The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 23, 1924, Image 5

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manager, directed "Fashion Uow.”
Oliver T. Marsli was photographer,
and Horace Jackson art director.
This Is Republican Year
“The Sea Hawk" will la- on at the
Rialto for the la»t time tonight. It
Is a mammoth production, proltubly
the moat H|aatacular picture thut baa
ever beeu shown in Hood River.’ It
lias drawn capacity audiences und It
is anticipated that a large crowd will
lie protellt thia ufternooh mid evening.
Support the Entire Party Ticket
Ifs Coolidge—Make It Unanimous
Every indication shows overwhelming sentiment for Coolidge. The Literary Digest straw vote, both in
this state and the nation, shows him at this writing leading his nearest opponent by more than two to one.
In urging votes for Coolidge, we ask Oregon citizens to elect to the congress men who will aid the
President in carrying out his policies, men who acknowledge party responsibility, men who will keep faith
with the people in carrying out the platform pledges.
You Will Find Those Men On The Republican Ticket
■ •
Senator McNary deserves'Te-election. He has accomplished much for Oregon. Congressmen Hawley and Sinnott
should be returned because of service to their state. Maurice. E. Crumpacker, candidate for the seat of the democratic
incumbent in the third district, should receive the votes of all republicans.
Restore This State to Control of the Dominant Party
It is important that all good citizens vote for Sam A. Kozer, candidate for re-election as secretary of state, and
Thomas B. Kay, candidate for state treasurer, because their election will restore the affairs of Oregon, a strongly
republican state, to republican control.
Through the accident of death, the governor has named his own state treasurer. This is an elective office and the
people- had elected a republican ..treasurer. By the appointment, Governor Pierce seized power not his by right and
thereby dominates the state board of control. The balance will be restored by election of Kozer and Kay.
Other Candidates, Too, Are Worthy of Voters’ Support
Judge Harry H. Belt, of Polk county, and Judge Percy R. Kelly, of Linn county, are both able jurists and candidates
of the party for justices of the supreme court, Judge Kelly being a candidate to succeed the late John McCourt. Both
are eminently qualified.
I. H. VanWinkle, candidate for re-election as attorney-general; H. H. Corey, candidate for re-election as public
service commissioner; Edward Ostrander, candidate for public service commissioner; and J. D. Mickle, candidate for
re-election as state dairy and food commissioner, as well as the complete legislative and full county tickets, vouched for
by the republican par t y, m worthy- of support and deserve your votes.
I. L. PATTERSON, Chairman.
Portland, Oregoq
JOHN W. COCHRAN, Secretary.
(Paid Adv.)
— —L-J
i n i n isi ii hwii 1111
(l’aid Advertisement)
Recorded Damage Due to State Income Tax
Titnlier purchases cancelled or suspended
Construction of lumber mill«, towns, logging canij* and log­
ging railways, abandoned or suspended ...... .............. .............. 7.875.000
Other industrial investments cancelled or suajiended.—>--------- .4,578.000
One year’s operating pay roll on foregoing Items
Disincorporations, >4.000.000 capital. Damage listed 1-10 only
Actual removals from the state, including loss of only one
year’s pay roll
....... ............. ....... ........ -........... ..... 2.440.250
Threatened removals. Including loss of only one year’s ;>ay roll
Cast's as to which definite amounts are noj available, but which
would amount to many millions; damage listed as—,------------
Cases still under investigation; would amount to many millions;
damage listed as
Cases in which reported removal pr investment elsewhere was
stated to have lieen caused by the Income tax, but which can­
not l>e verified In writing: damage listed as --- --------------------
Total recorded dama se
I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4- 4 -I-4 I I I 14 4 1 1 '4
The feature at the Rialto theatre
tomorrow matineee and afternoon and
evening Haturday will lie "Flawing
Gold/S^n adaptation of Rex Beach'*
latest novel. This picture is declared
to set new standards In the gripping
quality of Its drama and action.
