The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 22, 1925, Image 10

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*5 t
ahurch will meet next
'Sunday evening at 6.80. Lois Bhelr-
BSEBF jbon will be leader. The members of
-the junior church, assisted by Mrs.
Arthur McCoy and Mrs. W, H. Shelr- have given so generously to the hop
bon, win aetwe a-supper ia the Odell lunch supply closet-
The following officers were Installed
Methodist chnrch basement Wednes­
day, January 28, at 6.15 p. m. There by Howard Shoemaker at a special
wiR be a program also. The eomadt- meeting of the grange Tuesday even­
L_L_-, F. O.
~ Dethman;
wtes in charge consists of Cecil For­ ing: l Master,
- Grow:
lecturer. Mrs. Vic­
el«, Leona Shelrbon and Vara Me- seer, A. J.
tor Thomsen
»nvmwu ;v
i steward, W. B. BBney;
' Ctoy- Everyone is urged to attend.
Clarence MUler was a Portland vis­ assistant steward, E. C. Diets; chap­
lain, Mrs. E. a Die«: treasurer, W.
itor last week.
W. Cochran | secretary, O. P. Yoder ;
Mrs. Ijeroy Krohn has been ap­ gate keeper, Floyd Mason; court, Mrs.
pointed superintendent of the primary B. H. Lage, Mrs. X M.' Taylor/Mrs.
department of the Methodist Bunday M. A. Scobee; lady’s assistant stew­
Her assoctetea are Emily ard, Zoe Scobee. John Mohr was
Fletcher, Mildred Jacques and Doro­ elected to the board of trustees and
thy Pemberton.
Mrs. A. I. Mason was made chairman
ft. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of the home economics committee.
of Mrs. Theo. Forder Tuesday after­ Loach was served and a radio con­
noon, January 13. This proved to be cert eujoyed.
• a very Interesting meeting with mon*
Anyone in Pine Grove falling to re­
in attendance than at former meet­ ceive a call from the government
ings. It te desired that all members farm census enumerator ia requested
make a special effort to be present to call Odell 105 within the next ten
at the »ext meeting as there are im­ days and a representative- will call.
portant subjects to be discussed at
time and the cooperation of
!.. that
members 1s needed. A motion was
made and carried to start a chest
Mrs. Elisabeth Sears, of WIBow
fund for the Children's Farm Home. Flat, visited last week with Mr. and
e Methods for financing this and the Mrs. J. Griffith.
t essay contest ar» to be discussed at
Hal Nesbit to ia California spac­
the next meeting. The program of
current events was very Interesting. ing his vacation with his brother and
After the business meeting delicious aunt and
refreshments were served by the
Mias Helen Garrett spent the week
ranch ______
with her
' hostess and a most enjoyable after­ end on the
__ _______
__ ,
---------, _
noon voted by all who were present.
Mrs. John Moore ia on the sick
The place of meeting for the second list.
* Tuesday In February will be an­
Elder Grant Dix Is continuing his
nounced later.
meetings over another week.
Mrs. Ad Schmidt, president of the
Accompanied by Mrs. Armstrong.
V Hood River union, has promised to Ebler George Armstrong, pastor of
meet with the local W. 0. T. U. in Advent Chrtettan charch, of Portland,
the near future. She no doubt will motored up last week and assisted
have something of Interest to relate. Elder Dix'in the meetings. Elder
At a meeting In the near future the Armstrong preached Tuesday night.
whole afternoon will be given to the
discussion of the Child Aabor amend­ He te a splendid preacher and singer.
Chas. Delare has moved his family
ment. All who are Interested In this
subject should be present at this frum the T. H. Acree ranch to The
Saturday Chester Shute was called
to the bedside of his mother, who is
M. O. Downing and hte daughter,
111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Frances, have been quite ill'with ton-
Smith, of Sheridan.
Andrew Weinheimer has purchased sllitis but are now much better.
The two rooms of the Central Vale
s fine team.
