economy, urg­ ency for more room and an all arouqd matter of convenience to all concerned, the immediate establish­ ment of a union high school district seems logical. Have you heard any weird noises lately—something like the weak rattle of musketry or the long-drawn wall of a lovelorn tomcat? Do not be alarmed, if you do. The American Legion drum and bugle corps is prac­ ticing. The noises they make now may be a scale below Jatx. Soon they’ll be artists, however. Their ex­ pert instructor will teach them. their parts. In a few months, aye, weeks, that 10-piecs corps will be ready to fill yon with inspiration. You'll want to march away with your cbSst puffed out. And oh, bow all of us will want to make Pied Pipers of tbs buglers and drummers next summer and fol­ low them over to Prineville. had purchased the property, which in­ cluded the lavatory aa a fixture. Mr. Smith declared that the city park custodian. C. O. Huelgt, and committee« in charge of the park mat­ ter bad acted before having eecured hla advice. The Store Rttailen of Everything Ebe PARIS FAIR Vs- G Stanstord OU Offers m J. C. Edwards, local manager of the Standard Qll Co. yesterday of­ fered to furniah the county with gas­ oline for IB cents per gallon and to protect the cqunty commissioners agsinst any future rise in the fuel or give them the benefit of any drop. Mr. Edwards cited formally before the court that Tuesday night before a two-cent raise in gasoline had gone into effect that be had offered the county the same proposition at a price of 17 cents per gallon, and that the failure to take advantage of such offer would cost the county >600, as an approximate 30,000 gallons per year are used. County Commissioner Blackman ex­ pressed the belief that the offer Should have been accepted, but that it had been made so late in the day that it was Impossible for the county judge and commissioners to get to­ gether. He declared that the body did not like to discuss such matters over tlie telephone. e SPECIALS THIS WEEK For Springtime Dressmaking V Shoes For Ladies—Good Ones Utilizing the Early Days of Spring Fabrica—and the new patterns-lend themselves as never before to home sewing and allow every detail of the new styles to be achieved with complete success* It is little wonder that ,women are seeing in dressmaking an opportunity to stretch the family income, Tne essence of thrift is wise spending. Practice real thrift this Spring by sewing the things needed for the family wardrobe. Our dis­ plays of piece goods and dress accessories are de­ signed to meet your needs. Dainty flowered patterns in imported Prints, Silks of every kind and the wanted colors, Voiles- the largest and best assortment we have ever shown, Ginghams for aprons, dress or house frock, Imported Ginghams in plain colors and dainty gatterns, Percales, Crepes, Lingerie, Charmeuse, atin Maid, Batiste, etc. Come in and see what we have on display. 79c This is a real bargain in Ladies’ Shoes. Cu­ ban and Military heels, Gunmetal Calf, Kid and Patent Leathers. A full run of sizes in the lot but not a complete run in Ymy one kind. Really, this ts too big a bargain for you to pass buy. You cannot afford to let a chance like this pass by for they will save your more stylish ones and make you good looking, comfortable, everyday shoes. You* should get a pair yfig of these. Your choice.................................... ■ Mask BaU at Mt. Hood February 13 will be the night for the much asked for masquerade at the Mt. Hood Community hall. This event is to be as great and maybe greater than the masquerade held at the Mt. Hood hall last year at this time. There will be a number of prises awarded, including one for the most comic costume. Everyone is requested to