flOOl» RIVER QLACIBR. THOftSDAY JÜLY 10, 1924 SHOÍSARE MTTfzfT HI-TOPS LEGION CLIMB Men’s 16-In Box Toe 97.75 Men’s 16-in Moccasin Toe 98.50 The uppers on these shoes are made of the fin- est glove tanned leather, and the soles, heels and counters are of the best oak tanned sole leather. Ladies’ 14-inch Box Toe, 95.25 94.75 Ladles’ 14-In Moccasin Toe Welt, 97.00 SHOES Made of Leather J. C. JOHNSEN «s\« Stop! Look! Listen! Picnic Time, is Still. Here We have a complete fine of Picnic Supplies New Arrivals for Salads—Bulk Mayon­ naise, Thousand Island Dressing, French Dressing and Sandwich Spread. Yours For Service VINCENT & SHANK “The Home of Quality Groceries“ We have a complete line of Lunch Supplies for your 4th of July picnic 57?e LAURNELL MARKET ‘‘Nothing But The Best IT CAN BE DONE IF GOOD TOOLS ARE USED We call the attention of Carpenters and Machinists to these famous lines of 4 • • TOOLS • - • Keen-Kutter Starrett Stanley Plomb Zenith •'* V, Winchester Goodall-Pratt Miller Billings & Spencer Atkins The best in each line, is represented in our large stock-always at lowest prices consistent with high quality. E. A. FRANZ CO. À rAgion because of their racial ____ _____ stocks. _ New Zealand ia a heavy shipper to regiob also. In Crops and Mar- TOluma I, Number 4, we find: Zqatond Fruit Growers Feders tabs completed arrangements to MM100 cases of large red apples try fairly well. The railroads help can tell stories, often improper ones. advertise the American apple greatly A straight forward audjioneat dealing through' their dining car service. Ex­ mau, who would scorn bargains and press snd freight rates are fairly rea­ trades and log roiling, would get email sonable to interior towns, It costing If any of the county's portion of the about 82c express to Bahia Blanca, public money. Therefore we must (By Malcolm Hltcbiiiga in the some -MM) miles; 45c to Tucumen, 700 send the “right" kind of man to pull u$h American ports."’ miles. Ing Honae) * down the money. If this is the way The annual FAtencK'Fortugese Italian and Span­ Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay,’ Public markets snd street venders public business is transacted God have dlvlsiou of the often atyled the River Plate countries, ish apples arrive earlier than Amer­ distribute a great deal of the American' mercy ou us. Ingalls, of Kansas, said, uf Economic I can be considered as one in this discus­ ican apples aud disappear eg r Her. fruit to the consumer in the Plate The purification of politics Is an Stanford Univt sion of marketing pr«4tkui» confronted They arrive from August to November countries. Tiiere is little fruit sold In Irldedbent dream. The Sermon on the very atten__ in tbe Mouth American trade In apples. and offer no severe competition to the downtown sections exc«*pt in res­ Mount and the Ten Cciuiuiindments from well various parts of Department stores have have no place In a political campaign.” Tiie navigable River Plate and its trib­ American-grown apples. British and taurants. utaries link these three countries into Canadian apples offer more resistance commenced to, handle some apples in The politicians who believe and act coast. Most all of the a to tim the Amari Aumrlmin-grown and the Brit­ Buenos Aires snd mako very attract­ on that superstition are likely to get the Rockies had at toast a whole frbm the exporter’s viewpoint. te sentative present. Though . ish. <pp<,rt clean politics, for which wo believe up with him. This pest to boeoantog consider the ocean ports. These are The Glacier and all right minded peo­ of very serious Importance not only frigeration so that they arrive quotoi United States Shipping Board¡lines, so first (as reached by ship lines) Moute- in the Ilood River district but in video; second, Buenos Aires. Then fol- c. i f. at a lower pru-e than the boxed that they can afford to keep up their ple stand. most of the strawberry producing apples of the Unite. States. They ar- refrigerator service to these South The apple trees berealsiuts are load ­ the ports of Rosario, 180 miles up sections of the Northwest. The im- rive fairly fresh and are well liked by Ainerican ports. It appears that thia ed to capacity and .an immense thin ­ Parana river; Santa Fe, 300 miles The FacWng Hou>e ning job is In progress. Cash buyers ¡xirtance of pursuing control meas­ up the same river; Bahia Blanca, dealers because of the larger^possible I m bd11K was