\ » % - 5 i ♦ -■» ■ ^’2 4 HOOD Hl VEH GLACIER. THURSD a Ï JDECEMBEB q IS, 1924 *• * t Rye’s ! M ' A* Ï Í rti i» ÍA ■1 i I I I /1 I i i I 0 *• Si > h rz ♦< 1 Í t I A t I 7 » Ì i ♦ 6 ; f ft “Christmas comee botonceaycar” and thousands of Northwest housewives make their plans for the the__ festive board from thmr experience throughout the other twelve months. I I ; i Those who give their Amities the all-year-round treat of Frye’s “Delicious” Ham know that it never varies in quality—and they have found its unusual goodness and delightful mild flavor so ap- petizing that it will surely occupy an important place on many holiday menus. „ LÌ y 1 H I *. I »• J I, J ï In no way can youjbeller prepare for the unexpected guest than by baking ' a bolt of a Fryeh “DeHelou«” Ham just as you would a fresh pork roast,; using powdered cinnamon, cloves, mustard and brown sugar. Use a covered roaster with enough waler to make »team. The young, lender' requiret» only minute»* baking pork of Frye’s Drliriou*’* Ham ------------ *--------- •-■ fifteen --------- ’ ». to the pound. I fl flt F I f 7 i §il spread. Cipísimas cheer t ¡ t « WV # 7 k ? '1 4 Î 1 I I > a: L I I I I Fi ? » ? I y I IS I i I CL I I / who urged that cltlaens la «very sec­ tion, instead of bringing about fac­ tions through criticism, cooperate fully with thono in authority. She urged a closer working together of the county health officer, physicians Many and varied were the plaint and the county health association. • advanced last Saturday afternoon for coping with scarlet fever, which dur­ MOSIER ing the mouth of December has spread to, pro|>oriioiia tliat gave rise John McCleod, of The Dalles, to lest an epidemic might sweep the val­ visiting his slater, Mrs. Clyde Boot. ley. Suus* of tiie suggestions were Mr. and Mr«. J. O. Beldin motored unique. It wax even declared that merchants of the city might lie to Portland Tuesday. whipped Into line to aid rural folk Mrs. F. A. Allingtun and daughter. in bringing about u stricter observ­ Barbara, returned from Seattle Sun­ ance of rules of health icoards by ac­ day evening. tion on the county people in making I have just unpacked a flue stock their purchases from mail order bous­ es. Whether xtich a recommcmlatlou of candy in gift boxes from % lb box at 5<>c to 5 lb box at »2.25, fresh and was serious or not, it was made. Dr. Jesse Edgington, county aud good. E. M. Strauss. city health officer, wan unable to at­ Mrs. Ilattte Bailey was a visitor tend the «exciton because of illness. In The IJallex Monday. His daughter, Mrs. A. W. Beckley, Mrs. Robbs left Monday for La wax present and gave a report on Grande to l>e with her father, who 1« scarlet fever. The county lias had a very sick at that place. total of 42 cases since September 14, Mr. and Mr«. E. M. Strauss went of whicb 13 have developed this month. No new cases, it was stated, to Portland Tuesday. While tliere were reported for Friday aud Satur­ they met Mr. Strauss' sister, Mrs. Oakley, who is from the east. She day. .. Tiie meeting, attended icy members accompanied them home for a visit. You can always find-a bargain here. of sc4icml boards of the county, par­ ents. teucbenc and county and health This week it’s large walnut«, new Strauss Pure Food officials, was called l>y County School crop, 25c lb. Superintendent I’rltee. The* re|iort of Grocery. Health Officer Edgington was to the C. A. Hage was in The Dalle« effect that the disease had been very Thursday. mild here. Indeed, many euses were Wheeler Clark, who has l>een work­ so mild. It was said, that tliere was ing for the O.