? HOOD HIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1921 A » = •J. L BLACK, M. D. Office til residen« •, 721 Cascade Avg. T 'retepbiiua 29fll NOTICE _r *---------------- - t. W. HAMILTON, M. D. rhjsirian and Surgeon -vr H. L. HUMBLE Dealers in both Drs. Abraham & Sifton Butler Bank Building -- PhüiifSf Ùifiee *1151 Dg. Ahr, b.iiu 41Ó2. • Dr« Sifton 3G13. • - ■< We are prepared as their Representatives to make liberal advances on all Fruits. Dr. W, Donald Nickelsen Cancel, llxstlc Surgery and Radioin Therapy Hievon« BiiUdnttr Port land. Ore. Consultili Ion Ho. d River by appoint­ ment. lìione 5950 We are also in a position to supply the grower with all his orchard requirements. Dr». Thrane & Rogers If an INDEPENDENT SHIPPER see us iU^Jeian.» & Surgeons Mt. Hood Hoi I Bldg., main entrance Office Phone 2172 R<.valence Phom«: Dr. Thrane 2174. Dr. Rogers 2001. before making final disposition of your crop. DR. MEARLE C. FOX HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY >:>« . Ear K«> m * and Tiimat 915-4iUieiiH pldg. to allay the cough and build you up? Com­ bine this with Nyal Laxacold Tablets and you get wonderful results. Domestic and Export Fruits Fhysitl'ins'A burgeons Portland, Ore. L. R. Alexander, D. M. D. . DENTIST IHli. , 4, 5 und 0 Smith Building Office lJmn * i21 * Reg. phone 3144 Hood River, Oregon Fountain Pens? E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. Brusitili Building Have you quit using them? Office H* ura: ba. in. to fl p. m. Office Tel. 31C11 ■ llesldence Tel. 3412 1 .* C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST l’honcs: Office 1081; Resilience 3331 Office over Butler Bank « DR. S. L. PETERSON DENTIST Eliot Building, Iluud* River, Oregon Pilones: Res. 2748; Office 3812 < L. L. MURPHY DENTIST • » « You’ll begin again after you have seen those indestructible pens at Laraway’s. You can use them for baseball bats, if you jkish, or golf clubs. You can throw them on the floor and walk on ^hem, 'yet they remain as good as new and write just as well as before the abuse. LAWYER- W. F. LARAWAY Hemstitching a Specialty A. nt The Purls'Fair I M. E. WELCH • Licensed Veterinary 1« prepared to do any veterinary line. Ho enn < ailing at or phoning to Kt aides. Surgeon work In the lie found by tlie Fmdilon Old City Hall Plumbing Shop •bits moved — the new location 1 h 9<> h 12 Street where there will I m * n large diqilny of Plumbing mid Heating Goods ut reasonable price«. The new location will be known ns— TOM FISIIER'H Fltnnlihig & Heating 90S 12th St. ♦ f , ■ J f Fuel - Fuel - Fuel E. E. Gould, whose ranch, lioin« - ■wnd. Il Is fed by It «firing flowing from a hillside J»st aboie the pom!. Two thousand eastern br ok trout secured from • the Dt*ni| Polit fl«b -i mi t it e l i- nera* pin n lisi— I m ■ tbe -- Mr. Gould now bn« one of tin* most complete country home« In the valley, lie utilizes a n flow of water waler on his land for driving a »«mail elcetri system, A swimming pool .bn« been Ills home is eqllipIH-d const met ed. uiLh all modern <*onveiilen«,i*«. «ml tin* Inwns are filled witli various Ills home or- «bruits and flowers. ilmrd lien r a fruit of flit s|s*i l< «. Ill« wm. Curti«, profesor of nunln-mnth« ...Hirer high js < li*«*l. ,ls in the Hood ___ ___ _ associa £*>l with his father in the de­ velopment of the ordiar«! i4an ridati V Tel 1231 Sos Ci«« ade Ai “1 I »10 « a*, .«de Ave. i 'I, WORK Hood Hiver, Ore Ht I I Htl All kinds of Motor Trouble Shooting Electrical Work a Specialty Elcdtrical 4i Hood FJver Maternity Home ÎH1 Eugene Street HECK UNGER GARAGE Successor to TUCKER'S GARAGE » f *' Phone 2133 5 THE FASHION STABLES ST ABLES ’ Parkdale Auto Stage Pilone 1201 Lea,us Hood, River daily at 4.3u p. m. ■' Leaves Phrkdale Daily at 8 m. (except Sunday); • $veri Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. in. MIERS 4 BOCKENFIELD E 2nd & Alder Rm In «1er Doctor Vliievcs Remark* »He Surer**» With New ITtwerip- t i* n. Mit«! Give Abvolut I* Relief or Maury Hack. STATE AND FRONT STREETS LEE TIRES- FABRICS—CORDS-PUNCTURE PROOF Fully Guaranteed Hood Rivtr, Ore. Our Gas and Oil Service Will Please You Auto Electric Shop in Connection W. L. HUCKABAY, Proprietor Ouf Meats are U. S. In­ spected. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C. L. HOWARD. Prop. I have just received.