Sunday school , 10 a. m. at the school enjoyed a treat for opening
Methodist church next Sunday. At exercises Monday morning in the
11 a. m., services and sermon by the form of some educational records
pastor, -Rev. W. 8. Gletoer. Junior loaned to the school by Mrs. E. B.
church, 0.80 p. m. Epworth League Moes. Hearing and talking about the
7.15 p. m., Cretin Taylor, leader. new records was an especial pleasure
I* Evening service and sermon, 8 p. m. to the pupils as they are tiling,
somewhat, of those in ths school col­
Bat’ The Ladles' Aid society will meet lection which they have heard so
’ the parsonage next Wednesday af­
Mrs. Gleiaer and Mrs. W. N. often. If any others have records of
an educational nature which they
Weber, hostesses.
are willing to loan the school for a
Mrs. Geo. Pflughaupt, who has time, they will be greatly appreciated
bggo very seriously ill. is reported by both teachers and pupila.
She suffered from an
James Fletcher spent the week end
attack of scarlet fever. Two new
cases of* this disease appeared last in Portland last week.
W. B. Gentry, who recently moved
week snd the homes of W. F. Young
and Fred J. Howard are under quar­ to Pine Grove, had the misfortune
there to foil and break two ribs. He
in ths hospital a> few days but
There will be a card party at the was
has now recovered sufficiently to re­
Odd Fellows hull Tuesday evening,
January 27. All Odd Fellows, Re- turn hems.
With the number of cases of scar­
bekshs and their friends are cordially
let fever in Odell increasing can it
be that the same necMgenee that al­
Odell High School Notes
lowed the epidemic to get ouch a
start in Hood River will allow it in
George Fletcher)
? While the teachers and health
» Friday afternoon of last week the Odell
authorities are trying to do all In
girls' town team defeated the high their power to put a atop to the
school girls in a practice game of spread ot the disease, should parents
basketball, by a score of 26 to 23.
say that “they are such light cases
The high school* play, “Aaron Slick it doesn’t matter much,” or "probably
from Punkin Crick,” will be pre* it 1s just German measles’’ and allow
seated in the Odell Grange hall Fri­ suspected esses to expose others lie-
day evening. January 30. Everylrody fore quarantine te enforced? The
be there. Buy your tickets from the fact hps been emphasised that "light
ticket sellers.
caneu’’ may have very werious reealta.
The semester exams will take place Let every parent take it on himself
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of to see that his child «ball neither ex­
this week. There are some exemp­ pose nor be exposed if care can pre­
tions, and a good average is bxpected. vent it.
The attendance Is almost normall A lecturer over the radio from
. . -
' KGO Monday -i-k*
night said, «is
“It pays to
and the scarlet fever epidemie
keep well, not only to the individual
. to be decidedly on the wane.
but to the community as a whole.”
This te just what the educational
Pears on French Roots
committee of the Publie Health asso­
The Milton Nursery Co., of Milton. ciation has been trying to get across
Ore., writes me they «re receiving to the people.
_______ _
orders daily for pears on French
We at Central Vale are especially
Roots. Their supply te getting less,
to be sure. There are many Hood anxious for the scarlet fever to fade
River growers who want thia stock. sway, as we need to give an enter­
I may not get to see you all, I may tainment to raise some money for
have called when you were away or our phonograph and hot lunriu-s.
I may have missed you. Write me > Due to a line out of order last
or phone 5756 and O. L. Craton will week we failed to get the item shout
see that yon get the best that te go­ the IIIll’s deperture, which the Odell
ing. Yon should ask J. J. Krnmen- reported beat us to. But we are glad
acher how the stock looked. He just they had the opportunity to go op
received a nice shipment this last sucti a delightful trip and will be
ready to welqpms them back about
The Milton Nursery Co. consists of the first of March.
five brothers and their families, who
Mother’s club will meet a week
operate 280 acres of rich, loamy soli, from today. January 27, at the home
They grow their own trees. When of Mrs. M. O. Downing. We hope al)
they are sold ont, they are out. They those who have not had the oppor­
do not buy and sm -11 other nursery- tunity to go away for tlie winter
men’s trees.
will be able to get out and enjoy a
Get in touch with me before yon pleasant afternoon.
buy. Phone 5756.
,. ' -•
‘ . 1 - . •
Miss Ma Turney la recovering
from a serious operation at the Stan­
ford hospital In California. Miss Tur­
ney Is on leave of absence from TI. of
O. this year. She had expected to
take up work at Stanford and the
University of California.
Mrs. Harry Farrell and two chU-
dren, of Willow Flat, visited her
mother, MM George Sheppard, last
Superintendent Crites and Mrs. Ml
avan visited school last week In the
Interest of club work for this year.
Mrs. F. L. Mack spent several days
of last week In Portland.
