HUUD HIV EK GLAUIEK. THU I SPAY; NOVEMBER 20, 1924 BRIDGE WORK IS MOVING VERY FAST ■ . ) I ax - s I shippers last week expressed worry over the dumping ‘of fourth grade apples on eastern markets. The tear was expressed that heavy shipments of the low claee of fruit, which will hardly bring the shipper the coat of preparing for market, might have a serious effect on the price of the standard grades. Fed­ eral auction reports listed sales of fourth grade Delicious and New- towns at prices ranging from »1.08 tn »147. The freight charge eu the apples will reach 75 cents per box. YOUNG MEN INJURED, FALL FROM MITCHELL •O u Unices prevailing snow renders the Sam IndermuebLe aiyl Gordon Cun­ work of steel crews slow and haz- ningham. aged respectively 30 and arduus __ ___ tbe Waucoma interstate 18. were painfully bruised and cut bridge will be ready for trai_. Sunday afternoon when they fell ■ffic by December 15. aud Hood Rh-er friends from the side of the cliff of the huge will be able to motor over tlie struc­ rock promontory of Mitchells Point ture to tile homes of White Salmon above the tunnel of the highway. friends for Christmas dinner. >•« The young men with three compan­ Crews of the Gilpin Construction ion«, aU members of a signal crew Co. the past week have been engaged of the O.-W. R. A N. Co., wen oa a in placing the steel of the channel span, which. will be 252 feet long and rise over 90 feet above tlie low water mark. The entire bridge Is Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the City Tax Budget Committee of the City of Hood complete from the Oregon shore to the channel span. An SOO-foot wood­ Biver, on November 10, 1924, there was proposed and adopted an estimate of the money to be expended en trestle stretches from the land by the City during the year 1925, which estimate, together with the report of the present condition of ■erues the shallow liar to deep water. Thence the traffic will I m * Isime on department funds, is as follows: seven steel spans, each 20b feet long. , J ' From the Washington shore the A Statement General Fund, November 1, 1924. bridge* approaches over a long trestle IMHBURSKMENTS RECEIPTS work to a Howe-truss wooden span Police Department ................... 84727.88 »29778.97 Tate* received of 112 feet. Ti)is has already been 5937.43 Fira Department 688.83 Rents, Bale*, etc. ................. placed. and one of the two 208-foot 5218.37 Balaries ............... 793.00 ., Licenses .......... steel «pans has already lieen placed. 7488.33 t Miscellaneous 1035.00 >< . g Fines •■••••••• The crews finished the channel span 3288.43 Lights ................. •. •. • ........... 2512.00 Auto Park ......... Tuesday, and the next day they 8338 54 Parks ................... started immediately to place tlie last 184944 . , Paving 20H-foot steel span near the Wash-1 4000.00 i Transfer to Road Fund .... ingtou shore. »8087.02 . Overdraft, Nov. 1, 1924 Except for the channel «¡>an, the I roadway of the bridge will be of topi »40776 82 »40776.82 To taka .. »34709.80 Total collections deck construction. « E. 6. Blancliar. C. Dethman, A. D. I General Fund, 1925 Budget Moe and Ijeroy Childs walked from I Balance Ex pense Expense the Oregon shore to the channel span I Nov. 1, to Nov. 1, Allowed Expense Expense Item«. : pense last Thursday morning. The men de-1 A Dec. 1834. 1834. 1824. 1923 1923 1921 clared that the trip across the bridge. I POLICE DEPARTMENT high over the Columbia's waters, I City ] Marshal »260.00 »1500.00 »250.00 »1500.00 »1260 00 »1500 00 ........... »1500.00 »1500.00 with the impressive scenery of the I Night Marshal 1200.00 200.00 200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1000.00 1200 00 1200.00 Columbia gorge to lie viewed from I Traffic i Officer 3100.00 350.00 325.00 2000.00 ......... 1675.00 1786.00 1200.00 960.00 both tlie east and the west, will be I Extra Police ..... 50.00 242.65 600.00 1000.00 798.00 600 00 757.35 501.40 nothing leas than sensational. The I Incidentala 100.00 15.00 54.37 100.00 ......... 