HOOD RIVER PLACIER, THÜttavAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1924 . r HIGH CUTS i I ■ /. This illustration shows one of our Hi-Tops. It is made " specially for the man - who works out of doors. "STAR 8PANo\ J. C. JOHNSEN SOLID LEATHER SHOES When in need of anything in the LUMBER “d FUEL NONE BETTER “ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE” Tum-A-Lum L umber B ill , Mgr. Auction Sale Monday, Sept. 29, 1924 PARK PLACE, ORE 1 Mile North of Oregon City on East Side Pacific Highway SALE BEGINS AT 11 O’CLOCK Lunch on the Grounds. 35 Registered and high grade Jerseys, fine Jersey type and heavy production combined. Milking as high as 48 pounds per day. About 15 fresh before day of sale. Average herd test better than 5%. This herd contains the blood of such noted sires as, Golden Glow’s Chief, Myra’s Jersey King, and Chief Engineer. Such dams as Nancy V., Pearly Exile, and Olga’s Silky H. No catalogs will be issued, but a list of the regis­ tered stock together with their sires and dams, may be obtained by writing to L. GLASS, Owner, Park Place, Oregon; C. D. MINTON, Sales Manager, 818 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon; J. W. HUGHES, Forest Grove, Oregon, Auctioneer. Do not fail to write for list as it contains the fine offering, whether for a fam­ ily cow or augment your dairy. Terms: 6 Months, 8%. Those desiring credit must make necessary arrangements with K. A. MILLER, Clerk, at the bank of Gresham, Gresham, Oregon. EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY ; mosier ] < Mrs. E. K. Vickers left Monday for I Oregon City to visit With her eon, I Earl Vickers, and family, before going I on to Corvallis where «he is cook fdr I the Theta Delta Nu house. 1 I Mrs. James Cherry and daughter, I Mary, spent several day« in Portland I the latter part of the week with her I sister, Mrs. Ray Sturgis«, who la on I the sick list. \ | I Gilbert Burned and Mis brother I and sister arrived from California I and «ill be employed on the Vensel I ranch during apple harvest. Wheeler Clark, of Heppner, gpent I Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W?E. dart. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Root spent Sun­ day in The Dalles with friends. , Mr. and Mrs. George Huskey spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. N. A. Hunter. They were on their way to Pendleton to attend the Round up. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evan« find daughter, Dolores, were in Dufur Saturday attending to business. *' The reception given by the Mosier community Monday evening to wel- I come the new teachers and to get better acquainted with the old ones , was well attended and enjoyed by all. Each new teacher was pre­ sented with a little token in keeping with her respective position, and neth Diiumick spent Sunday each one responded with a few re­ liir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. marks. A short program and refresh­ leg. He is working with 8. B. ments dosed a very enjoyable even­ i at Camus Prairie. ing. I Robert Nlcolet passed away Herbert Graves and Francis Neilsen Uy at his home Tuesday morn- left Thursday to attend the‘ Round­ lle was born in Switzerland up at Pendleton. 1876 aud came to America Mrs. Ralph Dnvall and Mrs. Oulin and son, of Fullerton, Calif., left Sunday for Hood River to work In the apple harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conley left Saturday for White Salmon to work in the apple harvest. Cllfton C. Reynolds, from Center­ C. J. Littlepage, of Corbett, came burg, O., arrived in Mt. Hood Sep­ up to look after his Interest here. tember 10. He 1« making his home He reports Mrs. Littlepage getting with hla grandfather,. Jesse David­ better after r ,sick spell recently. son. Mr. and Mrs. John Strain left Boyd Camptx'll started work the Wednesday for Hermiston, where they first of the week for the Apple Grow­ expect to make their future home. ers Association at Hood River. Friends of Robert Simpson stopped on their way to the Round-up and took him with them > Wednesday of Central Vale school was well rep­ last week. , C. A. Cramer traded his ranch on resented in the Hchpol fair at Hood Mosier creek to Mr. Kennedy, of River. A very lieaptiful booth was eastern Oregon, for other land. Mr. fitted up by Mrs. Schweizer, Mias Cramer is one of the ^queers of the Frey and their helpers. Those re­ community, having lived here 43 ceiving prises were: Mary Lewis, first on wild flov ere, W“cair i and to become an eyesore to st Mr. Davidhlzar’s mine near Baker. , the valley highways. “I found." «aid Mr. Johnson, “that Miss Mildred Nichol left Saturday tot Eugene to attend U. of O. I the orchardlsts are responding to the Miss Thelma Johnson left Saturday 1 appeal. The first grower to paint and otherwise improve the looks of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lelllott have his mail box was R. E. Miller, of the moved to the property formerly Odell district.” owned by Gordon Graham, for the Street Will Be Closed winter. At the request of the city school Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Husbands and daughter« were In Hood River Sat­ l>oard the city council haa closed sec­ tions of Height« «ide afreet« in the urday evening. vicinity of the Junior high «chool The wind storm Frldiy evening during «chool hour«. The school au­ broke one of the large windows in the thorities will place the signa notify­ Chown «tore. ing the public of the action. Those voting at the school meeting The council received a request tonight will decide whether or not from residents residing on west Oak the andltorlum will be used for and State «treeta. asking that proper public dancing. «igns be placed directing tourists to Mia« Sarah Howe«, of Hood River, the Columbia River highway. It was was a Sunday dinner guest at the stated that many transient motorists get lost in this part of town. home of Miss Thelma Johnson. Albert and Avon Ernquist left Sat­ Ten Delian Reward urday to visit relatives In Portland. Barrett School Board will pay ten Mias Sarah Folsom left Sunday morning for Monmouth to attend nor­ dollars (810) reward to anyone fur­ nishing information that will lead to mal school. the arrest and conviction of the per­ Mrs. C. G. Nichol and daughter, son or penurne who broke down the Mildred, were «hopping in Portland iron posts snd chain at the entrance Thursday. of the Barrett school grounds. After the Rebekah lodge meeting By order of the Board of Directors. Saturday evening a short musical A. G. Wing, Clerk. program was rendered and several talk« given in memory of the 73rd Notice anniversary of the lodge. Refresh­ A meeting bf the taxpayer« of ment« were «erved and game« were Hood River Irrigation District will played by l*oth young and old. Those be held at Oak GrovA* school house attending from The Dalles were: Thursday, September 80, 1024, at 7.30 Ml«« Sara Howes, of Hood River, p. m. for the purpose of discussing MI hhch Milina Seha«aen, Ignore Kirk and passing on the Budget as pre­ listriek, Ethel Gibson, Hugh Fagan par cl by the Budget Committee for and Dora Sexton, grand warden of the year 1025. lteliekah assembly. By order of the Board of Directors. F. Fenwick, MOUNT HOOD «1125 Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. John Klobis came up from Portland Snnday to Visit Joe We wiah to express o Klobis and family. Ml«« Ilea trice Campbell was home those who at the time of from Hood River over the week end. ment and sorrow In the dear daughter and slat Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark and worda of sympathy. a daughter. Georgia. nn