Looking me straight iu the eye, lie said: "Is that so. young wan?“ "Yva. that is so,” I replied, "und I never shall." Holding out his hand; be said : ARTHUR D. MOE. Man«««' JOE D. THOM ISON. KJItw "Mbake. boy. ■ Had I have dtais the .41, same I would have been u man. lu- stead of what 1 am.' Subscription, 12.1H) rrr Year I liad accidentally run up against Ferd I'attenaui. and the meeting whs not a pleasant one. to tue nt least. LET MR. Ill ELAT RENIGN Early one bitterly cold morning, _Tliere are many thiugs we nilglit learn it: as 1 was loading my treasure chests Into the Issit of the stage ready to ,* nay about the municipal automobile Wave. Starry Flug. on high. leave on my return trip to The park. Spncv. lioweter, prevents a Float in the sunny sky, » r- Dulles, six shota. were heard down 1 lengthy «nnnteut. Hood Rfver knows Sttcam o’er the storm tide. tile street in rapid succvaMiou. Ot- For every atri|»e of criinsuR. hue, V*ry wejl the attitude taken by The Atid every star in the Held of blue. dfiiarily when shooting was in order Oregon City Make of Clothing Here you may choose from a complete tllacler last spring when tlie matter Ten-tliousaiKl < f tlie brnve and true In that auction of town, everyone had ImsincSH inside, wlilcli k<'|it tlicin ot tlm liurehaae of the Batchelder Tlave laid them down And died. there until peace reigned again, na will give your boy the neat, dressy appear­ array of models. Young men may select Tlir, property WH* UR- The. outcome dut<«une «1 of there was no tyliing in Juat which the admfiAliiratiou of tlw park has Maylie we are a little over nervous, direction tin* guns1 might la- |a>lnted“ ance so much desired as well as the best of styles that arc in current fashion. The staid not caused us to change oi^r mind liut we want' to suggest that the However, the fiisllade was over by lite time 1 could land tny cheat in Wu are not writing this in a f«int aviator who lias Is-eti engiigtal in the taiot of the stage, mid T cilmbisl wear and satisfaction. Made of all pure Vir- busincss man has a choice of correct models Of ‘‘I told you SO.” Rather e seif-sna- play safe. salooli. Neitel was an ex-deputy slier- Frankly we invite comparison as to style, mining; that it wonld take iare of iff of Walla Walla county, had ! m * ch way. the Vnprovemeut of the property ami To fully appreciate Hood Hiver fine of tin* Vigilant*, ¿wild had beep tailoring and values prominent in the Fall the payment of tile purchase price. Patterson and its opportnnitles local folk ought •ehwted to to the “jolk" We have rested, until recently, tin- to see some other parts of the nution. had Jnat taken his seat in the bar- showing of Clothcraft tailored Clothes, rang- Acr the Impression that an offer had according to H. E. Miller, of Odell. liar’a chair for ills morning ahave, when Heltel enter»«! front the rear fieon made tn purchase the inunleiiad Mr. Miller, who took a long motor and commenced shooting nt Patter ing in price from to $35.00. park. S»slng the drift toward a trip the past year, declares that he son’s liack. .lumping from the chair, hrttv.V economic burden for the clt,v. come home, a Hissi Hiver opt im he ran acroaa the afreet, Keitel ahiMit- ing as lit* ran. and just aa he entered we felt disposed toward a support of the door tlie sixth shot struck hint in such a movement, We have learned (lie back .of the head.’ It was a cow­ Mr. r Huelat’i since, however. lliat I WliUt business of Hood Hirer is ardly. brutal murder.' and had Put- proposition Is altogether, different liiggcr than the een armed the outcome would liave been different. from a purchase. Indeed. If aceepted. Know It lad ter. Visit the sclnails The ( >roa<»nian. commenting in a a« preferred the council Monday tomorrow. — MISSES’ SPORT HOSE f SPECIAL —LADIES SIZE column long article, wald Patteraon night, it might prevent an advantage­ WHS U southerner of good family, a Woolen sport hose for misses in dark mixtures gen.- ous sale of the property. Mr. Hue- Has your family been quarantined? college graduate, and a Here is an exceptional bargain for the lady who with fancy cuff tops. A splendid hose for the money lat'a proposition may be a good tiling If so you have gitine»! a new appre­ tlvman when not npd^the influence of liquor. and aw fearleww aa it was requires an extra size dress. The making alone would While they last, the pair .......... ......... 29c for tbi* city. Wo note, however, that ciation of hoinu life. [MiHsihle for a man to la*. he. is to l>e granted- all - concessions cost you more than we re asking for the finished gar- After n lilliiitM-r of lawless acta, SPECIAL LADIES’ SILK 50c and the return from the same. As We suggest that on bardista right among which win the hanging of a l r» f»r«nc». Hava equipment to the nelgliborinani und is living in FOR SALE Lo*>t-8rnall Indexed address book and MH- ' plies to tourists. nue. Phone W. H. McGuire. M9t n9tf or would take our'« past equipment. Ad'lreaa fold, tne latter with ernteiaaed Initials Finder the Hillstroiu bungalow. We will end our auto park com- B* J Montgomery, Hood Hiver, Or.. n Ulf please retu*n to Glact r office for reward. aS if (By Capt. H. CC Coe) LBW1H* TRAPNE.HTFI) KE l)H-Our~av»r- B. J. Montgomery was n Portland A bungalow. Tel. after « p. m. ye under < .overnnw nt dm . 2C2 efftp per bird, No. A7SI. ment wit li just one miggeatlon. and ' See J. B. Lister for Burglary, theft and lar­ If I renieiulHT rightly, it was in visitor last week. Warned — By eiperlenced man and »He. ‘■0% non setters. We are booking orders now ceny coverage: 11,000 at about 1% per cent. that is thia:' Mr. Ilnelat. If he la to the slimmer of 1MB 'that Ferd Pat- Work on ranch, tian Rueaell, (Mell, Ore. n‘JU fo Mar and Apr chi« k*at 2 »ceach, 10% down For RnnMIroom botine, recently reco nd I Wm. Leasure caught a Best company. • nlltf «Ulf cnatlque as a bidder for the munici­ tersoll drlftisl into Portland from the In a trap In tlie Middh* Crest oriiiard snd balance ten days before delivery. Ralph Honed. bMlb, etc. 1223 Stale. Cai) 2H04 Wanted—Hospital nursing or care for small H. Lewis, Willow Flat U?0t( BOARO ANU ROOM for men only, of northern California. Fat- tiiinea pal adto' park, ghonld resign from n week ago. For Rent—t wo lurnlalied rooms wllh beat, children and housework Mrs. J, Hering, care For H h I u —Lloyh y carri ve, ¡Ike n°w, Ughi and bath. Tel. 37S3, Mrs. J Edglnetn.i. W 8. Underwood, box 38C, Motor route A. phone l«llLorca l_nl 12 (Columbia. terson ciime with an unsavory repu- the council. Indeed. Mr. ' Uncial Miss Mildred