Tt'/5' HOOD RIVER OLACIIlfiR. THUR8DAÏ, SEPTEMBER,'! 1, 1924 CLOUD CAP HOSTESS . INJURED LAST WEEK L f. Mlns Barbara—Drum of Walla . Wajla, hostess at Cloud Cap Inn the f past summer, was injured at six • o'clock Wednesday evening of last : week when she was struck by a boul­ der on the side of Mount Hood. .Be­ cause of the «bock and exposure uf remaining on the ice fields of the high altitude Wednesday night the motor journey Thursday to the local hospital was decided against by pr, V. R. Abraham, who was called to attend the injured woman. Cloud Cap Inn was dosed Tues­ day and Wednesday Miss Dnigs act conijisuied Guide Moody and a party of aasistanta to remove the lifelines, extending from the summit down 1, and Mrs. Phillip Pareber and daughter* Frances and PhylMa, spaot the week end with Mrs. Edna l*»rci»e r. . *R>« Community, dub wUI meet with Mrs. J. 11. Van Wlcklen a week from today. I-a»t Thursday, after business was over a most delightful afternoon was spelt at progressive BOH. Mrs. James* Wirrick and Mr«. Hoy Haale- tiuo carried off first honors and Miss Dqria Emmett and Mrs, J. H. Cren­ shaw were quite content with the con­ solation prize«. ? Miss Thelma West aud Master Ralph retn rued from Ubby. Mont.. Sunday. Although Mias West en­ joyed her summer in Montana «he is glad to be at home agalu. •Mr. apd Mrs. James Wirrick enter­ tained tl>e Fortnightly club Saturday night at progressive 000. Miss Doris Emmett. Mrs. Wlrrlck's sister, was a gtteet of the club. Mr. and Mrs. David Eccles are rycelvfhg eongjMitulatlfifls o|_ the ar­ rival of a fin* TO-pohnd boy at the Cpmmuniiv hospital Wednesday, - temlier 3 Every* ine Is glad when someone makes geen going "just around the bend” till they reached Parkdale. They spent the nighty in a box car and were- re­ turned to anxious parents in the morning. When interviewed on the subject - Master Douglas declared he did not find what he was seeking. ? i i - i -fr- ------- CASCADE LOCKS ONE BILLION MILES BEVONO EXPERIMENT” Announcing the Jewett with New Colors and Balloon Tire Comfort O need to ask will Jewett serye well—a billion miles’ service has proved it for you! Jewett’s Paige-built, 50 h.p. motor is large-2036 to 40% larger than usual in cars its size. At slow car speed, Jewett’s motor pulls easily through mud, spnd, and uphill in high. 11 is not strained or overtaxed, because it is of ample size. So it stands up wonderfully. N cars. Extra deep frame; unusually long springs; heavy duty axles. These extra pounds mean longer life. ■ Now, Lotus Blue bodies with crimson stripings and Autumn Green bodies with orange - striping» give Jewett new beauty, And with balloon tires the always comfortable Jewett now rides more comfortable than ever. There is a Billion Mile Jewett in its bright new dress in our show« rooms. Come in and see it i**»-»i J. H. Reynolds and CL L. Maynard hare bpened the White House barber shop and jm > o 1 ball. Mrs. D. Casciata spent last week in The Dalles visiting her mother. Jewett is extra strong in every Mrs. E. II. Matheny. part It weighs 2805 pounds—200 to Mr. and Mra. C. Nordlund and 400 pounds more than comparable daughter. Marie, and Arthur Shrader, of Reedville, were visitors at the ♦ L home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Roesen- back during the week. COUNTY HEALTH NOTES J. H. Martensen moved bis family Public Health Nurae, M1 m Juliet A. into their nfcw home on the Colundila Whitteker. Office hours! School day«', Hirer highway just esat of Cascade 8.30 to 9 a. m. ; Mondays and Fri- Ixx'ka laut week. days, 4 to S p. m. ; Saturdays, 1 to S ___ ___ A. W. ... Meyer, of Cascade Mrd. P- m. Office hi Library building. Locks, Mr. and Mrs. Walfred Wis- Telephone 1413. . tra — nd and Mrs. Daunie Yownle. of Portland, visitad with Mr. aud Mrs. The Hood River chapter will be live near Hiawatha, Kaa, and are represented at ■ Red Cross confer- Oscar Ba PROMPT SERVICE AND COURTEOUS W. HamilL of Corbett; Asst. 8upt. In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. N, The sale was made by C. N. Ravttu. Irene Walker, Willamette University. Strawn aci-ompanied her, visiting the TREATMENT ALWAYS I Salem; seventh and eighth grade«. Ilukarls while here. Augusta C. Trill, Harrisburg; fifth County Rtipt. Crites and Mr. Cal- AT anil sixth grade«. Margsrette Mor­ van. state club organizer, visited the rison, Arlington; third and fourth M-twol Friday. grades, Ruth A. Johnson. Little Falls. Melcher left last Thursday Minn.: primary,' Mildred Brlnts, of for C. Ills W. home in Chicago. Buckley, Wash. Misses Skinner anil Horton enter- Mr. ami Mrs. A. T. Maraolals. of their friends last Tuesday Sultan. Wash., were visitors of Mrs. tained witfi a bonfire party. Mae Silva this week. Mr. Maraolals Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Dunn made a is a merchant of Sultan. trip here last Tuesday, They Mra. Mac Hilva took a buslneas trip flying were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. to Vernonia last week. Hukari. Mr. and Mts. Ellston Barnes paid Mra. Opal Wilson will be unable to a flying visit to Mra. Barnes’ parents. attend to her school duties for Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Brolliar, during