pointed out to Dr. Howard profit realised. Th. ir arrival comes News of February 1 quotes Mr. Pike are reported to be in the field and ures south of Buenos Aire« on the bay of for the purpose of seeing if it would their proposition will lie about the from March to September ami are m stating between January 1 and No- the same name, and La Plata, 30 miles not be ¡lOMsfble to obtain establish­ I h -I ow Buenos Aires on a small river, aomethnes held in storage later gdh- veuiher 15 the shipping board service only one considered this year It will ment of a federal laboratory some­ be cash or bust for most. erally belug. thus, a loss to shipper or had carried 7.272.U08 pounds of fresh all of which, are reached by ’ cargo where in thia area in order to deter­ Excen trlius. Isiats plying out of the two main ports. iui|»orter. We find then (lie Canadiau fruits to the United States from Ar­ mine some feasible method of control. aud British apples our greatest com gentine. A shipment of 9,000 eases of Asuncion, capital of Paraguay, may Though no linnniHate assistance wns atld p,.an, nHVntly arrlvvll Ju be also considered as a trading port of petitura in our. season; the New Zea- prondsed by Dr. Howard, it is more land apples the greatest out of our Argentine from San Francisco It is Buenos Aires and Montevideo, but than probable that thia “ aasistance season unless stored or shipped late; this kind of return voyage shipments otherwise Paraguay is not of great im­ can be obtained if growers and ship- portance in .our preseut discussion. and the Argentine, ami Uruguayangtp-1 that will insure sue.ess of the shipping pers make an urgent demand for Tin' River: Plate, Parana, Uruguay and pies next greatest, but also out of our board veuture. Mr. Fischer, in bis re­ in me. port, suggests a oue-way freight line Paraguay afford a channel for this season and of inferior quulity. BtcMM of __ __ the rather aérions In considering the trade in apples to carry apples from the United States trading out of these two cities of Im- Tiie Hood River Traffic association, drouth conditions prevailing through­ portanc«. Let us now consider the from the United .Blates to tiie Plate I to South America and then return to conqioaed of apple shippers «of all out California. there are many sec­ railway systeqis with 2S,U(X) miles of countries, it is well to ia-ar in mind Ixndon dr New York wllh'ineata froiu part» of the valley, Monday eh-cted tions of the state where fruit grow­ trackage in Argentina, 1,000 miles in that a few extra tfHys must be added there. There is no doubt but that the officers for the ensuing year as fol­ ers do not appear very prosperous. Uruguay and some 300 miles in Para­ to the service to Brazil to arrive at United States must build up Its own lows: R. W. Kelly,’president: Wil­ Where irrigation is short or lacking, guay. (Isitest edition of Literary Di­ these southern ports of the laiti^J Hues In order to have this type of liam Irwin, vice pn-sideut: C. II. fruit Is of very poor size and tbe gest Atlas). We find Buenos Aires Americas. In spite of this drawback,] I fade assume Its largest proiwirtlons. Castner, treasurer, and A. F, 8. Bteele, trees show signs of drop. We often and Montevideo natural rail centers exports to these countries have almost | lu a letter from the American vlce- W. R. Wooljiert, J. C. Duckwall and feel H imk I River is subject to all all- with 90 percent of the lines within every year .exceeded those to Brazil. I consul in charge at Moutevhi.i», Uru- P. L. Tompkins, additional directors. nients that exist as far as fruit pro­ Ac-ording to Walter Fischer Th his|ifUU-v' May 10, 11)23, he states that Uru- William P. Allyn wsh named secre­ duction Is concerned. However, av­ 400 miles of the two cities. The popu­ lation is most dense in this area. In report, "South America as a Market I Kuay is a good market for American tary. eraging orchard conditions through­ order to understand this one should for Fresh Fruits," boxed apples have I ¡•I’Pj*’8 H,lnate amounts. Bens and Romes an* well liked hi field. A very ¡inasible method for the Apple 8liipt»era Association, and II. F. visit Rev. Billy Bunday on the lat­ In other words, the ports are supreme Bueuos Aires and Montevideo. The eastern grower to get into this profit­ Adams, of ,the Union Pacific, as a ter's Odell country place, Rev. Billy and are thus of importance to the ex­ brand plays an important