HOOD RIVER, OÌ LONG-SHOT GAMBLER T hursday , Eastman Cameras A long-shot gambler takes a Chance with the odds heavily against him. *• Why take a chance by leaving valuables lying around. A safe deposit box buys security too cheap­ ly to ¿amble against fire, theft, or mlsplace- ment. No. 2 Cartridge Hawk-Eye HOOD RIVER, OREGON To increase the popularity of picture making in the community, we will furnish you for $8.50 Six rolls of film One year’s subscription to Kodakery A complete manual of instructions Finishing your first roll of film And give you the Camera Can't Come In Unless You joly si , 1924 Fountain Service — Cool and Refreshing. HOOD RIVEft APPLES AH PI TIllabHMik ch<*ese la known aa "far and as widely through th. United State« an Hood River apple«. Most of the people of the Hood River val­ ley know the name Tillamook, and they pMnounee It when they vialt the grocer or give a telephone call for cheese. Indeed, the fame of the prac­ tical cooperation effected liy th« dairy­ men of the fertile Tillamook region haa apread here in thia apple section, where cooperation among fruit grow­ er« haa been advanced further than any other large a|>ple producing sec- tion.‘ Hood River, in fact, ha« put into effect in a limited wav coopera­ tion for bringing into l>eing a Bucveaa- ful creamery plant,. A“<1 pursuit of the big ext tuple net by Tillamook han hel|»ed to make thia section prosper oua during a season of apple market­ ing depression. Cream cheeks for Hood River cow owners are regular, aud they are wehaime. __ t- Hood River apple grower« can In a measure <>oinprehend the Tillamook country when it la cited that cows are aa thick a« apple tree« here. It ia a land of green pastures. luscious grass. fat. aleck contented cows and bulla. Mile on mile, in every direc­ tion. the vialt Ing motorist pukmm be­ tween Hekla where cowa. their udders in the late afternoon huge with ntored up richness of milk, graxe. It ia a land of mode«t farm homra and huge barns. Clxa-ae factories dot the landscape like community packing houses here. The Tillamook country haa 25 cheeae factories, manufactur­ ing for the wide world a quality of cheese that heads the liat in America. Thia vanguard of dairying coun­ tries didn't just happen. It has re­ united from the concerted effort of the 734 dairies of the region, which market their product throutfi factor­ lee of the Tillamook County Cream­ ery Association, to tors out a milk of uniform quality. There Sr« 1« other dairies in the district, supply No apple district of the Northwest will approach doser to the tonnage of boxed apples of last year than Hood IUver. Indeed, numerous prom­ inent shippers and growers in their forecasts of the crop predict that the tonnage will reach that of last year and aay that gn approximate 3.000 car« will rou from the Ilood River valley this season. Others say that CATE GORGE LIGHTS BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Attention Calling to Our Fall Line which is Now On Display No matter whether you want to pay as little as EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO J. G. VOGT APLETS “Everything To Build Anything” SWIMMING The Confection of the Fairies" ESPECIALLY WHOLESOME Picnic Amongst the Cottonwoods HOOD RIVER DRUG CO LET THE CHILDREN HAVE FUN SQUIBB QUALITY ON THE BEACH _____________________________________ he federal court in Port- It la anticipated that a dance to ho > now at London attend- given next Wednesday evening at the mat Iona I meeting of at- Pythian temple for the Knights of who will give a recital Pythias band will draw the largest rations: Judge J. Stanley attendance ever present at a «octal the United States district affair In Hood River. The band, noted okane. and Judge C. M. throughout the Northwest for the ex­ Jackson county, who is cellence of Its music and fof ths rom Philadelphia, where unique Indian costumes, first worn st the meeting of the Amer- the natlonnl convention of the D. 0. >aaociatlon. the aetivlties K. K. In Portland, will soon go to will report. Vancouver, B. C.. to nttend an inter­ erg of major Importance national convention of the order. Re- ixr association will cog- cently the Chaml>er of Commerce of- i year's convention, Judge fered to raise funds for financing the «, will he the raising of trip, but the members of the band ’or admission and the preferred to raise the money through measures that will put a dance or concert. The orgnnlstion's on on a more sulistantial management prkh-s Uaelf on never iscipllnlng memlsTB who having asked the city for contribu- up to the ethics of their tions. The big l>all was fettled on aa a 1 sessions of the conven- medium for rising the fund. The K. «e Saturday evening, Sep- P. band is one of the most popular with a banquet at the, mrganixatipns of the county, and evun-