■» » HOOD ItlVEH GLM’IEMTIIUIISD a Y. NOVEMBER,13. 1924 Tlie natlou ncsls more na*n of the type of Si-nator Henry Cabot Ixidge. ~«L wilt» ¿USSed-jOIl the 9ill»*r.;dMX lift« years of leadership in national aud ARTHUR D. MOK. Manager. JOE D. THOM ISON. Eda** However much 1/ International affair«. any of 11« may have disagreed with Nubscriptloo. SS.00 Per Year. him <>n international poliiles. all of us must admiry him and ¡»ay trilmte ADVKKTWINO RATEM to his M-riouaiiess of ptiTpt»«e;j_ Henry Foreign agenta. 3Ü cent, per In -b. lea. 15 per Lodge made an irni^refM in cent commleelon and t per cent caab diaoouol; Calait WaualeaH aau, ZQ aaola; InUrnilllvul ad vert Ia­ era zo and '2* centa per Inch: iv«nlar local ad- world affairs (liat will last long. ìjunb Äturr (Starter ~r 4 verllaera, Z0 o»nla per Inch, extra ober«» tor nrelernd poeltlon. Clawlllad afta 1 eeula per line lor Ini «ea«, int«lin«m M cante; and t onnu par Hua aueoeaaiv« additional week, minimum lOeauli; local reader, U) cenia peí -Uon. ■ cante tor each ,11000,- lnaeriion. in ml mum each England is the world's greatest' ap­ ple eating nation. we are prone to think, lifter hearing Mr. Taylor tell how 27.<“*M**I Isixes are consumed in tlie Tight Little Isle each year. And Hint is n|l the greater reason JOIN THE BED CKOSS The anuual roll call of tlie Hood why England shouldn't plai-e a tariff Hirer Rod Crow will occur tomor­ on their favorite apple«. They grow row." AVe think It superfluous for us in America. ;> to urge Hood Biver folk to Jolne Tlie It was a ihost Imprcsaive program, gisifl works of the Red Croas chapter here and the national ami interna­ thut given Armiuliiv Bay at the Ri­ tional work of tile great humanitar­ alto theatre. W’r fisd sure that ev­ ian organization are well known to eryone present returned home with a Juat because determination to honor the old Coe all llood River folk. this is the eve of the annual Red Flag by is-tter American citizenship. n forceful American cuss word was emitted by the Cliliiume«. It was su> fuuuy that the offiivrs were iinaldg to say anything for laughiag. * Bing was found to ¡ hi «««.'« nine quarts Of Chinese liquor. I > th.-er» said that he had “ l>een sefling it at 25 cents _per , drink over his siala fountain i>ari Bing was released ou ¡testing $3e PARIS FAIR The Store Boys’ Clothing Keep Warm We were never better prepared to take care of your boy* than we are this fall with All-Wool Sturdy Suits that not only have the dressy appearance and high class tailoring but also wearing qualities that are so much needed for active boy*. Most of these suits are City _ Woolen Mill* of all _ pure . a made by a Oregon - . . . --- _ _ _ . virgin wool. Virgin Wool doubles the wear, __ ________ 1 nm suits with two pairs of trousers, Pants and coat full lined. There’s nothing to beat ¡at th< the*^, suits. All size* and many different weaves i and __________ coloring* _ to choose _____ from; they’ll cost no more than other makes and you are sure of getting the best in these Oregon City Suits for your boys. In Pure, Virgin Wool Mackinaw*. Full belted or half belted model*. Neat plaid patterns or plain Size* for men, youth* and boys. Muff weaves, pockets to keep your hands warm or big patch pockets. Generously cut. There’s nothing to beat a Mackinaw for school wear Cross' Roll Call we are going to re- Hood River ha* passed the 240(1- print a recent eilltorlal in tin- Red Gross Courier, wherein was expressed car mark on applea shlpiied this COUNTY HEALTH NOTES an appreciation for n couipllmenf. It Housen. PerhaiM the apple ¡»ioiieers The Novmnlwr infapt welfare clinic there dreamod of sudi a day.