Milton Sills and Anna <J. Nilasqu
are seen In the lending roles of Cal­
vin Gray and Allegheny Briskow. sup­
ported by Alice Calhoun. Josephine
Crowell. Charles Bellon. Bert W<x>d-
ruff. Cissy
Fitzgerald and John
Author Beach has chosen for the
setting of his story a small town in
Texas which had lx*n thrown into a
furore by the discovery of oil in the
It immediately ix-eomes the
Mecca of fortune seekers and adven­
turers of every kind, among whom
are Calvin Gray and Henry Nelson.
Nelson, a former army officer, had
gone there to become rich. Gray to
avenge himself on Nelson because the
latter had Ix-cn Instrumental in get­
ting him dishonorably disc-barged
from the army.
The enmity between the two men is
Intensified when tsith fall In love
with the same girl. Many attempts
are made to “get" Gray, but he frus­
trates the plots and eventually has
the Joy of seeing Ilia enemy the loser
in the battle of wits.
' We have examined the signed statements and exhibits upon which the
foregoing tabulation is tiased and find that the total of >41.252.350 is ii con­
servative estimate of damage properly attributable to the Mate Income tax as
a determining factor In influencing decision against Oregon investment in the
cases listed. We also find that many additional amounts could have Ix-en
included Justifiably in the total, so that, making every allowance for possible
There is but one pickaninny on the
overstatements in individual Items listed, the actual loss of Investment attrib­
screen that gets a laugh by Just look­
utable to the state income tax is materially In excess of >40.000,000.
ing at you.
He’s Joe McCray, who portray«
( HJgned )
the role of “Verman Thompson” In
“A Helf Made Failure," J. K. Mc­
5 (Signed) t’HARLEH 11. STEWART (V.-P. Northwestern Natl. Bank). Donald’s latest First National picture
to lie shown at the Rialto theatre
(Signed) CHRISS A. BELL (Attorney and Member of Board of Huixlay and Monday.
Directors of Portland Chainl»er of Commerce).
Joe looks like he was a resident of
(Signed) J. K. Gill (Pioneer Portland Merchant).
most any “darktown" cosmopolitan
city, but at the same time he in an
actor of great ability. Those who
saw him an one of Ben Alexander’s
playmates in “Penrod and Ham” will
not forget this little pickaninny aa
long ns they enjoy seeing mot Ion
Repeal the State Income Tax
Vote 312 X Yes
More than 1,500 contributors to expense of getting facts before-voters; signers
and contributors live in all jails of Oregon; this advertisement Issued by
C. C. Chapman, Editor of Oregon Voter, initiator of rei>eal measure; residence,
100 Ixiwnsdale 8t., Portland, Oregon.
We Want Selling Apples
Jonathans, Ortleys, Spitzenburgs, Winter Bananas and
Delicious. All grades from Extra Fancy to Faced and Filled.
Cookers, large or small. We sell them for what they are.
Those who like plenty of breath­
taking thrills in their motion picture
amuseinent will find a picture very
much to their liking in “The Chase”
which will la* one of the attractions
on the bill at the Rialto theatre Mon­
day and Tuesday. Thia picture, re­
cently the featured attraction at the
Capitol theatre. New York, abound«
with thrills of a nature seldom seen
on the screen.
Fifty of Europe's champion ski
JninjaTs were employed in the mak­
ing of this photoplay and thelf peril-
on h dash down mountainsides and
over chasm«, streams and oMtaclea,
constitutes a series of breath-taking
scenes at which the most hardened
movie fan will gasp in amazement.