wear a mask if he or she expects to take part in the affair, and if by Do you want a practical effort al some misfortune you should fall to enforcement of the prohibition law or get a mask before you come to the 1 dance, you may receive the same do yon wish to continue tbe farce, there. a* baa developed in tbe Cleaver bear­ Prominent Waaeo Man Passes ing in Salem by tbe legislature, that Tbe mid-Columbla paid its last baa prevailed line« the latter'g ap­ honors to .William A. Johnston, pio­ pointment?, Keep Cleaver and you neer resident and leader in many abet a state nuisance. After the rev­ public enterprise*, at the funeral ser­ elations of the legislative Investiga­ vices held in The Dalle« auditorium tion, it ia difficult to see how anyone Monday. Mr. Johnston died suddenly of heart can stand Cleaver or Herwig. disease Saturday* noon at his home. He was president of Tbe Dalles To the drivers, who piloted the Shrine club and had represented Al fleeting relief sleds across the snow­ Kader temple, of which he was a menitier, on many occasions at the For Rent—Four room furnished flat, with bound, winterfast land of Alaska, and national conclaves and otherwise. He For Hate—Radio poles, 50 to 7» feet, MOO. Lady with girl, 8, desires position cooking Hee Hcblndler Transfer Co. or Read's Radio ferivate bath end garage, 123 50. FhooeMM or for on« or more men, city or ranch. Mra. Lula their doga ye bow. Men and dogs, held public office at various times and Bbop. 80« Tay tor Ht. ffiU fM Bagtoy, ON Jackaon, Portland, Ore. n we greet you aa heroes. Was ever a took a leading part in the activities For Rent—A six-room bouae at 700 Ceceado For Bate—A fieeh Guernsey oow. Phone ave. Tel. 3(73. K. N. Young. fKf «3». nt race more dramatic? The prayers of of tbe Chamber of Commerce. a million parents were with them. For Rent—Houaekeeplng rooms; center of For Bale—Dresser, bed, enameled baby bed, Columbia Rise* Rapidly NEWELL TO AWARD CROSS WORD CUSHION The cross word pussle has reached Hood River in a unique ‘way, and F. E. Newell, who conducts the Cen­ tral Top Shop, has begun the manu­ facture of crossword automobile cush­ ions. The cushions are made of sewn squares of black and brown leather They an attracting considerable at­ tention. Mr. Newell will give one of his cross word cushions, which is valued at >16, as first prise In a crossword pussle issued in this week's Glacier. All told he will give <00 in awards in his unique contest. It is antici­ pated that the cross word experts will vie with each other mightily in hie unique contest. CHEVROLETS ARE DRAWING ATTENTION Reports from Portland are to the effect that the Chevrolets are attract­ ing a widespread attention at the automobile show. The cars are «ell- Ing rapidly. The sale of cars here blds fair to go to a record point this year. Harry T. DeWitt, of the Mt. Hood Motor Co., Tuesday reported that he had sold 14 already this season. He was wearing smiles for an additional car- load, ready for delivery, had JUBt arrived. Both Mr. DeWitt and Verne Horne are at the Portland auto ahow thia week. .____ ' . LEGION QUARTET WILL PARTICIPATE The American Legion quartet will participate Wednesday anil Thursday In the tieneflt performance to be given at the Rialto theatre to raise funds for the Iz-gion bngle and drum corps. The members of this song aggrega­ tion, who have won applause wher­ ever they hsve been heard are: W. J. Bryan, Ted Baker, James Collier and Earle M. Spaulding. The feature pictures to be pre­ sented at the lieneflt will tie “The Garden of Weeds,” a topnoteber, witli Betty Compaon. Ham Hamilton will be the star of the comedy USED AUTOMOBILE WILL BE AWABDED The Bartol Motor Co. will award to the person who purchases the larg­ est amount of materials, aecessortos or car repairs during the month of February a used automobile. The award will lie made Monday, March 2. In case the winner of the prise does not desire the car given away, he will be credited with 1100 on any other used car In the concem'a shop. The Bartol Co., which Is expecting a thriving business in Fords this sea­ son, Is making the gift of the used car aa an advertising feature. Boys’ Caps, a job lot of Men’s and Boys’ Caps. Values up to $1.48. To clean them up, 9E a we have marked them at............................... CwU I Cl. TOijDs jwtr i For Bale—IMO Ford louring car at a bargain. Price MO. Have for rent a 8-room house with garden, 4 miles from town on Markbam Lane. Ralph Clark, Rt. 4, Hood River, Ure fg LnwiA TKAi'HMTXlt Ram — Heal winter layers. Under official teat at Puyallup con­ test, Dec., 1043, world'a hlgbeet Red record K6 8 per cent: 1> e.: IM4, blxheatRed record 81 per cent. A fbw chicle dates left: Ralph R. Lewis, pboneQdell «8. J»lf For Exchange—8 took and dairy ranch. Want borne proposition, Income, wbal bave xtf Wanted-, a good, gentle, «Ingle, work hone your Address C. M. C., sere Glacier. ■bout 1100 pounds. Hbarman J. Frank, phone MOO. Avalon Farm. Ulf Get your palatine, tintina and paper bang- Ing dona now. Work guaranteed. Winter Wanted—Experienced pruner. Tel. M14. 15 Ïrloea. For estimates, call Burna — phon« Ml. J18U Wanted-Work making apple boxes by an I experienced man. T«l. 3BT2. J'ZVtf Wanted- Woman wants permanent position doing housework Tel. 2848. f 1'2 Wanted to Rent—An Al orchard, 50 aerra or more. I am an experienced orch»rdi»t and oan give beM of references. Have equipment or would lake oue’ejMMt equipment. Addreaa *. J. Montgomery, Hood River, Ore. n!3lf E. A. FRANZ CO. w a 20TH CENTURY STORES ARE DEPENDABLE GIVING— 16 ounces in every pound. 100 cents of value for each dollar expended. For Hale-Ten fine R. I. Red cockerels from prlxs winning stock. Phon« 487*. E. P. Hatten. JMtf For Hele or Reni —IO aerea, two miles out on Weal Hide; x aerea under cultivation, 4 aeree In apples, amali house and abode. Inquire of F. C.HIout, phone MS7. J'2»f Huy For Hale—Only • lew tone at my fine elover hay left »till eel ling for no per ton. Mend a deposit and I will bold bay for you mile N K. odell P.O. L. H. Rosa, Odell, Or., Box 127. m For Bale-Th« Kinsey property on t abcade see. A 8-room houM with bath. 2 lots, gar­ age. *3,000. Phone Mrs. W. B. McGuire. No 4*2. JlStf Forttai«—Used Ford parts. Company. Here Quality is coupled with Economy. Saturday and Monday, February 7th and 9th JWtf Pbone Odell »11. Single oomb Rhode l«land Red baby chicks, special prices for February batch, or will hatch your egg» for yon In my electric Incu­ bator. W. K. 8bay, isl. 8371. J«3tf Bartol Motor J15tf Hay For Hato— Alfelta, grain, bay, timothy, and straw, guaranteed quality: prompt ship­ ment. Prl<«a upon application. Richard Nyman. Walla Walla, Wash. roe» For Huie—as «crea, «boni halt In fuII bearing orchard, a nice fl-room bouae. all modern, good barn, tenant bouae. spring water piped Into both houaea and barn. J nsl come to the Gia. cler office ana find out al wbal a bargain II mu be bought. n'Jutl For Bale—Good lot« tor «ale In all the city, price« ngBL A. W.OnthankA Extraordinary Values Are Given HONEY—hire Pint Jars____________ 29/ Quart Jars................ 55/ RAISINS Market Day. qa 4 pound, sacks______ U«/C BON AMI Cake____________ Powder ........ ..... - 9/ 11/ ROYAL GARDEN TEA Ceylon and India. The World’i Best à lb. package____ 1 pound_________ FOR SALE SHRIMP From New York, cane and maple. Pints------------------------- 33/ Quarts ........ 55/ Half Gallon..... .......... 