—Ore­ has been postponed on advice of Hn! follows: health officer. Thirty years in congress, the last gonia n. All those Interested In the work of 12 years a memlier of tlie senate. Health Association will JolTu Sliarp William«, aff«*ct innately The Saturday Evening Post in the Hie County .show their npiireeiation uf the stip- termed by ills colleagues "the sage last iie. k’s issue tarried a handsome port given tliefr > work by the lied of Yazoo City." houored tlie Red Crosa by »¡»caking at a recent Missia- picture of the flood Hiver valley, It Cross by contributing TOP tier cent to *• yippl eonfei'ciici*. When be retired in illustrated a special article by Garet the call of Hint organization In their Y annual Roll Call lioing conducted thia 1923. ‘to Lis cotton plantation, Mr Garret. week, for without the support of the Williams said lie would not again f Red Cross county -heirtttr- activities His-ak in pulilie. He came out of n*- tlilRtlcR. or they will choke would tie greatly curtailed, Kill the Lirena-nt to I'tpreiw kind thoughts of Miss Juliet Whltteker was in Port his friend, the Igte President Hard to Worthlessness SOI1H* of our most ing, at a mciiiori(il service, and again valuable agricultural and horticultur­ land Wednesday to bear Miss Eliza hath Fox,.national director of public caiuc among Ills loved and loving al land. *' So lively to your touch, so cheerily colored th^t health for tlie Red Cross. people to R|s*ak of Hie Red Cross. you exclaim with delight. These are Jacob’s Oregon The lieauty of Mr. Williams’ Riversilk- Church fatherly advice. thonghta and the __ ___ ... ____ City Blankets of pure virgin wool. We have a won­ wjkicli Were mi aptly enuglit l»y the Sabbath sr lnsd 0.15 a. m. Morning derful line of these soft, lustrous fleeced blankets for reporter of tlie Jackson Red Cross worship at 11 o'clock. Christian En­ uyufengu-e, are as a draugiit *of ¡sire. deavor society. 6.45 ¡1. m. <’hisses in you to choose from. We also have a big line of <1*^1. spring water to those athirst religions education TVedncsday after­ after lalsir iu tlie vineyard of human noon. 115. Thursday evening nus-t- azvlee. "It Is not what gm*« into an C. E. Graves, who In now librarian ing nt 7.30. Ilr. Fraser prern lies Sun­ — 2nd ganizatlou. but wbat comes out of I at one* of tlie California normal day iiioriiing. having for ills sulijeet. it, that 'onatitutes its saving grace. I schools at Arcata, Calif., remains a “Tire Religions Unrest." He recently cor- tQe. fruit liy which it is Judged,” be I I loyal Oregonian. . •........ - says. The venerable statesman points I rectisl a statement in the San Frati- Booze Charge Drawn Arrest I claco Chronicle to .tlfe' precious principle animating nlsmt the Cloud Cap Herman Hleverkropp was arrested His letter to that news- the Red.Cross anil emphasizes that I inn road. Tuesday night nt It local hotel on a Hie .hearts of the Individual uivinls*rs lailier follows: liquor charge. Officers were called a« cojues first aud the local chapters | Auto Editor, lile Chronicle: In next. He speaks of it ns "the graml- your issue of Octolier 20 ap|Raiirs an a result of complaints from other ^.'Ht. pfgiinizcd human iiistruuieiitallty I article lit tlie auto section nlsiut tile guests at the hostelry, it was stated. Vbr mutual aervlc? on tills