Patrons are promised a half hour
of entertainment of a thrilling nature
coupled with an exhibition of skiing
never before witnessed In this coun-
1 If the word “super-production” had
Tfie Novelty Revue “nd Novak’s
Vaudettes made a hit at the Rialto
theatre last Friday and Sunday. The
show is big time and Hood River
audiencea expressed tlivir pleasure at
the «-all here. The Vuudettea lived
up to everything good that had been
said aland them In their radio pre­
sentation by th* Hoot Owls of KGW
the week before.
not been so badly abused and mis­
used. we would lie sorely tempted to
apply it to Rudolph Valentino's latest
Paramount picture, “Monsieur Besn-
caire," which is due Tuesday, Wednes­
day and Thursday at the Rialto the­
atre. For If ever a picture deserved
superlatives it surely is thia screen
play, which Forrest Hulsey adapted
from Booth Tarkingtons gloriously
human story and which readies the
silver sheet via the directorial guid­
ance of Sidney Olcott.
Imagine the love Interest of "The
Hlielk," the romantic adoring of
“Blixid and Hand” and the spectacle
of “The Four Horsemen” coniliined
In one photoplay and you begin to
understand why “MonSieuz Beau-
caire" Is a photodrama of amazing
beauty and power. To the students
of history It will be an inspiration;
to the school boy it will lie au educa
tion, and to tlie blase film fan It will
lie a revelation. All the |ximp and
magnificence of the court of Louis
XV, notorious for its love affairs, its
intrigue, honor and vice! The schem­
ing Mme. Poni|tadour. the dissolute
King, the crafty Richelieu—they live
once more!
And there isn't a man or woman,
who will fall to sympathize and thrill
with the merry, dashing Duke de
Chartres with all Ills amours and all
his fights. Verily, it is a role that
only Valentino can. play to perfec­
tion I
Aa for the supporting cast, it may
well lie set up as a standard of excel­
lence, including as ft does, Belie I>an-
lels, Ixils Wilson. Doris Kenyon, Ixiw-
ell Hberninn, Ian Maclaren, John
Itavidaon. Paulette Duval and many,
many others famous on stage ami
s< ric.i.
Film fans, you who rave alxiut the
great pictures you have seen, see
"Monsieur Beaiieaire" and you will
hare something to brag about!
Republican Party Has Saved
Big Sums to American
Portland, Or.—(Special )—Whep
President Coolidge said in his speech
of acceptance that finances of tbb
country have been managed by the
Republican administration ' with a
genins unmatched since the days of
Hamilton, he meant Juot what he said
and gave facts and figures to prove it,
I. L. Patterson, chairman of the Re­
publican State Central committee, de­
clared In a statement given out here.
When it came into office, he said,
the Republican party inherited a leg­
acy of debt that stood at about >24,-
000,000,000, of which 17,000,000,009
was in short term obligations to meet
which no provision had been made.
Government bond* were far below par
and war taxes still plagued the people.
More than >11,000,000,000 were due
the United State* from foreign coun­
tries. The whole people were suffer­
ing from a tremendous deflation.
Mopey was scarce and interest rates
An unprecedented financial
problem was presented to the Incom­
ing administration. The sums to be
dealt with were so huge that never
before In world history were debts of
such proportions to be paid.
The administration promptly pro­
vided a budget system and put It into
operation. This was the keystone tn
the arch of Republican finances that
was to bridge the chasm of debt. Tre­
mendous savings were effected by it.
For the fiscal year ending June 39.
1921, the expenditures of the govern­
ment were >5,533,000,000 and the sur­
plus was >36,000.000. Contrasted with
that waa the year ending Juno 30,
1924, when expenditures were >3,497,-
000,000 and the surplus exceeded >500,-
000,900- This wee a cut In the annual
cost of government of >2,041,000,009.
The public debt has been cut to
about >31,250,000,009, a reduction In
three years of about >2.750,000,000,
which means a savin« la Interest each
year of about >>20,009,090.
The ohort-tlme abliggtioas amount­
ing to >7,900,900,000 have been either
refunded or paid. Together with all
this. Internal revenue taxes have been
reduced twice and many of them re­
During the present fiscal
year, there will be a saving of taxes
to the people of about >8,000,000 every
day, compared with 1921.
Of the amount of debts due thia
country from foreign governments, 49
per cent have been liquidated and
will provide funds for the retirement
of about >13,000.090,009 of the prin­
cipal of our national debt In 62 years.
