t HOOD RIVER GLACIER; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1924 AUTO PARK EMPLOYE W - attractive. The citi eke. n w e T*1« «”>tra« inquires that Mr. Hue- city council .n Monday adup^d i rXim .m*5' - evening r*nder “ drta“*d hintaasi a ___ _____ ■■■ . oTfTe «.ùr’i . U*“IV •• I « indemnity tademulty bond bond .The . •ger ' ¿f 1 nirnlah an The which was tauproved last summer at Huelat will pay’for" rii laboÌ"ne««è- than A*000* ■“¿.000 in providing ap attractive en­ building a hoiup on the property. All trance and other improvements. The improvements that he may make on city last sprlug purchased 37 acres the property except hU home, will B^iXl^rarate °f»riOWU 7°“ thei become ------------- - property of the «7 the city. The lmmedl^elv th» T‘.1 a“tot ?*rk*1 n*«rvee the right of terminating lumbia R&r hl?hw?TL.0,|± ^1 “e.C??‘ra* £ lumbia River highway, lias been de­ may fail to live up to the terms of veloped on a portidh of this property. his agreement. The contract between the city and Monday night before the council re­ Mr. Huelat is a document filling six ceived the report of a special com­ typewritten legal cap pages. It pro­ mittee recommending that Mr. Huelat, vides that Mr. Huelat shall receive one of seveu seeking the automobile the first $1,500 from the proceeds of park, be employed as park manager, charges for auto campers. The city ids resignation effective January 1ft “ ‘ will receive the next $1,500, Mr. Hue­ was received and accepted by the lat the next $600 and the balance will body. be split 50-50. The city will have en­ Mr. Huelat. as a memlier of the tire supervision over Mr. Huelat and council, was one of» the strongest ad- __ will pass on his employes in operating herents of the new municipal auto the park. While he will l>e grantc-d park plans last spring, when the concessions, the contract calls for the Pate.!*.*^der property was purchased city commendation of whatever ar­ for --- $1X001». ZZZ.ZZZ. He was appointed man- ticles he sells and the prices thereon. ager and had charge of the develop- The city, too, reserves the right of nient of the park at a salary of $100 selling the automobile ftark property monthly. •t any time, but Mr. Huelat will be Stop the Spread of Scarlet Fever given the privilege of buying before any sale is made to a third i>arty. (From Oregon State Board of Health) The contract expresses a confidence If iiareiita, teachers, nurse«, phy­ in Mr. Huelat, the document declar­ sicians and others who come In con­ ing such confidence as a ¡»art of the tact with children will be on the consideration for employing him. The lookout for. early- scarlet fever, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER OO i Are We for the Poultry Show ? Well, I Should Say So! Anything to keep Old Biddie cackling. The more she cackles the less we pay for eggs. She needs a comfortable home—sunshine, plenty of fresh air, good feed and care. Our houses are scientifically planned with plenty of windows—sunlight in every corner, well ventilated. We guarantee no overdrafts on the birds and less at the Bank. Phone 4121 for anything in the Fuel and Lumber Line. Y ours T o S erve Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co LUMBER BILL, Manager. TUM-A-LUM LI MBER CO. Tl'MA-LUM LUMBER CO. CANDY SPECIAL For Christmas With every dollar spent at this store for Candy, we give FREE a ticket on Ladies’ Wrist Watch, to be given to the lucky person Dec­ ember 24th. GET YOUR ORANGES AND MIXED NUTS FROM US 15c 25c Oranges priced as low as per dozen..................... Mixed Nuts per pound peclally Its early symptoms, its spread may lie prevented. While the present epidemic la not alarming and many of the cases mild, they should all he Immediately isolated so that they will not give nae to additional cases. The mild cases are hard to recognise aa the children are often not very sick. Mild cases may pro­ duce severe cases in other children. Watch carefully for headaches, fever, nausea, strawberry-like tongue, and later on rash. If any of these symp­ toms are present, the child should be kept at home and away from other children. Having dope this, call the physician. For the sake of your own children and other children with whom they may come in contact, look your