F HOOD RIVER PLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 à MOSIER t For the convenience of Growers of the West' Side we have inaugurated a1 semi-weekly delivery. Delivery leaves our Sanitary Market every Tuesday and Friday at 12:30 p. m. Use the telephone and take advan tage of this service. ■% Yours for a fine crop and the best of returns *• -4 I HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 8811 ===== •• »«A /* j* We are the Representatives in this District for the firm of J. & H. Goodwin, Ltd. Dealers in both Domestic and Export Fruits We are prepared as their Representatives to make liberal advances on all Fruits X We are also in a position to supply the grower with all his orchard requirements. If an INDEPENDENT SHIPPER see us before making final disposition of your ctpp. HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY The Best Coffee Blended “MAXWELL HOUSE” You’ll »ay so, too, when you have tried it. We have it at 50 cents per pound, having purchased it before Phone us for some of this famous Coffee. L. H. HUGGINS Deliveries 9 a. m. and 3 p. m Phone 2134 We have a complete line of Lunch Supplies for your Vacation Picnic LAURNELL MARKET “Nothing But The Best” The Auto Beauty Shop HOOD RIVER, ORE. BROOKSIDE DRIVE, NEW SYSTEM AUTO REFINISHING The Week Service on Your Car. Indestructible Lacquer Enamel Finish. Any Color or Color Combination in Satin or High Gloss Finish. ALSO STANDARD VARNISHING AND REFINISHING of All Types — Interior and Exterior. All Finishes applied by air under pressure TEL. 5678. air goes deeper than hair. R- C. GOODMAN. S. E. BARTME55 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon’s first class of Embalmers. . FA port Interest is Keen ^|ore than usual Interest is taken In the apple market here by Euro­ pean interests. Heavier purchases of apples have already ls-en made by Europe at Pacific Nortliwest isduls than during any previous season. Pacific Northwest growers have Is-eti greatly lienefltted by this exjsirt movement and especially so, -as for tlie first time the foreign markets will “make" the domestic markets. As most of the Pacific Northwest apple crop consists of small sized fruit Ulis season and Europe takes practically all of such sizes—from 103 to 234 apples to tlie lsix—this means that the American trade will he forced to j»ay similar prices for its needs. Of special import In tlie trade thia year is the fact that the Columbia river sectlou of Oregon anck Washing­ ton has tlie only large crop of apples. Tile high prices tielng paid mean pros­ perity to the apple producing sections. According to P. F. Clark, of the Clark-Baker Company, brokers, the sales of apples to Enrols* at Pacific Nortliwest iMiints have been so huge that growers are no longer willing to make sales. In fact, there is a tem­ porary lull in the apple morket due to the unwillingness of growers to sell even at the high prices now being quoted. Last sales of Columbia river diatriet Hpltzenbtirgs were around $1.88 to $2.00 per box for the 150 size and larger with Yellow New­ town s $1.75 to $1.85; Wlnesii|>s, $210 towns. $1.75 to $1.85; Winesai*. $2.10 tier box. Virtually all of the Jona­ thans have already been sold. Sam Hepner I wh Apples =F r Just Three Words About Tire Values Highest Quality—Goodyears! Low Price—Goodyears! Real Service—Goodyears! Buy Goodyears Now! HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING IN GENUINE GOODYEAR TIRES 30 « 3*/i Clincher Tires from $ 6.65 to $12.95 ? 