> .................................... I I I I I I I I I 11,s . HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THUR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1994 TT A party <>f io automobllo loads of utfton service will be held at tlie WHITE SALMON Baptist church which will be ad­ of 8t Mary ' M MMM t M iiiiii H ii nt ii:: I*1*/ urtnwea oy a dressed by A. . m M. . Locirer, Locker, neid Held serre- aecre- (From Th« Enterprise) «? ssi* Connell of The near Mt. Adam» highway sur­ ef%£?n?Udi0 Sbt'p’ tha BadlC 8h°p hampers of lunch were spread. Many ReligAuua Education. vey ta completed from Glenwood to •f Hood River. ,lbtf K Other« partlcl- the Klickitat rivar at the Soda L i r* ianM * AI1 » ’ «W — nii delight wnod •*»•* 8ehindler springs, and the anrveyoni are mak­ Ö Transfer Co. T«|.28«l. »7« r«>m«rtthe po,mlar a,l<1 restful beach Th« Sunday achool at 10 a. _ ing good prog r ias on the other aide Preaching service at 11 a. m.; sub- of the Klickitat, ft ia prcdklsd that Wanted—Extra waitreasee for Sat­ k •^•‘/«fating family reunion was of fiermon, “Marriage, What it we trill « "■ have ‘ ' a good gravel ‘ road OT«T urday. Tel. 1952. -5. held Sunday at the home of Mr. and t To Be.” In the evening at 8, that t route to Yakima In the near Born—To Rev. and Mrs. L H ■tra. J. J. Carnes, pioneer local resi­ there will be a union service. Dr. future, and It ta expect«/1 that con- Miller, in Portland, Thursday, Sep­ dents, «t their home on the Height«. Ixx-kar will speak on “Religious Edu­ struction will begin thia fall with a tember 11, a daughter. The .tamllira of raven marrl«*d chi« cation.” It will be a great m«*ssage atram shovel on the heavier grade«. 8. M. McConn was down from Rim dren were prerant. One son, Fred E. by a great man on a greet and moat The federal government has taken Rock Ranch Monday preparing for < arnra, of The Halles, was unable to vital subject ta. which« everytaxly hold of thta work, and la to build the •< vq be present becaura of an accident to should be inteWted. Junior .B. Y. road acroea the Indian reservation. apple harvest. t ,.„/•><* Ids automobile. Those present were: P. U. at 6 p. in. Prayer meeting ' A* N. Rahm arriv«*d from The Eyrie Inn, one of the most Metager last week for a visit with Mr and Mrs. Frank Bishop ami Wedneeday at 8 p. m. Pray for the picturesque places overlooking the child, of Tigard; Mr. and Mrs. Roy revival. a R. Ihlepine. Paator. b«r father, Robert Rand. Columbia Gorge, waa the acene of a Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Labee, tx*autiful party last week when Mrs. Mrs. I R. B. Byerlra. of Portland, tarnes and Mr. 5J — “ ' -- - - Mrs. Earl Stata, of First Christi«« Church • G." A. C«xiper. Mrs. Earl H. Coe and spent .the week end at tlie home of. Portland; Air. and Mrs. Geo. Carnea, Lflrd’s Day, September 21, Bible Mra. N. P. Mears entertained a largo her daughter, Mrs. Susie I*ynn. of North______ Powder; __ Mr. ___ and Mra. J. T. school at 9.45 a. in.; comaiuniou and number of friend« of IIrated Bid You a Cheery Welcome last wrak on buninra*. River, and M. Gard, of Silverton. A garment as beautiful as morning; subject. “Christian Fruitful­ with cut flower« of yellow and tav- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Andrews will ness.” Mrs. Livingstone at the Val­ endar, this being the color scheme Wanted—Extra waitresses for Sat­ it is beneficial, is this rubber For the peat two weeka urday. Tel. 1962. leave this w«*ek for Grand Forks, N. ley Christian church will preaeh on carried out throughout the decora­ there has been intense ac­ corset — which does not have I*,, for a visit with relatives and “Jraus Our Hope.