AKE your Mother, Stator, Sweetheart, Wife to see this delightful pictureplay. Monday and Tuesday They’ll love every minute of it Oamoyolitaa Q>'poiation present» FIRE MENACED THE PINE«ROVE SCHOOL When America Was Young when they traveled by stage-coaeh. when Robert Fulton lent the first steamboat up'the Hudson. when John Jacob Astor was a fur dea­ ler. ' -When Cornelius Vanderbilt ran a ferry­ boat. when the brave men and women of bygone days laid the foundations of the great nation of the present NEWS OF “ the summer tow RADIO NEWS Oak Grove ADDED ATTRACTION “The Lion and the Souse GRANTLAND RICE SPORTLIGHT Rialto WURLITZER Daily and Economy edk Fountain McCai Have you quit using them? W. F. LARAWAY We have a complete line of Lunch Supplies for your Vacation Picnic LAURNELL "NötMng But The Butt for • quick.