Montgomery nnd Mrs. a IM) • «Ink 181M) filhKiaJe Sk Tèi. 25K7 n*20U The Dalles, Ore.,or phone 1378, The Dalles. m*0 Ealntln». Papering «■> Portland Satur­ Wanted—Horses for pasture In Wasco Co. tor a short (line. A t< Burna. »10 Sib Ht. oSMt Ker Hslr—A Ear. ks ' iu1 ut» «weeper. Mr», day for a short visit. WANTED Only ho ses that are in good condition. Tel. Hao.Csiup. R *' Il 4. lltMtl Htver;Orr. toff to the council last sunmier Immedi­ the couutry'a good, lie hud Ins'll en- Parkdale 286 or l& G. Edgington. d4 For Exchange—Hl ock and dairy rauob Mr. und Mrs. J. tireeii. who l>ave sanguinary liattles Wanted-Elderly woman, healthy, thtelli. ately on bis appointment to a posi­ gaged iu many siingiiinar.v Want bomr proposition, Income, what have gent, cheerful, wants work a» «astatant In and saloon hrawla mid ills itody I sire Inn'll visiting in eastern Oregon, re- Wanted—Competent maid for general house­ yon? Address C. M. C., care Ulaeiar. xtf tion on the city's payroll. g’WMl home Best ot references. Address A. L. work. Tel. 2 >l’3 oTSlf ample evidence of the des|M-rate turned home Sunday. rare nr Glaeter,_____ a4 Portable (aaollue power wotsl aaw. Will JU . J----------1„J xj Wanted —Hoard for girl II years old going to call Immadlately 1» «liber elty or valley, Miss Ruth Hosenlmry np»‘nt tlie cliardcter of there ei|niuntern, lining For Ha'e- 86 «ere«, abotit half In full tearing Wanted to Rent—An Al orchard. 60 acres or school, reasonable. Address ('. T C., care ot ■quick, rood work," my motto. W.J Cai*. Bl’SINESS PROSPECT« GOOD literally a mass of scars from Imllet week end in Portland. orchard * nice M» room i ouse.aii modrrtitgood more. I am an experienced orcbnrdlst and Glacier. a4lf Pboue 310.1. barn, tenant holier, spring water piped into mid knife wounds. , loran Coo|a-r left Saturday for both liouso Him barn. I u*t come To t hr (I'a. ., ChrUtinus shipping is opening up TI m * lute Dr. Charles B. Brooks, of Tacoma, where lie will visit his pur- cier office and find out at wbat a bargain it -earner than usual In Hood Itiver this The Dalle», related to tlie writer 'll can be bought for. v n20tf ents. season. Metchanls anticipate a- rec­ nuiulaT of liistmicre where tie had Mrs. Kirby entile down from east- Forcale—-A Corona porp« hie typewriter. See ord pre-holiday bnalnesa, they say. Imen called profreslonally to attend em Dregon I hm I week und Is visiting Mr Colby at ApPle'City Electric Shop. Phone •♦Ml. n77 It was her daughter, Mrs. II. Osborjje. .More than 2.X00 carioada of ai>plra film after a saloon brawl. «aid thi're were nix notchra filed on For Httla- Lton Ford truck It» heat of rood'- have been forwarded to the markets his j»i««t«»l barrel, ill» advent to Port­ tlo*i Prlc< d io seit, I iiquIre of Guy Sears SALMON atPlneGroveorlel.ru oil of the country, nnd because of the land H i — Hn« i aveb at ' oderwood Plans tire In-lng made for it big (’nods, or part of th?m, for the year'» ical party mnl actually tilled every lelebratinn tu ilediente tlie new Union Iteighfs, Wfiall. IfnucrcH of fine tr»c«. 