“- Evening union tions. The large dining room where F. w M. Purdy, of Pendleton, has tivity in this department Grand Forks was their service in town at the Baptist church/ cards were enjoyed was also etabor- beep here looking After the harvest friends. the appearance or the. faults home for many years, Mr. Andrews Mr. Livingstone will preach at the New arrivals were rushed of his apple crop. —.... decorated. ~ • of rubber. bran an engineer on the Valley Christian church at 8 p. m. on An| engineer _ .. waa - -jn, — laat through the formality of at the bridge Mra. Murie Lafferty is now a mem­ having Pacific line. Before return­ “Scriptural Evangelism." You are week1 to survey the White Salmon checking and conspicuous­ ber of the staff of tlie Franz hard Northern ing West they will go as far east As cordially invited to attend these ser­ resented at the Portland meeting laat ware store. ly placed in position, and Outside is fine silk Jersey wh I ihh I i , Ind., for a visit with rela­ vices. The Livingstones. the result of the meeting held in Mr. and Mrs. John I.«wrence,' who tives and friends. now all is in readiness to a -i (more beautiful than brocade); Portland last week to drtermiiie the have bran visiting In Stanberry, Mo., unfold to you the new Walter K. W«x»lpert, while return ­ R. F. I). Boxes Must Be Painted most feasible approach to the big inside there is cotton mesh (the have returned to H«x«d River. ing from Roraburg last wrak, had a woolen weaves and rich bridge connecting White Salmon and The following instructions from the F. E. Russell will leave this week ___ narrow <*ra|N> when his automobile most satisfactory fabric for un­ fall colors. Each pattern postoffice department have been cited Hood River. When surveys are com- for Minnesota and the Dakotas on a went «•ver over the th«* Ruthton bill grade. by Post master Johnson, who has pleted, ao that all data can be Se­ derneath rubber);and between and there are many, ia business trip of several weeks. The lights on the ear were defratlve asked that they be given publidty: cured on cost of the improvement, an­ the very latest in style, them the purest gum rubber, Hood River Box Co., box manufac­ and Mr. Woolpert \\ert had stopped to ad- ad­ other in«*eting will be held to decide Th«- special attention of postmasters the beat in quality and turing, Hood River. Oregon. Phone just them. The throttle was jammed at otflera where rural delivery route« what will lx* done and how to raise the most comfortable and long- and f- ----- *' it on returning to the 1342. m4tf in opening lowest i n price, consis­ are in ««iteration is invited to the the money. White Salmon* whh rep­ wearing corset material in the car I _ ___ t it wa* jerked back, sending the need for Improving the apprarance of resented at the Portland meting taat Burt Jayne, a student at Stanford tent with quality. Here —- bluff.' Mr. W«x>l- mall boxes ou these route«. These Friday by Mayor Hyde and Council- world. Made in types for all University law *serv«*d in ail the rahcxds. 8|x*cial ized or aluminum flnish has worn off also there. Mr. Moore gave no figure tlie M. H. S. Co. asseinlilies were held In the high on account of exposure to the ele­ as to the cost of the right of way. John Sheridan was here yesterday and Junior high, George It. ments to such an extent that the base from Portland, st*eking apples for *ehl Federal Inspection Grows Wilbur was the chief speaker at the mt-tal ha* been exposed and In many Rose City patrons. # Boys’ Dress Caps in the high school aKKemldy. A special ca*es has rust«*d. It Is the purpose of Federal inspection of fruits and Boys’ sensible caps for Little Joe, son of Judge and Mra. feature was the distribution of coph* the de|«artinent to improve the general .vegetable* at point of origin is grow­ popular colors. Here’s an daily wear, that will now , Fred W. Wilson, is recovering from of the Constitution of the United appearan«*e of rural mail boxes ing in importance, according to a re­ are a broken arm. show the dirt States by Hupt. Cannon. These txxik- throughout the country, so that they cent report of the secretary of agri­ real value at Tlie first post-vacation meeting of letn wer«> prepared and furnlsh&l may be a credit to the community culture. By bringing the lesson of the Woman’s club will