Mrs. Abenrotb, of Burlingame, Calif.,
la ylsiting her aunt, Mrs. Martin
Dragseth They left Wednesday for
a few days in Portland.
The Aloha dub which will be en-
C tertafned by Mrs. Dragseth, will meet
naada7 Ot U*la Wetk lnBtea<1
li 5
■ *
L t - j
Mr. anl Mrs F. H. Blackman went
ta Portland Sunday to attend the
Mneral of Mr. Blackman's uncle, B
D. Brigga. They returned home Mon­
£ * Mr. and Mrs. WU1. McGill, of Bend,
ft atet ill Mood River visiting Mr. Mc-
#4 | GBfe Mslir, Mrs. Bowland Wiley.
January 15.
C. C. Mann and eon. of Pendleton,
motored up one day last week and
spent the night with his uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Craft. Mr.
Msnn was on his way to Salem to
take bia plair in the legislature, and
hla son to resume his studies at'the
Mrs. W. Austin has been visiting
the dentist the past few weeks.
Mrs. E. Hlllstrom has been on the
sick list, but is improving.
Roy Montgomery and family re­
turned home from Portland last week.
Jimmie Wilkins and Walter Kirby,
who have been down with chicken
pox, are very much Improved.
Parkdale for the past week,
. All wHI be filaB to know that Stan­
ley Parker jg well on the way to re­
covery from an attack of scarlet
fever. So far no new cases have
bee» reported.
Mrs. C. A. McCammon wns ealldd
to Portland test week by the 111 mm
and death of her brother-in-law, Mr.
Kuntz. Mrs. McCtommon will remain
with her* sister in Portland for a
short time.
Mtee Whitteker spent Monday In
our school examining the children.
8he was assisted by Mrs. M. R. Cath-
erwood and Mrs. R. 8. Hasletlne.
Our school children were found to be
In Airly good physical condition.
* A number of local enthusiasts at­
tended the smoker at Mt. Hood Tues­
day night. With so much interest be­
hind them the smokers should be very
A Mrs. E. H. Greene Is . driving or
rather we should • say will drive,
when the condition of the roads will
permit, a new sedan de luxe Olds­
mobile, a gift from her husband.
Louise Edgar 1s taking a-'little va­
cation of ten days on account of
having been exposed to scarist fever.
Everybody hopes she will not get it.
Owing to scarlet fever conditions
the meeting of the Community club
scheduled to be held at the home of
Mrs. Btebler has been postponed.
Mont West purchased a new Star
touring car Tuesday.
Mrs. Rosette returned home last
Thursday from Hood River, where
she visited her daughter, Mrs. Scobee,
and family.
Friends of Grandma Wtehart will
be glad to know that she 1s remark­
ably well thia winter and enjoying
her stay In Canby.
Mrs. D. R. Cooper went to The
DallM for a visit recently.
Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerne
Puddy, te recovering from a bad case
of tonsllitte.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bksler motored
to Kelso and Seattle last Friday. Mr.
Basler te having hte vacation.
The high school basketball teams
are practicing, getting ready for com­
ing games.
Warning to all those having chick­
ens: Keep the shot gun handy, aa
thievee have been visiting ben houses
Mrs. H, F. Goodlander ia recover-
Ing at the Hood River hospital from
a recent operation.
The library meeting announced for
last Saturday was not very well at­
tended. Not enough were preeent to
transact busineM to be brought flp.
There was a small attendance at
the grange meeting Monday after­
noon. Too nice a day for pruning.
Bert Stranahan was up from Hood
River the first of the week making
arrangements for the K. of P. min­
strel show and concert to be -given
in MclMac’a hall Monday night.
What would happen If the state
legtelature now in aeMlon should pass
a law to • close the churches through­
out the state? Don’t you think there
would be a strong protest made by
all creeds snd clssees? Yet ws won­
der if you are taking full advantage
of the ministry of the church? Do
yeur children attend the church
school session Sunday morning? Do
you attend the worship service? Are
you cooperating with the local work­
ers? If every person In the commun­
ity were to show the same Interest
In the chnrch that you do what kind
of a church would Upper Valley
have? Think about these things snd
remember a hearty welcome awaits
you st all the services Sunday. Come
and bring the family.