earth to I l>erfor|mlnee of a certalu six'In shat Have You Radio in Your Home? <14ir " «. ter Ing time records in tlie climb from Know will soon Is- here and radio ft is good to liave such warm eout-1 Mount Hood I-odgC to Cloud Cup Inn. iuem«tiou from a man who lias Issm I on the north slope of Mount Hood. will be a|1pree|ated by all of the fam­ lolig in public service and who. I The statement is made Hint this* road ily. At your service, II B. Rend. through, all that service, won and I is oue of the most dangerous in Ore­ The Radio Simp of Hood River. k«pt Hie esteem of men and Women I gon. Wlille not wishing to detract oX nil jH.llti«-nl beliefs. His talk at I nt all from tlie credit du« this par­ Mr. ami Mrs. R. K. Scott mid Mr. Jackson is one of the finest Roil Call I ticular make of car in making the and Mrs. R. E. Harto] sjamt Hie we< k documents, for It nprssses to the I climb in hiic I i a marvelously short end nt Seattle, visiting tin* son of ¡■yople tlu* fruits ol Ills mature I space of time, yet I should like to the former. Tilomas Scott, nt V. of W. thought .and Judgment of the Auierl I correct tlie erroneous Impression left »■i\u Red Cross iu language that Is I with your readers in regard to the Iteeudfiil and which vibrates the I condition of this exceedingly scenic heart strings. I road. 1 have traveled „ over it several As lie ¡Milnts to “the initial rigid different times , ............. .. ............................. by ear in summer, «enter .is tin* heart of Hie individual," Hnpro*iin»Htefy six rnlleit,' It |»t«scs' WHERE AVE LOST Ol'T I thnmglr lieiivy tluils r, ’ Wlili no preei- roy. trouwni. Parly driving rord truck was I pices or canyons anywhere in sight. For A ineriràn No l Arbor Pre«*», -ecu o> pick up bundle Finder pleaMcall H. vood hmvaln. i.’Qod buy. Bartol-Mansf1«-ld’ M. lack, Owl lr.MUor IR7. Reward Ibtaod River had practically no rep-1 “Difficult," «■< rtnililj' deserllx s if, but nil phone 1111. aliti retemtatlon at the Pacific Interna -! "dangeroua" is an outright lil>el. L.>«f-Did yrin And my mntometei? (Editor tlonal Llvestm'k Exposition. Would Moreover, even if it is difficult at -ay« acre nt on flr«t «nd third «viable«) |f«o t „ ,, ¡»resent, it will within another season r|»HMe leave at Hocks Hrrvlce Station and It hot have been profitable for us to tK! ,.xnMsllngly easy. Tlie I’nited receive reward. A. J. Grow, phone 4«73. nl8 have celebrated Apple Week with a I St idea Forest Service has iilready Palatine, Papering anti Tinting. Fl/-«t claaa For Mai**- Fir and pine |H in. erj 1 I fl. wood, creditable display of onr fruit and •’onqileted a new grade, with a six delivered anvwhere in lhe valley. E. Heaiire* work. You to be the Judge Price« very low lor a «bort time. A U Burn«, WK) ttUi Hl. oSUlf gnrd. 1 «I. (Mieli ;ot>. , uitHl othtar products there? The Portland «Tr„n7‘,,1I '’-¡»¡" «""K FOR SALE . I Mount H<*od Is sip highway With For Exchange—HI 00 k and dairy ranch. For S h l?:-Gaod iHMly flr wt»«»d, Iwilh 16 Inch livesto^t show is Just what the name L *|4,ll(| (,'ap Inu, and flu* surfacing For Hale — Rcihhiut<»n. 12 kuhkl * double bar­ • nd four.foot, delivered on Fant Hide Tel. Want home propoalllon. Income, what have /)•►<■» yon T Addreaa C. M. U., care ulacler. xtf E Beauregard, Odell 3M J litf Implies, an international affair, and will take place next season, thus reled *bot nun in fine condition. Winebeater rifle, 22 »>ier)M|. with t*cep Mihi it draws a heavy attendance from the lll,,kl,|K easily accvMsible one of the |12,!M). Call U. F Morden, phone V3u3. Portable xHMillue power wood aaw. Will n!3 For.4i»le My p’ace Iu4 ini1»* snail) of !)»