be held next gratin by the American Defense through which the rural delivery proper grading and standardisation =s== Wedneeday at Library hall. It will fxx'lety. = t = route operate*. home to llie growers it is stated pro­ be president's day. It is desired that the boxes lie duction methods will be profoundly Judge L. N. Blower* and son, Loyd, This Rev. Father Joe Smith was In after a l>ii*in«*s visit here; left Mon­ painted white with the natpe of the affected in many districts. New arrivals Portland last wrak, remaining there day to return to their home at V«*n- head of the family or famillra re- work was authorised by an amended Cotton for Defense day exercises Friday lce, Calif. Tlie return journey was «•riving mail in th<> tx»x painted on law, the amendment being “or offered in Men’s made in a new Dodge touring car, l«oth sides of the box in seat black for interstate shipment.” In the first evening. Sidit*h e shirts from letters one inch .in height: also that year ending June, 1923, a total of Mrs. J. D. Hendon was here laat purchased fruui Bennett Brothers. Wool 72,000 shipping point Inspections were the painting be done at least once a Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Parker and Dreae Shirts week from Portland visiting with lier made by federal Inspectors under year. It is requested also that the little daughter and Mr. Parker's par ­ brothers, Otto and William Ehrck, In to Work ents, Mr. and Mra. George Parker, posts or *ui«ports to which the boxes control of the U. 8. Department of the Odell district. motored down la*t w«*ek for a visit are attach«*d be painted' white. ..This Agriculture, and 28,109 at receiving Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jewjett were with their cousin*. Clyde and Floyd will improve not only the appearance markets. In the year Just ended. here from White Salmon last Satur­ Arnold, and famllh*. and friends, of the boxes, but will add materially June, 1924, shipping point inspedions day, Mr. Jewett attending the mrat- Mr. and Mrs. Tim Beaty. The Park- to the life of the boxes and posts. increased to 127,364, with 29,283 at lng of Canby Grand Army Post. “A later bulletin. June 26. 1924," reraiving points. When this service «Ts now live at I .a Grande. Ed Abbott spent the w«*ek end in Mra. W. B.. .Small, of Portland, and says Mr. Johnson, "reports 306 rural is fully developed, it is estiniat«*d it Portland, where he interviewed Y. M. her sister, Mis* Aldine Bartnx**. routes on ^wlilch all the boxes tiave will demand the service* of a thou- »4- 1 1 I I I 1411 I I I I I »4 I I I I I I I immediately suspicious of funds being We fral that Hood *aml inspectors each year. Another I Clipped Here and There C. -A. officials on problems of th« Pio­ have just returned from a trip to bran pointed mixed and one paid with money be­ neer club, bogs’ organization here. longing to another. For another thin* Glacier National Park and Vancou­ River valley should be on tills list inTRortant advantage of this . met bod with every route 100% In this resixx-t. is the "al** <>f produ«*ts en route- to it loaded itself down too heavily with , How's your help? If you need any ver, B. C. Mra. Small's little eon, mi i 1111 n 111111 u ii i i i »1 plants and propertie« of «11 aorta «e- moie workers of any kind call Mark Bobby, stayed with hi* grandparents, We hsve r«>ently renumbered the market on federal inspection within Another beautiful hope is blighted «•ured at a time when everything was Cameron at the Co-o|»erative Employ­ Mr. and Mrs. 8.. E. Bartmess, while box«* on the rural routes and trust 24 to 48 hours from time of loading by the tallure of kaapl to stand up at Ita peak. Combine this with the ment Agency, 221 Burnside . street. his mother wa* ori’ the vHcation. ‘ - that the patrons will take note of thia, thus making it possible to guage the As everyone1 hard time« thaj agriculture has gone market reer of persons who Inquire this naturalist and liotaniat been that attracted the