i I HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1024 .. ............... . 1' ! >♦♦♦»♦« »11 11111 I I I I I I | | | > a busincM visitor In the city last Hood hotel na gnewta of Mr. and Mr* WVOK. v •» V . ___ _ BBDET LOCAL MENTION Johnson, for a pleasant dancing party. I ................................. I 1 to» Maida Lamp of special type’ for The Pine 1 packing houae use. I. A. Frans Co. B. L. Haabrouck, optometrist. ars. F. B. Kelly and children ha»» Bail Insurance. See R. E. Scott, mfltf been spending soine time at their- Maxda Lamp of special type for Rummer cottage at Long Beach, Wn. packing bouse use. E. A. Frans Co. Mrs. Earl Weber haa been at Salem For Spiralla coreeta, Mr». Fred Howe, for a viait with her mother, Mr* 613 Cascade ave. Phone 2464. m8tf F. W. Wittenberg. Peaeoek Beauty parlor, Ricliard’s Uttle Mina Jean Iaeniterg ir recov­ apt* Tei. 2921. ' ’ )6tl ering- from a broken arm recently sue- Dry box wood for sale. Schipdler tallied In a fall. Transfer Co. Tel. 2MG. aitf Dr. and Mr* H. I>. W. Plneo and Mr. and Mm. Ernest C, Smith _____ have daughter, MI hh Margaret, have been been spending a vacation at Newport on an outing at Newport. T. A. Decker, of Portland, was <’• R. ThoumM, of Scotts Bluff, E: here last week calling on friends. Nebr., arrived here the «rat of t the Lost—An «methyat ring. Finder week, reeking a location. please return to Glacier office. John K. Doane, of Cleveland, O., Born—To Mr. and Mrs. K. Iuukal, ix here visiting the family of his Friday, August 15, a daughter. daughter, Mr«. A. T. CaBe. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. R uhh >11 O. _ Born To Mr. and Mm. Arvid R. Clark, Friday, August 15. a sou. Thomas, Monday, August 18, twin Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Russell son* Rand Friday, August 15, a dauglner. Born—Saturday, AuKUHt 18, to Mr. Mazda Lamp of special type for Hud Mrs W. H. McGwire, of Parkr packing house use. E. A. Franz Co. dale, ■ a daughter. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crites were itogerR, Monday, August 18, a daugh­ week end visitors in Portland. ter. L. A. Bennett wax a business vis­ Little Miss Auualielle MclJine, of itor In TacomU the first of the week. Mr. and Mm. J. M. Culbertson are Portland, is visiting her aunt, Mm. Susie Lynn, and family. spending a vacation at Twin Rocks. Tel. 1011 and have Meyer A King call If Cameron could not have fixed your for your suit. It «ill* be cleaned sod electric system I would have told iou preraed and returned ready for immedi­ eo, I28tf ate wear. j5tf Joe McDonald, of the 20th Cen­ Searches of records and reliable ab­ tury store, was a visitor at Lyle over stracts make by Oregon Abstract Com­ Bunday. pany, A. W. Onthank, Mam ¡ager, 806 fyao-tf Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McClain ar- Oak Street. Phone 1621. rived from aoutliern California last C. N. Clarke is now acting city week for a visit here. marshal. Marshal Hart in spending Col. W. 8. Dowd was down from Ills annual vacation at Washington the Upper Valley the latter part of I tea cites. laat week on buainexs. Mrs. Gunnar Tribble and small Eocene Coal Oil «tope smoking and daughter, of San Francisco, are here smelling oil atovea. In bulk at Franz this week the guest of Mm. Clay Co. m29lf Oxford. Evas scientifically examined by H.L. Born—To Mr. and Mm. D. B. Or- Haabrouck, Optometrist -Heilbronner rell, Tuesday, August 19, a 10%-pound Bldg. IHtl sent. Mr. Orrell is manager of the Hood River Box Co., hex manufac­ WeDertiUnion office. turing, Hood River. Oregon. Phone Mr. and Mr«. E. O. Blanchar and m4tf 1342. the latter's slater. Mixs Barltara Mc­ Mrs. Troy Shelley 1 h visiting her Donald. returned Monday from a two- daughter, Mrs. David Pence, at Gear- week vacation at Newport. hart. . Wanted—To contact your apple haul­ Mrs. Kenneth Hall, of Portland, is ing. Have two big truck«ana can move visiting her parent*, Mr, and Mrx. 2'K) boxes at a load with each. For fur­ ther i reformation call IMS. «I4U C. H. Castner. If you do not receive your Oregonian Mrs. Darwin L. Wood and three children arrived laRt week for a vixit regularly or with to subscribe for'earns, with her mother, Mrs. 8. A. Veach. either by carrier or mail, please call Oregonian agent. Phone 2303. f 21tf H. R. Adkins, of Mount Hood, was Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Davidson, en route to their home at Tumalo from Portland, stopja-d here the first of tlie week for a visit with friends. L. A. Kerr is recovering at the Community hospital from a serlona operation performed last Saturday Lunch Baskets FOR School and Picnic CHINESE AND WILLOW BASKETS in various sizes and colors. You’ll want one if you see them. School Lunches will start soon and a nice basket will be in order. The Star Grocery PERIGO & SON * JELLY GLASSES 48c doz. Those nice frounce Squat Glasses. Lay in your supply at this week's special price. Mrs. It. E. Johnson is home visiting lier ¡tarent* Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Nick- elHen. Mrs. JohuRon was formerly Mix« Gertrude Nickçlæn. M. and Mr». Leater C. Hodge have been Rix'tiding the past aeveral days viHitlng relatives at Newberg. Chicken or (almon dinner«, special Locks. luncheon«. The Rapid», Cascade------ Breakfasts, too, are our specialty. Try us the next time you get up e«rly and tart out for Portland. m22tf Rmoky and Smelly Oil Stoves Cured by using E-cene Oil. Try thia high grade coal oil next time and eee the difference. Any quantity, gallon to barrel, at E. A. m29tf Frans Co. “ Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Coolidge are spending a vacation at Oregon lieaeh- es. They motored down to Tllla- tuook last wcek to iMirticipate in the annual Elka convention at that city. W. Quinn, who has been r¡stifling in the Upper Valley, while here on business Monday, announced that he and his family had moved to the Nnnaniaker place on the East Side. Jesse W. Crites will turn in his resignation as city treasurer thia week. Mr. Crites will assume the duties of county sdcoolsuperinteudent Reptemlier 1. Mr. nml Mrs. W. A- Rchaffner re­ turned last week from a vacation at Cannon Beach. They stopped at ARtorlh for a visit with Mr. ami Mm. R. IL Bartlett. . Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Miller have returned from an extensive motor trip. They toured as far east as Indiana, where they visited scenes of their childhood. Dr. nnd Mr*. O. W. Hamilton re­ turned Monday from Gearhart, where they participated in the golf tourna­ ment. A. W. Rtone wbr another local golfer at the Gearhart tournament. MI hs Florence Oxford entertained a party of young people at her Wert Side’ home laat Thursday evening with a pleasant dancing party. All were tlon c-t Mrs. Colson. Russell G. Pond. mld-Columbla rep- reaenta.tlve for the New York city and Boston- Otia fruit interest* wan here laat week from the Upper Valley. Mr. Pond expresses optimism over the 1924 fruit deal. He 1 r busy preparing fur the harveFt of apples of his own Upper Valley tract. The Pacific oiean made a vivid 1m- ¡■reaaion on the young son of Mr. and Mm. F. 8. Kelly. The young man lias Just returned with hla mother and sister at Cannon Beach. He ocean wax ao big that he couldn't see across if. Mr. and Mm. I. D. Parkins, who were accompanied on the vacation by Mm. Benton Maya, Mm. Parkins' mother, of The Dalle* and her slater, Mm. J. E. Muller, and the latter’s son. John, of Sacramento, Calif., have returned from an outing spent at their ranch, Mays Lodge, on Dee Flat Dr. E. L. Houae. pastor of the First Congregational church in Portland from 1902 until 1907. occupied his old pulpit Sunday morning. Dr. and Mrs. House, accompanied by hla twin brother. Dr. E. E. House, of Boston, and the later’s wife, are spending a vacation on the East Bide House or­ chard place. The following Upper Valley fam­ ilies have recently been on vacations in the Elk lake country in central Oregon: Col. and Mm. Chas. Stehi- hauaer. Col. and Mrs. W. 8. Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wertgen and Mr. nnd Mm. Geo. W. Blodgett. Col. Dowd. 1n the city Tuesday, declared the central part of the state ideal for an outing. Tlie Frans store this week la car­ rying one of the mo«t unique fisher­ man's ylndow* ever seen here. It will send many down to the river to angle for salmon trout and steelhead. Cecil Lafferty explained that he used a camel in drawing a grain laden cart along the old mill stream road because the shafts of the cart fitted the camel better than the mini­ ature horse he had available. Henry W. Bteinhauaer, who haa l»eon In Europe thia summer, haa re­ turned to America. Before returning to hia orchard niece in the Upper Valley he will visit New York, Chi­ cago and Ran Francisco. Hia broth­ er. Col. Chaa Bteinhauaer, was down from the Upper Valley last week. He reported that he ba* an excellent prospect for a fine apple crop on hla 120-acre Upper Valley place. Mrs. Bert Bernet. Mixa Gertrude Bernet and their niece, Mine Dorothy Ruggles. daughter of Mr. and Mr* J. G. Ruggle* have returned from Sunday before laat the Portland. throe were in a serious street car accident on one of the approach«« to the Broadway bridge over the Wil­ lamette. All were injored. Mlea Bernet sustaining painful bruise*. The Injnrle« of Mr«. Bernet afid Mis« Dorotljy were minor. Sheridan Delepine and family were up from Portland over the week end for a visit with Mr. Delepine'« par­ ent* Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Delepine. night Mr. Delepine, well Shoes Mothers The golden rule of foot comfort for school children is to have per­ fect fitting shoes tnat shape their feet as na­ ture intended. ‘ Our shoes not only protect growing feet but are full of'service and comfort With good shoes should go good stock­ ings. We have the noted Hole-Proof, Bea­ ver Knit and Armour Plate in black and brown. will wish their chil t ; dren properly clothed in undergarments of a medium weight which they can pro cure r from our store i- ■ for both the boys and the girls Sweaters for the cool days have also started to arrive and should be selected be- fore sizes are gone • - f I Fashion strives each year to excel its performances of the past. This is every new season in accessories as well as in our major items of wear. Fashion's new achievements have been assembled here in Brush Wool Sweaters. Dainty feminine things to beautify and add chic to the costume. Styles are almost endless, but the Sweaters particularly merit mention. v ' ‘ . , ' ' .......... " —..................... ... _______ ...... _ . Pictured are two styles in Women’s Footwear that are right in step with fashion and have fust arrived at known in Portland musical circles, gave a violin solo at the Baptist church. Rev. and Mrs. Delepine ac­ companied their eon and family to a ranch 20 mile's out from Portland, where they will spend a vacation. George Hodge. Hood River’s new