' r 7 ’ . • :.y ’M > HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1924 J. L. BLACK, M. D MORONI OLSEN COM- _J. PANY HERE TUESDAY ( Homeopathic Physician) Office at residence, T24 Cascade Ava. NOTICE Telephone 2961 C W. HAMILTON, M. D. 's ITiysirian and Surgeon — office Urosina Btoelr -,--- ... Office Phone 3741 Hotue Phone 3742 We are the Representatives in this District for the firm of H. L. DUMBLE Physician and burgeon Calls promptly answered in town or country—l»ay or Night Pitones : Residence, 1242 : Office, 1241. Oliice tn the Broaius Building J. & H. Goodwin, Ltd Dealers in both Dr», v Abraham & Sifton l*hysiciaiM A Surgeons Butler Bank Building Pl'onefe : Office 4151 Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Siftoi, 3613. Domestic and Export Fruits Dr. W. Donald Nickelxen We are prepared as their Representatives to make liberal advances on all Fruits. Cancer, Plastic Surgery and , Radium Therapy Stevens Building. Portland, Ore. Couaultatioff Hood River by appoint­ ment. Phone 5950 ■ - ------------a ............. J Dr». Thrcne A Roger» We are also in a position to supply the grower with all his orchard requirements. Physicians A Surgeons Mt. Hood Hotel Bldg., main entrance Office Phone 2172 Residence l’houcs: Dr. Tbrane 2174. Dr. Rogers 2601. If an INDEPENDENT SHIPPER see ua before making final disposition of your crop. DR. MEARLE C. FOX HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY Eye, Ear Nose and Throat 915 Stevens Bldg. Portland, Ore. A L. R. Alexander, D. M. D. ' DENTIST Office ir’TF'and 6 Smith Building Office Phone 2021 Res. l’hone 3144 Hood River, Oregon . E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. Brosius Building . Office Hours : 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. , Office Tel. 3161 Residence Tel. 3412 Fountain Pens? Have you quit using them? C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D, You’ll begin again after you have seen those indestructible pens at Lara way’s. You can use them for baseball bats, if you wish, or golf dubs. You can throw them on the floor and walk on them, yet they remain as good as new and write just as well as before the abuse. DENTIST Phones: Office 1081; Residence 8331 Office over Butler Bunk DR. S. L. PETERSON « DENTIST Eliot Building, nood River, Oregon l’bonea : Res. 2743 ; ■Office 3812 1. L MURPHY Drop in and see them I DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Suite 5, Broaius Building A. J. DERBY LAWYER First National Bank Building Hood River, Oregon W. F. LARAWAY We will please you with our Gifts That Last Dressmaking Hemstitching a Specialty MRS. FLORENCE SIMONTON at The Paris Fair Surgeon work in the be found by the Fashion Fuel - Fuel - Fuel Old City Hall Plumbing Shop Call us for wood or coal We also do heavy freighting, as well as light hauling. _ Sand gravel and builders’ materials. ♦ has moved — the new location is 908 12 Street where there will be a large display of Plumbing and Heating Goods at reasonable prices. Tlie new location will be known as— TOM FISHER’S Plumbing 4 Heating - 908 12th St. The Transfer & Livery Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate Abstracting <>CA*nd Titles Telephone 13M Tel. 4111 J. D. McLUCAS CONTRACTOR Practical Worker in Stone, Con­ crete, Brick afid Plaster Telephone 5034 Hood Rivers First Flag Painting and Paper Hanging luteripr decorating. matching tinting and i>ainting wiUi draperies, etc. D. F. TAYLOR Tel. Mil. Hood River, Or. R. F. D. 4. Will be returned home next Tuesday, and its official reception by the City will be a feature of Armistice Day celebration here. Join the crowd at the Rialto Theatre. PORTLAND-HOOD RIVER and All Way Stations Well furnish the goodies for Your Dinner Next Tuesday Daily Meier Truck Freight Service Portland Warehouse with Willamette Transfer, Flanders A 10th Local Depot on First Street lie tween Oak & State. Tel. 3801 The Radio Shop of Hood River II. B. READ, Proprietor Supcrhetrodynes and Neutrodynes Atwater Kent and Radii4a Representative 808 Cascade Ate. Tel. 1234. .loin the Red (’ross — Roll ('»Il November 1 llh t B. B. POWELL All kinds of Motor Trouble Shooting. PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK 310 Cascade Ave. Hood River, Ore. Electrical Work a Specialty Hood River Maternity Home HECK UNGER GARAGE 914 Eugene Street Grudusto Nurse Always In Attendance Telephone 1801 Successor to TUCKER’S GARAGE Phone 2133 i 1 Leaves Hood River daily at 4,30 p. m. 1 have installed several sets of these wonderful pistons in the last three months, and their performance is won­ derful. Drop in and let me tell you about them. Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 Shay’s a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m, u.. JOHNSON & JOHNSON The Red Cross Manufacturers A. S. KEIR The Drug Store First FASHION GARAGE Cigars Tobacco ? Soft Drinks Confectionery C. A. RICHARDS SERVICE Shop AT THK Shop 1201 Mt Hood Meat Co. Draught Luxo Tsungani Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 SANITARY NAPKIN WM. WEBER FRASIER GROCERY CO READ’S RADIO SHOP THE FASHION STABLES’ THE NEW PERFECT, ABSORBENT t M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinary Ta prepared to do any veterinary line. He can calling at or phoning to Stables. NUPAH. The Moroni Olsen players, who will give a series of three plsys here this winter under auspices of the chapter of the American University Women's Astusdntkm, will be present­ ed at the Ria)to theatre next Tues­ day evening In "Kginpy.” The Moroni Olaeu players won high praise for their five shows given last season. Writing in Theatre Magazine, George O _____ _______ ’Neal, , dramatic critic, the title of bis article being “Art hi the Open Spacek,' recently MADE BY said: • Over a grts^ry store in Ogden, Utah, there is a loft boated by two coal stoves. In thia pbacure retreat was developed an idea which has commanded admiration through all of the Northwest «nd snitplied many play-hungry people with substanti^ dramatic fare such as the commer­ cial theatres, for reasons of one sort TO PROCURE-ALL YOU NEED TO SAY IS-NUPAK or another, have not been able te furnish. Tids loft is the home of the Moroni Olsen Players’ circuit re|>ertoire theatre, an original experi­ SOLD BY ment in play production which has in its conception the elements of a Si'und, vital ami permanent intuitu, tiou. - / Reliable Druggist Yours for Service A circuit repertoire ¿company, as conceived and organised by the Mo conceived and organized by the “Try Moroni Olsen Players, consist» of a compact organization qf actors and stage craftsmen, devoted to play pro­ ». Roll Call November 14th duction and presenting a repertoire season of worth while plays over a wide itinerary. There is gn eager public, com­ There is nb reason to suppose that paratively small, of course, through c^li of the Northwest, seeking Just tlie conditions on the road for profes­ \yi»e of play the Moroni Olsen-Play­ sional companies will Imprpve to any The Moroni Olaen ers are prepared to supply. It would great extent. is* absurd to gupiswe for one moment Players have taken the initiative in that commercia! producers could in­ a distinctly new movement whipft crease this public, even if they were lias in its Itasie idea vast poMibillties actuated by any such altruistic mo­ of development. tive. The venture would tie a lead Mrs. Meyers Honored risk for them. The old complaint of long jumps and high railroad rates Mrs. Mary J. Meyers, who for the cries down any clamor for_ plays of past year has been In charge of the clerical work of the Chamber of Com- dubious popular ap|>eal. The Moroni Olsen Players, though merce and who has left for her home thoroughly professional, are in nu in Portland, was the recipient of a sense commercial. With Just $2,000 number of social honors the past capital, intelligent enthusiasm, the week. Mrs. ler«< Childs entertained loft and two coal stoves, a buoyant at a dinner party. Miss Ellen Mc­ spirit of adventure, a devotion to Curdy gave a dancing party at her fundamental truth in drama and un­ Otfk Grove home in honor of Mrs. faltering courage, they have started Meyters. E«4 w 4 h A. Sonniclmen. I. II. Ceder- the career of their unique theatre, wall and George Hniith were hosts the first circuit repertoire theatre. The plays are rehearsed in the at a dancing party at the Columbia comiuiny's home in < Igden. Last year Gorge hotel. % five plays were produced. Fifteen Water Hard as Steel towns and cities were included -in the1 circuit. A play was produced A record, It Is believed^' in high- each month during the winter season. head water-wheel design has tieen While on the road with one play, reported from Switzerland, where the preliminary rehearsals for the water flowing at the rapid rate of next play were started. 