32 X 4 Straight Side Cord from 14.60 to 22.50 ‘ - 33 X 4 Straight Side Cord from 15.30 to 23.25 32 X 4'A Cord $24.55 33 X 5 Cord 31.40 HELP FOR OLD FOLKS NOTICE the raise. SERUM FOUND FOR ATTEMPTS MADE TO WRECK FAST MAIL NEW SKIN DISEASE A baby daughter was born recently * to Mr. and Mrs. I zh > Higley, of Bur nett, Wash. Mr. Higley formerly . • • f . -5 • I lived In Mosier. Mrs. Bellinger and son. Beu. aud Two attempts to wreck fast mail Dr. H. B. Meyers, Ixcterlologlst of Mrs. C. J. E. Carlson and daughter, trains between Hood Hiver and the lint versify of Oregon Medical ____ _ ______ Elsie, motored to The Dalles Tues­ Rooster Rock, west of Pridal Veil school in Portlaud, was here last day of last week. falls, recently were revealed in The week, en route to The Dalles to ob­ O. A. Hage was ou* tlie sick (1st Dalles last Thursday with the arrest serve patients there affected with a of a man who goes by the name of skin disease |M*cutlar to cannery work­ last week. ers. The discuse was first noted Mrs. Geo. Oarroll wan quite ill “Pendleton.” The suspect, believed be at times shout a year ago, and Dr. Meyers last Sunday. A *Ì1< hm 1 River physi­ mentally unbalanced, was quizzed at Is-gaii immediate investigation, cian was called. The Dalles police beadquarters by assistant bus been stationed at Roecoe Carroll went to Hood River Ed Woods, chief detective of tlie O.- Dalles to check up on the eases. Tuesday of last week. W.. It. A N. Ou. “Pendleton" was ar­ Dr. Meyers stated while "here Roscoe Davidhizar and Mrs. Lloyd rested from descriptions of tlie track tile disease was caused from Fisher and son. Harold, arrived Tues- walker, who saw a mail' in the m*lgh- teria precept on the fruit. He day from Ouk Ridge. Isirhisid of Rooster Kock Tih-sil^ discovered a serum that effectively General Manager O’Brien, 8upt. night, September lfi, when a push ear cures tlie ailment. While here Dr. Buckley and other officials of the was struck sud knocked from the Meyers called on the family of his O.-W. K. A N. were In Mosier Sat­ right of way by traiu No. fi, east- cousin, Mrs. Ed Abbott. urday ou their annual inspection tour. bound. ..Moilala Publisher Visite Here The second attempt to derail the Wm. Vensel ship|M*d his first cur- mail train, westbound, Was made ’.»..Gbrdon' J. Taylor, publisher of the load of Delicious apples Saturday. Tuesday,, night, September 23, just Mark A. Mayer returned home "West of Hood River, according to the Mollala Pioneer and member of the legislative committee of the Oregon Saturday from u trip to Portlaud. police. State Editoriul Association, and Mrs. At the next meeting of the Re­ Both times the objects placed on Taylor. were lien* last week calling on bekah lodgi* a social evening, playing the rails were knuckl'd off without pewspaiier folk Mr. Taylor will visit cards, will be enjoyed. serious damage to the trains, it was ills fellow publishers as far south in Most of the apples of the Mosier stated. On tlie last occasion an un- central Oregon as Bend, seeking ideas district are umier cover now, but kuowu, object, believed to have liven from them as to legislation for pre­ It will be several weeks before they ties, was hit but the train proceeded sentation to the next state assembly. west without stopping for tlie truin are (tacked ready for shipping. Mr. und Mrs. Geo. 11 ugg und sons, crew to ascertain the cause- Library Notes Had the eastboiind mail truin been Wallace and Bobby, of Salem, slant List of new' books: , traveling at full speed the push ear the week end at the M. A A. Shogren Fiction: would have unffnubtedly derailed the ranch. lleim— Without Clews. engine and caused a serious accident, Mrs. C. H. Sletton, of Hood River, railroad men Btated. Marshall—Anthony Dare. recently started vocal training in tlie Richards Tlie Squire. "Pendleton” when arrested was lu Mosier school. Biography: the iHissession of a gun and his poek- Mr. anil Mrs. A. Taggasell, of ets were filled with junk, such as I Pupin—From Immigrant tie Invent­ Hood Riversare at