•? . effirtern part __ of sb , «•. I* > States and . I I IwHiifv HiM>tn of the Ain<‘r1ciin contl / on 1’ rk'iflle road. A. K. Nickel«. Done call imniedlaielv I-* either city or valley. the I nlted hl(,,f For Sale <’tie«|>—One yearling belfer, exoell- ParktiH • l<* ■ Quick, ernst work," my motto. W.J Caln. J\2ltf 1'hone 3MO. d 2 ö ^S.**M*" I nay itself is well wortli a* trip'from *nt milk «train. Pitone 5 ko «. For Mile—»Good dry V» In hodv fir wood, dc- Hood Blver would have received I California to travel over. Tills is an For Male _.**o m-rs» ofoik »»el Hr. ».»»I coril- l»vemi We h I m > have some hire 4-f fir Tel. Hai’xman wood Here**»-. 4J¿ mite» wwl of town. Wsrren I Io <*«ll mornUigN or evenings an enviable publicity with n dlHpinv •’*,' "K,"n "r lhc well known Columbiii Milter, tel. Mat ' Bro* •* «, j.vlO’f dr .1 following fark if possible. u nuniM chosen for the new club. . t - ■ lt whs stated tliat Hie new argan .Me ' rancher breathesg u sigh of] ization lias a roster of io memlsTs Tlie charter enrollment, it was antii-l- contentment. His nnno.vaiicc Is over pnted. woulil rcncli alsmt To by Fri fat fim season. Tin- period for bunt- day evening. Recently tlie Cliiunla-r of Commen-e. iQ^ China pheasants is over, mid Hie by aetion of its iliiectorate and a . however, de»d. the actions of an almlghty lot believed tliat tlie club rooms sliiiuld ofzthe intruding city hunters brand l»e maintained for cutertainiiig visit­ t|*m ps the most illhred lot of lin- ors to tin* city and for tlie enliven- leiii-e of country folk visiting town. ngudty tliat we have Int.-ly had an It was eiteil tliat this city Ims no opportunity to hear about If HI* social dub. such as may la* found in country folk Would go down to the various other cities of tlie same size. THE AVTO PARK NEW CLUB IS READY TO MAKE ITS BOW city nnd trespass as hastily and pro- nifscu- 'isly ns ili-\ we .would Is* nt tb« p* 'lee Rtntion .irinntea. in loss than Id President .Coolidge Is going to luive HTMI1 trent Thanksgiving. Billy Sun­ day has a big gobbler out on bls Odell country place that Is la in" f.<1 milk and corn. Mr. Sunday attended lhe turkey flock himself last summer. Ndw Ills brother E WMV. IIOQM CMII »»<• M Ii'.lii Hiljwli' H’ II» Hood River vn I tex FThw»l view Iu A hmtich Will rent to H isi - c I hmm t< nun! only. I»r. W M Manner*, «00 Mt«»cfcton HL, Ran- Frauclnco. d4 For Kale Cheap— Fresh Jersey heifer »nd calf, rtione 20 I'nrkdMle. nl3tf Foi • (Aaal lof« for - tie in hi par?« o| lherlty. t rice« right. A. W. <)nt .tank A Oo. «Utl F»»r M r •< —ê morn lion** wffh i»ntf tollet i I) I l>Hth 4 I'ltN H«,. I • ,, - , s< »»lie lm It » rtMM. Miirnh* «yw« flirt imnibbFTv'. frit* Tuytor <»ti tlie Hv’ghtR, H< mw 1 Hiver. Addrm«* t’giNorii' .MaulMtr. Mnrj hill Wash. * uSRI Frrr-H,io — Apple. peach. i*ear six! cherry tree». We have a full line of een. r**l nnraerv »tuck I'lion, Parkdale re’or write C. T. Itaw non. Par Iola le FOR RENT For Hals— Ji. I let (lem potnmr*. Ml p. r ■a< k al ths raucii. H«ar». lei ..II ti.’o For Rale X wr k * old p gì Flare one mile otiti) of Hood River Height«. J. ’1' N« h I- •tgii, Hi. 2. U27 F<»r S h I?-HlX wf< k » <» d pig*, f I » hc ‘ i . potatolo?*. Nette 1 Urn*«, 1*1 per I«) iba AI« o uJ I For Hale IXHnlnilllhlr. ronv«nleuuy lOfflHi-d 1-n mil ikiuw Pilone 1921. lilltf For Mule- ‘•Inc Net led (fem potato?