HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924 Where Your Pennies Do The Work Where Your Dollars Do Double Duty For You Dollars $ v iT» r CASCADE WRITING PAPER —By the Pound The w I h « norren> ¡NiDdeut (Uncov­ ered long ago mat It WK* « WMMle of money tx» buv writing paper in other form. Home nt the very w I east of the ulae ooph aluo dincov- er«t it a wutr or ttrn« to »0 el«p. whare ami pay uòo for wtiat tliry 00014 obtain h rn for Mr lb. regular. . Thia Sale bOc .. 2 for NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 51C These are the genuine article. Each tablet contains five grains. Made in America by Americans. Ju boxea of two doxen. NOVEMBER 20, 21 and 22 THF ■ PI Lflil AN. . we w us y| regular price for any item here adverti*ed and you another of game kind for ONE CENT. *0 Th*8 8t^e was by *be United Drug Company as an advertising plan. .The. Company sacrifices it* profits in order to get a larger distribution of it* meritorious product«, and you get, the benefit*. Take advantage of thi* unequalled opportunity to learn more of thi* splendid line of merchandise. . PIIRPO^F* MAXIMUM HOT WATER BOTTLE HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET GOODS The largest selling bottl in the world. The price everywhere is $2.50 each. Full 2 qt. capacity: Guar- anteed. for one year. Bottle Perfumra and Toilet Preparations $1.25 Lilac Toilet Water, 4 ox 2 for $1.2(1 60c Arbutus Comp, ('ream 2 for 61c 5O<- Harmony Liquid Shampoo 2 for 51c 25c Rexall Mt-dicated Hkiu Soap 2 for 26c 25c Kleuzo Tar Soap ... 2 for 26c 15c Rexall Toilet Soap 2 for 16c 25c Talc ............ Jonteel - -u__ 2 for 26c 50c Harmony _ Massage Cream 2 for 51c $1.50 Bouquet Itami-e toilet water 2 for $1.51 75e Jtineve Vanishing Cream .... 2 for 76c Tltls Sale $2.50 Ä, $2.51 Same Guarantee Same Goods Standard Price One nr Box uDC Beautiful packages of Toilet Water, each containing the true odor of the flower whose name it bears — Locust Blossom, Arbutus 1 and Georgia Rose. --------------------- fee This Sale $1.00 Kile, $1.01 REXALL TOOTH PASTE A perfect dent- rlfice antiseptic and deodorant. Cleans and whit­ ens the teeth. It «linen out tint on the brush. Standard Price Cimili of AlmondH Tooth Paste Improved — Syrup White Pine and Tar ___ Eye Water. Itexall .- Kidney Pills, Rexall ,_... (’ont Solvent Carlsilic Salve 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 for for for for for tor for HOUSEHOLD NEEDS lfic 50c 25c 5()c 30c 25<- 50c 35c 40c 75c 50c 30c Adhesive Plaster, One Inch 2 for Adhesive Plaster, 1 In. by 5 yd 2 for Zinc Oxide, Tillies....................... JI tor Cascara Tablets.... ...... 2 for Phenolphthalein Wafers_______ 2 for Soda Mints, 100's_______ 2 for Kidney Pills . .......... 2 for Antiseptic Tooth Powder ___ 2 tor Cream Almonds .... 2 for Shaving Ixition r. 2 tor Milk Magnesia ..... . 2 tor Bronchial Salvé 2 for 16c 51c 26c 51c 31c 26c 51c 36c 41c 76c 51c . 2 for 46c In-inon Extract .... ... Symonds Inn Cocoa _______ 2 for 86c Tth Brushes__ _________ _ . 2 for 51c Cbocolax .... ..................... ..... Conii»ound Mimtard Ointment Hard Rubber Combs ........... Rexall Liver Pills. 100 in pkg 2 Milk of Magm-sia, 16 ox. sixe 2 Cascara Sagrada Tablets, 5 gr 2 Axpirin Tablets, 24 in lmx .....- 2 Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder ..... ............ 5Oc Jonteel Ilougc __ __ 45c 35c 50c 30c 30c 85c 25c 50c 50c 35c 50c KLENZO DENTAL CREME The large aize. You will recognize the large blue package. A Rexall Product that is popular the world over. This Sale Standard Price One REXALL TOILET SOAP A splendid grade of hard milled soap. Does not' become soft . and muosy. HOI SFHOLI) REMEDIES 40c 25c 60c 25c 50c 25c 25c Sale Price This Sale Two • Boxes «JvC Also in large sized boxes. 