The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 22, 1925, Image 5

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“What a Gem of a House
remained in hla rent weeping
“What to tbe nltter with
I ™
tontoF Mid the teacher.
la the exclamation which invariably gAata
We arrived here early thia after-1
forgotten mv excuse
tbe lad
thia most attractive Hood River home 1
pier and wiU have three day* to look
around Frisco.
Jhmior High Notre
am now offering for sale.
Leaving Dunsmuir Friday morning
I in a cold, frosty atmoenbere, with al
light covering of snow on the ground.
Pictures on dogs and on the indue-
No home built in Hood River within the past ten
we took it alow on the long, crooked trt*
»hown w ,he In­
road which winds through the can- P*1* °t junior high at an assembly
years has ever aroused such universal admiration as has
yons for 65 miles to Redding. We I held during the eighth ¡M-riod Thurs-
dropped about 15Q0 feet in that dis- day.
greeted this one since it was completed two yean ago.
tance and in about an hour got out
echool frosh defeated the
I of the enow. The road is to be en-1 Junior high Friday after school by a
The owner built it for a permanent home. Every­
tlrely rebuilt with a 24-foot roadway »core of 16-10. Lynn McCully, of the
to the state line. The upper end is high school team, was high point
thing is of the very finest material and construction.
about finished, but there are still 40 man. with eight points, while three
miles of the old road to widen, cut »there, from both teams combined,
Nothing is lacking from the standpoint of artistic ar­
| down grades and relocate to elitnln-1 had four points each.
ate a few of the thousands of curves I
_ .,
rangement and convenience. It is ideal in every respect.
and hairpin turns.
The ten-mlle
Police News
stretch at the lower end la nearly
Beanie Quinn, an Indian woman,
The location is very desirable, on the south side of
completed, and is a wonderful im- who lives just east of the city on the
MR. A. E. GATES, of New York City, whose flow of
provement over the old road. Ten (’«olumbll River highway, was painful-
State St, the second house east of 12th. From this site
miles of new paving north of Red- ly Injured Saturday when thrown
interesting, comment on jewelry in general will please you,
there is a magnificent view of the Columbia River, White
ding was also completed last summer. I from her horse on the concrete bridge
whether you wish to bid on the articles offered or not, has
Salmon River and Mount Adams, and one which can never
warm Callfornit weather, and it frightened when grazed by a passing
been instructed to sell all of our stock. The sales will con­
surely felt good after passing through | motor truck, the driver of which, it
be cut off.
the snow and winter weather of the was declared, did not stop to render
until he is through. b
high altitudes. As we dropped down the- woman aid. The number of the
For further information and appointment to inspect
to Red Bluff, 82 miles farther south, car was obtained, and officers expect
we saw the first orange trees and to apprehend the driver, against
see —
large palms, and from there on were whom the Indian woman will swear
occasional young orange groves, ol- out a complaint.
Ives, a few figs and groves of euca-
We reached Woodland at
Numerous unemployed transients
dark and put up for the night. Thia visited Hood River the past week,
seems to be in the heart of a rich Night Marshal Conover reported that
Hundreds of your neigebors and freinds the past two
general farming and dairy section. 38 men, all comparatively young.
The farms look prosperous, the farm were given lodging overnight in the
weeks hafe been satisfied customers.
It will pay you
buildings large and well kept up.
city JalL The policy of lodging the
all parts of the
We left Woodland in a stiff white ufen in the jail, it is declared, has
? Building
frost, and felt sorry for the orange proven effective in preventing night
mid-Columbia and attend the afternoon and evening
trees back up the line. A heavy fog prowling. Given the comfort of a I
also shut out the sun and we had to warm room, the men, it la said, are
turn on the lights and drife slowly, appreciative of the favor.
promisee something new in the way stopping every few miles to wipe the
of close harmony.
' -
I ice from the windshield.
By 10
Police report that very little evi-
All legionnaires who are Interested o’clock, however, the sun dissipated dencee of moonshine have been appar-
la the formation of a drum and bugle the fog and we soon had the usual ent here the last 30 days. The sup­
corps are asked to ^communicate with I California sunshine, which continued ply, it is .declared, la said to be small. I
Ted Baker at the Chamber of Oom-1 the rest of the day.