*. 1*’ one W27. H. F. ( »hlwell. n5i For Rent—Fnrpl«hed apart nauta cluar in. SIRR’ate Rt. Phno»2ffl1. n!3lf For H» nt -T«m thr.*-roon> atilt»«.'al I reme, alllonnt. Tel. »11. Mr, II. J. >redrrlrk. light Kor Heut—A »ipsll, conifbrtsme home In Iowa Just tlie Ibiag lor s conpl«. l’nnnc IHN. nttlt F.w Rent—F'»nr ro»rn thinglcd hung*low on •Oil'll -hlc H'lD'icrel* pHYriiw "1, |uwt went ol th«*! torn, known th? Mrl.enn hungxiow Ideol for two pt r*on>. Waler fuinhlitd, U. X H hy r, chea>> for <]nick «ale. I.’li) B nt. n!3 For R. nt Oec. I — Ilon»*-»I 70* l'a«ca<1i* «ve' nur. •Phone W B. »IcGulre. n9tf For Kent—Toree room liouo*. modera. T7. For Male A 1924 mole I Fold coupe will) *Xlr«». Geo L H n i i h Ro'i fr I. tel 47.1» |»13 1WM Turk?)« Ft-r Srle—t’ rn led Thank-givlng turkey«. T» i I’, li. Mohr.« Bru« nU For Hurte* Enrnge your Th»nkag1vlhgttir- keva at wholvMMlc iirlei ** of T. .I. Miller. WHI deliver in or hear flood Rivuj. Tel. frÄL nJt) For Mule Tuberculin'te«ted. frevh vnu»-r llolMte'n cow« 2 lulle« ee«t of < hnc - u I p L am U m , (’oluiiiblH Hiv» r >1 ighway. c. E. Field«, <*»«• cade l/ock«, Ore. n!3 o.3üu For Reni—A bungalow. No. MM. Tel. after f» p in. olfttf For IP*nt—fl-room bonne.- recently rivondi tlon* l. tMtii i ali/RH «lltr For Hint — T • i<>|> lb*«*r of the l>svi<1»on Bandii*« Tel. UM. »«Ilf F«>r Rent —1 w—O !. ('. I'hMtcf White pl|(H. nine wenkflold. Phone 51 if . <»lf»ti ForSah- Wnrld-Hhq- ho*>i»?y iin malrrlalB Tel Mr*. I*. II* ITTv No. w______r,ptf Wnntrd to Rent— tn Al orchard, .tal aerea or moo I am an exifrrlenceil oreharillat and can give l-.-al of retta . neon Have oei nment ■ >r « G l take one*» ■*:<•• f qulpm. nt. Addrena B J Mimrg.nnert. li<**d Rrver, or*. nlktt Wiinird^-Ry experienced m h n »nd w“e. Work on ranch. Pan Kumril. Odell, Ore nJ) WunfHd—Hospital nnr«lhg or rare for Mtna'I rbtulren and housework- M in J, Mering, («’e W s I’nde-WOMI, box :uu M .i«»r route A lhe bailee, Ore., or phone 1372» The bailee- |RM) For Hste-Spraj-tiee clover, bay C . K. Hone. Tel. ’".'I n2ll For^Ssle—Two r.»l*biu-e» on C wm - hi I c »ve Phone Mil!- nil Fur «hone 4717. g * m » i ('Mil <|rjr Ifi ti». Hr w<» i ». or «tvrnliw iml «Hit, For M mi »*—Rpfllrifnc«. M roont*. « I«. rio* )-.** (•loset«. b«ih. Fin? view of o’ntnhiH from front N»urr r«■»’nccimi •*. t» -r ment, khthkc , trult. Phone 4?7*. «IMif For H»!r ox Tr uie- 1 a tn »n! neflr« e»x tn fweKv (»rrt Hm r» « in nirntf« 9*4(0 9 4W) tiown, o op pH.y mehl« |*. o H aj m St an Held, ore. «tLotf.nftdi Wanted—florjee ft>r pasture in Waaco Co. oftlv I»*» ««» that are In «« mh I rondlUoo. Tei. PnrkdaleTtf or G Edghifftt»n. n'JO U mo ted—Competent m»l<1 for general house work, lei 2*3 oZMf W .*.•■ .1 n.iHt.i 1er e* i I > ear»old going to »0h»w»l. iva«uu«ble. Addrt mm C. T U., citre of < ilHcii i . MISCELLANEOUS I It. I.Infer for Humlsry, theft »nd lar­ i-rii» lover,««: ILUM »I about I', per ,-enl. B.«| company. nl.Wf' FonnU—Hird dog. f> male. -.* brown psiche, under the eym. owner cnn ''«vr asine upon proi-er I'ltiilincallon aud paying Kirkrep. In- *|UI e IK*! May HI. liewl«'Trai nested Kwl*. otrd. r*o:•> ani > R oom f**r men only N?Uer«. Hu I ph R l>rwt«. fllltf phone 1611. or ca lai l‘t * Columbia. Em 9aif ’• m nr »nd pin? wood «♦*<» Ioni Oa Tocher ta’It about HO yard, below delivered Fani sud We**t Hide «nd Hood Hiver. 1 Foal side arade, bun*1 le coi-lalnlng 4 pair, Pboue canvan glovea. 1 can nbne oli ami 1 pall oordu ■ , J r ■*fel