The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 11, 1924, Image 9

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The new Oakland Coach with body by Fisher is
now on display in our showroom. Its beauty
and roomy comfort mark an advance in
coach construction as impressive as its low price
The New Coach
Feature, ihur are uir.ning.^ind holding good will
Roomy comfort for five
Balloon Tire,
Control« on Steering Whed
Du Co finish in Sagebrush
Disc Steel Wheels
Permanent Visor
Green with orange striping
Unit Instrument Panel
Rear-View Mirror
Luxurious upholstery
Automatic Windshield
Transmission Lock
Four-wheel Brakes
Dome Light
One-piece V.V. Windshield
Automatic Spark Control
Extra Wide Doors—J4 inches
____ 2----
(Continued from flrat page)
coat. la «vary Inala aco it was con­
siderably leas for New York, where
A number of valley orchardiats In­
the survey waa conducted, than for
the orchards of Wenatchee and Hood terested In the prospects for nut cul­
ture here were guests of Richard H.
Turk, Vancouver, Wash , nut man, at
He warned the fruit grower, of the a banquet at the Waukouia hotel Sat­
western districts against a tendency urday night.
Instead of following
to estimate their land too high for the usual style of "from soup to nuts"
apple growing. He declared that the the menu was characterized by “aoup
vaine of the land here lii not because
of Its possibilities in producing profits and nuts,” for every course, except
from apples, that many other tilings the soup, featured nuts in some form.
have to be figured in to give It ita English walnuts from a tract owned
by Mrs. Anna Ziegler, of White Raini­
high value.
on, who was present, were nerved.
Tiie domestic transportation for ap­
The banquet followed a conference
ples of orchards in the eastern sec­ of some 30 growers at IJbrary hall
tions of the country, according to Dr. Saturday afternoon, when Gordon G.
McPherson, reached 12 per cent, while Brown and Mr. Turk addressed
those from the Pacific Northwest fruit men.
showed 30 per cent. On exixirt apples
the cost per box for eastern growers
reaches OS cents, while Hood River
growers have to pay 96% cents.
(Continued from Urat page)
A prominent feature of Dr. Mc­
Pherson’s recommendation carnè from two eitle«
cities were intermingling, among
his urging growers of all districts to them groups from Lyle, Stevenson
get together in some manner, in order and Underwood. There was hand
to effect lower domestic freights. He shaking. Pioneers from both sides of
declared that organised effort would the river gathered, looking up and
also bring about reforms in water down the mighty canyon, recalling
freight transportation through the how leas than 25 years ago the jour­
Panama canal to the Atlantic sea­ ney across the river could only be at­
board and make possible the con­ tempted by canoe.
struction of docks to facilitate hand­
"And I juat wonder,” said M. D.
ling and storing the fruit so han'dled. Odell, how long it will be before this
Dr. McPherson said that the ex­ steel span is antedated. In 10 or 15
port couditiona fit the present lime years from now we may be flying
are badly in need of reform. Apples, across the river iu numliers as large
he said, are often allowed to remain aB are now crossing by automobile.”
When the crowds of mid-Columbia
in the direct sun on* the docks for
several days. There is no storage folk, those from the North Bauk and
available for foreign fruit, and re­ those from the Oregon shore, who
forms are needed in putting the ap­ hereafter will be made dose neigh­
ples through the auctions. He also bors, had finished their visiting they
cited South America as a field for hurried to tlielr automobile«, strung
along the full length of -the bridge.
cooperative exploitation.
One of the greatest needs in the Washington folk proceeded to hurry
nation, however, Dr. McPherson cited, to Hood River and those of Or«*gou,
is that of educating the retailer in some of whom had never crossed the
methods that will result in a greater river before, motored on to White
distribution of apples. At the pres­ Salmon or the Helghta above Uuder-
Mid-Columbia Oregon and
ent time, he declared, the rules of wimm I.
retailers would seem to indicate that Washington folk learned more about
they were banded together to see just each other iu a few hours Saturday
how limited a quantity of apples they than they had learned iu all of the
past 20 years.
could get to consumers.
As a feature of tiie celebration lo­
He said that a survey was made in
privately owned grocery stores in cal business folk aud Manager Kol-
New York city on apples from Wash­ stad entertained the Washington vis­
ington districts.
Figures gathered itors at a fr«*e moving picture show
showed that the consumer's dollar at the Rialto theatre.
