ATTI 1 I HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1924 At The Theatres I EARLY DAYS OF COULD LA FOLLETTE THE DALLES PORTAGE STAND PRESIDENCY? r--------- V' Content (By Capt H. C. Coe) (From the Portland Spectator) Rewipts frvm timber sales, live­ If I remeuibej rigid it was iu Hie If it. should be the fortune of Rob­ stock sales, and other forma of uses su hi me r of 1NU) that tlie first work ert La Follette to win the presidency of the 146 national forests totaled was started on The Dalles-Celilo port­ In November he will enjoy distinct _ SS.2fil.MK4, during the fiscal year end- TONIGHT June 30, 1924, aecordiug to in­ age road. Before the iniiiding _ of as tlie oldest man who ever did tlie portage road, freight nnd passen­ It Is rather odd that in recent issues formation just received from Wash­ Thursday, OcL 16 gers were hauled by teams and stage I of that highly interesting tome, the ington, D. C., by District Forester first, to. the Deacbutes landing and Congressional Directory, no mention Geo. H. Cecil. This sum la paid into Ihtef to the present landing at Ck-lllo. is made of Mr. La Follette’s birthday the United States treaaury. Th«’ old Deschutes road .was rough pr age. In the reams of puffery sent Timber sales brought in S3.O2O.O37, and hilly. The new one was better out by his indefatigable publicity and fee« tor grazing permits brought AND but not not' altogether safe, as it ran agent, aud a similar sad omission is In S1.915.56L ■I The third highest along the edge of the cliff, oppoaite noted. Are we to understand tha amount was paid for the leasing of BETTY COMPSON Tumwiitcf falls for some distance, it is modesty or shame that national forest land for summer J and .in some plncea only a few ' feet from those who are asked for their homes and for other purposes, thia from the edge. In fact one morning votes, the age of the frisky old gent form of forest use having brought in the stage went over, falling some 75 who begs the favor. $207,637 Ixasi-s of water ¡x>wer or 100 feet, wriiking the coach and rights brought in $82.915. Miscel­ Certainly, it does not seem that Mr. killing one or more isiHuengers. Dur­ I4i Follette should be ashamed of his laneous uses of the national forests, Ing tlie winter nnd spring the road including trespass damages, accounted bed and track were practically com- years; he has reached a ripe, hoary for the balance. ~ WF not, sign a registration card and get one today, free, | and reverend age. Last June — to be Price» 10 - 35 - 50c [ilehil, anil u little cog wheel loco- exact, on the 14th day of that pleaa- The 17 national forests In Califor ­ motive used to transfer freight and * from any electrical store. month—he was 6». Why should nia sold the most timber, with the passengers, connecting with the up|>er ant national for<*sta in Washington and he try to conceal from us that im- The Home Lighting Contest is now on and many of the Friday, Oct. 17 Only river boats. isirtant and Interesting fact? He’a Oregon second. The national forests My lirotlier. L. IV. Coe, then agent no maiden lady, who taking her phys­ In Utah, Nevada and southern Idaho boys and girls are already working to win a prize. You too at The Italics and general manager ical charms to market, fears that the grazed the moat livestock, with the have a chance to win one of the prizes that some of your for tlie u]>|H-r division, went east to truth regardiug her age will spoil a forests in Arizona and New Mexico obtain an up to date e<|iiipnieiit for trade. second. i 15 - PEOPLE - 15 friends are working to get not only Tlie Dulles portage l»ut for Compared with the receipts for the Our people, though, have not shown tlie portage at tlie Cascadea. All much eag^riiesa to elect to the presi- fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, the In addition, you have an opportunity to win one of the ALSO large shipments of freight thru had ilency men as distinguished for their receipts for this twist year were $83,- to come around tlie Horn, taking years as is Mr. I .a Follette. Knowing 915 leas, tlie dei reaae being reused I International Prizes —the JOHN BARRYMORE from 1)0 to 100 days iu wailing sliii* this, national conventions have, very by the Btnaller number of livestock $15,000 Model Electrical Home nnd wooden hulls. A large ship was properly, top, considering the tre­ grazing permits issued for horses, cat­ imrebased and tlie rail equipment mendous burdens necessarily Imposed tle and sheep. Tiuilier sales thia past I or. a Scholarship. ioaded. and ,, in due time in i0,1 ,,ur presidents, refrained from year excx*eded tlie former year by