the Vensel ranch broken watches, knives and the usual or. Tlie outstanding biography of the ____ _____ for the apple season. lieloiiglngs of u hobo. 4^llol,Kh ho year. Henry Petersop , passed away Fri­ claims to be only 44 years of age. he day, October 3, at. his home at Wap- is quite gray and a 1 »pears much older. anitla. Mr. Peterson was formerly a He admitted that at times lie was Mosier resident. Mrs. Peterson is a "off” mentally. Although railroad police asserted Ohl Age Should Be Happy — Not A sister of Sirs. Bertha Johnson of this Time of Sickness and Suffering city. they were convinced that “Pendleton” Too many people Is-gln to suffer at was the man who placed obstructions Mosier people attending the theatre at The Dalli'H Friday evening were: on the track, lie was released upon middle age with constant backache, urinary ills und rheumatic pains and Air. and Mrs. Ernest Evans, Miss Ida purebase of a ticket for Sislkane. I aches. Weak kidneys are usually the. Emily Husbands, Ligo Huskey ami The man admitted that* he might have family, J. E.. Higley, Mr. aud Mrs. plan'd tlie hand truck on the truck cause and. if neglected.. there Is dan­ C. G. Niellili and Mr. and Mrs. Fred which was struck by train No. ti, say­ ger of hardened arteries, dr<»t»<5', ing that lie realized that in was at gravel or Bright's disease. Help your Evans. times mentally unbalanced. Railroad weakened kidneys with a stimulant The regular mis ting of- (lit* Y. W. isdice took the stand that there was diuretic I »'fore kidney disease gets a C. A. high school clul> met Thursday no criminal iMrnt displayed, and per­ firm hold! I'se Doan's Pills. Thou­ afternoon. Miss Luella Neilsen and mitted “Pendleton" to go free. sands of old folks recommend Doan's. Miss Nedra Evans were iiost<*sscs. Here is Hood River proof: Plans for the year’s progrum were Mrs. N. A. Monroe, 814 Cascade Freezing Wea|£$r Kneeunt. r.-d made. Miss Evelyp Behlln was ap­ avenue, says:- “Aly back and kidneys Paul Reed and Percy Buc klin, jvlio pointed social chairman by the pres Isithered me and 1 felt run down apd ident. Miss Nedra Evans. Miss Leib- ascended to the sununlt of Lookout miserable. Doan's Pills helped me mountain, wooded is-ak Just to the etrqu, of The Dalles, was down for and soon restored me to my east of the Mount Hood Loop high­ greatly the meeting. usual good health. Such a tine rem­ Mrs. Buchanan, of The Dalles, was way south of tlie Upper Valley, found edy as lionn's should I«' known to down Thursday in tlie Interest of the a freezing temperature Sunday.' They all.” i aehool. Owing to ill health she will encountered but little snow, however. Over seven years later, Mrs. Mun­ not be able to resume her work. Mrs. The summit has an elevation of (1,500 ns1 add<-ointed Ad­ Neilsen, Alice Sliogten, Elizabeth 8110- Battle of Corinth Recalled ministratrix of the Estate of Hugh I gren. Geo. Forrest and Burt Oslatrn. 8. F. Blythe, 81 and dean of North­ Carlton Johnson. deceased. by the I A high school party was given at the Mosier school auditorium Tliurs- western news]iatM*r. publishers and County Court of Hood River County, day evenlng. The new teachers ami printers, last Friday recalled his ser­ Oregon, and has duly qualified as All persons having claims the freshmen were Initialed. Besides vice in the 22nd Ohio regiment <12 such, the high school students, those pres- years ago at tlie Imttle of Corinth. against said Estate are hereby noti- out were: Mr. Blanchard. Miss Mr. Blytlie characterized Corinth aa ti<*d to present the same, verified ac­ Ptack, Miss Gribxcov, Mrs. Mathews. one of tlie hottest little fights'of tlie cording to law, to the Bndendgned, nt Odell, Oregon, within six months Mr. Bonny, Mrs. Neilsen and tlie Mo­ Civil war. Another local (J. A. R. man, Thomas from this date. sier high school aluiuni. Beveral Dated and first published Septem­ unique stunts were carried' out Htid Goss, of tlie West Side orchard dis­ Annie O. Johnson. refreshments were served. Music was trict, part lei pat isl in the battle of ber 25. 