The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 11, 1924, Image 7

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Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of Portland. —■
ant the waek and with the Duns-
wa family.
Dr. C. A Macrum was a Portland
visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Gao. Chamberlain and daugh­
The Oregon Silver Fox and Fur
ter. Montana, were shopping in Hood
Farm, of which Dale M. Haskin is
River Wednesday.
owner and manager, is now making
'Mias Laura Yoeiah left for Wape- rapid strides. It Is called the Mt.
nltia Friday, where she will teach Hood ranch, and is a branch of his
school this term.
Haakiudale ranch at Newberg, Ore­
Mrs. Hattie Bailey and Mrs. Ruacb- gon, which contains 75 pens of extra
er were in The Dalles on business line Silver Foxes.
Wednesday of last week.
His seven-acre ranch here la located
Mrs. Mabel Mosher left Friday for on the Columbia River Highway op­
Wostins. where she will teach Hchool posite the Columbia Gorge Hotel and
will be stocked with about 50 pairs
the coining term.
Frank Mlddleawart lias gone to of extra line Silver -Foxes this fall.
Antelope, where be will be employed The ranch will be stnctly up to date,
and a show ranch, and will have
at carpenter work.
Mink. Marten. Muskrat and Fisher.
A camping party composed of Mr.
This new Silver Fox farm should
and Mrs. James Cherry and family. be a credit to Hood River Valley and
Francis, Ida and Luella N'h-btfu. Em­ It. should not be long until it will
ily Husbands, Arthur Ilerr and fam establish a new asset in this valley
ily, Herliert Graves aud George For­ aa it has in the Willamette Valley.
est, speut Haturday and Sunday of
Mr. Haskin wae formerly an apple
last week at McVay springs.
packer in this valley, having packed
Haturday evening after the Rebek­ here several years. In 1921 he bor­
ah regular meeting, an entertainment rowed money to buy his first pair of
was given for the girla who are go­ Silver Foxes; from that time he has
ing away to school. The evening was had wonderful auoct^ in thia' new
si»ent in dancing and playing gatnea. enterprise and today, is*4he largest
late in the evening a watermelon and individual Silver Fox breeder in/ the
cantaloupe feed was served.
West, and will have two of the nnest
The program Friday evening giveri Silver Fox farms In the Northwest.
strains are now over 30 years old game com ini-«Ion did not
by the J, W. C. A. clubs was en­
and are nationally known as the them? What la being dot
joyed by a large audieme. The girls
finest 811 ver Foxes in the world. Mr. fur bearing animal? it la
were splendid In their little play;
Rogers today has Boo im H ch of fimvit as fast If not faster. Fur S'a'
also the itantouilme of the Mosier
breeders on his ranches, and is the sity and wealth will' always m
Fruit Growers Association. The read­
largest individual breeder of Hilver however, It will soon be gone,
ings by Mrs. J. R. FrrgiiHon and her
Foxes in the world. Mr. llaakin k< that which is being farmed.
daughter, Mrs. McKeown. of Odell,
his representative for Oregon, Wash­
was a rare treat and the wolo dancfW
Mr Haskin states the dami
ington and Northern California, and
by MI hh Doris Hansen, of The Dalles,
la also vice president of the North­ ho greet this year for breeding
were beautiful and much appreciated
west Fox Breeders Aimoclatlon for that no doubt nearly all the
by the audience. Griffith Williams, of
»took will be gone by October
The Dalles, accompanied her. Robert
Mr. Haskin says the breeding of and there will be a great eho
Hcearce. accompanied by Mias Howes,
v, . »
Hilver Foxes in the Northwest has thia fail.
of Hood River, gave two enjoyable
come to stay aqd that there la a
Mr. Haskin expects to have We
violin solos.
greeter demand and more interest ranch finished In about 99 daye foe
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Msrsti have re­
Mr. Haskin's stock is all direct shown every day. It was the wealth his living diamonds. They will bn
turned to Mosier. Mrs. Marsh will from W. K. Rogers, who owns the of furs, which were plentiful here,
given their new hoasse
stay here and Mr. Marsli I h going to Pioneer Italton and Tuplin ranches that brought the first settlements to climate, where their eM
Antelope, where he lias work.
at Charlottetown, Prince Kdward Is­ tlila
nils ^regkm.
region. . Why . shouldn't
->lt be echo arrow» the
Mrs. Mabel Mosher and Mias Hara land, Canada. Charles Dalton, a trap­ iVèsithy kgain for ita furl Adt
the dreariest wintry a
Folsom were shopping in Hood River' per and fur trader, was the first man must make it so. What woujd hap-
I-. the Htiver Fox farmers'
tv domesticate the Hllxer Fox. These pen to the game birds and fish U the prosperity aud wealth.