Mrs. H. G. Keeney, wife of our
school superintendent, te acting aa
substitute teacher in the commercial
department of the Hood River high
school this week. The professor seems
to be getting along pretty well dur­
ing her absence but would appreciste
It very much if seme neighbor would
Volunteer to split the wood; ho isn’t
accustomed to that kind of exercise.
The Parent-Teacher association has
announced a full program for this
week’s meeting. The dlscnmions cen­
ter s round the proposed kindergarten
and child labor amendments. County
Rnperlnteudent Crites and Mr. Calvin,
of the state department of education,
are to present the boys’ and girls’
club work.
The week day school of religious
ediiMtlon came into being last Thurs­
Practically the entire enroll­
ment of grades four to qpven te tak­
ing the conre under the direction of
Rev. R. A. Hutchinson snd Mrs. J. D.
Rmnllin. The local council of religi­
ons education is composed of F. I*
Resting. H. G. Keeney and Mrs. W.
J. Gibbs. Classes will be held every
Thursday. It is hoped to Include all
the grades In the school with the ex­
ception of the primary room In the
plans for next year’s coarse.
The Community church voted Rnn-
dsy morning to send Mrs. H. F.
Ooodlander. chnrch organist, who te
a patient In the Hood River hospital,
a message of sympathy and good
wishes. The committee appointed by
the pastor “said it with flowers"
Monday afternoon.
Don’t forget the Boy Scout enter­
tainment in the grade school Friday
evening st. 7.30. Girls and women
are urged to bring baskets with lnnch
for two. The boys and men are in­
vited to bring the cash. Free admis­
January 22.
White Salmon Merchant Vialto
Mrs. J. Lynch, of Portland, visited
G. G. Crow, White flalmon mer­
st the home of Mra. Montgomery
chant. who was the driver of the
last week.
first delivery wagon ever operated in
Ixtyd Bird left last Friday for Cor­ Hood River, was here yesterday on
vallis, where he will attend school.
buaiHrsa. Mr. Crow In 1«fl5 began to
L. J. Cooper, of Ellie, Wash., is vis­ drive ths delivery wagon of Itaana A
iting friends in the community this Wolford, pioneer merchaats. The firm
' cwb
Was later succeeded by Walford A
Mrs. 8. C. Walters s nd daughter, Bane.
Betty, who hsve been 111 with
_ chicken
Mr. Crow, who waa postmaster for
pox, are recovering nicely.
Whit» Salmon for 11 years, went to
II. Osborne has purchased the Rob thbt city In Hflfi. He myo that the
new interstate bridge will make Hood
erts ranch In Dukes Valley.
Mrs. B. J. Montgomery spent Sun- River and White Salmon folk real
• -
The number of dogs to be found-l*
tbs takgur a»d more crowded cities of
Europe causM one to stop and query,
how te it that in these densely popu­
lated centers of the world, where fam­
ilies are large sad where houeeteolds
are congested, there are to be found
so many meoibers of the canine fom-
Agitation extant in America against
dogs in the city must have spme
cause. Is it the general antipathy or
genuine hate of these animate them-
selves, or te it due to their lack of
’ innnners”?
A careful comparison of the Euro­
pean bred dog and the average Ameri­
can city dog will cleurly show the
reason. The American pup te, in
most cases, just allowed to grow up
uncon fined aud untutored, depending
on hte native Instinct alone to guide
him. European dogs practically to
the animal, are trained and therefore
Ukto well bred children, are a pleas­
ure to have aronnd.
Regardlese of the length of our
dog's pedigree, we can teach him to
be quiet at night, to keep off neigh­
bors porches, lawns or gardens, to
refrain from chasing (Missing vehicles
or pedestrians.
Let’s have some concern for the fu­
ture of the greatest friend of man In
the animal kingdom—the dog.—Ore­
gon Sportsqum.
The Woman’s club meeting last
week Wednesday was liook day, as
scheduled, Mrs. H. G. Cooper in
The »ext meeting, January 28, te
hnabanda*- night. Mrs. C. U. Crew
will be ia charge. A banquet te being
planned, and a snappy program that
no one will want to miss.
With Mrs. 0. C. Crew in charge,
the home economies committee of the
Woman’s club is planning one of the
beet programs ever scheduled for
hnsband's night. There ia to be a
dinner at the Oriental cafe, followed
by an unusually clever program. The
participants in the program are Mee-
dames Smith, Btenehar, Kelr, Boyd,
Anderson, Frans, Woolpert, Sylvester
and MI m Hlnck. Remembej the dat&
Wednesday evening, January 28, at
7 p. m.. Oriental cafe. For reserva­
tions call Mrs. Perigo, 2453; Mrs.