1924. Ke U. Administratrix. It. Wilbur, rendered by Miss Emily Hushnnds, Corinth, serving with the 1 Itli Wis j George s25olfi Atty, for Atlntrx. Robert Scearee, Claud Roland, Burt cousin regiment. Osburn, Gerald Horn and Miss Irene Horn. The high aehool students in­ itiated were: Howard Root. Mon­ tana i'liamls-rlain. Ethel Chatfield, Gordon Proctor, Marcella Race, Ev­ elyn aud Lena Robbs. Vivian Down- ing, Ruth Htrnuss and <'laude Roland, A dance was given ut the MosieF hotel Friday evening. Darrell Evans has residence in Moaier for a few weeks, llage's cider factory started up re­ cently, and in spite of (lie cool weatli- er Bunday was a big day at the factory. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Waller, have; been visiting their HüU, Waller, tills summer, left Munday for their home at Beelie, Ark? < While playing at school the first of tlie week Maynard Guy, stepson of Win. Hailey, suffered a fractured collar Isme and was taken to Hissl River for treatment. Mrs. JnineH Cherry was quite ill several days last week. Fa yet t Oakley, of Portland, ar- rived in Mosler Saturday to spend the we<*k end at the borne of bis uncle, E. M.. ______ Strauss. Miss IsdfeDtrau, of The Dalles, was a dinner jpiest at the W. E. Clark .home Thursday. Phone 1381,3821 HOOD RIVER, OREGON? Thieves entered the barn of Hain Hepner iu the Frankton district Isat week and stole 15 boxes of peeked apples. The Incident han caused offi­ cers and ranchers to lie on tlie alert fearing a repetition-of thefts of sev­ ers! years ago when apple bandits visited apple areas In motor buses and imide several wholesale hauls. E. A. Franz Company, inc Hood River Garage, Inc. IDEAL GRADERS ► IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ANY SIZE Also, 2 Used Graders at Bargain Prices CALL Ideal Grader & Nursery Co Phone 5832 Sunbeam Warm-Air Heating Does More Than Heat It Saves Money It Ventilates It Moistens the Home Air It Saves Floor Space It Responds Quickly It Gives Easy Control It Assures Comfort Come in and ace us. Let us five you the whole story of Sunbeam Warm-Air Heating. We can quote you a price on a Sunbeam Furnace that will surprise you. Drop in today or tomorrow, HOOD RIVER PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. F. B. SNYDER, Prop. GROW DAHLIAS for PROFIT In order to give my entire attention to propagation of seed­ lings in the future, I am offering for sale my choice lot of Standard Dahlias, about 25« to 30# clumps, at a price that will appeal to anyone interested. A wonderful opportunity to acquire a stock of the Highest Grade Dahlias grown. All are Standard Dahlias of Merit, most of them have won high honors at exhibitions throughout the country. With the exception of two of my 1922 seedlings now on the market, no seedlings of 1923 or 1924 are Included in this offer, Also I shall reserve for seed purposes only, a small number of Standard Clumps. 4 Buyer to take the entire lot of Clumps and to harvest them after frost appears. Stakes are not Included. v- •> Parties interested are invited to inspect my garden where they will see plants now in full bloom. J. G. RUGGLES 1109 Prospect Ave., Hood River, Oregon = Meat Eats For All Occasions The Best Foods from Oregon Cattle Pure Foods at the most moderate prices FISH AND POULTRY THE HOOD RIVER MARKET A. F DAVENPORT, Prop Talaphona 4311 Anderson Undertaking Co C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 415 OAK STREFT t J PHONE UM _____ _______ 3—- » X' i