-W. R. A N. Co. at Hepp­ a isMcsibillty tiiat some had gone un­ ner. Ims l>een transferred to Seattle. detected. Wash. He «pent several days with City Schocd Su|x*rintendeiit Cannon Ills parents before going' to his new reported that tiie city schcxito had position. followed Instruction« of the health Visitors in Hood River Thursday officer and comity health nurse, upcl that school rooms, wlierever sny cases were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conley. had developed, had tecen fumigated ax Mrs. C.'Ruseber. Mrs. H. Bailey. M.iss well as general fumigation followed Luella Neilsen. Mrs. F. A. Allington All school desks, too, have lx>eii and Bert Osborn. Jesse Huskey was in The Dalles wiislied and disinfected. I’rof. Can non stated’ tliat a survey of schools Thursday. last Friday showed that 828 pupils New stock of Brazil nuts, 20c lb. were present and 157 were1 absent Strauss Pure Food Grocery. Twenty cases were isolated lieciviMe of Dave Duvall, of Independence, Is Ix-iiig mupcted. Twenty children *'e*l visiting lii« son, Roy, and faiuHyi— undM* quarantine and tiie rest wen- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans and out Ixa-ause of fear*of (lie disc-axe The percentage of absentees reached Dolores nnd Ix-slie Root were visitors 4 (HO. while- tiie general alixcnt per In The Dalles Friday. The school tins Saturday took 24 cvntagc- throughout the xc-hcsd year lie sxld. reiieliex five |x-r cent. piiVUs and teachers to The Dalle« to Mrs. E. R. Moller reported for the attend the picture show, "America.” Barrett Hdiool district. vHhe stated They reported a good «bow Svlilch tliat lu-r district had bee,-n folloiwing was very Instructive to history pupils (lie rules ns Inid dowu liy tiie state Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Evans and son. Isinrel of health. Siu- cited tiie dlffi Forr<‘st, and daughter, Mr«. J. R. cully of enforcing c|uuhintlm- regula Wilcox, nnd children, were in The thins when scarlet fever, the- first of Dalles Saturday. tiie county, appeared in. Barrett last -Gift sets, perfumery sets, 50c to full. Mrs. Moller also s|x>ke- in is* half of the- Hood River County llealtli $2.50.■ Strauss Drug Store. Howard Resit was in Hood River Association, of which «lie is chairman Maturdav.' of tiie educational eoiiiinlttee. "If as nuiuy eases of fire blight had Rev. L. H. Miller will preach at lieen reported among the orchards the -tlie Immanuel church Sunday evea- past few We-eks as we have had of Ing at 7.30 o’clock. scarlet fever.’’ she- said, “the-re- would Fayette Oakley, of Portland, came is- something doing ill the- Ilood River np Saturday to spend the, week end valley. And yet the rule« of the with his mother at the home of his state Isiard of health, it seeiun to me uncle, E. M. Strauss. are sufficlenr and effective enough to Ladles’ • Aid met at the home of che-e-k any kind of nil epidemic if we Mrs. F. A. Allington. A large num- ■will but' have, cooperation. In many lier of ladies were present. The negt instam-e-s parents are personally re- meeting will be held with Mrs. J. N. sjxinsllile.” Mosier. Mrs. Moller cited the- case- ’of a 1,000 pars of warm glove« and mit­ childing riding, while 111 from- scarlet fever, in a. Barrett xe-hool inis to the ten«, just the thing for Christinas at city. She calle-d on Dr. Frederick D. closing out prices. E. M. Strauss. Tile school children will give It Stricker, Representing the state board of healthJ to ascertain if other chil­ Christmas program next Tuesday in dren ty tjie bus fdiould lie- considered the auditorium. ns hnvThfe Fonie in contact with the The Mosier Chamber of Commerce disease. Dr. Stricker deciares that held Its monthly meeting Monday they should be. evening. A numtier of member« of IIowhrd'L. Shoemaker anil Miss The Dalles Cha inlier of Commerce Tomkin«, fhe latter principal and the were pn-sent. Talks were given by former inerats-r of the school Isiard. Mr. Barnnin, Mr. Nelson • and Mr. reported for tiie Pine Grove district, Sa minis. A short program was given f.’ounty Health Nurse Whittekvr de­ and light refreshment« were