The Star car’s new ‘‘Million Dollar merce before Friday, January 28. A
Stopping at a service station on al Night Marshal Conover afid Deputy
, Motor” has been pronounced a de­ meeting of all those interested will crossroad a abort distance from Vai-1 Sheriff
Sloat Tuesday night arrested I
' '
j '
I ' iM ''
. *
cided sensation, performing wonders be held at the Chamber of Commerce ejo, we were advised that we could H. L. Cook, alias Cooper, who is
in the hands of private owners and Friday evening at 8 o'dock to per- drive around the north side of the wanted on a charge of passing bad
demonstrators, and will unquestion­ feet the organisation of the corps.
bay and take the ferry at Sausalito, checks. Cook, it is alleged, passed |
ably prove one of the greatest ad­
Hood River Voitnre No. 64, Forty near the Golden Gate, which we did, forged checks on W. F. Laraway and
vancements that light car manufac­ and Eight, met Monday night at the and while the distance was greater C. A. Richards.
turers have ever turned out
Hood River Drug Co. The Jocal vol- than by the route through Oakland.
---- ---------------- ----
The new million dollar motor, tore plans to hold a wreck some time we cut out one ferry. The drive is
Reselutton of Condolence
ranked as the most powerful of its in March. The voiture voted to get about the prettiest we have la ken in
Whereas. It has pleased an All-
kind and which sets new manufactur­ behind the organisation of the drum northern California. It goes through wise Providence to remove from our
* -v«e
ing custom In smaller motor con-, and bugle corps of the legion, and several quite large towns, and there midst oift- late Brother Workman,
structlon, with the finest possible fin­ help to put it over.
la a variety of scenes ail the way. I Martin H. Nlckelsen; and
ish throughout, has. been tried and
Plans are under way for the organ- The road winds through a country
Whereas, It is but just that a fit-
tested in every way, and the factory lzation of a mid-Columbia council of I of rolling hills, most of it in a high ting recognition of his many virtues
officials of the Durant Motor company the American Legion. This will in- state of cultivation, the hills green should be had; therefore be it
of California, in commenting on the elude poets in Hood River and Wasco with the fall and winter rains, and
Resolved by Riverside Ix>dge No.
«bowings l«eing made by the cars counties and possibly some of the a contrast to the orchard district 68, Ancient Order of United Work-
themselves in the bands of dealers, Washington posts in the mid-Oolum- through the Vaca valley which we man, that, while we bow with humble
wired to H. 8. Field, of the local bi*-
Don A. Mcta-od,
passed through earlier In the day. submission to the will of the Most
Star agency, that “you are only ex-
Adjutant. I Climbing up a grade we would get a High, we do not the less mourn for
[MTlencing the same sensations we
--------- ----------------- ___
glimpse of the tide flats in the dis-1 our brother who has been taken
have had time and time again in our STANDARD QH- NOTES
tance, then the range of mountains from us.
own demonstrations. With this new
. . .,
which border the coast. As we left
Resolved, that, in the death of
motor, Star will in 1926 build its big­
Bub"***tion organization San Rafael, a beautiful city built in Brother Martin H. Nlckelsen this
gest business year, and will rise of Hood River and Mr. Harding, aux- a winding canyon, we wound around I lodge laments the loss of a brother
mighty near the top of the list in iliary special agent, of Cascade Locks, and up a ¡onR grade until we crossed who was ever ready to proffer the
sales of light cars.”
motored to The Dalles Tuesday even-
summit of a pass ip the coast hand of aid and the voice of sympa-
—---------- «y-------- „■■■■... ............................ . - I
, , -■■■I. IS
The same greeting has been given J“* l ST
attended a Standard rftt»ge. an(j were soon at Sausalito, I thy to the needy and the distressed of
the new power plant locally, that has Oil meeting.
where we drove on to a mammoth our fraternity; an active member of house. Service next Sunday will be:
been evidenced throughout the coun­
Mrs. J. O. Edwards and daughter, ferry, which connects with the rail- this order, whose utmost endeavors Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.
The following churches were repre­
try, according to Mr. Field.