Blanchar, 1272; Mrs. Smith, 5046;
Mrs. Meyer, 3982, or Mrs. Crew, 2632.
In the yearly calendar of the Wom­
an’s club the name« of two prominent
members were unfortunately left off.
Those with the names of the new
members are: Mrs. C. H. Jenkins,
Mrs. D. G. Jackson, Mrs. Mary W.
Steel, Mrs. H. M. Dexter, Mrs. A. L.
Anderson, Mrs. G. P. Morden, Mrs.
Roger Moe, Mrs. Elisabeth Brune,
Mrs. W. E. Shay. Mrs. E. B. Cloud,
Mrs. D. P. Holloway, Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Lucas, Jr., Mrs. II. ~
E. Baker, Mrs.
A. W. Davis, Mrs John Baker, Mrs.
O. W. West, Mrs. W. J. Kocken and
Mrs. W. L. Smith.
Mrs. 8. A. King, Mrs. William Es-
selstyn and Mrs. 0. A. Richards will
be hostesses to members of the Busi­
ness Women’s .club at a dinner at the
Methodist church this evening at 6.30
o’clock. Friends of members will par­
ticipate in the dinner session.
The Cascade Ixx-ks girls came up to
Hood River last Friday night to play
the first game with Hood River girls
in a number of years. The Hood Riv­
er line-up» was as follows: Norma
Young, captain and jumping center;
forwards, Carol Gregory and Dorothy
Hull; guards, Gladys Rath and Ann
Wuest; aide center, Werdna Isbell.
The game was fast and hard fought,
especially for Hood River, on account
of the Cascade Locks team being
larger than ours. At the end of the
first half the score stood 11-8 in Hood
River’s favor. At the end of the
game Hood River's score was 16,
Cascade Lock’s 9. There was evi­
dence of good coaching and team
work throughout the game. The Hood
River team plans to play Centerville,
Odell, Parkdale, Cascade Locka and
Mosier this aeason.
The grand piano at the high school
auditorium has just received a new
cover, the product of Miss Ethel
Swarts, of the home economic depart­
Friday night the Washington high
school of Portland sent her basketball
team up for a game with Hood River.
The larger school outclassed the local
boys, as the score of 87-12 shows. The
first quarter saw first one team and
then the other in the lead, but after
that the outcome was never in doubt.
A feature of- the game was the out­
standing floor work and banket shoot­
ing <>f Bill Knorr, who was all cUy
forward of I*ortland for the last two
It waa no little trick for
Knorr and hte companions to “drop
them in’’ from the center of the floor.
Saturday night the Hood River
l>oys journeyed to Goldendale to play
the Goldendale high team. The game
was undoubtedly the roughest the
Hood River team has ever experi­
enced and at times took on the ap­
pearance of a football Kame. Several
of the llood River players had to be
taken out on account of injuries, sl-
thongh none proved to be very seri­
ous. The game was won by Golden­
dale by the score of 48-14, with Rad­
cliff starring for Goldendale and
Hatthorn for Hood River. There has
l»een a return game scheduled between
the two teams ,to lie played In the
high school auditorium With Laffer­
ty’s close refereeing all can expect to
see a close and fast game.
were not toe classical for the Celes­
tial mind.
I liked especially the
'Blue Danube Walts’ and ‘Shubert's
Hferenade.’ If you know what the liv­
11 ing
_ conditions here in Chinatown are
like you would know how broadcast­
ing benefits us, especially SundayB.
There are exactly 23 aerialg in my
block. It may intereat you to know
that there are more radio aeta in one
block of Chinatown than in any
other part of San Francisco.”
Mr. Mue 1s an Interpreter In the
Immigration Service, office of the
commissioner of Immigration, Angel
Island Station, Ba» Fraueisco.
From across the Pacific letters are
coming as a result of recent KGO
test broadcasts to Japanese radio
scientists. K. Kawahara, Amyia, Ha-
kosaki, Hakata, Kyuusyuu, Japan,
who signs himself “A Japanese Radio
Bflg,” offers another sidelight:
“Messers KGO Breadcssting Com­
pany : Owing to my small pocket
book I could not tell this by cable.