During the Republican four years
now ending, the government has taken
a notable step toward economy of ad­
ministration. as shown in another way.
In 1921, the last pre budget year, of
the cost of government collected fn
national, state and municipal taxes,
after debt payments, federal .expendi­
tures were 59 per cent of the total
and those of the states, cities and
towns 41 per cent.
But in 1923 the federal government
took only 28 per cent of the taxes and
72 per cent were spent by the states,
cities and towns. These bodies were
showing increasing expenditures, al­
though the federal government has
set an example of economy.
Per capita expensee of the gevern-
ment In the fiscal year of 1910 were
but >7.74. In the peak year of 1919,
when public expense touched Its high­
est level, this figure had grow* to
the astonishing figure of >173.64. For
last year, they sen k back to >33.44, a
very gratifying improvement over the
post war year.
Without the budget, the saving*
that were effected would never have
been realized. It brought order wfyere
canfusion had been before. It pro­
vided for the balancing of revenues
and expenditures and lighted the way
out of the financial swamps.
War Costs Slashed.
Business-like methods by the Repub­
lican administration has saved >85,-
000,000 in department of war expendi­
tures in 1923. Expenditures for 1924
were reduced >732,985,235 as compared
to those for 1921. There were 90,108
civilian employés in the department
What does a screen star do with Marcb 3, 1921. On January 1, 1924,
her gowns and costumes after she there were 42,458. This was an annual
has worn them in a production? saving of >51,000,000.
Mae Murray, called the best dressed
woman on the screen, whose latest
Metro picture, “Fashion Row,” will
Paul NIHton Off on (»lobe Trip
come tomorrow and Saturday to the
Hletton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Liberty theatre, confessed Ixildly that
C. IL Hletton and stmlent of tile Uni­
she sells them.
“Why not?” says Miss Murray, who versity of Oregon, left lust week for
probably wears more gowns in a sin­ Han Francisco, whore lie will Join an
gle picture than any other actress orchestra alxinrd steamship Garfield,
on the screen. "They represent an of the liollnr line, for an around the
Young Hletton was
enormous coat. All the gowns and world croise.
costumes that are part of my ward- selected for the orchestral trip last
rola* In ’Faahlon Row* would repre­ summer. The vessel will go through
the Panama canal, call at Havana
sent a king's ransom.
“When worn once, thelf usefulness, and thence, after calling at New York
so far as picture work Is concerned, city, go to Europe and Mediterranean
is over. No actress would ever dare ports.
Mrs. Hletton accnmpsnled her son
to wear the same gown in two pic­
ture«. Women in audience« are too part way. stopping at t’orvallls for a
discerning, and too critical. But the visit with her daughter, Miss Jessie,
gowns are aa good as new. It would student at (). A. C.
be a shame (p discard them forever.
Why not aell them, and realise some
Card of Thanks
of the Immense coat expended on
them ?”
Wo wish to express our sincere
In “Fashion Row,” written for her thanks to our runny friends and com­
by Hada Cowan and Howard liiggin. panions for their klndneaa during the
Miss Murray wears half a hundred sickness and dentil of otir dear son
costume«. Robert Z. Leonard. direc­ and brother. Howard. .
tor general of Tiffany Productions,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lovell
of which M A. Hoffman is general
and Children.
Dan Wullle * Co. Tuesday reported
receipt of ryturna on Jonathan Tri~T.
of a 5-tier size, shipped to the Engilah
market, that netted grower* bettor
than |2 per box. Thia price la the
l<eat tn years on this variety.