Peggy, have returned from Victoria, road terminal. We crossed the bay were exerted for its welfare and in. Rev. L. II. Miller will preach on
sented at the conference: Riverside
“We have tried the new care, with B. C.
in 30 minutes, passing close to Alca- prosperity; a friend and companion "God's Peace.”
Community, Asbury Methodist, First
the new motors, in every way that
B. J. Davis is the new assistant traz island, the federal prison. The who was dear to Us all; a citizen
Christian. Episcopal, Baptist, Chris­
we could, and over some of the best special
Missionary Alliance
tian and Missionary Alliance, Chris­
agent at Hood River. He was I ferry landed us at the Ferry build- whose upright and noble life was a
hills in the surrounding country, and
* from
“ Medford,
* — * where
* heling, at
---- the
- foot
- - of - --
- - street, 8an ' standai
‘-jidard of emulation to his fellows,
Baird’s Comedians, whose shows in tian Science and Mormon.
Regular services; Sunday school at
can back up every statement that is transferred
has been employed by the Standard j Francisco’s main thoroughfare.
| Resol lived, that this resolution be 9.46 a. m.. H. C. Delta, Supt.; preach­ former years have delighted Hood
made about its power,” he said yes­ Oil
----- ------------------ —
| spread upon the records of this lodge ing service at 11 a. m. Young people’s River audience*, will appear here for
as sub-station salesman.
Fam Pointers
“We have also seen the Mr. company
Mn6 that a copy thereof be trans service «.:«» p m.. It C. Samuel, presi­ another four-day repertory, beginning
and Mrs. Davis will make their
¡tower plants torn down, in our own
Cull potatoes afford an opportunity
OVITlrVrL riE.WO t
I mitted to the family of our departed dent. Evangelistic service 7.30 p. m. next Wednesday. They will give a
to cheapen the ration for bogs. Four
■ shops and in the factory, and can
(Miriam Grow)
I brother and to the newspapers of our Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7.30 new play each night.
A. II. Woody was a Portland vis­
pronounce it containing some of the
of cooked or 600
The Baird’s are well known to |M>un<la of pounds
p. m. Everybody welcome. A. E.
Mrs. C. A. Btudt, of Portland, who
finest manufacture thar we have ever itor Saturday.
raw potatoes will replace
Hood River folk, and It Is anticipated 100 pounds of the average feed grain«.
Hall, Pastor. Phone 3663.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Burn- P“’ been assisting the county nurse,
seen in a light car’s power plant.”
August Guignard,
that they will draw well crowded They should be fed in combination
worth. Tuesday January 20, a
Wh*itek/r’ * Uk,ln«
Cheater Shute.
houses. They will give a matinee with grain at the rate of'four pounds
First Church of Christ, Scientist
bispecUon of
the pupils
pvuno daughter.
No 3 in ,,
Services in church building, Sun­ Saturday afternoon.
cooked to one of ground grain, or two
the middle of December, has returned
day, 11 a. m. Sunday school the same
Blue Diamonds Win
pounds of raw to one pound of
The next meeting of Hood River
Gilpin Company Moves Epiipmmt hour. The reading room is maintained
ground grain. The grain should not
Poet No. 22 promises to be one of the
The Blue Diamond basketball team,
Having completed work on the in­ in the Davidson building. Room 8 is
situation does not warrant her
be cooked but added when the pota­
beet of the year- State Commander composed of local ex-high school and lease
terstate bridge over the Columbia open week days from 9 to 5, with an
toes are »«mewhat cooked. Other
Griffith and State Adjutant Moser will collegiate players, opened their sea­ I was very efficient in her work, and river, the Gilpin Construction Co. has
~ to &
root or vegetable crops that are Un­
be with us, as will a delegation of son at Cascade Locks Saturday night I the city of Hood River was fortunate begun forwardipg. rail ahlpments of attendant in charge ■t from 3
The Wednesday evening service at 8
saleable can be profitably utilised as
legionnaires from The Dalles post. by defeating the team there SI to 4. in having her services.
equipment to Portland, where they
hog feed. Judgment must be used as
. All memlM>ni are assured of a good The team wiU play White Salmon I Mrs. J. R. Heaton substituted in were recently awarded the contract o’clock. Lesson subject: “Truth."
they are all watery. Feed with grain
next Friday evening.
