r'CicsDAT. NOVEMBER 13, 1924 WASCO COUNTY IS LEADER AT SHOW J. L. BLACK. M. D (Homeopathic Physician) . Ottica at residence, 724 Cascade Ava. Telephone 2061 _ ~- t -- - NOTICE ------ ------------------- ---------- C. W. HAMILTON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon » Office Brosius Block Office Phone 3741 Home Phone 3742 We are the Representatives in this District for the firm of H. L DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Culls promptly answered in town or ... country—Day or Night Phonos: Residence, 1242; Office, 1241. Office In the Brosius Building J. & H. Goodwin, Ltd Dealers in both Drs. Abraham & Sifton Domestic and Export Fruits Physicians A Surgeons Butler Bank Building Phones: Office 4151 Hr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 3013. We are prepared as their Representatives to make liberal advances on all Fruits. Dr. W. Donald Nickelsen Cancer, Plastic Surgery and Radium Therapy Stevens Building. Portland. Ore. Consultation Hood Hiver by nppoint- 1 " mi nt. Phone 5!t5!) . We are also in a position to supply the grower with all his orchard requirements. Drs. Thrane & Rogers Physician.« & Surgeons Mt. Hood Hotel Bldg., main entrance Office Phone 2173 Residence Phones] Dr. Tlirnne 2174. Dr. Rogers 2601. If an INDEPENDENT SHIPPER see us before making final disposition of your crop. DR. MEARLE C. FOX HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY Eye, Ear Nose and Throat 015 Stevens Bldg. Portland, Ore. L. R. Alexander, D. M. D. DENTIST Office 4, r> and 6 Smith Building Office Phone. 2021 Res. 1‘taone 3144 liooj River, Oregon Fountain Pens? t L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. Brosiiig Building Office Honrs: 8 n. ni. to 0 p. m. Qffi?e Tel. 3101 Residence Tel. 8412 •—-------- - --------- .-------- - ---------- Have you quit using them? Ct H. JENKINS, D. M. D You’ll begin again after you have seen those !' indestructible pens at Lara way’s. You can use them for baseball bats, if you wish, or golf clubs. You can throw them on the floor and walk on them, yet they remain as good as new and write just as well as before the abuse. DENTIST Plumes: Office 1081; Residence 3331 - Office over Butler Bank DR. S. L. PETERSON DENTIST Eliot Building, Ilood River, Oregon l’liomu: Res. 2743; Office 3812 L. L. MURPHY Drop in and see them ! DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Buite 0. Brosius Building A. J. DERBY LAWYER First National Bank Building Ilood River, Oregon W. F. LARAWAY 4 We wiH. pieuse you with our Gifts That Last Dressmaking Hemstitching a Specialty MRS. FLORENCE SIMONTON at Tbe Paris Fair M. E. WELCH - Licensed Veterinary Jp prepared to do any Krina ry line. He can <x of apples displayed by Julius Sandoz, of Mill creek, wuo won first priz, and sweeps takes with a box of Deli louH apptas. from con­ tenders representing districts all over the Pacific Northwest. Fourt<*en first prizes were given Wasco county exhibitors this year, most of these being awarded in the fruit section. In the grain displays two first prizes, two second, five thirds, oue fourth, two sixths and one tenth, were awarded. Tlie Dalles Ul>eratlve Association took tlie first prize for u $75 box association pack, with Mosier second. A cash award of $125 followed the Judges' decisioi on first place, with $75 cash going to Mosier for SCMDIld. Pneumonic Plague (By Frederick D. Stricker, M. D„ collalioratiiig epidemiologist, Oregon _ State Board ot Health, in ciMipera- tioil with the United States Public lleultli Service. I From time immemorial the very mention of plague lias at ruck terror to the liearts of mankind in practical­ ly every land and nation of tlie globe. With the establishment of interna­ tional travel tin- tragedy of plugue began. No oth< r diseuse of man has I ever assumed tlie a la ruling propor­ tions of this one dread malady that could, when enshrouded in medieval siiimts I itiön. decimate one-fourth of tin* entire population of tbe known world. With tlie knowledge of the exact cause aud most of the factors under­ lying the mode of transmission, plugue lias lost its ability to spread death and destruction broadcast; yet until the world -can be induced to take certain essential precautions, plague will continue to exist. It is only on the actual eve of an out­ break tlia^ the public will demand active measures of prevention. Rodent plague Ims ls*eu slumliering