part in tbe able field would lie for lilui to attempt follow-up, on the requests already and “Ma” we^p showing their guest, Plate market, as the deniers and rv a new ¡Mickage. This might take the made by the Apple Growers Associa­ who was accompani«*d by Ed Abbott, porter of fruits. D. II. Reeder and Reece Hathborn ' ____________ tallers reis-at orders on a well-known form of the box. the half liarrel, the tion. The next point (o consider is the ap­ atmut their grounds. Rev. Bunday ta egg irate with improvements, a new brand. They desire careful grading ple growing industry of the Plate coun­ much Interested in birds. With en- box with compart menta for each tries. One must lienr in mind the re­ and uniform fruit of standard quality style thualaam be was telling of the frlend- apple. or a better packed barret If Both fancy find extra fancy grades versal of seasons in this land hut tliat linee of his featbere«! neighbors of the Argentine market demands color are in demand and sometimes there js the climate is, in many reopecta, simi­ the woods surrounding the Bunday is willing to ¡my for It, there lar to that of our owra United States. little distinction made In the prifr mid home. He declared, however, that a xlumkl be no difficulty in finding a charged. They (fancy and extra fancy Due to' the lack of moisture In many sparrow hawk had t»een the worry of nuinlier of,suitable ginid-keeping vari­ regions, early and late frosts and bi­ grad«*«) are usually demanded in equal eties nu abundance of color to Boy Scouts of River are co- the nesting birds of the wooded park. sect and fungus pests, the conditions quantities. In 1915-1(1, eastern bar­ supply with Even as Mr. Bunday and his guests demand. Baldwins, Romes, operating in circulating pledges of are far from ideal. The main districts reled at»pl«*s shlpprii from the United I fañada the Red. donathan. Northern memtiers of “The Stop Forest Fire talked a sparrow hawk was eeen to art* near the large cities as a rule anil Mtates were als»ut 33 per cent of the to­ Spies, Wagner, Bpitzenburg, Wluesap Association” here, Rponsored by the swoop down among the branches of a more noted ones are: Tigre, an island tal sent to Buenos Aires and 40 ¡ier many others should Ue able to dis Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, ¡»Ine. Mr. Bunday -rushed to the or delta district of tbe lower Parana e«*nt of the total sent to Montevideo. or Ben Davis as the leading which will forward windshield stick­ house and returned with n handsome river; Cordoba mountains, the valley Tills is much higher than to Brazil I ¡dace the apple to tie exported to tills ers and booklets on how to prevent shotgun. He stalked tbe aaarauder of tbe Rio Negro, Mendoza, vajleys of and is thus explained: It is colder In eastern of the world. Thére la a larger forest fires to all ni<‘inl>ors, the move­ . and lot go. Hia broadalde with the tin- Andean foothills in the writory the Plate region and barreled applet« part market In the region of tiie ment to prevent destruction of the , shotgun was aa effective as with MB Of the Neuquen, where conditions are keep better ; there is A larger industp potential River Plate. It is up to the growers state's wooded w<*alth has been sanc­ goapcl gun. and the hawk Mt the similar to those of onr Pacific North al class who do not <*at apples ns a lux­ 1.00 per ruble foot I ,IHl1 Mr- Zn*lgler recently removed for Carter, sergi'ant at-arms. foreman In charge of picking and pack­ Plans have been completed by Law­ t® gratify personal spite This will tie the last meeting rence A Ilolford, Portland architects, ing operations in cadi - district. In (I m » x 'displaces 1 cu. ft.). This is un- smaller towns small jot»lH>ra buy up l«f)- refrigeration which usually Is kept «"<• w‘rTO political scullduggery. The until the second Monday in Bep- for a new pariah house for St. Mark’s fruit and slili» some and sell some to aruuml 35 degrees. There ia fortnight-1 voters ought to take notice at the com- tomber. Episcopal church. The rector, Rev. Tiie Camp Fire girls have charge of Lindley H. Miller, says that construc­ their own local trade. There is a ten ly service from New York to Buenos •»< primaries, ami use discrimination dency and strong demand for more w stag«* of degradation, Their fruit can be sent anywhere for also. Plans are also under way for tbe W. Hopkins. Portland contractor, H. sordldneas and corruption, such as