HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1924 ‘«THROUGH TICKETS” FOR MOTORIST81 « Like a “through ticket,” one or two Standard Oil Scrip Books will do for your entire summer mo* toring. Ju>t present your Book to dealers, or at Standard Oil Company Service Station« wher* ever you motor—don’t bother with cash. Sold in $5, $io and $20 denomr inations. Get one. qoop f STANDARD of QUALITY STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( CALirOKMIA) • / September 12th to 20th Only “Wear - Ever” Aluminum Baking Pan Fine for baking, deep fat frying, cooking meats and many other uses - Special price from Sept. 12 to Sept. 20 Get yours TODAY Universal Heaters For Coal, for Wood, or Wood and Coal Com bi nation, priced as low as $12.75 Everything in Harvest Supplies Dishes, Stoves, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, > Pillows, Blankets. < Picking Bags, 11.40 and $1.65. Box Hatchets, $2.30, $2.40. Ladders. Box Nails. KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. HARDWARE — FURNITURE Phone 8411 Hood River The Auto Beauty Shop HOOD RIVER, ORE. BROOKSIDE DRIVE, e NEW SYSTEM AUTO REFINISHING. The Week Service on Your Car. _ .i ____ Indestructible Lacquer Enamel Finish. Any Color or Color Combination in Satin or High GI om Fmiah. ALSO STANDARD VARNISHING AND REHNISHlNG of All Type« — Interior and Exterior. wra AB Finishe« nppBed by air nadar praa TEL 5678. air goto daeper than hak. H G GOODMAN. the canyon, but a Sit la 8$ miles he park's eutranc*. ay the fee then drove in and were at Hbsrty to go where w* ptaaaed a* Ma* M the park regula­ (Ry R. R Miller) Bo far, while 1SM baa bean one of tions wsr* obaerved Spending a the moot dangerous seasons of his­ May 12 w* left for our eastern tour, *a far cast aa Indiana. We week along th* loop, we came out th* tory, extraordinary fire organisation had prepared a complete camping north entrance at Gardiner, MonL, and rxpeudlture have been aided by and proceeded north to Livingston, absence of protracted dry wind and, outfit, intending to make auto camps that were of the highest type. Our where we again took up the Yellow- except for heavy daautgc to tsf areata- atone trail. tlon on open lands, highly successful first night out waa spent at Arling­ Turning our toward the aet- under th. adverse eireuinstances. The ton. We learned to like' camp life Ing eun once wore, wv weut to Butte reports Just received contain the from the very start. We met with nd Mtaroula. Batte ii i a great min­ first official estimates of losses, which some of the finest people of tlu* land, ing town made op of a population of although atlU preliminary, go far swapping stories. every nationality. At Missoula we to correct the conflicting statements The first morning we arose fueling came into the canyons again, travel­ which h^ve beeu currvut. They in­ fine, iwepared our breakfast, tore up ing along the Mlfiaoula river to Su­ dicate that outside the government's camp and moved on. Tbe weather was flue and so were the roads. Our perior, where wu camped for the national forest holdings, th* damage night. The next morning we found up to date la the five western states . travel through eartern Oregon waa delightful. However, the wheat in that it had frosted during the night. aiuouuta to about $1,260,006, not in­ Umatilla county was not looking very We came on, expecting to arrive at cluding that to forest reproduction. Spokane that evening bat before About half a million dollar* repre promising at that time. Everything reaching Ooeur tfAleuc, Ids., one of aenta standing Umber lose; nearly as in the Grand Itoade valley was look­ the cars which was tn our party was much is destruction of log* and log­ ing much better. . . struck by a car going qgst and was ging equlpiueut; while a quarter of a We found the roads very good all turned over a Cliff ata*ut 16 feet the way to Ontario, where we crussed down. No one was seriously hurt. million is damage to settlers ond the Snake river over Into Idaho. We We c*me on into t'oeur d'Alene, mtaoeilansouo community property. In « were hailed at the state line and had where we met the ixrty the next the three be.»lest timber states, tbe total I oshch . outside national torehts. to register. This waa the last place morning. They bad their car towed appear to approximate: la Washing­ we were asked to register on our in aud stopped for repaira. ton, $600,000; California, $476,000; entire Journey. Going on to Boiae Having pavement to Spokane, we Oregon, $166,000. we struck a beautiful cainp. Here soon arrived and *peut the reuminder Government tosses have not tteen w* decided to stay over for a day or of the day viewing the clfy.' Satur­ so. resting and