20 acres ehstive anil, of tsiurse. evwy nit­ lilgli scliool, will» h is to In* completed In Mifuifw. HO aerc« niore readv to pinnt. Rich, cyop. red«ho> «oll, no «tone«. fine hl« hoiiKeand fine Decentln-r IBtli. Contractor large burn. H miic U fiicei* on FvergFeen H gb. -. Indications point to a gross return isiintive oflic« in tlie city wit h nii-iii- nlsiiit la-rs of tile gang. Boise was then a Reeves Is moving along rapidly mid -u »Tv lloUae citn be m « en from any wliere In 'r>f an approximate »4.000,000 for the mln|ng center, mid a rough place, lloorf KKer valley. Fingst view In America will hav<‘ tlie tlniHhcrs lit JVork inside Witt real fo rtrsf-eleas tenard only. Pr W H 1021 apple crop, and btislne»a prow-' filh-rf’ with" minors, gnmliiers and tin- of tlie building Hext week, nini he UMntier-, ik » Stockton Bt., Sau Kmnclaen. d( perlty for the city and valley the riff-raff of tlie California niliies. then lio|H'S tu have tlie building completed For ^ale f heap—Ffeah Jersey heifer and For tlie next two l>y tlie nildille of Iicceiiiln-r. Antoni” on ’tlie wane. calf, i'tione 2ti Purkdale. n!3tf coming year are ammred. yeiirs tlie town was a pnradis»- for bile and Rprgy rig dealers anticipate imt-throata, gnmliiers and that tlk. For Male—Relied (lern polatoea. ,1 Parrel Pont Delivery Moitilay »nokat tbe ram'li. Guy Hears, let 4:44 nn unprecedented stimulus to their By tlie smmner of IKtMl, however, Postumster J o I iiihou announced yes- F01 Male ‘flx Wf^k^old plf* PlMreonemlle buaineaa the first of • the year, ami tlie Is'lter class of citizens eonsi h | delivery wntli ot Hood River Height«. J. T Heal- ^himlier dealera Mud contractors report llM'iuselies strong enough to make ii service will Is- Inniiguriited here next clgh, Rl 2. l>27 demount rat ion and organized ii law Tin* rervlce will tlfat ninth row I den re building Is In nnil order club. They pria'is'ded to Munday morning. For M h I«—Fine N« tted Gem potatoe«. >*• one n20 proapret for the coining fpring and 27. II. E raldwell. Tlie gambling fraternity made thein ■hiliiiHoii mitlcIpiileH. that tlie delivery summer. Foi S»l- En««*« .«"nur Th»nk«vivln« tnr- selves scariv In short order, I’atter- of parcel» will eiinilnate considerable ki-i s »! wbolr-’ilv p-lci-H of T. J. Miller. WC' N»tn itemli «I for Walla Walla, where ei.iiftislon Hint now exists in the early deliver lu or ne«r Hissi River. Tel SUB. n'JO taui A I’KEDKAMENT m»»rutng when patrons atr railing for soinR, of ilia bixm isuiiIMIlloilS also For Sal»'—A Kimball piano. J. R Wllrex. Moaivr, or. olBlt It certainly is. Hint of Governor «ought a haven of rest. The strehn- imekagea. Roliert Clark will have charge of Walter M. Pierce. And yet how mis work of tlie i>a»t three year» ha»l tlie tlellveries. l'or —O. I. ('hunter White pl«», nine weeks old. Phone 5146. .'(Xihld he have expts-ted events to put Fatterann'a nerves on the bum ">> «lint a month at tbe Meailinin For Sale?*World Mtar hosiery and knit un. ('•nflarated Auto Sold tilrfi out other than they have? Mr. Wariu Springs was icqulrc»! t»> ■ rest d<*rw< nr are liml h lilt«* belUr Try them «nd Pierce went into offict» two years ago. liini to normal. you ’ll wenr no other. B«*l»er line of (TreM While he was get- iind d'Hpery yiAtenulM Tel re. Kiln Burn«, «foihiwlng a campaign of extraordi­ "ting lit» much nredetl rest, the ex­ No. • »’2. <»911 narily rash promises. It was a time deputy sheriff of linker »suiuty. who f or Mnlr — A portab'n assolino S’ xh I hw It seems had a difference with Patter­ rnoun'Cd on Ford truci». Isti of city nod \mbcu (he voters wanted “a change.” son of long standing,- nml who luid a nuiniry work and iw>> umidynrds T»>. 