attention of Dr. Albert out the fruit and allowed th« outaide RIO boxes at a loa«i with each. For fur­ ing*. Little Kathleen went with her the location of various patrons on bank* and electrical coiupanlra have Schneider, dean of the schtxd of phar­ grower the lx*ncflt of home «ale« and mother one evening to li«*ar him our rural routes.” ther ¡information call 1542. al4tf Joined to give him assistance In macy of North l’adfic Dental College. rash for hi* product. Then there wa« Dr. Schneider, a noted authority on a terrific lot of oppoaltlo« cuiudngly Ms. W. D. Allen is down from preach. After th? service was over carrying on further experiments. Be- drugs and their effect on animal life, planned that kept undermining the Bend visiting the famillra of her the little girl told her mother that Potato Crop Shows. InrreMe sides using the Burbank method of began a rarlc* of experiments to de­ growers' confidence. And a« a elimax sons, Charlea and Lerail in the Wil­ she didn't like that man “who talked crossing certain typ<* of mating and Condition of the Irish potato crop low Flat and Central Vale eommuni- ho loud it made her head ache and throughout the principal late produc­ plants to produce a new or better termine the potency of kaspi as com- it function«*«! under these handicaps that he didn't talk about anybody IMred with that of some of the home i during four yrara of th« moat trying t * tta«. but Jesus Christ.” The next evening ing states showed generally but little fruit, he also use* an electric cue , (•raws use here. . , , . in daily . . .. - ! r?1 tlmra.lu the history of «11 agriculture, Members of flic Valley Christian she went with her father to band change during the month of August. rent. He appllra electrital energy to aatonlshmtmt, he found the highly lr , w„lldOT thit funiloned aa church enjoy«xl a dinner at the practice, in order to avoid ths noi*e. The forecasted production for th? the plant itself. By regulating the church following the morning «crvlce current, he claims, be can hasten or The following Is taken from the United Htatee. aa of September 1. was much l««wer in flght-pr«»during power Btron)CPBt mdlration of the need last Sunday. The «x-raaion waa par­ issue of The Dalles Chronicle of for a crop of 412,761,000 bushels. The retard* its growth, and thus cauw the than many of our home-made bever- fnr (-««operative >M.ri«..ti n« marketing. ticipated in by a good attendant. SeptemlxT 15, 1890: This afternn August 1. 1924, forecast was for 398,- current to act upon it to bring the age«. It was noted that while a full, for Has the Oregon Growers tailed? Mrs. Roy Chisholm, after a visit at 2 o'clock at Union, Ore., two young 821,000 bushel*. The improvement in right result. couple aliout average in most of the heavy thought he had to take aa much or when the rodent waa opposed to a full wns. ,a j*1 dried prunes, the Oregon grown cat ; a wren, treated to kaapl, i In dr,ed I'™» “*. i*>® , a n more care of hia fountain pen than producing states of the eaat and mid- stracts make by Oregon Abstract Com- will return here In about a Week. .' devriop«! one of the die west, About the usual amount of of hia watch. A drop on the cement seemed willing to attack a bluejay. oanv. A. W. Ontbank, Manager, SC- 306 p«ny, disease is showing up for thia time of sidewalk and Its days of usefulness but flew from the pit when faced ■IrongeHt sab* organizations in th«» Oak Street. Phone 1521. )y<®-tf CHURCHES With human« the world. It has ratabllahed a brand the year, Some stat«* report that were over. If someone happened tp bv a mm* Tel. 1014 and have Meyer A King call ____ . ■ - ' J” ■ ___ . to' «!"•*'»{ J*/’’““«1' step on’lt, It was ready for the stove. drug acted tn much the Mme way. dry weather Is checking development for your suit. It will be clean«! and English Luthran Church Fortunately, this ’ la * “ retained the -------- - *“““• In ** “ But over at Laraway’s store they A featherweight prise tighter, forti- ---- of the crop, while other stat«*_report pressed and returned ready for immedi­ Regular services at 11 a. m. The too much rainfall for lx*t results. are demonstrating a fountain pen fled with a pint of kaapl. stcxxl up a new Prune Exchange.