But I am very glad to Inform you
that my homemade 3 tube reflex act
of my own design brought your pro­
gram Q 8 A, which spanned the im­
mense water. In a twinkling time and
with such immense clearness.” Mr.
Kawahara then gavs a log, with the
Japanese time, for each piece he
beard, which was found to check
very cloeely with the control room
record at KGO. “I- enjoy the Shang-
hl 60 watt station, about 600 miles
away from here, on a loud speaker
every night,” he continued, “but it te
unbelievable to have heard yonr sta­
tion In such clearness and volume.
As a matter of fact, when the music
was loudest, it would have been loud
enough to operate a loud speaker
with mpdest volume.
Hoping you
prompt answer, I remain, yours truly.
K. Kawaharq, a Japanese Radio Bug.”
Farm Painters
Dairy herds in Oregon that pro­
duce less than 160 pounds of fat in
one year give the owner only 13
cents per hour for his labor after
other expenses are paid. This con­
clusion was reached after a three-
year survey was made of Oregon
dairy farms by" the extension service
of the Oregon Agricultural College.
Cows producing more than 280
pounds in one year paid the owner 43
cents per hour for his labor. Sys­
tematic milk records are kept by
moot successful dairymen of Oregon.
These records show up the low pro­
ducers which may be disposed of.
The men of the Loyal Men's class
of the First Christian church have
obligated themselves to prepare and ,
serve the dinner to be served ’’Church
Night,” February 5, in the basement
of the church. F. H. Blagg te presi-'
dent and G. W. Ward, secretary
No. 17,
No. 24,
No. 2,
No. 18,
No. 26,
No. 12,
Zana Carnes, Rae
O.-W. R. a N. Co. Time Card
No. 25,
EDEN encampment , no . U.L O. O. F.-
o^^'Th.^wii. Her It a C” u M’ a P’
- ----- ------------ ;----------------------—-----------
Ml’ homf CAMPues. I*. N. A., ■Desusseoafl
•“« fourth Frid.y.of «-«ch montb ov**Hrat
Elisabeth Rogers, O.
Salt Lake-Port pass... 5.00 a
Spokane-Port, imiss ... 5.80 a
Ohl., Omaha, Kan.
City, Port, pass------ 6.10 a
Walla Walla, Pen-
dleton, Port, local—8.10 P
Chicago, Omaha,
4.05 P
Portland limited
Port.-Salt Lake pass 12.35 a
Portland-Pendleton, *
Walla Walla local—10.05 a
Portland, Omaha,
Chicago limited----- 11.30 a
Port.-Omnlia, Kan.
City, Chicago pass..6.15 p
Port-Spokane pass----- 9.35 p
MraUMooDd sud fourth Tnssday evsalns
orsacli month. V IsHor» cordially woleoaaefl
Oladj ■ (Mlbert, W. M.
He.'en Carson. Frc'y.
tn 1 -
« -»
O. f.*
| MeeU> ln pm-ernal halt, every hiureday
m night.
8. E. Bartmeae, N. G.
j UlU. W. -----------
Tbomanu, *-----------
I M m U Aral and .......................
third Mondays eaeto
m '
Mra. Cleo. l*ns> N. O.
‘ *
. _Ea»tmaa.
. V. G.
M hc Elìi<hiMti
.M<«a Gertie Milla, Her.
-| tin-. I> RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,1«, M.
Wj A.—
.. —
_ —
every 1st and MWod.
in £dt*7bai
eeeh month T V.
' K. Wolgamntt. E. C.
W. T. Frasier. Clerk.
( a NBY W. H. C.—Mevu second *»d foerU
Saturdays of each month st K. to P. hall.
. Dre Moyd, PresMeaL
I Mrs. Ethel Button, t-reretary.
laans.-MeeU the (’-•» and third Fridays
at old K.olP. ball. 0. D. Hikaicna, M. A.
J. H. K ob ano Heoretary.
of Woodcraft-Meets at K.ofP. baU M the
flrat Thursday aiternoon of cacto moarth.
Mrs. Ora McKee. G.N.
Mr». F. H Blags. Clerk.
Hood Hirer. Ore. James Stranahan, Pre»
Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of
Mrs. Alma Howe. Hee. Leslis Butler, Treat.
each month at K. et P hall.
Call phone 1101.
Mn. Ina M. Wendling, E. C.
Mrs. Mary C. Russlaa. M. ot K. and C.