I the Park Street school this week dur- for building the new Sellwood span
_ Aabury Methodist Church
Episcopal church Monday night, rep­ to obtain best results, advises the
Tbe entertainment committee has ' Plans are now under way, accord­ | Ing the absence of Mrs. Lilas Davis, across the Willamette. Scows, pile­
Remember the prayer meeting every resentatives of various churches or­ slate college experiment station.
worked out a snappy program of en­ ing to Manager Cedi Lafferty, for a who is suffering from asthma,
drivers and tugs were taken to the Thursday evening, 7.30 o'clock. Sun- ganised a local council of religious
tertainment to follow the meeting, game with the Billy Whig Bangs, of j Mrs. L«la Gray, of the junior high Willamette down the river.
In planting strawberries In Oregon
day the services are: Sunday school
Rev. L. H. Miller, rector
and will invite the Ladies’ Auxiliary Minneapolis, who will tour the north­ school, wls called to The Dalles Sun­
All work on the local bridge is at 10 a. m.; morning worship. 11 education.
of St. Mark's, was named chairman. the main thing is to see that the
and the mothers, wives, sisters and west the latter part of February.
day afternoon because of the serious complete except painting of the chan­ o’clock; Epworth League, 6.45 o'clock ; Rev. W. N. Byars, pastor of the As­ plants are set early enough for the
sweethearts of all legionnaires to be
of her mother, Mrs. Hill. Dur­ nel span, which is being delayed by evening worship, 7.30 o'clock.
The bury Methodist church, was elected roots to be well established before
Old fashioned dance, Rockford hall, illness
at the meeting. The Legion quartet
ing her absence from school her rainy weather.
pastor's sermon themes are: “The Re­ secretary. A committee, composed of moisture runs low in the spring. Late
to working on some new numbers and January 23.
The heavy laminated steel piling sponsibility for Bin." and “Who Io My F. A. Olmsted. I. R. Acheson and winter or early spring is recom­
classes were taken by Mrs. William
and other equipment is being trans­ Neighbor!” Everyone is cordially In­ Rev. W. O. Livingstone, the. latter mended by the experiment station for
In the regular Tuesday morning ferred from the riverside to the O.-W. vited to attend these services.
parts» of the First Christian church, unknown irrigated districts.
assembly January IS, > the program It 4 N. yards by the Transfer A
was appointed to investigate the spring planting is to be avoided at all
W. N. Byars, Minister.
was opened by th« high school or­
needs for religious education. The times aa the plants do not have a
chestra of 20 pieces under the direc­
committee will make a canvass of the chance to establish a new root sys­
Riverside Church
tion of Mrs. Belle Henney. The or­
The usual services next Sabbath. Park Street grad« school to ascertain tem l>efore the dry season comes on,
chestra gave two numbers, to the
We wish to thank our many Bunday school at 9.45 a. m.. followed the number of children who desire stunting the poorly rooted plants.
great delight of the students. After friends and neighbors for the kind
that Miss Alice Carrfon, of the class assistance and the beautiful floral by the nxfrning worship at 11 o’clock.
of ’24, sang a double number in her offerings during the sickness and Christian Endeavor society at 6.45 p.
sweet soprano voice, with Mrs. Hen­ death of our beloved wife, sister and tn. Wednesday afternoon classes in
religious education, 4.15. Thursday
ney at the piano. Following the n.u- mother.
evening prayer meeting, 7.30
sical numbers tbe high school stu­
Herman Fengel
Fraser will occupy the pulpit Sunday
dent body officers took charge and
and Family.
morning, having for his theme, “The
received nominations for delegates to
Mr. and Mrs. Irl Blagg
of Jesus.” The public is
the state conference to be held at
and Family.
cordially invited to attend.
O. A. C. in February. Four pupils,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Belts.
Mabel Montgomery, Juliet Forden,
First and Valley Christian
Jesse Hathhom and Bill Wright, were
Card of Thanks
The church service breaks the mo­
elected to represent the Hood River
We wish to extend our sincere notony of the week, supplying new
high school. Miss Iva Howey, dean thanks to our neighbors and friends
atmosphere, new friends, new ideas
of girls, will accompany the group.
for their kind aid and ministrations and new power against the dally
The following appeared in the during our recent bereavement Attend­ grind.