—The Oregon ate wear. i6tl — Sunday school inrats at 10.30 a. m. In the Pacific coast states, also in that la revolutionary. One esn throw few rounds before a lightweight, but Grower. • How’s your help? If you need any The Y. P. 8. will meet Friday at 8 Idaho, there was a alight reduction in is against the floor or the wall aa when « new opponent, ■ welterweight, more worker* of any kind call Mark o'clock. P. Hilgendorf, Pastor. the acreage planted as compared with hard as he pleas«*. Indeed, It can apfienred, he dashed from the ring, Cameron at the Co-operative Employ- 1023 The 1924 average in these he dropptM on the floor and a man of and a wrak later waa found washing With 14 members of The Dalien ment Agency, 221 Burnside street, Seventh Day Adventist Church BABBITTS CLEANSER states appears to be only about 78 per 250 pounds weight ran tread upon it. dishes tn the O Cafeteria. On the Pioneer Aasoctatkm aa guest«, an ap- Portland, or telephone Burnside 8582. Sabbath school Raturday 10 a. m. cent of that planted in 1922. however. yet that Laraway indratructfble foun­ other hand, a wine glassful of “81” 150 members of the Hood Sc Can There’s a hasp of different in inaur* Preaching service 1115 a. m. Prayer Except where Irrigated the potato tain pen ran be picked up Without Ixmg's special home t«rew was handed Sroximate tlver Pioneer «oriety and their fam- lag apples by the box and under a com ’ meeting, Wednesday 7.46 pm. All crop of the far western states has regrets or grief. It will lie just aa to Mickey Caspiorl, the crippled news­ ill«* partidpated in their annual re­ plete «»verage—IF von have a lose. Up are welcome. ________ generally suffered from dry weather g«xxl as ever. It is indeed, an In- boy, who straightway went out and union yeaterday. A l>a*ket dinner CLASSIC LAUNDRY SOAP tq that time, none at all. R. E- Scott, licked four policemen and a special wa* nerved at noon in the parlore of and the percentage of marketable tu­ destructible fountain pen. Good Insurance. °2 St. Mary’s Catholic Church 4c Bar officer. bers will run low this season. the Asbury Methodist church. The Miss Drumm Passea .The infant welfare clinic, an- It 1« not unlikely that kaapl ta an plonrar* aaaeinl>1«*d for reminiscences, First Mass, 8 a. m. and second Mas* nOunced for Friday, September 26, at 10.30 each Sunday morning. Even­ Mias Barbara B. Hrumm, aged 35 efficacious drug among certain tribe« following the sumptuous meal, at Canadian Apple« Going by Water BLUE RIBBON BEER by Public Health Nurse Whittekcr. ing devotions at 7.30 o’clock tomorrow, and hostess of Cloud Cap Inn th«* In South America; the Innumerable Library ball. The first British Colnmbla apph* of Will begin at 1 p. m. and end at 4. Friday, evening and Sunday evening. and Interminable revolutions M there past summer, died at the Community 15c Bottle It will tie held at the library build­ Tel. 3132. Father Joe Smith, Pastor. the 1924 crop to move through Van­ hospital Tu«*day niglit from injuries prove that something Is stirring R. J. Wuner, manager of the War ­ couver have been book«*d by the Royal among the native«, m But In this coun- tag. Mail Steam Packet company to go on Miistalned two week* ago on Mount try we «re not susceptlhle to it; in* ren Track line, returned yeaterday Missionary Alliance LEMON JUICE The First Christian church is plan­ the Dntch motorship Dtnteidyk Octo­ Htxtd. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. drad. a gallon of It has no more from Portland, where he waa called ning an interesting program for Rally Regular services; Sunday school at ber 7. Henry Drumm, of Tacoma, Wash., two weeks ago on acceunt of «lek- lOc Bottle day servi«* of the Bible sch«x>l to lx* 9.4B a. m.. II C. Delta, Hupt.; preach­ taken effert on some of the experimenters neaa. which waa followed by the The apples arc going to Swedish were here, and th<* laxly than Is galn«*d from a soupspoonful death of hia aiater-ln-law and mother. held at the church Sunday morning, ing service at 11 a. m. Young people's ports and the shipment will be the to Tacoma yesterday. September 28, at the regular Bible service 6.30 p. m„ R. C. Samuel, presi­ forerunner of a fair sized export for Miss Drumm endeared herself to of Bill Taylor’« synthetic gin.—The DUNHAM'S COCANUT •chtxtl hour. dent. Evangelistic service 7.80 p. m. the season. the guests of the mountain hostelry Portland Spectator. lOc, 2Oc, 4Oc Pkg. Mrs. J. C. Butcher waa here last rrayer meeting every Wednesday. 7.30 Although the apple crop in the because of her c«iurt«*ies and the air __ * wrak from San Francisco to visit p. m. Everybody welcome. W. P. Okanogan valley was not as heavy, ef hospitality which pervaded the What will become of our ffid Ore­ friends and to look after business Kirk, pastor, phone 3663. gon Growers? is heard on every side. in general, this year, the export resort thia yrar. CHIU CON CARNE Mm Butcher made the The day after the inn closed she As a matter of fart, it will quietly ■attefia. ----------------- grades were not far under those of First Church ef Christ, Scientist journey north by automobile with s^-ompanl«*«! guides on the peak to disjxme of Its properties over what ­ last year, and as prices are better on 12Jic Can friends. Services in church building. Sunday, the European market than those pre­ remove Ilfs lines. A lx .older fell ever period is necessary to wisely dis­ -Auctioneer* H. 8. Eraakman does painting, paper 11 a. m. Sunday school the same hour. vailing in the early part of the 1923 from a precipice, striking her in the pose of these. If plant and other _______ w, ____ hanging and _________ decorating. Have your The reading roqm ta maintained in season, a larger movement of apples back. At first her Injuries were not properties ire disposed of advanta­ •elk anything anywhere. • hones enamel«*! inside and outside with the Davidson building. Room 8 la is expected. considered serious, but complications geously It should meet its mortgage «■guarantee for six year«. Tel. 2404. open week days from 9 to 5, with an and stock Indebtedness. It has no Three steamer line« wiU operate resulted from internal Injuries. I charge 3 per cent. Mini­ Braakman’e Hardware, Paint and Wall attendant ta charge from 8 to B. boats In the refrigerator service ont current obligations an I fruit loans at mum price 120. Will give you paper, Smith Building,_________ *5tf ■‘r . Wednesday evening service at 8 of Vancouver this tall. Only 49.009 th«* banks are many times over pro­ Heme Burns MGood Tblnp to Eat” a snappy sale. Mr. and Mrs. Ern«*t J. Smith were o’cl«M!k. Ix*son subject; “Matter.” boxes of apples were shipped from The city Are department responded tected by fruit on hand, much of called to Portland Saturday by the thta port last season against more to an alarm from the Barrett dis­ which has now been sold. Write the Glacier for date 8t. Magk’« Church The hlHtory of the Oregon Grower* fatal illness of H. Nelson, a friend, of than -1.000.000 boxes exported from trict Tnesday wh«*n the home of O. and you won’t be sorry. should be a lesson to posterity for Pa- Medford. Mr. Nelson, while in Port­ Seattle. Portland and other north “The New Realism of Religion” L. Craton, orchardlst, was dlacov- land for. medical treatment, was will be the topic of the sermon at rifle ports in the United States. ered on Are. A strong wind, however, ever and ever. What made it im­ •tricken wfth acute pneumonia. St. Mark's church next Sunday. Rev. had fanned the flames to such an possible to function? For one thing, Mr. Allyn Resigns Mr. and Mrs. T. Hartt Gardner L. H. Miller will preach. The ser­ extent that the Are was be.vond con­ too many widely different kinds of fruit. Tills may work all right in a aud