HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1925 PROSPERITY OF r VALLEY IS CITED 1241. DR. MEARLE C FOX UR NEW YEAR arises above the horizon and sees our determination to fur nish better shoes at lower prices than we have done in the past. The success which attended our ef- forts is a splendid spur to even better service. We thank all our friends and wish them joy and prosperity Rye, Portland, Ore. MB E. L SCOBEE, D. D. S. J. C. JOHNSEN Bronius BoUding Office Hour»: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Oflco Tri. 8181 Realdence Tri. 8412 G H. JENKINS, D. M. D DÉNTI8T Ptomeo: Office 1081; Realdence 8881 Oflco over Butler Bank Happy New Year! •s ■ t L. L. MURPHY DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Suite B, Broeloa Building A. X DERBY LAI F you need to, make good res­ olutions and initiate them promptly today. Make reso­ lutions that will not merely result, if you keep them, in - good to yourself, but to al! * Hood River Valley. Let’s all pul) together good and hard through 1925 to make our town and valley known far and wide for the accomplishment of things we need. In summing up the year 1924, we do not feel content without express­ ing our appreciation to our friends and patrons-the people of Hood River. We thank you and wish you— A iappy Netti #?ar! Old City Hall Plumbing Shop baa moved —the new location is 808 12 Street where there will be a large display of Plumbing and Heating Goods at reasonable prices. The new location will be known no- TOM FISHER'S Plumbing & Heating 808 12th St. Painting and Paper Hanging Interior decorating, matching tinting and painting with draperlee, etc. D. F. TAYLOR Tri. 5411. Hood River. Or. R. F. D. A READ’S RADIO SHOP The Radio Shop of Hoed River H. B. BEAD, Proprietor VINCENT & SHANK “The Home of Quality Groceries Fit-to-Measure Shoes They are the only the world fitted by FIT-TO-MEASURE SYSTEM They will give you comfort and will satisfy you as to QUALITY-SERVICE-PRICE (By E. O. Blanchar, president of the First National Bank). Never before in the 20 yean that I have resided hi Hood River, has it been such a pleasant and easy task to review the passing year. The fi­ nancial situation of this district is entirely aatlafactory and the return of prosperity ha» been mure rspid snd substantial than expected. The 1924 apple crop exceeded a normal yield by fully 25 per cent. It was good in quality and all of the factor» Of its production and harvest were unusually favorable,. Contrast these conditions with the light yield in other districts, said to average only |half of normal, and we have the prin­ cipal reason for our profitable season. Much credit musj be given for the faith and perseverance of local grow­ ers in atill giving their orchards proper care, notwithstanding the dis­ couraging returns from the previous year, and also to the intelligent ser­ vice of our local selling organisations in not attempting to force prices to a point where the demand would be weakened. I find, in talking with our local people, that they very generally in­ tend to make the most of their good fortune by paying current debts from the returns of this crop and even cancelling long term, low rate mort­ gages not yet due lest these become a burden during unfavorable seasons In the future. This la good business, in the fruit business especially, by rea­ son of the wide variation in returns from year to year. Where possible, a reserve fund in the form of good bonds will be laid away for future income and safety. The local b^nks are alwaya ready to assist anyone in making such investments, well know­ ing that by this means the financial condition of the community can be greatly steadied. Hood River’s cooperative spirit has again been demonstrated by the com­ munity hospital which was made pos­ sible by small contributions from a large number of public spirited peo­ ple. We owe much to the men and women of the committee, selected from the community, who have given time and ability so unselfishly to make the hospital a success. It is self supporting and is of great ser­ vice to the mid-Columbla district. The plan of organization is unique and was considered by some to be more idealistic than practicable. It is to be hoped that we will not be satisfied until Hood River has a new community hospital building, a mod­ ern fireproof structure of adequate size and suitable location. The pres­ ent structure will do temporarily but a move for something more in keep­ ing with our community will meet with strong support. There are a multitude of other Im­ portant subjects that I would like to touch upon as accomplishments of this year but space will not permit and there are others tetter qualified to tell of them. Looking ahead the future is exceedingly bright not only in this district but throughout the United States. Hood River was prob­ ably as directly benefitted by the im­ proved situation in Europe as any other section of this country by rea­ son of broadened markets for our products, and improved exchange rates.' Now that tlie bridge over the Co­ lumbia , is compters'! and the quiet season of the year is aproaching, it is fitting that we should take up the matter of a safe road from the high­ way to the bridge. No one questions the heavy traffic which will pass over this narrow, dangerous road within a few months with the advent of the tourist season. 