Cook and Can in the famous CONSERVO STEAM COOKER Save Food—Fuel—Health Used over one burner of oil, electric, coal or wood range. It will cook an entire meal or can 14 quarts of vegetablefl, fruit or meat without attention of any kind. Foods cooked in CONSERVO retain their flavor, food values and bulk. There are never any burned vessels to •oak, «crape and scour; think of that, you overworked women with rattled nerves.___ CONSERVO takes the curse of depressing heat and the usual big muss out of cooking and canning. Shut it all lip over one burner and go about your other work in comfort. FEDERAL MARKETING DECLARED A NEED 9 the HAGUE INSITO« ; Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Reserve Beard and the Fed eral r^sa Bank. s The Intent and purpose of the act to to create a federal marketing board which would function for farmers, cooperatives and other organisations handling farmer products, as the Fed­ eral Reserve Board, and other bodies function for the Industries which they represent. The biU does not Inject the govern ment into business. The bill pro­ vides primarily for governmental ac­ tion which will serve chiefly to en­ courage and safeguard intelligent and business-like procedure in cooperative marketing of agricultural products. In my opinion it helps to set up mar­ ket machinery that will enable the farmers to engage in commodity mar­ keting in a fair, high national forests has Just been au­ week. The total enrollment reached Wheat was one of the grope pro­ thorised by District »forester Geo. H. 84, including leaders. MembeN of duction of which was greatly stimu­ Cecil, of Portland. This action waa the faculty were Rev. W. 8. Gtelser, lated during the war period from taken at the requeat of the auper- of Odell; Dr. Leach, district auperfn Ktriotic as well as selfish raaaan* vtoora of these two forests. tendent; Rev. W, N. Byars, of Ho^d fore the war the normal acreage The area dosed on the Mount Hood River, and Dr., and Mr* Spencer, of planted to wheat fa the United States embraces the upper water sheds of Portland. It may be* noted here thgt was around forty-seven millions. It Badger snd Little Badger creeks, Dr. Spencer was fe leader fa estab­ reached a peak of seventy-live million lying oast of Mesut Hood. Th« lishing the first Bmtlhite* ln-Or.- in order to need with the kind of wheat demand­ the White Salmon district ; the for- keep out the careless and the terest and devotion to the next Insti­ ed in the trade. est acres and the green and gold thoughtless, who are rrapousible for tute. Canada. Argentina and Australia and brown of the farm lands make n great nuiay of our tin«, we are and have an almost unlimited acreage and an Incomparable patch-work, forced to issue these closing orders virgin prarie soils adapted to wheat here and there, huddled serenely to­ for arras of extreme fire liaaard.” production, and for many years to gether. lie the little block houses of Ap historic picture produced in “If each careful camper, he added, come will be able to produce an ample half a dosen towns. Then, sunrise Europe for Paramount, abo i “would make it a point to enllat live World's supply of wheat. Our only or sunset, a summer sky, «loud bil­ other people to assist in forest fire ho|>e is to cease to lie an exporter of lowed. and the contour of a great Of. C. A. Macmm, frt-eaident of the country—the wonder of these things prevention we might in time eliminate wheat. , . K most of these man-caused fires, which Mosier Fruit Growers Association, The farmers are filled up on advice can be appreciated by those persona are rausng so much trouble at' pres ­ here last Friday on buafaesa! ex­ from the outside. They only want to who have stood on the white top of pressed the opinion that apple price« be let alone to work out their own the world and looked out. Equally ent.’’ Mr. Cecil «too suggested that trav­ would be sufficiently high thia year problems. They wonld like business impressive are the glistening sides ellers communicate with local forest to give growers a fair profit on their men and others who have been strong of Hood, its glaciers and ice caverns on advice the last few years to turn and ----------------- tumbling -------------- waterfalls, What a supervisors tiefore planning a trip investment. He stated that the Mo­ their attention to working out a plan wonderful playground this mountain into national forest area* Camp fire sier district's tonnage would ba 20 permits are required for all areas fa- per cent smaller than last season whereby the farmer may purchase a to! side the national forests, and Infor­ but declared that apples were attain­ plow, a set of harness, a binder and The Hood