The Oregon-Waahlngtou Bridge Co.,
was apportioned as follows to the va­
rious factors in handling the apple« the private corporation owning the
from production to consumption : bridge, permitted all traffic from 10
Grower, $1.18 per box ; trana]>orta- a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday free of
tlon„ exclusive of refrigeration. SO toll. A stream of cans was constantly
crossing. A total of more than 1200
cents; wholesaler, 39 cents; jobber, cars
crosHed the structure during1
49 cents, and retailer, fil.ST.
"To remedy this evil,’ aaid Dr. Me- this time.
Tiie Hood River - White Salmon
Pherson, •4 ‘ 1 will require united action
on a large scale. I did not partici- bridge marka the beginning of a uew
pale in the activities of last winter epoch in mid-Coluuibia affairs. It
and spring connected with tiie efforts turns Hood River and White Salmon
toward organising a cooperative sale« Into the bub of mid-Columbia Caa-
cade scenic and industrial activities.
concern for the North west. But I Since the Columbia River Highway
know that such efforts are going to waa completed iu 1915, being tiie key
continue and some day some plan that unlocked the treasure chest of
will l>e put into effect that will bring scenery, highways have been complet
about coordination. Uutil some such <*d in every direction out from Hood
plan is effected the outlook for apple River. The main trunkline was fol-
growers Is going to be blue.
lowed by the bettermtmt of roads
AU of Friday afternoon, was con­ throughout
Hood River county, in or-
sumed In a dlscuaalon of varieties der that buudreds of motorists
and grades of fruit suitable for hx-al brought here over the new road
needs. While the consensus of opinion might I m * greet«*d with comfortable
backed the Newtown as the staple thoroughfares. The North Bank high­
apple here, tiecause of its long keep- way on the Washington side of the
ing qualities and Ita export demand. river was completed through from
the Npitzenburg had many liackera. Vancouver.
This summer it wan
The latter variety waa voted against opened to Lyle. Then came the ex-
by many becauae of the delicacy of tenslou of the Columbia River high­
the trees and its inability to stand way on through to The Dalles. Hood
heavy frost and the attacks of vari- River, formerly an isolat«*d commun-
ousz, diseases. It was shown that the ity, liecame better -known than many
Spitzenburg production had dropped other northwestern scenic districts.
off heavily here, following the 1919 The Columbia Gorge hotel, the north-
freeze. Many growers, however, in west's finest tourist hostelry, WSH
exceptional cases have shown an built by Simon Benson.
enormous Spitzenburg production the
The next step In turning Hood
I»ast year. Records of Gordon G. River into the bub of mid-Cblumbla
Brown showed that Delicious, with a motor jaunts was the construction of
production of 767 boxes to the acre. the Mount Hood Ixxip highway. The
leads In local production.
completion of this great scenic thor­
Dr. McPherson in the afternoon oughfare, bringing tb<> snowfields of
discussion cited that grades do not Mount Hood within a few hours of
figure to any great’ extent In eniianc- Portland, and the new luid-Columbla
lng the selling value of the apple In bridge will nttract thousands of addi­
the retail ¿trade. He said that one tional motorista to this community
of the greatest need« among western annually.
apple grower« I« to eliminate the
Tiie new bridge connects two trana-
competition tietween the different dis- contlnental rail lines and two trans-
trlcts. He said that the wholesaler contlnental motor highways. < >n the
will welcome such activity as stabil- Washington bank of the Columbia
izlng the industry from his stand the S. P. A S. R. R. Company's line
is parallele«! by the North Bank high-
R. E. Miller raised the point as to way, a part of the Evergreen lilgb
the value of printed apple wrappers. way, which «-onnects with the Yel­
He characterized this extra coat in lowstone trail route across the <*onti-
preparing the fruit for market as nent. (>u the Oregon shore trains.
Dr. McPherson, however, Saturday, while the opening (‘eremony
«aid that It had a value In moving was In progress, roll«*«! along the rails
the fruit to the wholesaler and to the of the O.-W. R. A N. Co., a ¡»art of
the great Union Pacific system. This
The sharpest alignment of senti- rail lln«* la paralleled by the Colum-
ment .In the course of the entire *«*- bia River highway, the w«*stern sec-
«ions of the conference was drawn tion of the Old Oregon Trail route.
when a motion, put by A. I. Mason.
pro|KiM*d eliminating one grade and
Former Ixiral Man Passes
having two Instead of three as at
A. L. Newton, who for many years
Howard Shoemaker urged
that such action tie not taken. In that was prominently Identified with Hood
the directorate of the Apple Growers River's Industrial life, died Monday.