I . , arrived . , 99 Portland. F Four up to date locomo-1 nominating men who, although much $308,790. Rummer home leasing and I We want one of our boys lives wi re brought out. two 2 wheel I younger than Mr. La Follette were water power leases also increased. or girls to win the Home so get drivers nnd two Awheel, tlie 3-1 still lielieved too old to lie exposed to Grazing receipts, however, fell off whi-elers coming, to the Celilo roaff. the hardships of presidential duties. $425,924. busy at once. We will be glad 4 Tlu-se locomotives were a yast im-|our oldest preaident was William Prices : provement on tin- little stein winder Henry Harrison, who was 68 when to gWe you additional informa­ Hint had I m - ch In use, reducing the jnan(urated in March, 1841. and who Lower Floor 25, including tax time formerly required from two dled a iatpr The nm olde-t tion regarding contest hours to 40 minutes. With the new waM JuaieH Buchanan, who when ln- Balcony 50c; Kid» 25c • nglnes «-nine a new engineer. James auguratetl was 65: Zachary Taylor Nik-ncer. Jim was a gis>d fellow and > • over -■ . ---- was - a little 64 when - he took - EDUCATIONAL LIGHTING siH>n made a host of friends. "* ***• I office iu 1N49, and served but 16 Vernie Itunlcorn, driver of the Saturday Only, OcL 18 everybody liked Jim, and all rex-o, ’< months. L When Theodore Roosevelt Hood Rfver-Psrkdale stage, who aided COMMITTEE nixed as a fact that he would be " assumed tlie presidency at the death in lifting the big car from the im­ John Barrymore in far better friend than an enemy. * F **j I <>f __ the lamented .......... McKinley he was but prisoned occupants, declared it mirac­ 4 K Was no dirty, greasy, smut iH-grlmmed I »i-l’the‘“yodngt'st" of “our urwHenU ulous that no serious injuries were engineer, but on every occasion w»» Next in years to 1(, Roosevelt was An- ' sustained when an automobile driven dressed Jn a black broadcloth suit. drew johlMon> who Bll(vcedt.d by B. H. Neobeck, of The Dalles, turned turtle on Davidson hill grade sliiM-s seining liis shiny blink hair martyred Lincoln. JACK DEMPSEY I hi I i I m - i I and curled under. He wan ---- Mr. I4i Follette's age v IO is „ a 1Ilullrr matter ut of last Thursday ufternoon. Mr. Neo- clean shaven. Kid gloves protex ted I ni(7“ jmer'e^t"to" 1117^11 ‘than M? beck declared the accident due to IN his hands from the grime and grease Iia Follette seems to think It is necessity of driving too eloae to the In Memory Of Ji woman so good and brave, her And offered a prayer for those who of tlie locomotive. i. .......... . -- he be elected, he would be side of the road to avoid striking a H »* I M5ould silently give. To my little friend of the valley muvver, on tlie dock when the up-river Isiats I within v three months of 70 at his In- car he met on a curve. He wbh ac­ a Trudging onward with her to that God has taken him, though he hardly As I strolled one day through companied by ills wife, who held a arrivexl to greet friends I**”*^ a'ugurat'lonl had begun ----------2—. It is doubtful if a man house OU the Hill country lane through.* , I«''"' And lest we forget, our work Minili of such ri|K* age should be exposed baby, three small girls and two men. Wondering anil thinking, yet it was I chanced to meet a maiden, just a- Mrs. Neobeek sustained a dislocated Due day when we pulled in to'die to the hardships of the presidential soon lie done. ids will. mere tot. dock, Jim was not there. Z A crowd ’ I office, ~ Back there I can see and it la very certain that this wrist, and one of the children had a Soon I laid her in a motlier ’ s gentle Looking up with tear-strewn ch«>eks, slightly scratched face. gathered a round Conductor John nation should not be exposed to the mother's tender care she pointed to a marble-stone ’ arm Ntoors. Where was Jim? And this* misfortunes that would follow the Wiille driving neaj the same spot But he was budded here to bloom Anil asked in God to keep away all clad lot was the word: Jlin had laa*n ar- sucexMwion of a man like Wheeler. Friday Mrs. Charles Evans collided up there. Itobt. E. Dunne. harm. rested for a murder committed in with a horse own«) by Dr. E. J. And tried to. say, -to tell me, a dear Turning, though I could not ask her one has I hh - u lain. Colusa county. California, two years Hlutx, which darted suddenly from a Preventing Infantile Paralysis muvver « Smoky and Smelly Oil Rtoves Cured by I gatherx-xl her into iny arms lu-fore. and liinl fled to Oregon under (By Frederick V. Rtricker, M. D„ blind road side. The auimal jumped But I heard a sob witli breaking using E ceneOil. Try this high grade trh*d