540 feet a second, which is six mill's Tlie season was financed by con­ a minute, Ims been liarMeaeed to tracts In each community for a mini­ hydro-electric turbines. Specially de­ mum guarantee, tills guarantee to signed nozzles are used, the stream cover only expenses of travel am from which is only 1% inches iffil production and additional indlsjtens- diameter, and lias the strength rigid' nble overhead ordinary living sal- ity, as it issues forth, of a solid bar'] arh1« for the members of the com- of steel. l>any. Tlie contracts for the season were Hood River folk do not fear an made in various communities with eruption of Mount Hd.1't>ut if auch different organizations, or .in some a thing should hapix-ii the American eases, with individuals. Cross would lie on the ground A survey of the press notices, Red with sufficient forces and which indicati* a disposition on the Immediately funds to relieve all needs. The last luirt of critics to place the company great that appalled the in a class witli established producing world catastrophe was the Ja|ianese earthquake firms, gives evidence of heartiest co- of last year. The American Red operation from tlie » tcsh of the t'rooa contributed $10,000.000 toward Northwest, and allow» a genuine de­ helping the sufferers. sire everywhere for the company to liecome a J i'rm»iU'nt institution. The ciret It fbr next year Ims Iss-n 28 towns and citi««. extended to i reaching f»"ii| Holt Tmke to Van­ couver. B. C. There are eight luemliers of tlie company, which is directed by Mo­ TeL 4141 -•< Hoed River, Ore. roni Olsen, who studied in one of the leading dramatic school* of the east Deliveries at 9:30 a. m. and played for several years in stock. and 2:30 p. m. He lins a|i|s*ared in numerous pro­ ductions on Broadway. He was asso­ ciated witli Maurice Browne and Ell« n Van Volkenburg in little the­ We have a special every atre seasons In Salt Imke and Se­ attle. and in a season of (Irwk trag­ Saturday—see our window edy at tlie Manhattan opera house. In addition to iiartieipnting in tlie * that day for a bargain i n plays, each memlsT of the company meats. has certain dutlea. Miss Janet Young, the first lady of the company, is in Our Meats are U. S. In­ charge <>f lontracts and looking and tlie business details of tlie enterprise. spected. • Miss Young is a graduate of tlie Uni­ versity of Oregon, It was largely through her zeal and determination C. I. HOWARD. Prop. tliat tlie present venture was made IMissilde. In 1923 she toured the Northwest with Byron Foulger In a group <>f one-net plays and while on tour investigated the fichi anil made contract» which later reunited in con I have just received a beau­ tracts for tlie first Scintoli of thé tiful line of repertoire company. Oilier int-mliera of the com|>anv < LADIES’ LEATHER are: Byron Foulgi'r. who > write« publicity and attends to all press PURSES and VANITY notices; Joseph Williams, who IlHS CASES. charge <>f staging and carpenter work: Frank Raamuawn. who does These goods have been sell­ the lighting; Dorotli.v Adams and ing at high prices in Portland lasira Thatcher, who have charge of I am offering proiierties and atage d<*coratioim. anti and Seattle. Sumner Cobb, who dk- them at reasonable prices to keeping and accounting. you. The member« of the company wore selected by Mr. Olsen from hl» dra­ matic assixiation« over a is-rlod of eight years. They came from as far east as Maine and ns far west as Vancouver. B. C. All are graduates of colleges or universities. Tliere are no stars. As with the Moscow Art theatre and the Theatre Guild, to whom the company gives just credit on Its programs for many of Its working principle«. Ideas and choice of play«, a deinm-ratic spirit IM-rineati's the organization. Every- Iliing is suliordiiiated to the artistic Impression. Becans«' of limited ri'sonrces. the compiiny has mad«* use^of curtain« to a large extent In Its stage settings. A set 'of heavy monk’s cloth. ar- ranged for is'rmanent doom, windows and essent ini wmidwork and docora- tion. was used as th«1 background for tlie first five idnyn, with blue cur- Inins for outdoor «vni«. Through tlie Ingenious u»«* of throe curtains. which with the other stngo f|.ttlngs nud essential properties can Is? packed TRY OUR lu two trunks, the company sum'Oed- ed In aehievl iiig always just the «Mi k'- sire»I M'liiblance of reality, concnt- t rat ing on tlie impression and not an exicss of detail. Tids pioiKH-r circuit repertoire com­ pany Ims made no apjs'al for outside A CORDIAL INVITATION assistance. Tlie first session was fi­ is extended to Hood River folk to visit us atoar new store. nanced entirely with the contracts WE KEEP IT It is our aim to give Hood River the best possible place of for mintimiui guarantee«. Just an tin1 Theatre Guild has struggled business in our class. p RIGHT ~ through tlie initial years of its fa­ ; Whatever your needs in,office supplies or your desires 1 mous carver, thin coni|iany of deter- gullied artists in lalsirlng under great u;art wi)r^’ us into your confidence and talk it over hardships. They have asked for no . fficPe^tly Fe 10 SeFVe the H00d River Va,ley cKeerfuHy »nd help ' • Tlie suiiess of the past Reason seems adequate reason to »tip|sw the company will I m > iienimnent. Tlie policy, of course, will I* subjts'ted to 111 2nd Street Fred W. Donnerberg Fped ()ethnM|n such changes ns seem advisable as th«' sco|>e of activity widens. Re». 3721 THE BOOK & ART STORE