2 for 7(1. 2 for 75<- Jlineve (’old ('ream 50c Hair kìx. Same Prl<-e HARMONY TOILET WATER Standard Price Standard F^ice Thia Sale One Bar S tandard Price This Sale One nr Two Tube JdC Tubes ûOC GOOD FORM HAIR NETS Real Hair One Net 10c 15c Two Nets lie 1 /• IOC Two Bars REXALL THEATRICAL •COLD CREAM Originally made for the theatrical pro­ fession; now used universally aa a cleans­ ing cream. In thia sale you get two full pound tins for 76c. >" Standard Price Sale Price HARMONY LIQUID SHAMPOO Just the thing you have been looking for. A delightfully perfumed high grade liquid soap. Once uaed always used. Standard Price This Sale feleSOC fee. 51C JONTEEL TOILET SOAP Standard Price REXALL SHAVING CREAM - dh n P ASPIRIN TABLETS V Standard Price Q m P Sale Price Standard Price KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC BOUQUET RAME’E FACE POWDER Mouth wash and throat gargle that gets results. Finest Face Powder on the Market STATIONERY. SUNDRIES AND HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Sundries, Brushes, Rubber Goods STATIONERY 25<- Velour Powder Puff...'.— 2 for 26c $1.75 Hair Brush (11 rows mixed 4 . . brtatli-M) .. ----- a— 2 tor $1.76 $2.50 Mnx. Fountalp Syringe — 2 for $2.51 $1.2S Ixither Brush ........... — $1.26 $1.00 Kymphi.ity Iniwu, 24 sheets of |>ap<-r nnd 24 envelopes 2 for $1.01 50r Cascnde Pound PlIlM-r tor file 40«- Cascade Envelop« s. 50 in pkg CANDY 2 for 66c 65c Liggett’s Wrap|H‘d Cnranx-ls 2 for 6c . 5c Liggett's Mints __ 2 for ft- 5c Peppermints 2 for 6c ,.... -’•c Wintergr«-en ________ ________ . 2 for 11.01 $1.00 Rose Dawn ClKM-olates 35c Liggett's Milk Chix-olales, V«lb 2 for 36c PHARMACELTK’AUS 35c Aspirin, IT. 1). Co., 5 gr. tablets. 24s 50c ('««■lira 5 gr. tablets, 8CC, 100s. One Box Two Boxes $1.00 $1.01 BOUQUET RAME’E SOAP A Very Fine Toilet Soap Two Bara 30c Phenolphthalein Intx. Tablets, jiluk, divided, fia., 36a LEMON COCOA BUTTER CREAM The first time it has been offered at a reduced price. It tones and bleaches the akin. Standard Price Two for 51c Lemon Cocoa Butter Skin Lotion Standard BOUQUET RAME’E The 3&XaJUL Store HOOD RIVER, TALCUM OREGON One Cab 1 Two Cans Besides these products you will find many others at attractive prices NO CREDIT ON THIS ONE CENT SALE. tendent Cannon from Tin- American by tbe Amer Iran Library AsM«M-|ntiop the visitors may see the prix-esses of Security Association and were dis­ giving the proper books to rend from education and daily work. Ixils Jtvtn Sinclair. Edward Nau- tributed through the courtesy of the the first grade throngh the eighth. . # (Miriam Grow) In the high school n set of Amori- mes, Harriett Fuller and Roger Wood­ Because of the courtesy extended Butler Banking Company mid the to Professor H. G. Keeney in the ut«- First National Bank, of Ilood River, enn biographies In 40 volumes ami a yard have la-on chosen for the de- of the science laboratory «luring the who paid for the printing mid trans­ new A merles ns encyclop-dl-t In 3 > bating team of Hood' River high volumes hns Just been added to the school. last vacation he hns presented to the portation. At the Junior high school the prin­ library nt a cost of approximately Hood River high school a set of 26 X Junior High Notes microscopic slie l»e given under »»- th«- direction tlon "In Flanders Field." by Carol, fn yonr month. I hly The memlM-ndilp eominlttie of the ruxui ____ ___ __ __ _______ ________ of School of Principal MlM Gibson, Friday. Novem- Hurlburt. N«r the close of the , yell The board __ of directors irtkv'tbe footbail team teain from Buck! District Kn No. 3 vrttt will hold n ixiblic public . .her Is school schtml v visiting day wh««i