Our Bible school opens at 9.45
teacher*’ bulletin issued Tuesday:
ant on the death and burial of our with competent instructors, comfort­
Owing to the epidemic the progress father, Robert Rand. Especially are able
rooms and fine fellowship; Com­
Your* for Service
of school work during this past se­ we appreciative of the beautiful floral munion
preaching service at 11
mester has been greatly hindered. offerings. They will be held in sacred o’clock, and
Christian Endeavor at 6.30
Several pupils, perhaps in each grade, memory.
The Children.
and evening preaching at 7.30. You
should repeat the work. These fail­
will receive a cordial welcome at all
ures may be handled In whatever way-
Card of Thanks
these services.
seems best for them. Where half-
The Livingstones.
year classes follow, the natural thing
is for the failures to drop back into which to show our appreciation to
them. However, where enough pupils friends and neighbors for .their kind­
are found, a separate group may be ness and floral offerings during our
formed. Where there is no half-year redtent bereavement in the loss of our
class or separate group, the failures husband, son and brother.
Mrs. M. L. Craft,
must continue with their classes.
Mrs. Robt. Jottes
Home pupils, maybe many, will re­
Both affirmative and negative de­
and Family.
cover the lost ground; others will be
bate teams of the Hood River high
reclassified at the end of the abhool
school defeated Cascade Locks Tues­
year. The principals will please se­
day on a question involving govern­
cure accurate Information a* to the
ment ownership and operation of coal
number of failures in each grade, and
Seventh Day Adventist Church
The Hood River negative
then consult the superintendent about
Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m. team, remaining at home, consisted of
their disposal.
Preaching service 11 15 a. m. Prayer
Woodyard and Harriett Fuller.
In the high school, where failure is meeting, Wednesday 7.4S p. m. Ail Roger
Lola Jean Sinclair and Clifton Em-
by subjects, the usual practice la to are welcome. _______
mel, who visited the Locks, formed
Columbia Tin Cor
take new subjects the following se­
/n the
the affirmative team of the local
mester, but this to art always possi­
84. Mary's Catholic Church
ble. Make the best adaptation you
First Maas, 8 a. m. and second Maas ’ The local judges were all White
can. The situation la both grades at 10.30 each 8nnday morning. Even­ Salmon folk. They were: Mrs. Fred
and high school is very discouraging ing devotions at 7 30 o'clock tomorrow. S. Baker, Rev. Young and Wilmot
Hon. Clinton N. Howard,
to both pupils and teachers, but let’s Friday, evening and Sunday evening. Crosier. __ _____________
of New York,
make the best of it. Things might Tel. 8182. Father Joe Smith, Pastor.
hare been worse. Let’s give tbe pu­
By using landplaster on potatoes
wiU speak on
pils all the sympathy and encourage­
English Lutheran Church
cut for planting, several growers on
Rev. E. Brandt, of Portland, will Weston mountain got one-eighth more
“World Peace and How To Obtain It’*
way to recover the loss.
occupy the pulpit next Sunday. The yield. The treatment is particularly
under the auspices of the Ministerial Association.
“Our ideal to to bo as good aa the services begin at 11 a. m. The Bun­ effective In rather damp, cold soils
beet, to be worthy of the confidence day school meets at 10.30 a. m.
where sprouting Is slow, as it seems
“I never heard oi read a greater address on world
of our city, and to do our fair share
■ P. Hllgendorf, Pastor.
to preserve the seed pieces, the state
In supporting a high mark for public
experiment station finds.
peace,**—William Jennings Bryan.
. ■
education country wide. Be happy in I
«your work and grew, grow, growl
AU Patriot* Welcome
A new class in millnery Is starting
There to no larger field and no grsnt-
Monday, February 2.
(By A. D. Mo*)
Franrianx Jan 17 192S.
Have You Participated iu the Bargains?
Everybody is most cordially invited to attend!
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut Glass,
China, Clocks, Silverware & Bric-a-Brac
Every Afternoon at 2:30 and Evenings at 7:30
On Small Glass
While They Last
2 for 27c
5 for 63c
“Quality will never
be sacrificed to
at 7:45