daughter, Esther, acrompanted vices next Sunday will be Holy Com­ Wm. P Allyn, secretary of the trol when the firemen arrived. No by Mrs. John Seine* and daughter, munion at 8 a. m„ church schcxd at Chamber of Commerce for the j m at one waa at home at the time, and the private concern where lbw grower Afta, and Marjorie Wheatley, of Sea­ 9.45 a. m., morning prayer «nd ser­ 18 months, yesterday tendered hia family lost all of their household element la eliminated, but it 1« fatal in a cooperative «riling scheme. If tide. motored up from Portland Sun­ mon at 11 a. in resignation, effective October 1. to the goods. The cause of the Are was not things go wrong—«nd they will fre- day. Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Seines Tie is also secretary of determined. _ directorate, qveuily even in the most succeasffll I nien Nervi«» at Baptist Church «re sisters of Mrs. R. W. Moe. the Hood River Traffic Association, private corporation—growers become Forest Fires Bad Again Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock, a Mr. Allyn declared that a nervous Mr. and Mrs. S. Coppie left tart SERMON AT Week for Portland, where they joined union service will be held at the breakdown would neceMltate his cea- from Mosier Saturday for. men to tkelr daughter. Mrs. J. W. Tayb.r, Baptist church. A. M. Dicker, field satlon of work and a rest. control a Are south of the orchard aixl Mr. Taylor on a motor trip to secretary for the international Coun­ section. The burn, which started Bandon, where they are visiting an- cil of Religious Education, will sprak. Paul A. Nieolrt ■ jj*... BY Friday, was dratared to be spreading Mher daughter, Mrs. D. R. Norton, The ministers of the Episcopal. Riv­ Funeral service« for Paul A. Nico- rapidly toward a body of henry, erside. First Christian, Baptlat and and family. let, aged 48. Upper Valley woodcut­ green flmoke, presumably DR. JAMES A. FRASER We bavs just received a shipment oi Methodist Episcopal churches have ter. who dropped dead from a heart driven timber. from the brash flr«* We have a full supply. agreed to unite In the service. the old rdtabte Eastern White Oak sole attack Tuesday, were held yesterday around Portland, waa ao defiae Satur- W. N. Byars, Mather. For thos« who prefer leather Let ua furnish youf Harvest Secretary of the H«x>d River afternoon at the Parkdale cemetery. day and Sunday that the Washington M the bottom» of tb«ir shoes, there is Rev. R. A. Hutchinson, «ffiriatlng. side ANNUAL DINNER AND MEETING the Columbia was olscurM, Ministerial Aaaoctatioa. Groceries. •»thing batter. We’ll put soles on your Mr. Nicolet ta survived by hia widow. shoes whil« you wait. T. C. • Asbury Methodist Eptaeepal Church Supplies for School Children. Mr. Bartmeas b Building Mortuary Thursday, September 25th, at &30 p* Champion Shoe Shop. 11*1* Mrs. lab Bishop R. E. Bart mens is constructing a There will lx* no prayer meeting PbIMp von Lubken, a stadent «t Mrs. Ida Bishop, wife of Edwin T. residential mortuary on Rtate street Phone reservations to Mra. Chas. H. Caatner, phone 2461, wrak. Sunday, the school will Whitman College, wa* here the firs thta inert at 10 a. m.; morning w«ship Bishop, died at her Heights home adjoining bls home. The new mortu­ or Mrs. H. G. Cooper, phone 2444. M th« week for a few day* visit at Mrs. Bishop, Sgeff 57 ary Will be 24x04 foot. It will hare 11 o’clock. A. M. Locker will rewterday. STEWART A MELLON With hia parents, Mr. and Mr*. F. H. aprak. -ears. and her husband rame here full basement and one story. The The Epworth Lsagve will ALL MEMBERS AND nttRNM OF THE CONGREGATION INVTT«D L voa Lnbken. He spent the aum- Telephone 2374 from Callforpla seven years ago. No building will be of the bungalow jisr ln the foreat service at Long type. I BRIEF LOCAL MENTION Rubber Reducing Corset Dress Good« CLEANING SPECIALS VERY SPECIAL PRICES Col. Wilmer Taylor The Star Grocery PERIGO & SON Connection or Relation Riverside Church, Next Sunday GROCERIES The Heights tafectioaery