sightseeing. We went day, August 0, we took tile Sunset compiled but may a|>proach $3,000,000. over to the natural hot water swim­ highway for Wenatcli<-< coining down California has suffered must. 1* that ming pool where we bathed, later through the great Inland Kfnplre. We state the Forest Service has already visiting the penitentiary to see the found the combtoe harvester* work­ speut $425,000 in fire fighting and still has a largely -a ugiueuted emer convict* at work In the shoe and ing, cutting the grain, which looked shirt factories, and also visited the very poor on account of the drouth gency force including rangers brought in from Arisons and New Mexico and capita! building.' We found gobd ping down along the Columbia river seven detachments of troops used for roads all through Idaho aud Utah. which had struck that section. Throughout the eoast many Salt Lake wa* the next city .. ................. — imtrol. „ where Dropping down along the Columbia we spent any ffinK t*n4. This la is a very river we struck what la <«lled called the national forests are still partly or ^we •clean city. —t quite z a ZV. 2— or Wenatchee. Fol­ wholly dosed tn visitors. ' We — spent bit -Z of great 2._2. fruit ___ section A similarity in the reports receiyed time iu in and around the Mormon tab- lowing the river, we found some ( ernacle -------->_ — . .. • - - " _ ‘ ___ _22_2__ 2__ 2^ laden with appiro. from state, federal and private forest aud found it very Interesting, beautiful orchards, Going on over into Wyoming, w we prunes and pear*. pear*, We sjient some officers alike, through ths five Pacific states, is th. belief that the ■ 1924 sja-nt the first night at C.„ 2 22 __ 2_ client Eveston. time in and 2 around Wenatchee. Aa Here we inet met travelers going wtsit. wtsit, I 1 am interested Interested in tiie the growing of season teaches the necessity of more telling us that that tiwy they had had traveled traveled ail all fruit, fruit, 1 I took took great great pains pains to to learn a* aa police restriction. The extreme hex day in a rain. rain. We ‘ found ‘ 2.. the roads, much L _ aa 2 I > could. —22. Wenatchee ....m» claims ard has been given wide publicity fine next day day and and no no rain, rain, yet yet that that la a 60 60 per eent cent apple crop crop thia thia year, ysar, aud in general the public haa re­ (Wimikluinfr s*ska«0l*kMAsl «11 4k—...~k Hf- I —-V.»-*. w *_ _ aa------------ ^s------------ ----- ••• • - sponded. Ttiere have also been over complaint continued all through Wy- which I believe they will have. —1__ from >----- 2'22*2 - 7__ We went on over to Seattle, spend­ 400 prosecutions of fir* law violators. onilng people 2 going ____ west. Peo- . Nevertheless, man-caused firs* due to 1 . _ east were one -------- — w w ■— aw ■—■■■>.. pie going day ------------------------- late and ----------- Ing a night in eauip. There .Muni, must miaaed all the rains, so iiad fine have been over 100 cars from every carelessness or willfulness are still About 6,600 fires traveling. isiramie. Wyo., we part of the country. We left on our occurring dally. At Laramie, took a cut-off to Ft. Colllna, Colo, last stretch south to Portland over have been reported already this aedfi Here we ran into our first rains, all paved highway, stowing to camp sou. By far tin* greatest source baa We started for Denver but got as far once more before reaching our dea- Iteen the forest visitor class, using as Isiveland. where we camped from tinatlou. August 14 we pulled up lands not-its own, including campers, Monday until Saturday on account of rtsmen, smokers. motorists, berry Thee* have rain. Saturday we pulled through into Portland where we s|>ent a short picker* and the like. the mud over to Iienver, 66 miles time. We then turned our faces been reeponslbie for from 30 to 4T per cent of the firm according to region away, making two detours that were toward the nuart wonderful drive we ■nd agency reporting. Lightning per­ very — bad. We spent some I had made on all our journey, the ------ it some time sight- haps comes next In some regions, with I seeing In beautiful Denver. ”-------- Columbia River highway from Port­ the remainder allotted mostly to land , Starting south, we stopped at Colo­ land to Hood River. clearing, railroads, logging and other rado Spring* and Manitou. The log We were feeling glad to think that industrial use of fire. Numerically, railroad starts on the climb to tbe we had. made mors than 7,000 milea, top of Pikes peak from Manitou, a arriving home all safe and sound, to loggers’ fire* are few, but the few summer resort. They had not started witness ouch an apple crop aa Hood careiea* one* are responsible for * heavy per cent of the