340s. re. brother of the •-His election. . ]>crhaps. was not aneli reputation as a gunman, concluded < »n b- «»••ti st 11iir|Hise of ror ««Ir..«¿V«y-tree 01ov«r b»y. T«l. m»l new .afleker after guliernatorlal lion- brothers are scions of the family <*. H. Bone. getting ids num. with the result (lint o2lt . retiirne») t<> Baker city in a box. wlilcli Ixingmln* Springs In lini- FoV Mah^tilooddrv 16 h». íir woo ’ , delivered National I’srk ore phiikw !. oh liow fli'kle.is the public! t'ouldn't Seif defenre again lurn»‘il Patterson Itone 1717 Call morti! ng or evening, «litt *M>.TMCrcc gunge the trend of today. ft'»»'. Hi- then eauti* to Malin Wnlla For Sale—R**a|3enee. S rnorna. al«oSelo*he, Slid inn de his hend»|iuirters nt t ’ owny .jl>liit drift back from radicalism to i .■lo«e<«, bath, raclry Eine vl«-w of < o'ombla A Wi-l<'h’» saloon, with r»a>ni» up In "rom boni |ioteb. Hewer roonc'llor.a, ba«e- wndiy? lh' evidently did not. He stnirs. for flu' winter. alsit Now Walin I HOC- nient. itarnge, fruii. Thöne ine. '«com» d lieforc the election to continue Walin at tills lime was emerging For «'F Trifle—13 «r»r»« In appi»« «nd iiAAir« «i x to twelve yeua old, H «er* « m «IfnitH. to dream of*an nuginentcd change. from tlie mining town clans and flic Kiihiown.e òp payment« I', O B<»i si 11. advent of Pattcrnoii and ills gang - Gut something “drappt^d." nml it S’Mnfi« i'l, ore. tll oU-nf <14 T< d was a matter of much, dlsKntisfn» lion •.‘»nippl'd" mighty hard for the gov to th»' la tter class of citizens ns well For 4-kle—1(1-in Hr mo «1 pine wood «Imi 4-f«N»t tlel1vrr» <1 Wu*t Hide and H«*od Hiver. ertidr. It's a hard bed he's going to ns to (lie rougher |a.>rtlons of the Phone MM, alili Following the exnaiph* St. Mary's Catholir Churrh .lugve to occupy the next two years. («immunity. of Bolac City, it vlgllnnt committee First Mnta. S n. m. und HP«f»nd M iim « I Bgt Mr. Pierce should not grumble, nns formed with the avowed purpose Hir M.i.-Onf Arri'tlfflU No 4 Arbor Pre»«. 10.30 cRch Sunday mi»nilng. Evon* vile made It. :< mw 1 hurcKin. <4oi»<1 hujr. Hsrtnl- ManwOelrt. of »leaning up the town. That win phone Illi. '» r 1 was a iikrylng the expr» -s for t ; Wells. Fargo A Co. There were two HOOD RIVER FIRST of us on the Wnlla Walin route. (!>»> For S m .» - Pigs, I*. B Laraway Phon»* 4661. .- Hitts off to Kent Shoemaker for bit»' Tilomas II f’ann. of Seattle. In­ 2 Jtnr Tbe Grange CisilMTlItive st< re's dis ¿Htfng the H< mx I Hiver election IT- Ing the other messenger. During-tin' For s»le—Fir ami pine I« In. stennibont It nwiiril during \nple Week, was ar­ tetl'vei anvwher” In the valley. K. ßoiur running on »Juu vas a service that the otfiie of secre- •In' express account of freeze ups. ranged In Fay Dliisnioor. of tlie Dnk Sard. lei. iMell .'tift. was tlie only mean» of For B r le- Good lv»dy fir wood, bo»It 16 Inch Tbe huiulnonie fruit ’•tWYy'of stale appreciate«, and it was getting news from til»' outside world. (■rote district. and four.f«M»l, delivered on Fast Hide Tel. .a bo» h to the press and the eager SO tile messenger was often tlie me- waa nil grown on ills un hard piare. E RenurcgHrd, Odell !Kk1 JAlIf Tlie display created a great dial of dium of business transactions, and ynhll’i. Fo- .