Legion Auxiliary will give an after­ practice the footixll her 21. is — r3 the M-hooI budget in: sll parents nnd patrons, also lovers noon for nicmlH-rH of the nnit with ley high school arrived and • was hearing on of the blah Reboot building, of tbe public schools, are urged to the new roemlM-ra as Hpcelal guests given an enthusiastic re«-eptlon. Af- «— mm ------- 6 _ ... * ; visit as many rooms and an many this afternoon (Thursday) at Mrs. ter the high school assembly little. Friday night at 7.30. Thia Children'» ______ Book Week , and dnms rooms without cercmotiv. ceremony, _ ____ _ daite' r7 illustrated in" These'city. Esch grade a/Jizwvl school puptl n.*** was I The teachers Al**» are fnatCx» Instructed to nA*. con- wishes to send a I mix of Jellies to tbe d * illustrateci ill colors. (Nfiorii ^Theæ * city JW«»«*» pamphlets were secured by Snperln- presented with a book Hat cotdpiled. tlnue (heir class work In order that' boys at tbe hospital In Portland tor SCHOOL NEWS ‘7’1 KRESSE DRUG CO their Thanksgiving. All niemlieni and frb^idn of the unit are aske«l to leave a glnHH at Coolidge's Jewelry shop not later than' Saturday. Remember to plan for your Christ­ man Hhopplng at the Auxiliary Imxaar Saturday. Itecemlier 6. Barrett P.-T. Meeting The Barrett Pa rent-Teacher ..._ Asso- elation will meet Tnestlay evening. November 18. at the achl building. An interesting program arranged by. th«- committee will Include a talk by Mrs. Marcia Yeck. prfacl|>al of Bar­ rett school, on "Character Building Through the Child’s Reading." and an addrem hy Rev. L. H. Miner, whose subject will b» "The Fourth R In Edncation." Excellent music will lie provided, and refreshments served during the social hour. of Importance will dub. Ji Harold Hagen haa Invested la a ■ew Ford coupe and to able to be at borne quite frequently. He to em­ ployed as fireman ou an engine which la uaed in building a new darn for the Oregon Lumber Company at D m . Please reuieml»er. everyone tn Heed River valley, the Imxaar to be held under the auspices of the Motbers’ club at the grange hall afteruoon had evening of Friday. November 21. Supper will be served at dJO till all are eerved. One of those fine suppers that have won a reputation for Cent­ ral Vale and Willow Flat. Everyone Is cordially invited to be there. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gilkerson spent Friday and Saturday in Port land atendlng the ato«k «how. Everyon«- pleaae be ready with your Red Cr->sa contribution for next week. Re-vatly. when *. M. Chandler of the Oregon-Washington Bridge company, was here he Informed Harry ('ounaway. who will be super­ intendent of the structure, that the span will be ready for traffic about Nov« inber 29. The fidlowing is the schedule of tolls on the bridge, each rate l>elng for a one-way trip. A. Rates for Individuals— 1. Pedeatrlaas. each one i>eraon ’ ( nee note following No. 6), $.16. o < »no iteraon on I»!« ycle. includ Ing blcy.-le (nee nota following No. 6). $.20. 3. Tw<> fjereona on bicycle, includ­ ing 1 Icy le ( see note following No. 6). $.30. 4. Facto pens» riding u|s n an aniiii-il (Including animal), (see note foMr.wing No. 6). $.20. 