45.37, 45.63 133.87 view from the middle of the bridge I FIRE DEPARTMENT will give one an excellent sight of I Fire Engineer ... 320.00 1M0.00 257.50 192250 1920 00 1920.00 166250 1750 00 Hood River, and Mount H imm I on I Assistant Engineer 1500 00 250 00 250.00 1500 00 1562.50 1250.00 858 00 1143.00 clear days will loom majestically in 160.00 % 800 00 700.00 OD365.40 Fire Fighting 795.45 955.40 634.98 588.19 the background to the south. 500 00 OD282 80 100 00 100 00 Equipment 781.68 382.80 39851 717.98 2.40 1000.00 360.00 Fire Hose i. 180 00 357.60 . • 716.15 Yakima Road May Be Shortened 50 00 ’ 50.00 300.00 300.00 00 300.00 250.00 Fire Chief U 300 VW. w 300.00 ** 300.00 300.00 60 00 60 00 soo'oo 600.00 J_ 250.00 300.00 Material shortening of the Mount . Fire Marshal ........................................ 1GAA AA 19AA OA 1600.87 Auxiliary Fire Truck ................... Adams road and a reduction of the 250.00 250.00 OD629.13 Incidentals • 879.13 highway to a five per <>0111 grade as ~V the steeixwt incline are indicated as MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE — a potuiibllity by — L. V. • a Fairbrook, uiiuitma, in of 150.00 150.00 1000.00 900.00 900 00 900.00 750.00 900.00 City Recorder ■’................................ 60.00 60.00 860.00 the Yakima county engineer's offlee, 360.00 380.00 360.00 300 00 City Treasurer .................................. 360.00 125.00 125.00 who so informed Guldendale parties 625 00 750 00 760.00 800 00 600.00 City Attorney .................................... 600.00 250.00 is st week, reports the Goldendale 450.00 25 07 250.00 58835 424.93 450.00 97.88 Supplies and Audit .-................ 50.00 300 00 OD12 77 300 00 Agriculturist. Mr. Fairbrook is in 2080.00 1436.00 312.77 Engineering and Inspection ...«. 481 00 OD98.50 450 00 50.00 500.00 charge of a county road crew locat­ Health Officer ............... ............... 431.00 438 00 616.00 54350 ing the new route. . OD91.37 300.00 200.00 1799 85 200.00 291.37 Building Supplies A Betterment.. 321.57 550.00 152.07 250 00 466.63 397.93 550.00 Goldendale parties were Informed 543.00 Fuel ........................................ ............ 937.00 622.32 63660 that they liegan thia work tn mid­ 3177.68 3800.00 3850.00 Street Lights .................................... 1928.91 3710.86 872381 9.25 67 80 109.00 110.75 130.00 25.50 135.29 150.00 summer and would have reached the St. Lights and Signals ............... 3500.00 OD4738.54 •8238.54 200.00 3790 00 peak in a few more days if snow 778.00 856.62 461.73 ' Parks .................................................. 687.00 800.00 113.00 180.00 783.40 and tied weather had not forced them Park Caretaker ................... .............. 500.00 24300 , 200 00 OD254 56 to return to Yakima. 116.04 454.56 20153 400 00 Taxes .............................................. . x 310.00 534 261.62 304.66 12636 461.78 207.28 590.80 Elevation at Signal peak will be Improvement Bond« A Interest.. OD440.15 ^32 50 640.15 700.00 250.00 101.57 200.00 4.030 feet, which is 2,000 feet higher 350.00 Insurance 2000 00 500.00 3613.25 2500 00 3700.00 322640 500.00 2750.00 than the Snoqualmie (tass on the Library 500 00 Sunset highway. 760 00 275.72 224 28 250.00 1450.00 834.74 600 00 Interest on Warrants 480.00 80 00 480.00 400.00 341.00 395.00 80.00 480.00 Care of Garbage Two proposed routes are suggested. 1849 84 3000.00 1150 16 Paving 600.00 One of these runs south from White • 4000.00 4000 00 4000.00 Swan «cross the Toppenish creek to Transfer to Road Fund 4596.64 6277.01 4000.00 277.01 4281 90 9092.73 Emergency Fund .......... Mill creek, and follows the creek un­ 4000.00 2431.19 81076 2616.70 2904.03 Overdrafts 1st of Year . til the divide is reached, aud then 6000.00 2700 00 2700.00 2700.00 2700 00 Olty Hall Bond Interest Will follow tills ridge to Signal peak. | 2700.06 The second prommed route leaves »34639 90 »35838.36 14347«.02 »35374 8» »43500.08 »44400.80 To tata the present rt*d at the north fork of Toppenish creek, and follows that Estimated Receipt« »5600 00 to top of the divide, thereby eliminat-l To be raised by tax »4080040 Ing the rocky climb up the other fork. Road Fund, 1925 Budget Engineers lielleve either route will I 4 (mt down the distance. One of the I Expense Expense Balance Eetimated Estimate obstacles to tie avoided is the rocky I Ndv. 1, ■x. Nov. E1925M to Nov. 1, Items. rpente Expense Expense Allowed I grade up Toppenish creek, which will I 1934. 