*»!«•- My plii'-e two miles eonlhnt (>-e of isinrse the express arrival -ver Comment. on t’srkilnle ron.1. A. K. Nickelé. l-hoiie .»«And herein wo wish to join Mr. land once a wis’k from Tlie Italics l’nikil» . 1». Jv'JlIf Shoemaker In a word of appreciation was a nuiltcr of int(>rest to flic city. For 8 *!♦—(O mm I dry IS-In. hndv fir wood, de» ] ”fo thp rncmla rs of tlie Ilood River ! X« •. I U ’ »e n ! mi I hot ►<»»!»• 'II 1-1 fir Tel. I L o I al in Fcliruar^ on my arrival nt I 17. cull niornlnuH or evening** BulUimin clf»ct|on board«. We are sure there Wiilbt Walin I lutil some liusiliess to lirod ' JylOîf transact with Dmi Welch, of the were )«t more cfUcient or earnest For H«ie—tnàxi iota for aale ’n all parta of saloon firm of Cowny A Wch'h, mid the city, prices right. A. W. ( »niimnk ('<>, aUtf ls>ards in ttie state of Oregon than went to the saloon nnd stoinl leaning oí eours of Hood Hiver .county.. It was on the counter while In cohversatiim for H't tollot and imih. I lots aqil ra’»«», some fruii n pleasure for the press and officials with Welch, with whom I had I’’ « -.. «I.Hde trees and ahrnbhery. liMU Taylor long m (pminted. As I was alio to-work with them. Sire«», on the IIolrh’e Hiesi River. Aditreaa turn nwny to leave the pince; a OireotiC. MHsiker. Marjhlll. Waan. nttlf Will! hhd been engaged ill a I For H»|» — Apple reach, pear and cher»y I e V>fi .suggest Hint local folk Kft out .»nine arose nnd came up t»<<- We have a full line of general uitTaery , “Are nuwk Phone Parkdale a# or wtlta C. T. K»w •th Odell tomorrow night, take dinner ter mid inquired; Pai kdale. Katf' Fargo's messenger ?” ‘Sfitti tbe Central Vale Mothers' club “Yes, Sir.” I replied. pind fotm a doser acquaintance with FOR RENT “Come have a drink.” Üie go<«l citizens <>f that neiglibor- "Tlinnk you, sir. I do not drink." For Kent—A «.«all ftirtt’ebed Idonee. Phone I r»-t>lied. 2774 or call at tbe Oregon Barber Hbop n20 •bofid. "What, by God. sir, won't' you ALi_____ «------------------ For Rent-Furnished apartments close In. drink witli n gentleman?" nnd I i I m 515 M«ate St. Phone 2MI. nlftlf Deceipbcr 0 Is going to loom hand dropped to his side. — .. mid­ large ‘Ln thf nfTalrs of . the AVeb-li instantly.stepiMtl between n« &uhnflbJn Th«* flood Ki ver - White mid said. "Ford. Mie Iwiy never took »MImon bridge will be opened that n drink in his life, mid it WHS no For Ileal—A «mall, comfortable borne In disrespect to yon Hint h^ would not loan Juel the thing for a eouple. Phono Thj? i drink with you. ” IVM, nett «• a , -» Ijunù ftturr (Kladrr Till* in Kd^vnllon Week, and one of the days t* Observed as Patriotic Day. I.aat week Mrs Edw. Hawkes •uggveted to us a new I ■laf salute. It la DMt lii us. but was used. ‘ she tells us. by children when site was a teacher. It is wortli repeating. We give It here with the reintntwnd- atiou that yoft have your children Retailers of to Wear \^e PARIS FAIR The Store alue* Suits for Men and Boys Boy»’ Why not have a new suit for Thanksgiving ? $23.50 SPECIAL ’ EXTRA — FERD PATTERSON PIONEER BAD MAN MIDDLE WHITE Four office rooms facing Second St., In Eliot building. t. A. Franz Co ♦. HOSE — SILK DRESSES