Mrs. Mattel Mathews was a visitor
In The Dalles Thursday.
Mrs. Mabel Brown and baby, An-
neta, of Portland, are visiting with
Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Youish.
Mrs. James (Therry and daughter,
Mary, were in The Dalles on business
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camp, of
Gresham, called on the Camp family
Mrs. Mabel Garrett Is visiting this
week with her sister, Mrs. Tom Moe.
Haturday visitors in Hood River
were Mrs. C. J. E. Carlson and daugh­
ter, Elsie, Mrs. Hattie Bailey, Jesse
Bailey, Hal Blanchard, Leslie, Mae
and Neta Camp, Ella Folsom. Mrs.
■ . ■
J. O. Beldin and daughter, Evelyn,
Luelln Neilsen, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Husbands and daughters, Rmlly and
Arvilla, Darrell Allington and For­
rest Evans.
O. C. Bailey and family have moved
into the Ernest Evans house for the
School opogpd Monday, Heptember
8. The high school teachers are: J.
F. Blanchard, principal, with Mias
Ptock snd Miss Grlbskov as assist­
ants. The grade teachers are: Mrs.
Buchanan, first and second grades;
Mrs. Neilsen, third and fourth grades;
Laurice Bonny, fifth and sixth grades,
and Mrs. Mabel Mathews, seventh and
eighth grades.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hell and chil­
dren, of Hilets, Wash., are visitors at
the Hibbard home.
Mosier Was well represented at the
show, "The Covered Wagon." Nearly
the entire community attended.
Don Hhuler and wife were Monday
visitors at the Cherry home.
Mrs. Neilsen, Francis and Ida, left
Tuesday < morniiig
where Ida will teach school.
Neilsen and Francis returned home
W. N. Venael snd non, of Pitts-
burgh. Pa., are visiting at the botnc
of Wm. Vensel.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutson, of Parkdale,
ECAUSE Balloon Gum-Dipped Cords reduce your i
were visiting in Mosier Friday.
bills and lower fuel coots, increase tire münege, o
Mr. and Mrs. Nichol and daughter,
and the reeale value of your car.
Mildred, with Thelma Johnston, mo­
tored to Hood River Friday.
Theee are strong etatemente but are backed by actual
Mrs. Grace Piercey and children re­
Balloon-equipped teat can and taxicabs have now
turned to their borne In Grass Val­
ley Thursday, after a visit with Mrs.
driven over 5,300,000 miles, under Firestone supervision
J. R. Higley, the former's mother.
show reduction in fuel consumption, and less delay, bed
The Odd Fellows picnic given La-
of fewer punctures and quicker starts and stops.
lior day was a success, there being a
Many leading automobile makers have standardised
large crowd in attendance with visit­
ors from The Dalles. Hood River and
theee full-size Balloons—pioneered by Firestone and a
There were many sports
practical and economical through thé special Final
and prises were given to the win­
ners. Everyone had a good time at
the picnic and also at the dance in
Over 100,000 motorists are today using and eqjoying the
the evening. Clyde Root and Rmlly
satisfaction of genuine, fail-size Balloon Oum-Dipped Corda.
Husbands won the prise for the best
In fact, in three months the sales of Firestone Balloon
Mr. Frederickson was in The Dalles
Gum-Dipped Cords increased 590%.
on business Tuesday of last week.
Have your car equipped now—for comfort and for the
Mrs. Fred Wilson anil children
safety of driving this Fell and Winter. Be preparetMbr mud
have returned to their honte in The
Dalles, after spending the eommer on
holes, frozen ruts, dangerous enow and ice. We can equip
their ranch.
your car immediately at the new low prices now in effect
Mrs. E. A. Race was called to The
Dalles Wednesdny to be with her
mother, Mrs. F. A. Hayrs, who was
hurt In an automobile accident Labor
Mrs. Race stayed two days
with her, after which Mrs. Hayrs was
taken to her home in Moro.
C. A. Brown and family were Hood
River visitors Monday.
James Cherry and daughter, Doris,
F. J- CHEVRON, Odell, OreCon.
were in Portland Thursday.
SAM DALLAS, White Salmon, Wash.
C. T. Hayrs and family stopped on
their way home from Cannon Beach
for a short visit with the Race fam­
CASCADE GARAGE, Cascade Locks, Ore.
Jack Lelliott was in Portland on
business Haturday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kemp, of Hood
River, called at the Cherry home Fri­
day of last week.
Mrs Euna Mobley wu a Mosier
visitor last Thursday. Everyone will
remember heruu Miss Reichllne.