damage for to operate it on account of tbe heavy River haa this year. We found they are in the worst situations. In­ snows which were still on the track*. such crops any place. cendiary fires have been numerous, Going to Trinidad, 12 miles from the 184 being reported In Oregon oat of New Mexico line, we started up the Care for the Human Machine a total of 840 |n that state. Califor­ Raton Pass, rising to an elevation of (By Frederick D. Stricker, M. D, nia has had about 1JKM) fires already 8,000 feet, passed over the divide, and came down into a beautiful val­ collaborating epidemiologist, Oregon this year; Washington about 060. State Board of Health, in cooperation ley and tbe city of Raton, N. M. The Lesp Hl^way Here We began striking small Mex­ with the United States l*ublic Health Service.) ican villages and seeing our first (From Portland Telegram) If you take a half day off and cattle ranging. We went to Clayton, Fifty miles away from Mount Hood > N. M., where we camped for the cur. yourself, you will bsve a big­ | night. The next day we caine to ger paycheck than if you keep drag­ one can ait down with a map and And . Texline, Tex., where we turned our ging around half sick. Sleep or rest an tinanawerahle reason why a loop highway should connect the highway i time ahead one hour, from mountain nt least right hours each night. 8tomech ache is the common com­ at Government Camp ylth the high­ to central time. We began to aee cotton, wheat and oat*. Corn waa plaint with workers in hops, prone*, way at Hood River. Reaeon and the looking fine, as they had had enough peers, apple* and other fall crops. Imagination will bring ne -to thia one rain during the spring. Farther on Prevent it if possible by care in food conclusion. Thia loop was the minc­ Keep ing link in a chain of scenic thrills. we came to wheat cutting. Arriving and drink habits of living. Till» road la now all hut completed. at Amarillo, Tex., we struck tbe first food away from vermin and file. gas wells. This city of over 12,000 whl<-h may carry typhoid fever and The work is living doo. under the other infectious d i seases. Keep it direction of the United States gov­ burns natural gas for fuel. contamination by andean ernment, which fart Insures that it At Electra, Tex., we saw our first from oil well*. We spent some time at heads, your own and others, which la Iteing done well in the hlgbeat The finishing Wichita Falta, a city of about 40,000. have not been washed with soap. sense of the word. Everyone here was complaining of Keep it in an inexpensive refriger­ touches will be put on during thia over production of oil and no sales ator made by hanging a sacking cov­ month even if a night crew must be ered box drip to a from tree a or pin poet of with a added to do it W* f,L"nd “i? -nrt.nt water It baa been rumored that the road existing at Fort Worth, the only complaint we bad waa the ah<»ve it. Avoid unripe and la la a measure disappointing to extreme hot weather we had enconn- ««‘t. , ■“<» •“ unwashed sightseers. Having ridden on horee- tered, it being from 100 to 104 in the fru,t> *?» • ' iTP*Tivll3r X l>ack over a considerable part of thia shade and not a breath of air *tir- J<'“u« ^Hdren Boll aU milk except new loop road, wr feel that we need neither map nor imagination to aid ring. At Dallas we changed our • ?‘7,“^d*lry* ».?* I route towards tbe north, crossing -the {’‘“J meat *• fTT*h l,aR 11 us in our estimate of its excellence Red river between Texas and Okla- ,c* \ 1 “** X■ coo*f*a*- or of the engineering Judgment that home. We paid our first toll for < htag from located it It to a scenic road of the crossing a bridge on tbe way to eaSh the fo“®*»«* ¿Z very first quality. How any road could be bettor Ihirant, Okla., where we struck some eat to° “«‘h or bettor laid for the mom very fine crops, cotton, corn, wheat Kr,,ul’" Y°u ''*11 “** “1’ and onto. They were cutting wheat IMJ* “lXs 2. Vea’ or how any possible road June 17 and corn was in tassel. We , i ’u! the traveler mere oomprei came on north to Miami and over to sZ^t^rom* Interesting view* of the mountain and Ito ridge and forest setting; hew the Joplin, Mo., where we naw some of , **’ streams it produces or the massive the largest xlnc mines in the United J graIns, ,,n'a<*\ States. From Joplin we took tbe *' *nd rr,’aJn> “™* *•" timber that etothe* it could be better (Hark traH to 8t. Louis. P*”* •'“* bafe r " and "hta* wife'gave u* a lnt kill* ■■■/ many klnda kinds of disease^, dtaeaae p germs. warm warm reception reception and and a a very very pleasant pl< bath after the davw da/b work time during our stay there. Going on . *. shower >*« easy, ’ if fo a poet north we motored along Lake Michl* ’• i .