1934. 1924. A Dec. 1923 1983 1»21 he eliminated by these* routes. 100.00 8725.00 »100.00 »1500.00/ 500.00 600.00 Street Commissioner ....................... 81500.00 »600 00 Goldendale roads will connect with 250.00 1250 00 1500.00 250.00 Street Foreman .................................. 1500 00 this highway l,y way of Cedar Valley 250.00 Truckman ‘......... ,........................... .« 1350 00 1500.00 or at GlenwocsT. wiixjre tlie Mount I 4189.76 1221 30 2500 00 38.70 350 00 Street Labor .. ....... ................. 2457.69 2672.19 1360.00 Adams road terminates. 413.00 437 00 870 00 1045.83 850 00 100 00 Street Cleaning ana Repairs .... 84000 1000.00 784 26 572.49 806.86 500 00 OD30686 902.00 50.00 Equipment and Tools ................... 500 00 Apples Moving Fast 450 00 76719 878 28 OD428 28 1348 46 Road Truck* ...................................... 350 00 1700.00 77 82 500.00 35.21 474.79 210.90 505 70 26.00 Material ..................... «.................... The Oregon apple crop has been 156.05 149.60 4455 500.00 455.45 217.51 Road Oil ..................... ........................... 1500.00 moving out well, particularly from • Oak St. Drain Front to 1st St.... 666.00 tl>e Hood River district, though Hhl|>- • Round Corner 12th and May .... 440.00 ments have slowed down somewhat Street Castings ................................ 500.00 in the iMist tew days. Total ship­ Lumber and Tiling .......................... » 1000 00 ments from the state up- to the first 100.00 450 00 600 00 500 00 Emergency ........................................ 1 - - -a of this month were 2.HP9 <-ars, or 4000.00 2403.96 5631.79 3630.37 4555.19 Overdraft------ iiv .... u ..-. oo >.... 2300.00 only 177 cars less than tn the same period last year. »13340.23 5*1976 26 »808188 811393.97 »11900.00 »1475.00 Total* »14465.00 The H imm I River district lias ‘the Estimated Receipts distinction of being the only one in To be raised by Tax the Northwest with a normal crop thia year. Indications were that the Water Department, 1925 Budget crop, especially of later varieties, Expense Expense Balance Estimated 1836 would exceed early estimates by 10 Items. Expense Expense to Nov. 1, Allowed Now. 1 Expense per cent, which means that total car- Tex to be 1921 / 1922 1923 1924 1924 1924 Nov. A Dec. Raised lot movement may reach 3.300 to 3.500 cars. Because of tlie heavier Water Superintendent »1200.00 »1200 00 »1200.00 »1000 00 »200.06 »1200.00 »200 00 »1200 00 shipments of off grade stock, the per­ 900.00 City Recorder ..................... 900.00 900.00 150.00 750 00 900 00 160.00 1000 00 centage of the crop moved in carlots 171 50 304.00 260.50 275.55 300.00 39 50 Janitor Service ............. 54.00 325 00 will, no doubt, be iu*avier than last 419 84 240.13 465 21 Car Expense ........................ 1044 32 1000 00 OD44.33 25 00 385.00 season. Estimates for the White 81.37 250 00 237.79 Office Supplies and Audit 93.37 200 00 106 63 200.00 300 00 Salmon district remain altout the 120.00 180 00 Office Help 150.00 30.00 180.00 30.00 340.00 (Material) same—750 to HOO cars. 964.31 754.07 1636 86 Distribution 760 62 750.00 OD10.62 300.00 Picking was practically finished by 1306.66 .1264 00 1927.20 1928 63 Distribution (Labor) 1400.00 OD628.63 500.00 3020.00 the third week of October. Size of 115.25 Cbnduit (Material) 68.74 4.63 200.00 195 37 200 00 the apples left on the trees until that 37650 482.26 449 25 Conduit (Labor) ........... 42670 600.00 173 30 1006.00 month gained considerably. However, 823.64 417.00 Emergency (Operation) 115 60 300 00 319 79 OD19.79 25.00 300.00 the fruit as a rule will average two 396 10 260 00 424.25 600 00 Inspection .................... 