children over carefully each morning. If in doubt, keep the child at home ‘ ----- the doctor. * and * call Junior High School Not«« (By Ray Steublng) Miss Juliet Whltteker, the county nurse, was painfully injured by strik­ ing her head against projecting cuves First aid was given l>y l’rin. Barnett First aid was given by Jrin. Barnett and Mrs. Blashfield. An assembly was beld laat Fr’day, when the Christmas songs were prac- ticed. Mrs. Gray led the songs and Miss Mann accompanied at tlie piano. The student body voted to change the colors of the junior high school from maroon and gold to red and w iiite, after a discussion by students and tea< liera. Tlie president of the stu­ dent body appointed a committee to pr> pare a rymstitutlon for the junior high school. It was also decided to , limit the coat of Christmas pre ents among themselves to 25 cents ea h. Last Saturday a number of Boy Scouts voluntarily cleaued up the grounds of the Junior high and high schools, for which they are particu­ larly commended. RADIO NEWS Cooperative Store WE DELIVER ••Nothing But The Best" MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL like to to help you supply the ND we would like meat for the dinner. •. Anything you want from the fattest turkey to suet for the Plum pudding and mince pies. A all kinds OF ’ Poultry, Geese, Ducks and Chickens. ROAST BEEF OF THE FINEST QUALITY &>e DAURNELL market . U. S. INSPECT» MEAT “The Best Quality with the Best Service" Give Christmas Gifts of Furniture From KELLY BROS. CO Many families have adopted the plan of inter family gift* giving. Instead of making small, incon- sequential presents to each other, all members of the family are pooling their money and making one big gift for the home-something all can enjoy-a daven­ port, dining suite, or a few odd pieces to beautify the family fireside. SCHOOL NEWS (Miriam Grow) the suggestion of the county health nurse, the school ih'sks in ail the city schools were thoroughly washed Inside aud out last week aud then disinfected. ThiB was done through the cooperation aud help of the pupils, teachers aud Janitors of the grade schools and through some extra help for the janitors of the high school. It was shown by the report of Supt. Cannon, by a survey by all the teachers last Friday, that, there were 25 pupils of School Dis­ trict No. 3 under quarantine at home for contagious diseases or suspected contagion, including scarlet fever, diphtheria and chicken pox. This is but 2>/4 per cent of the numtier of pupils lielonging. The usual’ daily al>seme in the schools from all <-auses is five per cent. The total number of pupils quarantined with contagious disease, aud also those in the family where contagion existed, was 45, which is less than the usual daily absence from all causes. However, several pupils included in the above number were released from quaran­ tine by the health officer aud re­ turned to school the first of this week. There were ov«r 100 other absences Friday, most of whom were permitted to stay out of achr. F. D. Stricker, the state health officer, urged that the schools continue* In order that the epidemic might be properly controlled. In order to cooperate with the health autborl(ie*s in having as few public meetings as possible where children congregate, the junior-fretch- man party scheduled for this Friday night, has been indefinitely postponed. The usual Tuesday morning assem­ bly was held in the high school aud­ itorium this week. After a yell or two led by Kelsey 81cKi»m, a double quartet from the Boys' ~ Glee club sang, witli Clifton Etninel at the piano. This was followed by the Boys’ Glee dub of 40 voices, under the direction of Mrs. Belle Henney. A report of the state wide confer­ ence of high school student body ac­ tivities, held at Eugene two wc*eks ago, was then given tiy the Hood Riv­ er representatives, Miss Miriam Grow, editor of school notes; Ed Nannies, president of the student body; Miss Werdna Isbell, president of the Girls’ league, and Ernest McKittrick, editor of the Mascot, who made talks from their different viewisiints of the con­ ference. The assembly dosed aftef an excellent talk by Principal Gil scon on the Christmas Spirit. bfext Tuesday morning Prin. Gllsmn Is planning an alumni assembly, in