***7 “ you will attach ti? I a large can with holes in the bottom gan to Milwaukee. We were then w to foT 4lM‘ aPr“7 an<1 fit ft* top for the Yellowstone trail leading west Thmn*h recefrlfig the warm or cold water, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Turvueui. ro®*“ I * screen of sacking glvea privacy. Wisconsin we had the finest roads |* Washing tbe feet and hose each day and the finest farming country and Into hose had traveled through. .. . rubbing . - aoap • __ __ lesaena Roads through Minnesota .. wees ./i„din« good; crops were fair. We had gravsi roads through the greater part nret^t of South Dakota, but North Dakota had forgotten that they ever nrodwl roads. Crops all along were looking X fairly good. Montana had far better aboot tbe ron,*ml“,1"n 01 X^ver^Xn^^^rd^ The State Board of Health wtahs. dX Into V i’rrigated .XoÆ ^T.d’^Lro fore reaching Billings. They were raising sugar beeta, navy beans and onions, all looking fine. There to a sugar beet refinery at Billing*. We came west to Laurel, where we turned south on the B. and C. high way to Cody, Wyo.. the east gateway to tbe Yellowstone Park. Leaving Cody, we soon came to Shoshone Canydh. where the Bho- shone river «ew* through. Tbe pov- ernment baa erected tbe second larg- eat dam her* in the United State*, It I* M0 feet high. It ta a very Dea Irrigation District Notice Is hereby given: That the Board of Directors of Doe Irrigation District, sitting as a Board of Equal­ isation will meet at the hotel at Dee. Oregon, on Wednesday, October 8, 1024, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting Ito aseeeainent and ap­ portionment of taxes for the year lWBi. made and adopted Heptemher 8, 1034. The Board win continue in session from day to day. as long as may be necessary, and will hear and determine any objection by any Interested person to said asseosment and apportionment thereof and any other t—"■ matter connected therewith that ma ay come before it. The aa- semi iment ltat and record, so mad. and adopted. .MB. __ ________________ pted. IS now and will remain In the office of the the ' — Kecretary .—.---- . of — — Board, Board. Room Id. 1«. Pythian Building, Building. Hood River, Oregon, for the Inapec- Inept«- aa__ _ - - - - tion of all pmuom ill tore ut cd, listed September 3. 1024. George R. Wilbur, Secretary, £ Mica HMgkt • R. 1 H. A. Faculty With an enrollment of MO, the larg eat in the history of the achool and a 10 per eent IncrMae over laet year, it wm found Mveaaary to add a new teacher, Miaa Helen Knight, to the faculty. Mias Knight, a graduate of the University of California, will ’r*11 “Dd **r” K°na < teach mathematics. — _ _. - . The high achool faculty now num­ »*■■/ Opens Olenpe MMhmn* ber. IS. Last week C. M. Furry opened offices In Chicago, where he will do a c*rlot business under tbe firm name Bld. are open until noon September of C. M. Furry Marketing Company, 12, ISM, to transport achool children The new firm will specialise in tbe during the achool year from Trout cariot distribution of Northwestern Creek and vlrinity to achool house apples and pears. For the last throe at Dee in «cool District No. 14. years Mr. Furry haa been connected HchiMil hoard reserves the right to re­ with the Apple Grower* Associatio*, ject any and all bids. having been their Chicago r e prea ento- anall J. EL Van Wlcklin. five for ths last 12 month*. Clerk of School District No. 14. “Living” an ideal into C-T-C tiros! ROUND Robert Wurzburg, one ef tM_ country’« leading tire efficiency men, grouped itself a body of tire experts, am> nitloua to build a tire representing their combined experience. Thear etarted early in 1923, with the idenl of .building a quality tire, lrreepecthe of A That ideal has been “lived” into C-T-C Thao from the beginning. Up and down the Pacific Coast, C-T-C« have gained the confidence of tire dealer* and motorist*. Wo believe in C-T-C’«. You will, too, when you u*e them! CORDS and BALLOONS (without rim or wheel change) MT. HOOD MOTOR CO trains each day each way Prepare For Cold W The foreeighted householder is thinking right now his next Winter’s fuel. We have good heavy Slabs Buy now and enable yourself to keep warm next win at the lowest possible price. Special rates on slabwood during summer months. We sell, delivered, or at the mill. / Standard Lumber Co HORN BROS., Prop« Tel. 5567 «nd Meat Eats For All Occasions The Best Foods from Oregon Cattle. Pure Foods at the most moderate prices. FISH AND POULTRY THE HOOD RIVER MARKET A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop Telephone 4*11 Anderson Undertakingr Co. C. C. ANDERSON. Soto Propriator ' Licensed Embalmer and Funera) Director 41$ OAR «TRÄFT. PVONB ttM