to ease her sorrow an iissiiiiieil name. Tin* Colusa sher­ collalHiratlng epidemiologist, Oregon astride the hood of the car and rolled heart, little bruvver. coal oil next time anil ses the difference. iff.. learning of Ids whereabouts, had State Board of Health, in coopera­ under the front wheels. Ditched by And as we talkexl she spoke of tlie lot I isiiidered o'er that Any quantity, gallon to barrel, at E. A. things she'd planned for sent a deputy up witli pats-rs duly tion with the United States Public the impact, the front of the car was flower-strewn grave Franx Co. n>29tf morrow, wrecked. The horse was so badly signiHl mid witTi requisition on die I Health Service.) e Injured that it was killed. Oregon governor, lie was taken to The name “infantile paralysis” is a Portland and was awaiting the ac­ tion of tlie governor. A glisun settled misnomer, as this ‘ is not a disease on every face. Of course we knew coutlned strlx'tly to infancy nor is H. R. CREAMERY NOTES Jim was a 'dangerous man when imralysls a constant symptom. The NEWS - TOPICS - FABLES angry, hut we felt that he iiad a disease is not common and were it The oleomargarine and condensed not for the disability that it oxxsk- milk measure is intended to protect good cause, if hr did kill a man. slunally reuses, it would not receive not only the dairymen aud the dairy Prices 10 - 35 > 50c Ro speculation went on until our the widespread attention that it does interests aloue, but everybody in the arrival down two days later. There at the present time. Epidemics ocxrur state—every merchant, every banker, Hood River, Oregon to our astonishment stxwid Gentleman every few years in temperate cli­ every bualnx'SH and professional man, Sunday, October 19 Jim. smiling and shaking hands with mates. It is a general infex-tion due every institution which depends on everybody. It was a remarkable to a filterable virus. Flexner and prosfwrity for Ita own. It is October 16, 1924 case. On liia arrival in Portland Noguchi have cultivated the virus Oregon intended to .protect tlie hx-alth of ORCHARD under arrest, a telegram was sent to and produeexl the disease in monkeys. babies and children, youth and grown » the sheriff of tlie cxxinty in California Ilosenow considers strx*pt els«' to Oregon for <*aae. Cases occur singly and in epi­ . It does not injure any pxsir people, nor does depriving them of their so- prisoner.” Jim was releasiil at once demics. The majority of casta occur nnd die snp|H>sed deputy arrested and in children under five years of age. called cheap spread on bread work Complaint has been made for years that it is M examined as to his sanity. He was I Onx> attack apparently protects aa them harm. There are a great many hard to get, in our apple raising city, really good cheap things. Axle grease is quite found to I m * dciiwnted. Just how he second nttacks are very rare, Chll- got the pa|>ers and his aiqsdntinent dren wlth a history of a sudden onset cheap, but It should not take the samples of the fruit which makes Hood River famous. and ns deputy was never found out. On with fever, vomiting, and probably place of butter. No doubt, a good chemist could doctor It up and mix the eomjiletlon of the Oregon and pain In the back of the neck, in the Through the courtesy of H. T. DeWitt who has California road Jim took u |s>sitlon back, and vngue symptoms of menin- it with milk and make it taste all right. Buch mixtures we do not fa public spiritedly donated space in his Chevrolet witli the comimny and was with it lrritation, such an difficulty In vor, t>xN-auso they are not real econ­ when I last knew of blin. B special -w show room at the Mt. Hood Garage, I have been able swallowing, or dlSturbanex*s of omy and because they constitute an Prices 25-50- 75 *1 he portage roaxi was remarkably He)IIH,H, sliould lie isolatxMl and kept unfair aud Injurious comiietition. to place for display and sale a little of the best frx>e from accidents. None of any ---- 1 under observance. They deprive people of aometlilng far important ever occurred to my fruit I know how to grow. It is impossible to state definite Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thurs. knowledge while operated ns 11 Port- J aa<| effective methods of preventing more iiu|s>rtant than their alleged cheap spread. age road. this disease, as Information In regard Oct. 20-21 -22-23 I ßha11 offer only extra fancy apples of a size Tills law will not prevent the Im­ to the ‘ mode ’ of tranamlasion Is still * not smaller than 125. Each variety in season—-one an unsolved problem. In the absence portation of cocoanut oil or copra. of thia