The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 04, 1924, Image 14

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An Offering of Stylish
Mr. and Mra. Tel Blount and Mr.
I and Mra. Pete Lens were Portland
I visitors several days last week.
Miss Blanche Aubert left Saturday
for Elgin She will teach the third
grade there this year.
George Terkins has moved to I'nk-
School lieguu Monday with the
same teachers as last year. Miss
Krueder and Miss Eller. C. E. Mon­
roe will act in the capacity of Janitor.
Mrs. George Wbdiart, of Parkdale,
and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Carrick were
visitors here Thuraday.
Mias Frances Doggett went to Pen­
dleton Bunday to teacli In the same
rural school she had lart year.
M. B. Campbell was a Hood River
visitor Tuesday.
A party of IS from Portland were
dinner guests at Mra. Ida F. Ever­
son's Labor day. Included in the
party were: . Mr. and Mra. J. S.
Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Turner
Anderson and daughter. Gloria Lee.
Mra. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. McCauley,
and Mr. and Mrs* Darrell McGraff
and daughter, Patricia.
Mra. Olive Mecklem and daughter,
Janet, and Miss
laud were guests
gllle Saturday.
Miss Beatrice Campbell I h bere
from Portland. Bpendiug ber vacation
with ber pareuts, Mr. and Mra. M.
li. Campbell.
and B.
Indoor Garnirai held at the
lini. W. W. Gllkeraon entertained
aererai little boya Friday afternoon
in honor of the birthday of her little
■on, Floyd.
Hood River
Ladies' Aid
August SI.
Mra. W. A. Langllle and daughters,
Elisabeth, Jean and Helen, spent Fri­
day with Mr. and Mr*. W. M. Rush
at Trout Creek.
Mia* France* Doggett spent Thura­
day at Hood River.
Mr. Wilbur, Bunday school mission­
ary, and family visited the Mount
Hood Bunday school Bunday.
H. C. Wyatt was a Hood River vis­
itor Friday.
Mia* Cloy Bmith is here from Port­
land visiting Mr. and Mra. W. T.
Charles Shaw and family were
Hood River visitors Saturday.
Mra. Clifford Kitchel and daughter.
Miss Iva Curtis, are visiting Mrs. J.
I). Bmullln.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Butterfield and
small children, spent Bunday and
Monday at Carson, Wash., with rel*
tires. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Sarah Hint.
Mr. and Mra. E. T. Slayton and
daughter, Mias Mabel, of Prineville,
were here several days recently look­
ing after husines* interests and visit­
ing J. B. Doggett and family.
Mr. and Mra. McGuire and children,
of Freewater, are visiting Clyde Cox
snd family.
Mr. and Mra. F. H. Blagg, of Hood
River, spent Monday afternoon with
their son. F. L. Blagg.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers,
Monday, August 18. a daughter.
H. C. Wyatt and daughter, Mis*
Marian, left Tuesday for Sheridan.
Mr. Wyatt will go on to Tillamook
and Miss Wyatt to her home In
August 25.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Hllta and chil­
dren. Barlmra and Bud. spent Sunday
at the Flla ranch. Barbara remained
for a week with Erma.
Mr. and Mra H. C. Hickey and
Mra. Mary Fiacher spent Bunday with
Mr. and Mra. Flic.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Fessendton
and won. Donald. of Tacoma, called
on Mr. and Mra. Fili Thuraday.
H. C. Wyatt returned Saturday
Septemlier 2.
The ice cream social at the school evening from hie trip to the coast.
house Tuesday of last week was a He wan a.<-ompanled on the trip by
great six-cess both financially and Mra. Paul Aubert and daughter. Mina
socially. The program rendered by Gladys. Mr. and Mra. Bert Hender­
Miss Neff, vis-alist, also by James son, of Philomath, were alao mem­
Fletcher Mra. Seegar, as a reader, ber* of the party.
and Miss Vivian Hagen and Mis»
Mina Hasel Ringer came home from
Edna Ingalls, readers, was very en­ Hood River Wednesday. where Mie
tertaining and greeted with much recently underwent an operation for
applause Mr. Gleiaer's address was the removal of her appendix.
very good and'highly appreciated.
After apending the summer at Was-
Miss Ella N’iehana, of La Grande, eo, I-a Vern Porter returned home
visited last week at the home of Mra. Tuesday.
Leeeiie Allen. Her many friends were
Francis L. Blagg left here Satur­
glad to have a short visit with her day to enter a soldier's hospital near
while here. Miss Nlehans la teaching Seattle.
music In a private school and was
Mr. and Mra. Harold Kessllng are
on het way home from a visit with
from Portland visiting Robert
her brother, Walter, and wife, of here
Mra. M. B. Campbell went to Hood
Hapild Tubist, of Molalla, visited
at Mocsacrea from Thursday of last River Wednesday to visit friends and
week until Wednesday of this ifeek. attend to matters of business.