which H#ymetit of $356, alleged value of fixture« removed at the instance of the city park manager from the property. Laat spring the city purchased from C. F. Batcheider a 37-acre tract north of the Columbia River highway, giv­ ing as part payment a three-acre tract, where the municipal auto park had been in operation for three years. It was agreed that the city would be given until July 1 to remove build­ ings and fixtures utilized In the oper­ ation of the old park. The time passed without any action on the part of the city, and Mr. Batchelder sold the property to Mr. Kennedy, includ­ ing the fixtures. Tile communication alleges that the property was removed In October, the city employes breaking the lock on a building. Rev. Livingstone Delivers Address (From Heppner Gazette-Times) Heppner Lodge No. 358. R. P. O. Elka, held their annual memorial ser­ vices at their hall last Sunday after­ noon. nt which time the members of the order and citizens of the commun­ ity gathered in large numbers to lis­ ten to the liert program ever rendered In this city on an occasion of this kind. The address of the hour was deliv­ ered by Rev. W. O. Livingstone, of Hood River, formerly of thia city, who gnve a masterly oration touching upon the appropriateness of the me­ morial occasion and the establishment of the lasting monuments built upon the character of individuals; also bringing out the great virtues of the order, the members of which on thia occasion had assembled to remember those of their memiiers that have passed on before. Don’t depend on the winter rains to kill off next season's Insect crop, ad­ vises the state eollege experiment station. Lands submerged for six weeks have been found teeming with cut worms in the spring. STEELE ENTHUSES OVER APPLE DEAL “When I was a freshman In col­ lege," said A. F. 8. Steele, speaker at the Tuesday Lunch dull, "I was lured into a game they called poker. 1 happened to draw a royal flush. It wan tlie first time I had ever known there wan such a thing. The past week I had another dealt me in the matter of the Apple Growers A hsim -I s - tion wale of 3IHIIXHI I hixch of export apples.” Mr. Steele in the course of his talk stated that lie wished to disabuse the Idea that seemed to have gained prev­ alence that Hlmon, Hhuttleworth A French, New York apple merchants, had tMiuglit the apples liecause they thought they could make a lot of money. He declared that they pur­ chased the fruit liecauHe they had to. in order to provide themselves with tonnage for their export markets. He naId it wan antlci|>ated that the deal would set a precedent for export f. o. b. sales in the future an well as aid in stabilizing the domestic market. Mr. Bteeie said that the Apple Growers Association, which will thia week pay growers an approximate $-HXl.(NNi on the largi-st and enillest distribution ever made, will enter the new year with all bills for supplies and borrowed money pnid. He stated that the cooperative organization only had from 500 to 000 cars of a ppi*« left to sell. A I m , nd issue, floated by the organization for financing build- Ing ami warehouse improvements, | he declared, had all been sold. Kent Shoemaker, chairman of the day's meeting, suggested that n«*xt year the registration of foreign autce mobiles here be* conducted by the chamlier of commerce* Instead of at the sheriff’s office as In former years The club endorsed the suggestion. Mr Shoemaker reported tliat 364 foreign cars wore registered in Hood River last year. Guests at the club Tuesday, when the luncheon was at the Wankotnn hotel. were: Mr. Milla, of the Gen­ eral Chemical Co.7 Geo Thomitson. "of the Oregon Journal: 11. M. Sivarce. of tlie sales force of the Apple Grow­ ers Association, and R. V. Whiting, northwest representative of Tlie Pack­ er. Next Week’s meeting will tie held at the Mt. Hood hotel with Earl Weller as chairman. CHURCHES fug service at Ila. m. Young people’s service fl.30 p. mM R C. Samuel, presi­ dent. Evangelistic service 7.30 p. tn. Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. Everybody welcome. A. E. Hall, Pastor. Phone 3663. The city council has received a re­ quest from the Hood River Apple Vinegar Co., the Hood River Cream­ ery and the Apple Growers Associa­ tion for a reduction In rate« on water used in industries and for commer­ cial purposes. The vinegar concern cites that it has investigated charges made for such water service in Sa­ lem, Heattie and other cities and has found that the local rates are com­ paratively excessive. The lowered rate la asked in order that the local manufactories may operate oa a «tore Riverside Churrfi Christmas aervicea Sunday. Sabbath equal basis witli similar competitive school at 9.45, followed by morning plants in other cities. worship at 11 o'clock. In the evening at 7.45 Dr. Coletnan, of Reed College, White Salmon Pioneer D«M Portland, will tie the s|M*sker. Classes Funeral aervice« for J. P. Eagan, in religious education Wednesday af­ pioneer of the White Salqaon diatrlct, ternoon at 4.15. At the morning ser­ whooe ranch place was near tho vice Dr. Fraser will have for his Washington approach of the new theme. “A Christinaa Message.' Spe­ Hood River-White Salmon interstate cial Christinas music. The public la bridge acrom the Columbia, were held invited to attend. at Wfiite Salmon Tuesday, the pastor of the Goldendale Catholic church Asbury Methodist Churrti officiating. 8. E. Rartmeoo directed Sunday,' the school will meet at 10 the funeral. a. in.; morning worship at 11 o’clock; Mr. Eagan, aged 82, la survived by Christmas sermon theme, “Good Will his wife snd two sons. Toward Men;" Epworth League, 6.45 p. m. At 7.30 p. m., the choir, under the leadership of Asa Ilolpies. will render the cantata, “The Greatest Gift," by H. W. Petrie. The cantata is especially ls*autiful. Prayer meet Ing la held every Thursday evening at 7.30 o’clock. Everyone 1« cordially Invited to attend these services. W N. Byars, Minister. First Church af Christ. Scientist Services in church building. Sunday, 11 a. m. Sunday school the same hour. The reading reaaa la maintained in lhe Davidson building Room 8 Is open week days from 9 to ft with an uttendant in charge from 3 to 5. Wednesday evening aervlca at 8 o’clock. Ix’HHon subject: “la,the Uni­ verse. including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?” First and Valley Christian Churrfww At each of the churches Bible school will begin at 9.45, communion nnd preaching at 11 o’clock and a Christrnss message will be brought. The Christmas Endeavor meetings will Is1 held at 6.30 and at 7.30 a special service will l>e «iron at each church, In the town chnreh there will lie given a pantomime and also the dedl- cation of an electric cross, both of which will lie helpful and beautiful. In tlie valley chnreii an elaborate pantomime will be given. Special programs Involving children have l>een abandoned on account of the epidemic. You are cordially invited to come and enjoy these services with US. The Livingstone«. Benefit Dance Christmas Eve Howard’s Aces of Melody orchestra will give the music for a benefit dance at the P.vthlnn ball next Wednesday evening. Christmas «vt*. Th$k orches­ tra, which first won fame playing at the Mt. Hood Community hall, has Seventh Day Adventist Churrh become so popular as to be in general Hahbsth school Saturday 10 a. tn demand. The orchestra for the Christmas Preaching service 11 15 a, m. Prayet meeting. Wednesday 7.45 p m. All eve da nt« will be augmented by lew Foote, a locM boy. who has won in- are welcome. terstste fsme with his noted banjo. Mr. Foote has played In a number of St. Mary’s Catholic Churrh California's most famed orchestras. First Mass. 8 a. m. and second Maas at 10.30 each Sunday morning. Even Card of Thanks Ing devotions at 7.30 o’clock tomorrow. I wish to express my sincere appre­ Friday, evening and Sunday evening. ciation and thanks to my friends and Tel. 3132. Father Joe Smith, Pastor. neighbors for their recent kind sym­ pathy and aid at the time of the Missionary Alitane« death of my tieloved wife. Their min­ Regular aervicea; Sunday school at istrations will ever be kept in sacred 9.45 a. m., H. C. Delis, Supt. ; preach- memory. Roy Thomas. English Lutheran Church Regular services at 11 a. m. The Sunday school meets at 10.30 a. m. P. Illlgendorf, Pastor. COUNCIL ASKED TOR LOWER WATER RATE Help J You’ve gone on long without the convenience of ». WILLARD RADIO BATTERIES Let us show yon how to get better ré­ sulta from Radio.