Information we are justified There Is a place for ciN-oanut oil anil apple, a dozen, a box or a carload. I have a spec­ other vegetable oils. If we open the ,n insisting that them* cases lie ini- Bible we will find frequent references ialty gift box, containing approximately one fourth miHilntel^ reported and 1st da ted. All to milk, butter and clieeae aa food known preventive measurea should be & full box, and will paok any combination of va­ of merit. We also read World's Greatest Motion Picture I used, such as isolation, disinfection. products rieties oi- sizes to order. Apples arc doing lietter In all mar- screening' and dust eradication. The something of vegetable oils, qot as Prices during engagement : kels than nt^liis time last year and infection must lie fought f__ L: on the foods but as cleansing agents. It Is Freely admitted that vegetable oils are tlie prospects arc decidedly brighter ground of personal contact, Patient Please spread this word and know that I shall Kids 25c. Adults 50c than they were a year ago. should Is* isolated in a _ clean, .1___ , Imre ___ valuable as soap ingredients. Nor is It denied that they may have some keep this fruit worthy Hood River’s reputation for Conqiared with last season's early* I room, well screened to keep out in ­ Loges 75c(68c plus tax 7c) movement. cnrlot shipments to date I sects. No visiting should lie allowed final value. But if they are to ap- the world's best apples. |s>ar as foods let them xitmx* out in from western states have been 25 and only necx*saar.v attendants should |s r cent less and from eastern states come In contact with th«« patient. All the often for just exactly what they VERA KOLSTAD ON RIALTO Yours sincerely, 4o |ier cent below tlie ll»ii3 output, discharges should lie thoroughly dis- are. If they are of food value why Wex-kly shipments from the east and infected. In the prevention of any do they have to masquerade? Why WURLITZER DAILY middle west arc running only about epidemic of communicable diseases it must they lie forever hidiug lielilnd E. E. HOUSE half of Inst year's volume and front is a wise policy to avoid public rneet- milk? The intent and purpose of this law tlie Pacific const only two-thirds, but ings and gathering places. last week western Imxed apples Treatment: Two types of serum Is simple and plain. We want to gained nearly 1,000 cars, with Wash- have lieen used in treating thia dia- stop counterfrttlng butter with a suit- Ington outranking other states Next ease, convalescent human serum and at ltute which takes the valuable in­ ieadfne apple states were Virginia, immune horse serum. Providing the gredient out of butter and puts in TODAY New York, Illinois. Colorado and < ire-1 diagnosis can be made in time, both something less valuable. We want it gon. Those shipping between 200 and of these aeeiu to give beneficial re­ stopped in Oregon. Thursday, Oct 16 3oo enrs each were California. Idaho, sults. If thia law is defeated a number of Arkansas and Missouri. Prlcxa In all The prevention and management of things will follow: HARRY CAREY shipping markets rule firm, while in epidemics of infantile paralysis rells First, it will be a great victory for tlie distributing markets (lie tdne is for <*oo|>erath>ii lietW'een cltlzeus, phy­ the oleo Industry over the dairy In­ steady. sicians and health officers. The peo­ dustry. t'lii-ap oils may be mixed Tlie movement to foreign countries ple must learn to appreciate that a with skim milk and turn out what la is excex'dlng Inst season's volume, and greater menace lies in the conceal­ said to lie a substitute for butter. It thus far prices are said to have I h * cii ment of eases and opposition to prop­ is bat a stefi from thia to using min­ will sustained. Weekly shipments er treatment than in prompt report- eral oils, oils refined from petroleum. fiom I'nited mates and Canadian Ing and isolation of infected catea, Newnd. the dairy industry will l>e- ■|s>rts have now passed 100,000 barrels This la the greateat single item to gin to decline. It cannot help It. Friday-Saturday, Oct. 17-18 and as many. If not more, I mixi - s . Ex- comliat dlaeaae. The success in con- There will Is- fewer cows, poorer soils, ports of Isixed apples |Mirtlcularl.v are trolling any epidemic depends on the heavier taxes, and these will not be far in rcess of tlie 1923 movement early diagnoaia of all caws. field by the eastern oleo factories. PRISCILLA DEAN to this date. Third, the health of the coming Good markets nre I wing found not Building long Life Roads generation will not be aa good, for A only In tlie I'nited Kingdom, but in Tlmt