Walter R. Woolpert, aalea manager
of the concern, stated that Newtowaa
“We aro cantent to leave with the had arrived and were Belling, aad
people of Oregon the ecenoasy record Haltering return* are expected im­
of this administration and tha same mediately on thia variety.
record of the ta Follette regime la
Electrical Experiment* I*ta**t
Wisconsin aa sufficient reason for a
engineers, power n-
vote for Coolidge in tha forthcoming
election," said I. L. Patterson, chair­ pert», college profeeeore, and farmers
man of the Republican Btata Central are watching with interest am elec­
trical experiment Which 1» being con­
ducted on 14 Minneeota farina. Theas
“We find that Coolidge, who said, Î
farms have been equipped with elec-
‘I am for economy. After that ? ■ — 1
for aroro eiuuuUU,' TNImt what he ’ "Iterated household device, without
said and carried out this policy to the coat to the farmer, in a three-year .
limit, with the avowed intention ot! (••at to determine whether it ie prac­
cutting government expense* and tical to use electricity on farms.
Professors of the agriculture col­
taxes still further la the coming four
lege of the University of Minnesota
are supervising the experiment. The
"The La Follette conduct of affairs
farms ^are all located in the Mlaaia-
in Wisconsin show* constantly mount­ sippl valley near Red Wing.
ing extravagance* of state govern­ '■customers'' include a dairy farm, a
ment and, because La Follette ha* poultry farm, a lieef cattle farm, a
been » In complete control there, bo silver fox farm, and a consolidated
and hi* friends who are of the same school. Engineers are now working
political theories as himself, for the on devising a small truck operated by
past 30 years, it should be fair to Iwtterlee to make short hauls on the
contrast the record of this administra­ farms, and they expect to devise a
and harrowing machine. Fol­
tion in government, with Coolidge at plowing
lowing along lines similar to the sur­
the head, and the record of the La vey made in Minnesota the engineer­
Follette group in Wisconsin.
ing department of the State College
"We know that Coolidge la the head of Agriculture In Oregon la making
of the administration that ha* saved a survey of the western states.
the people of this country >6,000,000
Returns on the electric survey re­
daily in federal taxes as compared cently made in the Hood River val­
with 1921. It has lopped 96,459 em ley jisve been very poor. Aa thia
ployes from the federal payrolls. The survey is not tieing made for com­
national debt baa been reduced >3,- mercial purposes, the local power.
company acting as a collection agency
750.000,000 in tbree years. The bud­
for the state agriculture college, those
get has been established, the Dawe* not returning the queetlonnalre aro
plan adopted and a period of prosper­ only handicapping the state college
ity ha* replaced general distress that in making a study which It is hoped
prevailed when this administration will *-l>e of great advantage to the
farming communities of the state of
took charge of public affairs.
“Now let u* see what constructive Oregon.________________
results the La Follette group has ac­
How Center
complished in Wisconsin. In 1901 La
(By J. B. Lister)
Follette became goveraor and has
I was called by phone the other
since retained control of the state with
his benchmen. From 1901 to 1920, the evening to visit a neighbor who has
a radio and hear a s;»*ech by Senator
records show, there waa no great in­ Wheeler.
I said. “Nothing doing.”
crease In the population of the state. My kind friend said, “I thought you
While population increase from 1901 were_g_La Follette man.”
I said,
to 1923 was 18 per cant, increase la “I should sa.v not.” My friend said,
property assessment for the same per­ “Oh, I a in misinformed then.”
Who Is running theee Jokes? I
iod was more than 236 per cent and
the increase tn state expenditures waa have publicly, privately and always
declared myself a Republican.
423 per cent.
“In Wisconsin an army of naw state Editor, I have for 31 year» voted the
Occasionally In
employes waa created and tha naw Republican ticket.
hx-al matters I have switched to a
capital building became too limited go* si Democrat or Independent.
to house the political swarm of tai
After reading daily the Oregoalaa,
Journal and Telegram, and magaalae
"The total
articles galore, my conviction now la
Wisconsin in
that if la Follette and Wheeler are
In 1921 it bad reached the startllag elected we will have the hardest
total of >4.694,739,962, without a ma­ times commercially that we taro
It will not do to bl***
terial reduction In the rate per ceat known.
of taxation. In addition to thio asseaa- Wall Street. New York. It will be a
reasonable and human conclqato*,
ment, too, a state Income tax law took general throughout the country.