River post. American other implements and supplies at a Ijegion, te doing much to draw at- mation on fires and new closing or­ ing good also, deOpite the drouth, and cost commensurate with what be to tention to and popularise the enow ders may »too be obtained. General that growers were taking excellent able to get for hia wheat. They think fields of Hood and that the efforts Information to given out at the dis­ care of their tract« “It to my opinion,” aald Dr. Ma- that the business men could accom­ of this organisation are meeting with trict office fa Portland, but permits plish a great deal along this line if success to reflected in the increasing are issued only through the forest crum, “that the commercial apple crop of the northwest to being over­ number of people who make the an­ supervtoora and ranger* they would go at it seriously. estimated conaiderably. When the The farmer believes that be has not nual climb with members of the harvest to over, it will he found that been getting a square deal, and I be­ Legion, and in the growing number the big producing sectiona are lSjOOO lieve he to ri*bt. He has had of visitors to the mountain through­ or “more care short of last season. too much to pay fur the things he has out the year. With our staple and favorite com­ i had to buy. He rrallaee. of course, mercial variettoa, Newtowna and Leet Lake In 1 an we all realise, that the coat of • fit*.* iw** V Hpltsenburgs, we mid-Columbla dis­ labor to a large element in this price; Just like a sheet of silver, that labor, being approximately twice Just back with Thomas Clarke tricts ought to fare well. The dry Produced with abdolute fidelity to Bpread tn a quiet glen, weather to going to mult fa smaller as high as it wga before the war, Up fa the boundless forest. from a tour of exploration on the the book. sises than last year. Thia is going naturally makes transportation coats south base of Mount Hood. Prof. L. Far from the haunts of men to be true both hi non-irrigated and high, clothing high, and farm machin­ F. Henderson Tuesday reported to the Is a lake, aa clear as the crystal, Irrigated districts. ery high. He to wondering bow lopg ALSO Tuesday Lunch club the discovery of (fooled by the nu ma tain air. "The buyers of fruit are beginning this can last. , a flowered park which be declared We wondered, bow long through the to realise that the grower must get He ia hopeful that it to about over. la nearly as beautiful as Eden Park, ages, Personally. I think that Inside of two discovered two years ago on the north­ a return that will allow him a profit Hood's image reflected there. and pay the intereat on hia invest­ years it will be over and that the west bane of the mountain. ment. The railroads are, too. coming farmer will come into hia own and Who set that gem In the mountains? The new park. Prof. Henderson that the disparity between the pur- Who Imrdered its shores with stated. Is very accessible, being only a to realise this. For the past several trees? chasing power of a bushel of wheat short distance up the East Fork of year« the growers have been losing money. Already the,effect of such and the cost of the various articles a Ripples the lake fa the evening? Hood river from Sabale falls, an at­ farmer will have to buy will be con­ Fans, with the canyon breese? traction of the Mount Hood Loop condition to being felt by the rail siderably less than It to today. Hia work waa not done once, and highway. He predicted that- the re­ lines. They realise that the grower must make some money or go out of I do not think that the farmer situ­ finished. gion will -be chosen as the site of. a ation to going to be helped through A Comedy Burlesque. He fashions the woods and the summer hotel An easy trail, he de­ hiwineoo, and when he goes out of Imaiheaa the rail lines lose some of auch legislation as to proposed fa the piafan, clared, will carry the visitor in a their most lucrative freight business. " McNary-Hsugen measure which was Borden the beaches of oceans. three hours* walk to the snowline. Dr. Ma4» survived by hia wife and a 2-yrar commodity index.” The government old child. A brother, John Gallen« thus determines the ratios and con­ A. F. s Steele, who returned Sun ­ Selohe Camp Hr» News tine, lives at White Salmon. CHRISTIE COMEDY sequently the price. day from «ttle. Where a J confer- The fatal accident e office of the Mount found for Its direction? Has the ex­ „___ _ abotii _ it two- wnrk of C> A. Casa with a garden Climbers wtll en­ estimated at 80,000 cars, perience of the government in busi­ t ion a I forest. thirds of fl year ago. Mr. Steele hose saved tlto l>ark Street horne of at tempt to danger their lives