C. T. Bennett and Geo. Chamber-
Curfew Haa Been Revived
lain returned Hunday from a camping
trip. They each got a deer and Mr.
A movement has been launched Io
Chamberlain got a bear. Keith Cham­ rivlve the curfew law here. A city
berlain was with them.
Maybe you’ve planned a vacation trip, or a hurried
ordinance provides for the ringing of
journey up some of the mld-Coiutnbta's famous trout I
W. J. Bitton. of Anhurn, Wash., is
Something io found wrong with the car.
visiting with J. P. Carroll and family.
that numerous young folk congregate
Bring It down to us with the instructions that you
on the streets at late hours, and that
work. You'll get it.
Under auspices of the public health
the ordinance should be reinstated to
The same dispatch is applied in tbs repair of
service the entire day of Heptember prevent such loitering.
or other orchard or fern* equipment.
28 will be devoted to an infant's Wei-
fore clinic. These clinics in former
Card of Thanks
years have been held at frequent In­
We wish to thank our fki
tervals and defects in many children
have been remedied as a result. Miss neighbors
____ ___
for _____
their _________
kind aid __
Whitteker will be In charge of the' pressions of sympathy during our re-
Tel 2551
ciinic. -Physicians of the county do-!cent bereavement at the time of the
nate their services at the sessions, death and burial of our beloved
The clinic will be held at Library mother.
Children of Mrs. Willamina Pregge.
j^HE AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS, INC., has its own agents
in the terminal markets.
The terminal market sales organization functions under the direc­
tion of a general manager at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, assisted by
(7) District Managers who supervise the 170 representatives,
salaried or brokerage (but in all cases bonded) who make the actual
sales to the trade.
These representatives are selected with great care only after a
personal investigation has been made of each Market and after the
views and recommendation# of the sales managers at the various ship­
ping points have been sought and considered.
Following their appointments these representatives so far as the
shipments from each district are concerned are under the direct control
of the respective sales managers. They quote prices, confirm sales,
deliver cars or take any such action whatever, only upon specific
instructions from the shipping division.
These sales representatives hjve daily contact with the trade all -
the year round selling as they do citrus and deciduous fruits, canta­
loupes, celery, lettuce, and other high class fruits and vegetables under
trade marks and brands made famous by national advertising.
Our complete charge for F. O. B. Sales Service is 10c per box.
Terminal market brokerage is paid ^y us out of our per package
Only the volume represented by the largest block of tonnage
out of the Pacific Northwest enable* us to furnish thia kind of service
on such a small margin of profit.
A line up with the American Fruit Growers, Inc., assures the
grower :
Comprehensive and efficient sales service, both at
shipping point and in the terminal markets.
The effective distribution so necessary to get maxi­
mum results in the way of money returns.
No credit losses—credits are guaranteed by us
all shipments made through us.
Safeguarding of proceeds through their being
in trust pending transmission to shippers.
growers of this district now have available through the
American Fruit Growers, Inc., a truly national marketing outlet,
designed to secure the widest possible and moat effective distribu­
tion of Hood River's apples.
Where Can You Get More at Any Price?
See our local manager, 1. H. Cederwall, who will be glad to
explaun our service.
It’s Economy toTrtMe
(Hood River Division)
PHONE 2222
Nation Wide Sales Service
We have a complete line of
Lunch Supplies for your
Vacation Picnic
market 5
••Nothing But The Best"
Wanted-Fall Apples
A cold storage plant is being
planned by the trucking service which
recently purchased snd brought about
the consolidation of the Wsrren Truck
line and the Morrls-Ixiwtber Co., of
The Dalles. John 8. Greenwood, man­
ager of the concern, who was here
last week, stated that plans call for
a large warehouse with adequate fa­
cilities for handling fruits in transit.
The new truck concern, it was
stated, will operate trucks over the
Mount Hood Loop highway to aU
growing centers. The freight will be
moved from The Dalles and here to
Portland over the Columbia River
highway by means of tractors and
Clifton Eeeeel to Give Recital
Hood River's youngest music teach­
er is Clifton Emmel, who is s Junior
in high school. Although but 17 years
old young Emmel is s proficient musi­
cian. He played the organ at the Ri­
alto theatre during the summer vaca­
tion. The first of a series of recitals
planned by him was given Wednesday
of last week by three of his pupils.
Henry Steele and little Misses Becky
Ann and Riddle Thomison. The re­
cital occurred at the home of Mrs.
H. B Emmel. the home of the young
man's mother.
Today young Emmel will give a
piano recital at the Vancouver, Wash.,
high school auditorium.
Peacock Beauty parlor, Richard's
apts. Tel. 2921.
WheiwTime Counts
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