99/ Gallon------------------------ $1,89 CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 25/ 6 bars--------- 12 bars........ .... . .......... 4SC CALUMET BAKING POWDER Pound tins.... . 27/ tins_______ 21 pound r A DuC VIM FLOUR ROLLED OATS For tale—IS-ln fir and pine wood also 4-foot delivered hJutland West Hide and Hood River. Phone 4588. alltf MACARONI FOR RENT »or Hale— Going Into sheep business and will sell my young, tuberculin traled now«, For Rent-A strictly modern and very con cheap. Fresh and coming fresh. Two miles venient housekeeping solle. Tel. 3034. f»tf seal of t'aacede UxU. Address C. E. Fields, C. B. Fields, cascade Locke, Ore. m4 For Rent—A S.room apartment with pri­ vat« bath «I th« Shoemaker apartments. Tel. Two adjoining apple orobiMVto In the White 1374. f»tf Italmon valley complete with bungalows, peeking plant and equipment tor aale at res. •onabto prices and terms Address Paul Mo- Kercher, care Bgobel A Day, Hood River. tM Two 25c for .. ______ 49c Newest pack. 2 tins?___________ 4 pounds «*«) for------------------------- JC For Hale—* room house with large basement toilet and bath, 4 lota end garage, some fruit trees. Shade trass and ah rubbery. 1B0U Taylor Street,on lheHeights, Hood River. Address Garson C. Maalker. Maryhill. Wash. ntttf NORWEGIAN SARDINES EXTRA SPECIAL ADIRONDACK SYRUP For Hale — Apple, peach. pear and cherry tree«. We have a hill line nt general nnreery «took. Phone Parkdale M or write C. T. Haw- eon, Parkdale. HKlf For Sate-Fir and pine 14 tn. end 4 ft. wood, delivered anywhere In the val toy E. Beaure­ gard. Tel. Odell 3M. n3Mf r ft V WESSON OR MAZOLA OIL Eliot building. Let us hatch your chicks early in our Mammoth Electric Incubator. Have them all ready lor your setting liens. Will bollds house fore responsible party on tbe Installment plan. Writ« to H. H.. rare Glacier. J'JBtf For Hal»—Star Touring Car, run only 4101) For Bale—One Amarinan No. 4 Arbor Presa, good bargain. Good bny. Hsrlol-Manafleld. pbone lilt. Four office room* fac* CUSTOM HATCHING MISCELLANEOUS WANTED For Sale— Bean Hprayer, 200 gal. tank. g(M»d as new at U prUw. D. K. Hand, tel. 3071. 1 12 ing». FOR RENT BABY CHICKS For Ml«-* few open date« left Wanieo-100 calves and fresh meet Also For Rant—Two Ibraa-room «nltaa. all reeon. tor ««to English Better pup. Oregon Bl I ver dll lotted. Tel. M44. Mrs. H. J. Frederick, nltlf Fox and Fur Farm«. Oppoelto the Columbia Gorge Hotel. Phon« 5W8, oZ7lt For Rent Deo. 1—Hons« at 718 Caacad« avw nae Pbone W. B. McGuire. MM. nttf For Bale—Timber land. Ml acres Or and oak cordwood timber, < tnllee from to*non the county road. IJI per ao-e. *4000 wortb of wood on tract. F. H. Miller, phone 5723. n Beaudoin Buys Mt. Hood Market L. S. Beaudoin has purchased the Mt. Hood Meat Co. from C. I,. How­ ard. Mr. Beaudoin will take immedi­ ate poMteaalon. He is well known here, having resided here while trav­ eling for Swift A Co. He la an ex­ perienced meat man. (■asoline Price is l'p 2 Cents Gasoline prices were advanced two cents per gallon here yesterday. The motor fuel is now retailing nt 23 cents per gallon. The Standard Oil Co. 3 pounds........... TRUE-BAKE SODAS Lightly salted wafers /«r in a tin box............ ...... 05C «. DEVILLED MEAT 6 tins «>■« fot------------------------ ¿5c SLICED PINEAPPLE Standard quality, latest pack Large No. 2$ tins at 2 for_________ ______ FF 55c POMPEHAN OLIVE OIL Quarts at ___ Í CORNMEAL 9 pound sack___________ fels naptha soap 10 Bars /» m for —------------------ 65c FANCY NORWEGIAN KIPPERED SNACKS i r* 2 for _----------------- 15c IVORY SOAP Guest Size p m Per dozen__________ 55C UNIVERSAL MATCHES Large full boxes, noiseless. Regular 7jc a -> Extra Special, 5 bxs. ¿5C Conveniently Located at 112 Third Street in First National Bank Building