if they ness during the last 10 years given Ms ted.. Rev. J. B. Llster. retired Christlan any warrant for belief that govern­ make the ascent without the service minister. Riinduy sftrtnoon. The flre ment officials have the skill to cou- of a guide, said T. H. Sherrard, su­ was sturted on the roof by a spsrk. Kroll Starts Retail Store duct such an enterprise and te pre- pervisor. Mr. Llster began Monde y to re- Crevasses are wider than ever be­ vent corrupt Ion? Hood River folk again have the op- shlngllng his roof with fore and instead of the usual snow There to a measure now before <>n the glaciers, there to smooth ice. portnnity of buying fresh, homemade nhlngles. green which proposes to create a pastries, pies, cakes and breads When­ eral marketing board. It was intro­ Nothing more than minor injuries ever they wish. K. C. Kroll, of the ALSO duced Into the bouse by Mr. Williams, have been reported this year, al- Hood River Bakery, has openend a Card sf Thanks of Michigan, and into the senate by though more cl I inliers than ever be retail Moro fa ths Bart mean building. We wish to express our thanks to mountain. _____________ Mr. Capper, of Kansan. I have exam fore have ascended thg Leather Stockfat No. 5 Mr. Kroll han t lie. old city hail look­ ined thia measure critically; and I The last fatality occurred several ing like a new flace. having placed our many kind friends and neighbors for their loving words of sympathy in have had others. In whom I have con- years ago. ' êntitled hie big oven and'up to date bakery the loss of our beloved daughter, wife rlNF’’ 'i.WE fidence. examine it carefully; and I equipment there. and mother, Marybeth Rlagg DeHart, think it to be the soundest proposal The opening of the new retail atom and also for the many beautiful floral that 1 have had the opportunity ef was greeted with enthusfasni by offerings. Char toe DeMart, examining for. the assistance of agri­ hoDMewtvra. It Is predicted that it F. H. Rlagg culture. Price. 10*23 * will do a good bnilneas. and Family. HEBBEBT BRENHAM "The Breaking Pointé MT. HOOD’S FAME STILL SPREADING EXT« ADDED Why Elephants Leave Home Not a Sex Picture 9$ Sizes here to meet every need. The Ideal Combination FLORENCE OIL STOVES ÍZ AND CONSERVO LESS MUSS LESS WORK E. A. FRANZ CO DR. MACRUM SAYS PRICE TO BE BETTER HACK SENNETT COMEDI More Big Bargains You can’t beat the prices listed below. But somebody is going to beat you here and take ad* vantage of the offer before you do. Buy early while the stock lasts. f. — >■ .■** Beans, Little Whites, Reds and Bayos, 13 lbs. for.............................. .... tk . ........... $1.00 > ■■ Jk Fsncy Hesd snd Jap Rice, 13 lbs. for ... 1.00 26c Ròyal Baking Powder, per pound * ( A Coal Oil, per 5 gallons 4XX) Special prices on all of our brooms. see the Huggins 48c broom Peter the Great Ask to Monday-Tumdaÿ, Aug. 1142 ELINOR GLYNN'S CATTLE DECLARED MENACE TO PARKS “THREE WEEKS" SPORTLIQHTS L H. HUGGINS, GROCER Phone 2134. Deliverie«, 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. book review. The pastor preaches at » Meli in the morning but will speak in this church Bunday evening at 8 Seventh Day Adventist Church o’clock. Thin will be his first sermon Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m here since returning from hia vaca­ Preaching service 1115 a. m. Prayer tion. Bunday school meets at 10 a. meeting, Wednesday 7.45 p. m. All m., Epworth League at 7 p. tn. The public Is Invited to attend these aer- are welcome. vices. W. N. Byars, Pastor. CHURCHES Regular services at 11 a. m. The Ladies' Aid meets on Thursday at The interest in the series of aer- 2.80 p. m. P. Hllgendorf, Pastor. mona in the morning on the Life of Jesus, and fa the evening, on Revela- Si. Mary's Catbslte Church tion. to steadily increasing. Next First Maas, 8 a. in. and second Maas -Sunday morning the subject will be __ Was at 10.30 each Bunday morning. Even "The Baptism of Jesus. _ Why ing devotions at 7J0 o’clock tomorrow, Jesus Baptised?” At night .the sub­ Friday. even ing and Sunday evening. ject will be “The Coming War Be­ Tel. 8182. Father Joe Smith, Pastor. tween the East and West” Bunday school at 10 a. m. Here also the tn- Missionary Alliance tereat to on the increase, We have Regular services; Sunday school at fine singing at all the services. The 9.45"'g. Tn.. H. C. Delta, Swpt.; preach­ H. H. class in the Sunday school, a ing service at 11 a. m. Young people’s clasa of glrla, will be the choir for service <80 p. m.. R. C, Samuel, presi­ the Bunday evening services for Aug­ dent 1 ic service 7.30 p. m. ust. The church to now raising |120 Prayer very Wednesdays 7.30 to paint both the church building an