along tlie Pacific coast for a number of years. The present outbreak of pneumonic plagitu in Ixis Angeles em­ phasises tlie fact tlmt plague still ex­ ists in this country. Tin* rein Hun be- tw'-en bubonic and pneuyi'iuic plague is iH-esuniably dependent on tlie varia­ tion in the cfaariicicristica of tiu* race of bacilli con<-eri)ed in a given out­ break. Tbe bia< k death of the Mid­ dle Ages is to be regarded as plague pneumonia. It is highly contagious. Tile rf|H*ciflC cause is tile Bncilliia pestiä. Infection is prödii'*ed by in­ oculation, inhalation, ingestion or slight mechanical atirasion. Rodents are the natural reservoirs of plague, infeition spreads from rut to rat by menus of tlie t1>ii. Tlie infection is caused by the tleu bite. Plague al- Jvays occurs first as an eidzootie among rats or other rodents and it is usually only ns the rat isipulntion is decimated by the ravages of the disease that thl* hit ilea is forced to bite man to obtain food. Tlie gioumi 8'pilrrel ai-ts a# a reservoir for tin rural spread of infection, which thin may be transmitted to the more du- tnestlc rats. Hanitary control of plague, like that of most other communicable dis­ eases, is rt towns having coinniunleiitlon with plague lonntrtis should examine rats caught a I suit wharves and other plMf their newl.» acquir'd ferry N ovciii I ht 1, it is understood. When the Ilood IUver-Wldte Salm­ on bridge across the Columbia river op.tis. which will Is* within a cmn- paratively short time, their ferry be- tweeu I Im two isdlits will not be 'Used, and it Is understood they wilt move their equipment to the new lo­ cation when I lie bridge la eonipletetl. PILES ARE ABSORBED NEVER TO RETURN After years of patient, painstaking effort <>n the imrt of a well known doctor. a prescription has been found that will aitnall.v heal Piles and ab­ sorb them never to return. No man or woman lim'd suffer nn- : other hour with any discomfort, |>ain | er soregess arising from racial troub­ les Piles now that this wonderful prescript ion known as MOAVA «"an Is* ohtalmd for a moderate price at any first class drug store oil the iiaiiiry iMick If dissatisfied plan. You'll is- a maned to see how quick­ ly it acts. Bleamsl relief often comH In nil hour; even In cases of long standing with profuse bleeding, really wonderful results have ls*eii accom-' plished. Hlmplv ask A. 8. Keir for a small I Dox of MOAVA SUPPOSITORIES, • Is'lng le directions that come In each box.! Mall orders accepted. We picked up a enap on GEN BINE IMPORTED ENGLISH TEA POTS and are offering them at a way-down pries as follows: SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Your choice of assortment of Teapots with a full half pound of either Pekoe (black) or Japanese uncolored Tea, both for $1.39 These Tea Pots alone are worth from $2.00 to $2.50, and this Tea sells for $1.00 per pound This Makes a Wonderful Christmas Gift! Do Not Detail A. S. KEIR Yours for Service Reliable Druggist Try The Drug Store First Join the Red Cross —Itoli Call November 14th PETITIONERS SAY THISTLES MENACE A isdition signed by more than 30 j residents was presented to the county court last .week asking that body to. eliminate a menace from Canadian1 tli¡Hiles, said to exist on the. old F. II. Stanton place in the Odell dlstci<*t. Orcliardists stated that the thistles from this ranch, the orchard of which was pulled last winter, are liable to contaminate tne entire valley. A large tonnage of bay, harvested' from tlie ranch place tbe past sum­ mer. it was declared, will carry the seeds of the thistles broadcast, If the removal of the product Is allowed. Grand Jury Indicts One The grand jury Friday returned au Indictment against A. G. Jennings', West Hide rancher, on a charge of assault on 8. A. Bower, a neighbor, It wan an echo over a dispute about sii irrigation ditch last summer. "Not a true bill” was returned in the case of Q. II. Carrier. East Side orclinrdist. held from justice court on a charge of molesting a little girl. The grand jury, too, failed to find indict menta against Norman Berry. Ix'land George, and Wesley Carter, The Dalles youths, held from justice court on a serious charge involving a Went Hide young woman, whom they alleged to have picked up in an automobile., Of the $1 Red Cross memlterahlp 50 cents goes to the national chapter and 50 cents remains in Ilood River. If you take a $5 membership, tjeniem- l