5 Each |M-rson (except driver) riding upon a vehicle u«>t o|»erateaaeen- gera. It Is the intention' of Hood River county tu construct a “road connecting (lie Columbia River highway with the south approach of the bridge owned by the Oregon-Washington Bridge Company; such road to tie a i»rt of a main highway system, adequate to care for all traffic, and frve from In­ terruptions by normal high water. Whenever such road shall be con­ structed. the public shall be entitled to make free use of such portion of the Oregon approach as may be nec­ essary to reach a wharf to be owned and operated by the public; provided that such free use is made In such a manner as not to interfere with traf­ fic across the bridge. and that such approach is not to be uaed by the public In connection with the opera- lions of any couuaercial ferry be­ tween H< hh 1 River. White Salmon and Underwood. W. C. T. U. NOTES The Octolter im-eting of the W. C. T. V. was held Tuesday, October 21 at the home of Mrs. M. R. Crowell Plana of work for the criming year were discussed. Home of the depart inent sujierintendent« were ap|silnte«l for the coming year as follows: Children’s Farm Home. Mrs. C. B W«iolpert; antl-narcotlc. Mrs. Belle Hughes; parliamentary. Mrs. W. F. Mraway; official papers. Mrs. Edg Ington: soldiers and sailors. Mrs. W. L. Smith; evangelistic, Mrs. II. C Clark; motliers* meetings. Mrs. Edg­ ington : legislative. Mrs. J. R. Nickel­ son: literature. Mrs. Duane Reeder. Chairmen of standing committees were appotated as follows: Finance Mrs. A. B. Bennett; telephone. Mrs E. II. Hartwig; refreshments. Mrs. L. W. Burnsworth; program. Mrs. K D. Peterson, and receidion, Mrs. L. II. Huggins. Vice presidents were appointed by Ill«* official lM>ard from the different rhnrclien an follows: Mrs. C. R. Delepine. Mm. S M Atkinnon. Mm. A. W. label I. Mm. Inman, Mm. J. R. Forden a-nd Mr». J. F. Groff. The resignation of Mm. W. W Arnes, treasurer, wan ac«-epted. Mm. W. H. Chipping was elerted treasurer for the coming year. Aft«r the business meeting a pro­ gram in charge of Mm. J. R. Nickel­ son and Mm. J. R. Wilson was given. The ineaniires to lie voted on at the coming election were ev-Jained. A clever recitation entitled. “Do you Vote?” w»« given by Mm. Wm. Foaa. A reading wan given by Miss Olive (’«poor and a piano du«*t by Mm. J. R. Wilson and Mian Evelyn Brune. After the program eoeoa and cookies were nerved by the refreshment com Iilittee. Mrs. A. R. Altklns. chairman. The W. C. T. I’, will ravt Tuesday. November 18. at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. R. Nickelaen on the high­ way. Mm. J. F. Groff Is in charge of-the transportation. Mendtem nnd guests on the Heights will please tne«-t at the Huggins store. Those «town town will meet at the J. C. Penney store. Cars will leave both places beginning at 1.30. Everyone Is Invited. The program Is in charge of Mm. Wm. Foss, sniierlntendent of medical temperan<-e. Mrs. A. B. Ben­ nett in chairman of the refreshment committee this month. Secretary Conference Well Attended Teil Baker, who spent the latter part of last week In Portland at a conference of secretaries of Oregon chambers of commerce. reported that the session was attended by about 75 jier «-ent of the officials. The CENTRAL VALE meeting, he declared, was very sne- (Vssful. chamber men looking for­ Miss Frey spent the week end In ward with greft optimism to prog­ Portland. ress In every part of the state the The Mothers' club meetings will be Ctfming year. resumed after the apple harvest. The first meeting will tie next Tuesday Focene Cosi Oil Mops »mokin» anc at tbe home of Mrs. Oscar Cameron, •meiling oil atovea. In bulk at Freni Mrs. R. R. Creson. hostess. All meffi- m29tf tiers please be present, as . business WARM inaminuttj With Pearl Oil in a good oil heater—you can warm up any room in the house in a jiffy. Abao. lutely no odor, though you use it every hour of the day — because Pearl Oil is entirely consumed by the flame. In even the beat oil heaters—you should nat only the highest-qnality km osene. Avoid ’’kerosene” or which may mean any land of kerosene. Order "Pearl Oil” by the name that's copyrighted for your pro- te&ion. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California)