Meeta flrat and third Friday nights or oaob
A. F. Howea, H. P.
W. M. boat, Secretary.
KEMP LODGE,No. Ill, l.O. O. F.-Meetaln
Odell odd Fellow»' ball every Satur­
day nlgbt. Visitors cordially welcomed.
Leonard N. Taylor, N. G.
Alvyljnillh. V.G.
H. 8. Oaugbey, Secretary.
Geo. Clark, Treasurer.
W. O. W. — Meeting» every flrat and third
Tnnnday night, at the First National Bans
W. E. Bhav, U.C.
. L. J. Liadsey, Clark.
The Cottage Farm b Open
Chicken diaaen served so rsqotsL
Thsst whs wish te stage hanqaets es-
pecially wlklted. Ilniag roe« wtil te
inrnished teaqaeters sad private pat-
ties for daadag.
We are also ready te McoModste
straight hoarders or seteel cMMrea. 3
garage spaces available for potroas.
Post, American Legion. No. 22. Meets flrst
Monday eve of each month at Chamber of
Commerce. Mr» Herold Herahner, Pre» ,
Mra. Van W. Gladden, Heo’y.
Rlvsralds Lodge No.«—Meetlog Diehl» l«t
sad Srd Betardey», lev Nal’I. Bank Bldg.
H. L. Howe, Klaencler.
Cbeeter Bhote. Recorder.
Hood River OommanderyNo.U.K.T
Oregon» celery growers were mis­ v J l Z m Meets every Ont Tue "lay evening
each month.
O. B. Nye. E. C.
informed when inadvertantly told that
Wn». Irwin, Recorder.
the experiment station says there 1a
Tel. 5481
Your Grocery Business
is solicited
"a” certain cure for heart rot or MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. I, I,*8. M. Meets
other diseases, instead of “no” cer­ In Mamie Hall »very third Tuesday In
W. r. Laraway. T. I. M.
tain cure as was Intended. Unlike eaeb month.
newspaper men 'who lay their mis­
takes to the devil, news service men HAZEL
Meets U m Orel and third Tneedsy evening in
have no delusions and no alibis— each mootto in the Odd Feltowe Hall, seven
R. D. I
they did It. So while spraying with miles south of Hood River. R.'
Beetle Creenn. N. U.
Bordeaux mixture may not be de­
ONI Hleverk ropp, V. G.
pended on as a sure cure, It
“ is
* ” be-
„ , „
Gertrude Ceng r.ey. Tree».
Marie Kemp, Sec.
lieved by the station to be benefleial
even though not enough to hold the
disease in check. Since It is chiefly
the old leaves, trimmings and left
over plants that carry the disease
through the winter these should be
avoided by planting on soil that has
With the new year are signa that not been In celery for one or two
a better understanding lietween dif- years.
ferent races of people here, and In
their native countries across the seas,
la slowly developing from radio seven feet apart In seven-foot rows
A good looking woman is always a Well Dressed
broadcasting. TxHters from listeners run 888 plants to the acre. To find
the number at different spaces apart
Not necessarily togged out in costly raiment-
received at KGO indicate this. -
Commenting on a recent program the experiment station announces the
the clothes she wears must be spotlessly
heard in his home in Chinatown. Ran following plan: Multiply th» distance
clean and faultlessly pressed.
Franciaco, Gon Sam Mue incidentally between rows by the distance apart of
revealed the trend of Celestial minds the plants in the row. and divide the
under the Influence of radio broad­ product into 43,560. . number of square
regular service to women of refinement has
feet in an acre. The RM plants are
a woman's reputation for being a good
“Just a few words of apprecia­
dresser When her wardrobe was modest and her outlay
tion.” he wrote, “for the sermon and 7 times 7, or 49.
concert broadcast by your station
for clothes limited. May we serve you in like manner T
this afternoon. Being a Chinese. 1
live In Chinatown where automobiles
and other vehicles are so numerous
Sundays that I am afraid to let my
children go ont upon the streets. But
sinee I'have built my radio set, they
are content to stay at home. Of
entire they coaid not understand the
words of the aermon. bat they did
We Call and Deliver Any Place
know that some children were being
baptteed, aa my wife explained that
part to them. The afternoon concert
Phonfc 1*14
111 Second Street I
of the KOO Little 8ymphony orchea-
tra wan wonderful, aa the select ions j better.
• b