various states begin to realtae tlie children will have lees dairy food. Scandinavia. Germany, Belgium and that the maintenance cost on |>aved Fourth, labor will find that the so- Austria. Tlie shortage in «the Csna- highways is as important an item as called cheap spread on bread is mak­ dlnn crop Is a fix-tor in Improving tlie tlie original cost of building roads, is ing cheap wages and a cheap scale of demand in European markets for and l>y the action of such states living. They will be put In competi­ nppli - from the Unitexl States. Tlie evldenivd its North Carolina and Massachusetts. tion with clieap labor of foreign Okanogan valley apple crop 111 British Two-Reel Comedy Tlie State Highway de|iartrhent of lands. Asiatic Jalsir. If cheapness la SKID STANDARD Columbia is alHiuLi.lOO.OtiO I mixcs . or North rex-cives dally sam­ what they want on the table, they one third less tlinn last year. In ples of Carolina imvemeut lielng laid in that will get li In their pay envelopes, too. Nova Scotia the August estimate in­ 9.47 30x3 CL 33x4%'$ These tilings will not. come in a Sunday Only, October 19 24.59 NS and its Inlsiratory tests reveal dicated 1.275.000 liarrels. a reduction state day or a week. ¡barement is being put 9.98 30x354 £s of 550.000 from tlie 11)23 crop. On­ down carefully and in accordance already. Just as srtrely as night 34x414 26.09 The Big Melodrama tario expected slightly over a million witli specifications. It is <*stimHtcd lows day. tile-failure to protect « » 11.98 30x3*4^ ’ 35x4*4 27.00 liarrels of apples. that these tests have sometimes saved own interests will he followed « 4 Tlie October report of tlie Depart­ iis 12.87 further encroachments of greedy 30x3% high as 112.000 in later road 36x4'4 27.90 ment of - Agriculture estimates the stltutions which care for nothing REGULAR ss « 4 i iininn ri in! apple crop at 26.042.000 repairs. 17.07 32x354 33x5 30.87 making more mcuM'y. NS where great care liarrels. a dperease of 1,150.000 liarrels Is In^Massachusetts • • Also Is't iis realise right now that these 4 4 PRICE used in building roads, the main­ 17.43 31x4 35x5 since September 1. and a deercase of tenance 32.01 great corporattoM sre not spending 1.742.167 square cost for • 4 7.161.(MSI liarrels from Inst year when $13.30 19.17 of asphaltic conefete was only thousands of dollars in advertising SCENIC AND COMEDY 32x4 37x5’ -f 33.76 the production was 34.4tKi.0O0 liarrels. yards cheap s|>reads for bread lieeause they $1.17 per square yard in spite of fact • 4 <4 A loss during the past month is shown that these particular roads have lieen love the poor jieople no much. If that 19.69 33x4 34x5 34.47 in Washington, New York. Virginia. In servile for many years. Tills is were the <-ase they might pay the fsior 44 These Special Intro ­ 20.08 West Virginia. Olilo and Michigan, equivalent to only $124 a mile for an copra gatherera in the Philippines a 34x4 36x6 44 Clifton Emmel at the piano 54.06 ductory Prices Good tlie largest decline during the month IN-foot roadway. 44 wage that will enable them to live aa 24.17 Ju the Washington crop. for Two Weeks Only 32x454 Liberty Prices 10 - 25 - 35c iH'Ing civilised people should. They are not Botli North Carolina and Massa ­ Tim agricultural or farm crop is chusetts have had excellent succesA exerciaed over our financial condition estimated at 174.N7O.Otsi bushels com­ Matinees Sat. and Sun. 2 p. pared with 100,770.000 bushels last with tlie asphaltic concrete type of nor the health of our babies. There roads which seem to is» proving be­ is just one tliiag that inspires their m. at Liberty. Every day at the year. ___ yond a doubt that their shock-alisorb- extensive advertising campslgna. their Rialto. Continuous at Rialto 2 to Tel. 1014 and have Meyer A King call ing charai'teristics mean long life for hired siieakera and paid propaganda, 9 p. m. Sundays. HOOD RIVER, OREGON for your suit. It sill bo cleaned and the tiaveiiients with a minimum of and tljat is more profits for them. Let us vote for the law which will pressed and returned ready for immedi­ maintenance repairs.—Pacific Manu­ protect us. IxT ua vote 806 X Yea. facturer. ate wear. jftt f 6Z>e RIALTO Cosmo Minstrels schoolBoyslschooLGàxìs/ The Enemy Sex Did You Get Your Copy of The Home Lighting Primer ? The Vaiidette Revue Beau Brumme! HEAVY CAR WRECKED BUT NOBODY HURT “Beau Brumme!” West of the Water Bucket” Vaudette Revue Half Dollar Bill No Luck” ‘The Sea Hawk” APPLES CONTINUE TO MAKE HEADWAY 6*e LIBERTY TIRE PRICES SLASHED ! ! Douglas Cords White Tiger” Guaranteed 10,000 Miles 30x31 CORD 98 ‘‘Dead Game” AUTO PARK SERVICE STATION