we Klinilar exnortera send apples to the from one-half to one-fifth of the reg construction of a handsome sew last week completed au »¡»proximate have lately seen revealed in our na ­ ular rates and Is sent on through Plate region as to Brazil, although tional capital. Never in the history mile of concrete ¡Hiving on the West church edifice bere. The church, ac­ trains as wgll as passenger trains. In there are sum«* Individual exporters to of Republic has anything like It Bide. Tiie new stretch of paving Is cording to tentative plana, will ba the distributing centers one finds sev each port. Then* is more interest l>een the witnessed. Has the thing become an extension of concrete surfacing be­ of stucco construction. ersl societies or organizations that shown in direct shiimiento by growers epidemic, extending to our count lew. gun three years ago. It gives West market fruit as wholesalers. These in recent years, due to the large villages and school districts? The Hide orchardists more than three Salvation Charioteers Hera are the one link Itetween grower and profits available. This is justifiable worst of it is public apathy and Indif­ miles of jiavement. Tiie contract of Traveling aboard a huge motor retailer. These siwieties are the group if handled properly and if dumping is ference to national and local dis­ this year under the market road law, ing of small firms around a strong firm prevented. Consignments must i»e graces. In our great national scandal called for expenditure of an approx­ truck, equipped with a body like a miniature Pullman car, the Halvatlon Tor finanHal protection and mutual look«*«! into very carefully before any most strennons efforts have been made imate $20,000. Army charioteers, en route from Se­ benefit. Wholesaling and retailing Is goods are released in this manner, to tnrn the attention of the public to The concrete will I* set and ready attle to southern California arrived carried on In privntely owned market There lias been considerable trouble the manner of exposing guilt, as if for traffic of apple hauling by the houses of which there is at least one In all South America with consign- that were the vital matter, until the time Bartlett pears are ready to move here Tuesday and remained long enough to give a street concert. Six in every city. Refrigeration is taken tiM*nt« of apples whenever nuide and opinion of the country in August. picked Salvation Army bandsmen care of In Montevideo by two brew­ Argentine and Uruguay dealers offer articulate rather sympathize« with the culprits and singers are accompanying Com­ eries. In Buenos Aires fruit may be no lietter security for the shipper. snd condemns those who have nnrov- Crttre is Appointed mandant Barnes on the trip. They refrigerated at the two market house There are only u few apple import­ cred the crimes against the public! The county court Inst Thursday will travel as far east as Pendleton, storages and most of the other cities ers in M destroy ranch places Rksmania county; Washington. Just one and one-balf bushels of somewhat ilay in 1916. There is no duty on cause of com|Miratlvely petty wrong­ Jnst west of town By aid ftt-*. mo­ a<*H*e per box. It In public morals? Has the mass of ment. which was called three times, penetrate the wild» with their auto­ rias sold at $2.12, while 40 pounds of «-oat around 10c to get tiie apples (one oil and materialism obliterated our the orchard homes were saved. A mobiles. will can more than b.009 American lined apples wyre offered I h » x ) to tbe storehouse of tbe importer moral sense, and the glitter of gold largo expanse of sightly shrubbery, qnartH of th«* luscious wild fruit thia however, was left in unsightly ruins. M*a«on. The huckleberry crop, which also. st $4 2». and the rustle of thousand dollar bills will mature later, will exceed the In the previous article on Brasil According to Mr. Fischer, wholesal­ clipped the wings of onr soul? The blackberry yield. more or less space wns devoted to ship­ ers in Buenos Aires alm to make from politicians tell ns that if our county is Trash Fire at Tum-A-lAtm ping conditions, competition from other $.85 to $1.27 per l«»x profit or from 20 to got her just share of state money When trash In the yard of the Tum- ir uUnv countries, and other matters that arc to 30 per rent on the cost to theqi anti Cor the highway U la necessary tn send A'f^rm Lmrrhrr Co was Igffttett Sat­ ivl.iUUUv k’l