^..beau­ tiful line of * I optometrist. H. E. Hasbronck. optometriat. I LUMBER LADIES’ LEATHER PURSES and VANITY CASES. These goods have been sell­ ing at high prices in Portland and Seattle. I am offering them at reasonable prices to you. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY WM. WEBER DEE, OREGON Phone: Odell 406 n Confectionery It Ims remained for n w««ll known ' lb*. " lie«t«'r»j(J|X'tor to lind a r al rem Years of patient edv f**r Pile« pain«tiiklnu effort <*n bl« part have ‘ ‘ ‘ wifi timt r< ^*ilt*«l. la n pre« rlptjon a* ttinllv licnl Pii«*« mid al*«**rb tirali never to ret urn Tbi« doctor «ay« n« »nm or woman need suffer niii'iloT hour from nuv from Hemorrlioid«r * r jiain arising __ P l U* v . nhW-i+Mp lie 1/as miKle-iirriiiig*’-¡ ment« with Ti'fldi ni doctors to dis Wonderful prescript Ion I « ‘ii -*« till know n n« Mñ.VV A HI PpOX1Tl».RlI'S 1 for -- h I^ull.vrule.. prit« the money j J* ’ b.-ii-k it .it -■iti«n*«i ir the I a Follette-Wheeler < am . luilgn. ‘Th* y nrrivo«l nt the deslguated * meeting, place, ami tin- num who ii.*« ir wit« driving tin* automobil«» IV! ntruited t park .th'* «a r ubili* tlie a run for file hall, in onler rest mnd to lililí ««'lit.«. They arrived mid found Just IM'ople present' for thl* big rally. ECAD’S RADIO SHOP PI I MP.ING, ill \riNG AND COLD & DRY Deliveries ai 9:30 a. m. und 2:30 p. m. fc=lOI=2>l YrraT*F4üfe aualnturanee PORTLAND-HOCD RIVER and All V/ ,y Stations STORAGE Mt. Hood Meat Co. ’ Tel. 4141 Call us for wood or coal. We also do heavy freighting, as well as light hauling. 8and, gravel and * builders' materials. Hood River Abstract Co. Tel. 5411. 4 KELLY BROS. CO. M1ÜJ. 1L0KENCE SIMONTON ' * Springs-Mattresses Stoves Gifts That Last Reliable Druggist “Try The Drug Store First” Seattle Picking Bags >1.40 Yakima “ $1.95 Clark Box Hatchets ..-...$2.30 A. J. DERBY Dressmaking A. S. KEIR Northwest Ladders Nail Strippers Complete X-Ray Examination Sulla 5, liroaiUM Building «- Wc* wlU please you with our And we have them Harvest Supplies Drop in and see them! First Nat lottai Bank Building ' Hood River, Oregon When You Cough With the 1924 tourist «raton nearly over, flgureH are available from the city auto park and tlie I'liamlar of Compter«* Inforpiatiun liooth which Indicate snmelliing of Hie value of the tourist u>- Xlood River and the Hood River valley. Them* figure« • learly 'alioiv tient towrlst traffic 1« <>ae of the leadlhg and gr<>wina indim- triea of the nortliweat. and one that Is profitable and requires little effort to ««cure. • Although the. nitmlier torl.«ls. parties rmnulmsl an average of n Him left tlie+r l'ine Grove homes nt day. and iioiik * titnu tcly - JS15.UM1 was - broug ta­ River highway; — tither niemiiertr' ot int» the valley. tin*'party, which passed over th«* lieu j Tilt* dlstulice from Nyssa, close to loop with u p*riiik from tlie Bureau tlie Idaho line, to Seii«h|<;, over tile of I'lililic Road«, were: Mr. mid Mrs. old Oregon Trail, is 572 mlb'ife It E. E. Lilge. their sons. Riddell. George bikes nliont 30 gallons of gnsôlim* to mid Charles, Mr. und Mrs. Martin milk«* the trip In tlie’ average car. lirngHetli, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Black- At three cent a gallon tux.'tlie tour­ mnn, Mr. mid Mr«. P. B. Larawiiy ists have left l.i liind .<»12 «02 to go and son. Bill. Misse« Ellie Wagner, iiito tin* ntiul fund which is used in Ali««* Tompkins and Eunice Brown liuiint.enunce work to keep tlie trail mid Frank S anni* r. in good csniditlon. Mr. Lage in 1MXH climlied to tin* top Every line of business along th«* <*f ('««qiera Spur with Chris I>«*thmmi highway ba« profited by tlie immen- und Curl Grot. * traffic wlileli has passed over II this Fielding 8. Kelly mid a party made .voir. Garage men state tliut nt h'nst tin* Loop tour Thursday. one-half <>f tlie lin«in>'Hs they do, out­ side of oir sales, «•«ones from tourists. Many hotels would not !•<• riimiing were it not for tourist tiyillic. Res- tmiraiits have profited also, to a large extent, mid, tin* groc<*r.vmeii Inn«' lilld tie iv stall* . in tlie tienist must cut. Then if tin* garage men. the hotel mi'll, tlie restaurant men. tin* groevr. mid others have profited, tlie «lentiHt, the doctor, tin* lawyer, mid I other« must profit also, although I in a n more Indirect way. made Colorado ami Touri«t travel I and it will make lit«,* < 'aUfornia. Northweat.” ’ '-.i-« W. E. Muuliani, president of the Old Oregoy, Trail Tinsi* states' realized ii.«Hi>