Association is working on plana for November 24. at his home ut Eugene.
reforming the grade*. Thin commit Mr. Newton for some time bad been
too will meet at a horticultural con­ connected with the Eugene Fruitgrow-
ference In Portland soon, he sold. He ers’ Association. When here he was
asked that the conference voice no foreman of th«* Hood Klver Box Co,
sentiment in the matter, stating that and was an expert In apple packing
something and grading. He left here about 15
many were diwiissing
almut which they knew nothing. D years ago.
Mr. Newton Is survived by his wife.
I,. Pierson put an amendment that
the chairman. A. W. Peter*, appoint who is a sister of Emmett Tompkins.
a committee of three to dipeli*« the of this city, a son, Paul, of Eugene.
matter with the association commit- A daughter, Lena, resides In Seattle.
Funeral services were held Wednes-
tee. Both the amendment and the
day following the day of death, inter-
motion were carried.
A. F. S Steele declared that Hood ment occurring in Eugene.
River was overlooking an opportunity
Ed Sunday Hasn’t Heard Plans
in faHIng to establish a plant here
Ed Sunday. brother of the noted
for the manufacture of commercial
evangelist. In charge of the latter’s
alchohol from the cull apples.
Mr. Mason, however, declared it Odell country home, says he is at a
his hope that the meeting would for- loss to account for presa reports to
get any su<h plans. He even urged the effect that Rev. Billy Bunday and
that newspapers forget to mention his staff wilt leave soon on a globe
them. Mr. Mason rested under the encircling evangelistic tour. Mr. Sun-
Impression that such alchohol would day says he has had no message ln-
find Its way into channels of illicit dl<-ating any such plans.
Tn my last letter from Will,” said
the local brother, ••I ‘he wrote from
Nashville, Tenn., his letter dated N'o-
Train Vietin Buried
vember 2R. Ile did not mention the
The Ixxly of nn unidentified man. proposed world tour. He enclosed a
about 35 years old. killed Tuesday of letter, however, from President Cool-
last week by the eastbound Portland idge, thanking him for his Oregon
limited of the O W. R. A N, Co., Thanksgiving turkey. »» ’
when he stepped in front of the
train while looking over his shoulder
Woolpert-Knight Engagement
H nd eating an apple, was burled last
I hh Helen Knight, daughter of Mr.
Friday l>y C. c. Anderson in the
M rs. W. J. knight, Monday an-
potter's field.
The clothing of the man contained nounced her engagement to Oram
no mark of identification. He had a Woolpert, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Woolpert, at a card |>arty at the Orl-
lone 5-cent piece in one pocket.
ental cafe, Ten tables, uniquely dec-
orated. were placed for the guests.
VtwT Alkvi Buys Peeler Tract
Miss Knight Is a graduate of the
Homer G. Van Allen Monday pur­ University of California. Mr. Wool-
chased from Howard Peeler the pert Is a graduate of Harvard Uni­
latter’s 40-acre West Ride orchard versity. He was formerly a student
place. Mr. Van Alien will utilize the at the University of Washington and
la a memlier of Higtna Chi fraternity.
ranch for developing a dairy herd.
Mias Knight’s mother was hostess
Mr. Van Allen also plana on enter­
at the announcement party.
ing business In the city.
Everything in
Whatever it may be—from carrots
. to nuts and candies, from sugar
• to salt. We have it.
In addition we can supply you
with the best quality of fresh
and cured meata.
Indeed, the busy housewife, gets
her meats and groceries — just
what she wants and quickly, from
our store.
P hone
honb 8811
Standard Lumber Co
HORN BROS., Prop*.
December 1st we moved to our New Terminal—E. Water,
E. Yamhill and E. Taylor Sts. This building being con'
structed solely for the handling of Freight via Motor Truck
will greatly improve the service and create an efficient
method of transportation
Hood River.
The Dalles. ••
Mt. Hood
We Want Selling Apples
Jonathans, Ortleys, Spitzenburgs, Winter Bananas and
Delicious. All grades from Extra Fancy to Faced and FHted.
Cookers, large or small. We sell them for what they aro.
Successors to
Licensed with Oregon’s first class of Embalmers.
Phone 1381, 3821
Anderson Undertaking Co
C. Ci ANDERSON, Sole Pr .»prtetor
LicensedjEmbalmtr and Funeral Director