more than >41,000,009 from tha tax­
For, if I had large capital I would
payers from 1912 to 1921, Inclusive.
tie slow to use It in Industry. The
“High cost of government In Wis­ mint unsafe measure« may be foisted
consin under the La Follette plan la upon ua. The government may take
apparent to anyone who will consult over the railroads; congress nay
the record. He proposes to extend his assume full control and pass over an
paternalistic, socialistic schemes 1* constitutional restraint any aorta
Wisconsin to tha national government idea. Our country may take to Itself
a Mexican mind and have a continual
if he has the opportunity.
turmoil. These aspirants are preach­
“Thos. E. Lyons, for years a men* ing and propagating the Russian and
ber of the Wteronsln tax commission, Mexican mind. Hence the great tu-
in a recent review of the Wisconsin dustrial, manufacturing, enterprising
tax situation, said:
elites represented everywhere may
“ ’It will be observed that these tighten their cords of restraint and
levies Jumped from >50,270,979 in 1914 head off the wild stampede from
to >64,488,961 in 1918, er >8 per ceat, standard.____________ ___
and from >64.488,691 In 191) to >117,-
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Blanchard and
921,738 In 1922, or 91.5 per cent. Tha twin sons. Harry and tarry, were
increase in the ei«ht-year period from down from Mosier last Saturday. Mr.
1914 to 1922 was 134.6 per cent.*
Blanchard is principal of the Mosier
“Upder the Coolidge plan of govern aehoota.
menL costa are decreasing and taxes
are lessening. Under the La Follett«
plan, costa are rising and taxes ar*
growing at a very heavy rate. It
should not ba difficult for the voter*
to make up their mind as to which
policy they prefer In their
LaFollette System Results
Heavily Increased Cost
of Government.
Voters at tlte coming elect!«*, ths
Republican Stlta Castrol committal
point* out, should not be confused by
the grouping of names of throe caadl
dates for Justices af the supra***
court, Judge H. H. Belt, Judge Percy
R. Kelly and Judge O. P. Coshow, on
the ballot. The first twa are ropab
licans but because of the tact thal
the vacancy Judge Kelly seeks oc-
cured too late for him to filo as •
republican, be was compelled to bar*
bis same placed dh th« ballat aa aa
As the names af the three candi­
dates are grouped. It assy be the mi»
taken Idas of voter* they ar* seeking
the same two vacancies oa tha au
FPama court beach. Thia la sat th*
faot. Judge Belt and Judge Coshew
are candidates ter the vscancy cans
ed by the resignation of Lawrence T.
Harris of Eugene, while Jv^e Kelly
seehs the vacancy caused by tn death
of the late Judge John McCourt.
The state committee point* out that
no non-partisan issue is involved in
thtA*electioa. There are two vseaa
cles in the supreme court to be filled,
caused by retirement sad death of two
republicans. There are two repub
llcan candidate«, Judge Bolt sad
Judge Kelly, running for these places,
while Judge CoshoW, a democrat, is
running against Judge Belt for ths
vacancy caused by the Judge Harris
Both these republican candidates, II
Is urged, are well qualified for th*
positions they seek and deserve th*
votes of all republicans and, Indeed,
of all good eitlsona ot whatever paAp
A Fine Suit Made to Y
Measure for
A perfect fit or no •ale—i
Fall and Winter FasHaru
and Fabrics await your in­
Elizabeth Wood Snow
spection-look them over ■
no obligation to ordei—money
back if not satisfied.
The laxly of little Elisabeth Wood
Snow, the 0-day-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Berkeley 11. Snow waa
taken to Portland for interment at
Riverside cemetery Monday." Service«
were con'dticted by Rev.' Father Cro­
nin, of Portland. The infant died
last Friday night at the Hood River
Death of the Infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Snow came suddenly.
8ym|>atliy for the parents was com­
munity w4de. U. U. Anderson directed
the funeral.
Spaulding’s Tailor Shop
Telephone 9M4