month on account of having recently a the week. undergone an operation for appen­ Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartke, of Oregon dicitis. Mrs. E. A. Jakku is tilling City, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ix-wla, her place during her absence. A good reputation is the one com­ of Portland, were week end visitors There will be a Parent-Teacher As­ modity that money can’t buy; and it of Mrs. Mae Silva at the Bridge »f sociation meeting at the school house WILL CONDUCT A will pay compound interact to it« the Goda Inn. The former is con­ today. Thursday, at 2.30. A new owner You can’t lock it up in the nected with the Hazelwiaid dairy. preaident is to be elected to All the bank—it grow* in the minds ol the Mr. and Mm. Miller, of Walla Wai of Mrs. 8. L. Banks, who has public. It« permanency is only as- la. Wash, was a visitor at the home place ’•ure.l by constantly repeating those of Mr. and Mra. R. E. Vcafch recent­ re-signed. Also there are some toma­ toes to can for hot lunchea, so bring policies that have built it. ly. Mrs. Miller is 11 slater of Mr, your knife and apron. Everybody at one of its Warehouses in Hood River come at 2.30 sharp. ' for no other reason than pro­ Veatch. tecting our own good name, we con­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fuhrman are sider It good business to sell you a receiving congratulations upon the ar­ CENTRAL VALE USED CAR ot recognized merit. rival of a daughter, born Bunday. Mr. gnd Mrs. W. D. Allen, of Bend, September 7. Mrs. Fuhrman is a are visiting for a few weeks at the sister of Mrs. Otto Horn. T uition — $2.50 for residents of Hood River Valley. burnt*« of their sons, L«ecle and We have for this week Earl and Orville Bailey moved Charlie, $5.00 for non-residents. their family to Mosier Sunday for Horace Gilkerson spent Sunday in the winter. Portland. All who qualify will be given employment immediately at 1 Miss Bernice Moss left Thursday for Hubbard, where she will teach NEWS OF THE GOLFERS close of school. home economic« in the high school The women ’ « eclectic golf turrna- tiie coming year. ment was ended last week with Mrs. Tlie «xhibit of work done by the. Mary J. Meyers a a, winner with a Boys’ and Girls' clubs will be held at score of 82. Mrs. II. T. DeWitt and the school house Thursday evening at Mrs. C. W. Hamilton were next lost- 7.30. A program will lie given and eat with 87 each, other entrants work done by the lioys und girls will turned in cards a« follows: Mrs. Is* on sale. Refreshment« will be John Baker. 44; Miss Betty Woodard. on sale. "Everybody is cordially In­ 44; Mrs C. C. Crew. 48; Mrs. Joe vited and please lie prompt. The Hackett, 40: Mm. Trafford Smith. 40; ♦ county school fair will be held In Mrs. .Geo. W. Thomson, 52; Mrs Wai­ Hood River at the high school Fri­ tet Woolpert, st; Mias Helen Knight. day and Saturday. 53; Miss Ila Nichol«. SB; Mtas Ellen J. II. Lester aud family drove to McCurdy, 57. His «on. Ollie, will Golden Sunday, take treatments in the soldiers' bos- Taleakwa Camp Fire News pital for a time. Monday, September 8. the Taleskwa Mr. Colvin, who Is interested In Janip Fire,girl« again came together club work, and is In the state de- to start tl|e ' _ year. Several of the 'W tmrtinent. visited tu-hool lust Friday ftrta during the summer have been and gnve a talk to the pupils.-" He practicing swimming and acme have was accompanied by the county su- completed the polly wog, frog and perintendrnt. J. W. Critea. fish teat«. Next Saturday the girls F. B. Ollkernon and family were have net aside for finishing tests and surprised last Thursday when thrrt learning to swim. and if the weather auto loads of iieople. men. women and Is warm they will go to Koberg's children, to the number of », drove beach. into their yard. They were cousin« Many new achievement« will be of Mt. Gilkerson and neighbors who made during the year. J. C. DEVIN & SON Business is Good ! Why? to ■ •4* SCHOOL DAYS Are Here - And with them the question of LUNCHES Why not order them here P « We have a complete line of Cooperative Store Lunch Goods Yours For Service VINCENT & SHANK THE APPLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION The Home of Quality Groceries'* = OFFICE SUPPLIES These are days when you are thinking of them. We have nearly everything In the staple line you may desire. If you want anything special, we’ll get It for you. THE BOOK AND ART STORE HOOD RIVER, OREGON APPLE GROWERS You are always welcome to make our store your headquarters during the Harvest Season Use our phone. we can Let us help you in any way WE HAVE FULLY STORED A LIST OF SUPPLIES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ¿212* FRASIER GROCERY CO Because we always carry the best m Vegetables and Groceries at Prices that are Right Right. PACKING AND GRADING SCHOOL During Week commencing September 15th. Cole 8 Touring $500 Franklin Touring $450 Olds Truck $5OO Master Truck $1200 Dodge Screen Side $325 Hood River L. H. HUGGINS, Grocer Our short time credit plan enables us to make lower prices. Save dol­ larson your monthly grocery bills. Phone 2134=On the Heights Deliveries 9 a. m. and 3 p. m