Kenneth Dlmmiek came home from
He was one of nix seniors of O. A.
C. who was granted a acholarahip at Lost lake Wednesday, where he has
graduation to the General Electric ls*en working.
Co. at Schenectady. N.' Y. He will
Mr. and Mra. Malcolm Helnrd. of
leave for the east Heptemtier 27 to Loe Angele», and Mra. Bert Hebard
take up U or IB months’ work there. and daughter, Mias Geraldine, and
The Mothers' club met at the h<»me sin. Kenneth, of Hood River, call«»«!
of Mrs. Ray Gllwton on Willow on Mrs. Ida F. Everson Bunday.
Height* last Thursday, IS member*
M. B. t'ampliell aad family are en­
and three guests being present. All tertaining relative* from Freewater,
the rug rags collected were sewed la Grande and Walla Walla this
and material donated to set together week.
Md tie th* tw* quilt* placed. The
Miss Frances Doggett spent three'
president urged everyone to have J day* last week at her father's eampt
Wool Suits
îteAjNS D ue
Rev. Bates Given More Blood
For the fifth time within the past
few months Portland Methodist cler-
I gymen offered Monday of last week
to give their life blood in an effort
to restore one of their brother cler­
gymen, Rev. Alfred Bates, to health.
In response to the apis-al for.three
volunteers, Rev. F. R. Slldey, of Lin-1
coin Methodist church. Rev. Charles '
E. Gibson, of the Central Methodist
church, and Rev. I’. G. Smothers, of i
WoJtflawti Methodist church, all of;
Portland, went to Emanuel hospital,
last week, where Rev. Bates Is con­
After au examination Rev.
Sibley was selected. He gave a pint
of blood to Rev. Bates, his condition
being perfect enough to permit dlre<-t j
t transfusion,
rnna/naizi» but tlio
the ivntLmt'a
patient's vxt*<
baa been ao discouraging it Is MM*»
able that more volunteers will have
to be called for at a later date. The
physicians have not been able to
diagnose the case.
At first Rev. pile and teachers as well as toward
Batea was thought to be suffering the material upkeeping of school
from chronic anemia, but now he properties.
Those most noticeable,
appear* to have developed a malaria perhaps, are at the Park Street
school, where concrete walks have
been placed, the lawn space doubled
in rfie, the fences and -backstops
painted, the playground covered with
gravel and a fence placed around the
new lawn. The interiors of both
junior high and Coe primary schools
have been painted and kalsomined,
the playground apparatus at the Coe
and Park Street schools have been
repaired and painted, new plumbing
has lieen installed in the boys' Ixse-
ment at the high school. In addition
to these improvement* mentioned the
roofs of all buildings have been
.that there ia no preparation for aay
presidency in thia country hotter
and iMilnted, and some additional
* | than the training that la received in
Hidewalk built at Junior high. Con­ ! the publie school. And alao tench
siderable Interior varnishing ha* been . | {¡¡p
¿Lj children to appreciate the de-
done at all schools including the tew­ | voted, unaelflah work of the public
ing room, floor and tables at the ! school teachers, for they are the
high school, and the teachers' desks makers of business presidents and of
at all grade schools.
national prest dents."
The following is quoted from one
The board of directors, superintend­
of the large metropolitan papers: ent. principals and teachers ask the
“Make the children understand what hearty cooperation of the parents
the public school means, that it is the and patrons in making this school
foundation of American government, year the most successful in the his­
the source of power, the hope of this tory of Hood River.
republic now and in the future.
Whether it be the president of a
great .bank, railroad, manufacturing
cowcwn. or the President of the
United Blates, let the children know
WE ANNOUNCE the affiliation of PAXTON-RIVERS CO.
This combination offers growers and shippers an unusual mar­
keting service and insures an intelligent distribution of their
fruit crops to the various world markets which will pay the high
est prices for each particular variety, grade and size.
Last season, the above concerns, through their many trade
channels, both in this country and abroad, sold and distributed a
total of 1300 carloads of Northwestern box fruits further^ we made
very large numbers of f. o. b. sales throughout England, Scandin­
avia and Germany; and we have every good reason to expect that
our orders this year from our foreign agents will be much greater
than last year.
MR. J. P. NAUME8, with offices in the Eliot Building, is our
sole representative in this District, and is prepared to make liberal
advances and furnish all supplies needed by grower throughout the
entire year. He will be glad to furnish to any interested grower
full information regarding the various propositions which we have
to offer.
We invite your business
efforts in your behalf.
for R. P. LOOMIS & CO.