500.00 ODIOO.OO 600 00 or three sizes smaller than last sea­ 43 37 33 80 39 98 Insurance 43 27 3 29 46.00 6480 00 son. but that will I m * alstut normal 5490.00 4500.00 4500.00 Bond Interest ............... 4600.00 4500 00 for the a 33.26 Janitor Service ........... 380.50 month before. The crop last year Car Expense ............... 104443 was 5.25o.(H>o boxen. The decrease Office Supplies ........... 83.37 from a year ago has lieen largely in Office Help ................. 150.00 the Milton-Freewater section anil in Distribution Service 3130.53 the Rogue River valley. Emergency ............... 313.73 >1 Inspection ......... 800 00 Insurance ................... 38.08 Bond Interest ............... 4600.00 Extensions A Betterments 139843 Overdraft Jan. 1, 1834.... 1584.05 H » THANKSGIVING /DINNER Whatever it may be that you desire in the way of the main part of the menu—TURKEY, GOOSE, DUCK, CHICKEN, ROAST BEEF, LAMB, ETC we have it. From our Grocery Department we can furnish you everything from the veriest dainty for am epicure to the everyday standby staples of the highest quality. laooi I- JUST CALL US \<=3°£2\ HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 8811 67>e LAURNELL MARKET e Nothing But The Best” TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS, or whatever meat you select for THANKSGIVING DINNER OYSTERS-WE HAVE THEM To serve our patrons better we are now making two deliveries a day — leaving the market at 9:30 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. U. S. INSPECTED MEAT LAURNELL PURE PORK SAUSAGE for these frosty mornings. The Best Quality with the Best Service This New Treatment Never Fa’ls to End Piles WINTER IS COMING! —But that makes no difference down at our shop, ‘ where we can care for your automobile repair needs. If your Truck, engaged in getting in the last of the apples, needs fixing, just bring it around. We can send a service car if you have had a breakdown. Our Shop is equipped to manufacture and repair. HOWELL BROS, Fourth Street. Tel. 2551 Warren & Greenwood Truck Lines Three Big Trucks Daily between HOOD RIVER AND PORTLAND Special Service for Apple Tonnage. It will pay you to call. R. J. WUNER. Resident Many sufferers from Piles or Hem­ orrhoids have become di*s|s>ndent be­ cause they have lieen led to lielieve that their case was hopeless and thnt there was nothing In the world to help them. To these |M*oplc we say, ‘'Go to your druggist and get an original box of MOAVA SUPPOSITORIES.” One of these inserted into the rectum according to directions will I m * found to give immediate relief. They reach tlie source of tin* trouble* and by their soothing. healing, antiseptic* ac­ tion first allay tlie |>ain and soreness and then by direct contact with the nlcvrs and pile*« cause* them to heal up and disappear forever. It's simply wonderful how speedily they act. Blessed relief often comes in two days. Even In cases that have steadily real st eel all known treat- ments. marvelous reaiilts have been obtained. A. H. Keir dispenses MOAVA RUP- I’OSITORIES In the original box or can get it for yon on short notice. Mail order« accepted. Hood River Box Co., lx»x mannfac* taring, Hood River. Oregon. Phons >342. m4U I Total Dirtmrsements Cash on hand — Total Collections ' 4 »18438.33 »14758.52 3871.80 »18436.32 ROAD RECEIPTS Taxes Licenses Transfers, »3778.37 1384 «5 4100.00 etc. A * ♦ Total Collections »92710» DISBURSEMENTS Overdraft, Jan. 1. 1824 i Street Commissioner Street Foreman .... Truck Driver ........... Street Labor ........... Street Cleaning .... Road Trucks ........... Equipment and Toole ... Material Road Oil Overdraft, Nov. 1, 1934 .. Ium»? »limrr Totals Recapitulation Estimated amount to he raised by City General Fund ......................... ................ Road Fond .............................................. Tax for 183S: »40900 80 8465.00 Said budget of estimate will come up for final discussion and adoption at the regular meeting of the Common Council on December 15, 1924, at which time any taxpayer or person interested may appear and present his objection to snch proposed expenditures. H T, Howe City Beoorder