The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 25, 1924, Image 3

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Œhrtfltm&B !
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Hood River County.
In the matter of the estate of Will­
iam Davidson, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un­
dersigned administratrix has filed
with said court her final account and
has asked for a Anal settlement of
said estate and fof her discharge as
administratrix; and said conrt by an
order made and entered herein, baa
fixed January 17th, 1925, at 10
o'clock a. m., In the court room in
the Court House in the City of Hood
River, Hood River County, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing
objection» to said final account and
to the distribution of said estate as
proposed therein and all persons hav­
ing objections thereto are hereby no­
tified to make and file same on or be­
fore said time.
In accordance with said order this
notice is published for four successive
weeks, beginning on December 18th,
Isabella Davidson,
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Every 3 months, we send money to thousands of our cus­
tomers and other local people who owq shares of our
Preferred Stock. This money is the “dividends” earned
for these folks by the dollars they have safely invested in
our stock. Each share pays a dividend every 3 months en
February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1, and we
have paid preferred stock dividends for over thirteen
years. If you invest your savings now, the money you get
from this Company as dividends in a year will amount to
7X on each dollar you invest.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
By virtue of an execution, Judg­
ment order, decree and order of aale
leaned out of the Circuit Conrt of
the State of Oregon for Hood River
County in the cuue wherein Trout­
dale State Bank, a corporation, wain
Plaintiff and L. B. Rnndblaat and
Helen Bandhlaat were Defendants, to
me directed, dated 3rd day of Decem­
ber, 1924, upon a Judgment and de­
cree entered in »aid court the 13th
day of October, 1924, In favor of the
Plaintiff above named and againat
the Defendanta herein for the follow­
ing sums, namely *1700.00 with inter­
eat thereon at the rate of 8% per
annum from the 8rd day of July,
1020, *150.00 attorney f<“« and the
further sum of *21.50 coat» and dia-
burnementa and the coat of and upon
thia writ commanding me to make
aale of the following described real
property situated in the County of
Hood River, Rtate of Oregon, to-wit:
Northeast quarter (NE%) of the
Southwest quarter (SW14) of Sec­
tion 7, in Township 1 North Range 11
East of "Willamette Meridian, in Hood
River County. State of Oregon?
Now therefor?,
........... by virtue of
execution, Judj lgmrnt decrea and order
of aale and 1 tn compliance with <be
commands of said Iwrit, I will on
Saturday. January 24th. 1925, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon thereof at the
front door of the County Court House
in Hood River, Hood River County.
Oregon, im 41 at private auction, "object
HE Spirit of the Joyful Holiday Season
gives us a keener appreciation of old
associations and our cordial relations
with you prompt us to extend to you
many good wishes for
anò a Ifrrg ÿroHprrnuH Nrw $ear
ewr nun
stencils at
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