served, clared that precautionary mea«ures everyone getting acquainted with the were living taken throughout the en­ visitors while eating. We enjoyed tire county. She praised the teach­ their talks very much and got some ers for their cooperation. good suggestions. We hope this is » Dr. Stricker characterised scarlet not their last visit. fever a« one of the most difficult dis­ Turkish towel«, l>atli net«, table lin­ eases ’with which to cope. He said it en« make fine presents. Closing out was prevalent all over the United prices sav9 you real dollar«. Straus«. Staton. He declared that quarantine The lta«k«-tball game« Friday even­ should never be less than four week«. «« prescribed by Oregon law. and that ing between the Caacade Isxk« girls ft should be longer in many cases. and Mosier girl« and the (Cascade He characterized the disease, because IxM-k« isiys and Mosier boys were ut the- compllcatious, as une of the full of excitement. The girls' gaun*. moat dangerous for childhood. Dr. played first, was a close game. At Stricker oppimed the closing of the the end Of the first half the score sehisds. for the reason that the chil­ was tied. At the end of tiie next dren might mingle in play around quarter the Locks was ahead six their home«. He cited that many at­ point«. When the lant quarter began tend moving picture«. When Mr our girls were full of fight and they Crites announced that Manager Kol- made 14 ]sdnt«, ending the game with stad had offered to close the dimrs of a «core of 18 to 2fl in our favor. The ids places to children, if it was tbe Isiy«' game wan also g close contest. consensus of opinion that such would The first half ended 4 to 5 in favor Is- ncei-ssary as a health protection, of the Lock«, but the boys an usual warmed up in the last half and won the announcement drew applause. Dr. V. R. Abraham, while he said l>y a «core of 13 to 10 in Moeier’a he recognized such procedure as ar­ favor. The town team played baa- chaic. suggested that a 30-* PUCES . Entire Engagement Matinees and Evenings AduluS......... 2Í Children ........... Loges................ » * .» D W -^GRIFFITH ’• _ P'^’n,Z I A A merica Q thrlHirrf J’toru of Loue and /iomance by tfOBEXT W. CHAMGERJ' See the heart'shaking ride of Paul Revere— the most famous dramatic scene in the century. Sec Morgan’s Riflemen, the wild riding Virgin­ ians — immortal lovers on horseback, who saved the day for General Washington, and routed America’s most astonishing villain. Thrill tciih them Ride with them Dazzling Romance Love with them Mad Adventure ■r x> RIALTO THEATRE - Hood Rivar, Oregon Mon., Tues., » Wed. december O J A Special Music on the Wurlitjer. Endorsed by Press Pulpit and Public. i Christmas Dinner — «.A * if This is the biggest home event of the year. Have you placed your order yet r your Turkey, Goose, Ducks, Chk-kens, Roast you may desire for your table on that great festive occasion? ■ ■ And remember that we have at our Grocery every­ thing to go with the meat part of the menu. . Our stock is replete with every kind of a dainty that the kiddies enjoy for Christmas Day treats. Shopping Days Are Now Only SIX Do yours now and save yourself the rush toward the fir^t of next week. lappi HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 8811 SCARLET FEVER DIPHTHERIA You and your children can eliminate to a great extent the great hazard and inconvenience of being isolated from your family and loved ones, if you will take precaution to have your outer garments dry cleaned -. regularly. Dry cleaning kills 99.99% of all disease germs, according to govern­ ment records, and onr modern steam pressing kills the balance. . t* i / Having your clothes regularly cleaned is an insurance of good health. Call us now— Phone 1014. • |c~. l or 3 MEYER & KING Rubber Stamp Ink at OÍacier Office i „ - . áte’. 7> —. A