8erious and perhaps fatal accidents may occur unless traf­ fic men are placed at two points on the present road. We should not wait until driven to hasty action but utilize the present time. Our Cham­ ber of Commerce, the Grange and all other Interested organizations should appoint representatives to meet and assist the county board in arriving at a plan whieh will not only meet with e<>o|M-ratlon from the State. Highway Commission but with the general sup­ port of the voters of thia county. Immediate action means less <’owt and greater safety. May 1, 1925, should see a good road to the bridge. Everything is favorable for an ac­ tive, prosperous year in llood River Some building and county in land clearing is already being planned ahead. It's a fine country to live in and we are duly thankful for the manifold blearing» received. NEW BUILDING PROS- PECTS ARE BRIGHT (By Nelson Kmry, manager Emry Lumber A Fuel Co.) Tlie present financial condition of Hood River growers coupled with the building neglected last year, foretell for the coming year greater activity B. B. POWELL Also 16-in. Boots at SS.45 in building than the valley has seen for a long time. PLUMBING, HEATING AND Normal development of a commun­ SHEET METAL WORK ity causes each year a /considerable e volume of building. Every wedding 810 Cascade Ave. Hood River, Ore. means another dwelling, a new or­ chard must have a complete set of J. D. McLUCAS building«, an old house bought by a CONTRACTOR new owner must be remodelled to suit, and a business concern cramped Practical Worker In Stone, Con­ for apace must have new quartern. crete, Brick and Plaster This normal development was retard­ Telephone 5684 ed last season and now must be add­ ed to the needs of the coming year. We can recall many instances during 1924 where improvements were fig­ ured which were not only necessary lint imperative for the proper hand­ ling of the crop yet which finally had to be abandoned because the owner was untible to finance them. SuecMsor to TUCKER'S GARAGE The need for these projects is still present and is now more urgent than Phone 2133 it was then. Property can he kept In proper con­ dition only by regular and consistent repairs. Normally these small re­ pairs are made each year but when ? a short year comes around repairing is the first item to be curtailed. It is very easy to let it go till next year Wishing ail my friends and customers the very hap­ but it usually involve« a heavier ex­ piest of Yuletide days and a forward look to the New penditure due to the delay than if at­ Year filled with hope and confidence. tended to as xx>n as needed. Even taking into consideration the repairs We are ready now and will be all next year to take actually made in 1824 it is safe to care of your car repair needs. say that 1925 must do double its nor­ mal portion of repairing. Tourist travel In 1925 will be so Shay’s Shop much greater than during the past year that many new enterprises will AT THB be practical and profitable—and each FASHION GARAGE Shop 1W1 one must be housed. The new bridge will vastly stimulate business by opening tip new territory which has been largely untouched. Profits from rve Meyer A Kii King call We pay cash for your old furniture or Is >t li of these sources quickly filter Tel. 1014 and have It will L, be cleaned and make a liberal allowance on n»w good«. through the community by the regu- tor your suit. I'. -!------------- Cafe * and returned reedy for Im med 1- Call Hackett 8411, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur- 1er channels of trade and all tenefit altars Exchange. ml7tf n J6tf in the end. making mon» or better 8uperhetrodynes and Neutrodynee Greebe, Atwater Kent and Radlola Representative #08 Cascade Ave. Tel. 1234. Clean Off the 1924 Slate and get ready for THE NEW YEAR IT IS OUR HOPE THAT ALL OF OUR GOOD FRIENDS OF HOOD RIVER MAY HAVE RECORDED ON THEIR SLATE OF 1925 EVENTS IN REFLECTION OF THE HAPPINESS THATCOMES FROM DEEDS ATTAINED AND DESIRES COME TRUE A. S. KEIR Reliable Drunbt Try The Drug Store First Hearty Good Wishes for A HAPPY ' Why Stay Up Late? NEW YEAR! Get the stations you want when you want them. WILLARD RADIO HOOD RIVER MARKET BATTERIES a will helnyoa get them and help you held them. They last for years, trwv A, F DAVENPORT, Prop. Gibbs’ Battery Station ..ALTO AND RADIO BATTERIES Hood River, Oregon building pouible by aome citizen» apparently not directly concerned. Last but not least the prosperous condition of the valley will make it pouible for its people to indulge some of their natural tendency to­ wards better building and comfort items. A mere shell is no longer considered an apple house by the Hood River grower; he has very definite Ideas regarding the plant he needs to properly safeguard and handle his products. Warehouses which were considered satisfactory when built will now be made frost­ proof or perhaps equipped with mod­ ern facilities for ventilation. In tbl* homes of the valley many a dream will come true this season. One will have added a cheery fireplace, an­ other a cozy breakfast nook while a third will put down a hard*' uod floor in the living room. Hood River peo­ ple are Justly entitled to these com­ forts and we rejoice with them in the present prospect of acquiring them. THE CLOTHES WE CLEAN Preu or Repair apeak for themselves. $6.45 HAPPY NEW YEAR! HECK UNGER GARAGE Happy New Year SERVICE Spauldings Tailor Shop Phone 3894. Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery laoDl TRY OUR Draught Luxo ESOLVING to do our best to serve the folk of Hood Biver Valley and other mid-Columbia points to the best of our abil­ ity during 1925 and thanking them for their patronage of 1924, we wish all a ♦ # iSjappg Nm fear WE KEEP IT ’ RIGHT C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street * ¿21» FRASIER GROCERY CO