»>8>iSl»lMII I 1 1 111111 11 V J’~' rlett Fuller, will leave for Cannon Ha waa rtJtioned it Kelly Field, fit1 lieutenant tn the reserve const artil- Beach, where they will spend a two a field in Louisiana and later at lery corp*.. 4 weeks’ vacation at the Nlckalsen Dayton, Ohio. After the war he Should you become euddeuly ill, MII4WIIIII H il«ill| | I«» cottage. remained In the east engaged In i“- naturally you will went the beet doc If you do not reoeive your Oregonian dustrial work. H. L. Haabrouek. optometrist. | tor in town. If you want to know For Spirella ooreetg, Mrs. Fred Howe, regularly or wish to subscribe for same, Thoe. Lacey, who Is employed on _ the truth about ___ your insurance ___ policy _ eithsr by carrier or mail, please cell •13 Uaeoad* ave. Phone 2464. mSU construction work at, Oregon City by consult John H. Young, phone 3074; Oregonian agent. Phone 2308. f 2Hf the state highway commission, was he will give you expert advice on Ute If Cameron bad not understood bis t Tal. 1014 and have Meyer A King cal) here over the Fourth' for a visit with insurance without obligation on your baatoeas I would have told you so. I28U HOOD RIVEK, OREGON for your suit. It «ill be cleaned and Ms family. • . v i part. Peacock Beauty parlor, Richard’s pressed and returned ready for immedi­ Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Spaulding, of F" and Mrs. Willard C. Young and Mr. pta.w.T«l. 2921. jfitf ate wear. ’ • J5tf Portland, where Mr. Spaulding Is now Lynn Young t have arrived by automo- Cal. Charles Btenhauser was in Dr. and Mrs. II. D. W. Pineo spent with the Meier A Frank Co., were bile for a'viall It with Mrs. A. J. Derby, _______ Portland the past week on business. the week end at the Lava Bed sum­ here last week the greets of Mr. and sister of 'lesars. Young, and family. Mi Fred Carqqb and family are spend- mer home of )ir. aud Mrs. R. P. Mrs. Harry Connaway. | They made the trip west from Penn-* vlng a two wegka* vacation at Newport. Loomis. . z Judge Cartner has been named by sylvanla by the way of Arlsona and E. Scott has taken over the Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brownlee came Gov. Pierce as a memlx-r of a state­ California. The heat, the motor party insurance business of W: J. Baker. down from Seattle over the week end wide committee to arrange for a cele­ declares. waa terrific la the southwest. Mra. Harry Connaway was a Port­ for a visit to their East 8ide orchard bration of the anuiversary' of the bat­ Mr. and Mrs. James Steele and place. land visitor Sunday. small daughter Anita, arrived the lat­ tle of St. Mihiel September 12. W. P. Piepenbrink, of Portland, was Frank Sameon left last Thursday Mra7*H. L. Hasbrouck and daughter, ter part of last week from California here yesterday calling on business Miss Evelyn, accompanying W. 8. for a visit with Mrs. Steele's i>arents. for a vacation at Seaside. Hood River Box Co., box manufac­ friends. While In the valley he vis­ Bowman and Mr. and Mra. F. L. Mr. and Mra. M. L Emrv Mr Steele W Z ‘ . turing, Hood Riter, Oregon. Phone ited Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Blackman. Lattz. of Pendleton, have left on a returned at once. Mrs. Steele and •f daughter will remain in Hood River 1M2. m4tf Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Slocom are re­ tour of Yellowstone National Park. for the summer. Eocene Coal Oil stops smoking and ceiving congratulations on the birth R. M. Stone, foreman of the Ore­ Miss Jessie "Dewis, daughter of M smelling oil stoves. In bulk at Franz of a flue daughter bom at their home gon Lumber Company's logging camp Co. m29lf Monday, July 7. on the West Fork, returned to his and Mrs. A. O.~ Lewis, has cabled t tasks Monday, following a Fourth of the Hawaiian islands accepting a Eves scientifically examined by H. L~ Mrs. Anne Haxby, formerly local li­ teacher's position there next yesr. Hasnronck, Optometrist Heilbronner brarian, now in charge of the Baker July visit here and in Portland. Miss Lewis, a graduate of the Uni­ Bldg.'* ffitl Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Braakman library, la expected here soon for a versity of Oregon, is now attending a have returned from a motor jaunt of If Cameron could not have fixed your vlalt visit with. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. 8ifton. normal achool In Minnesota. She than a week to Seattle. Mr. taught last year at Parkdule. electric system I would have told vou St. Mark's Guild . will ______________ meet tomor- more AT A MODEST PRICE Braakman says he finds business In so. i28tf row afternoon at 2.30 o’clock with good condition at the Puget Sound Mra. J. H. McVay and her guest, Highest cash price paid tor your need Mrs. D. — — ______ at 415 E. — Hand - at her ; home Mrs. J. H. Kroegher, of Pittsburgh, point« farniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain Montello avenue. spent the week end at the Homestead, J*. 8. Montgomery and family and having accompanied Mrs at E. A. Frans Oo. s20ft A. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. Krank W. McDonald, Mra. Lucretia Lewis, of La Grande, of Bend, en route to Portland for a the family of his son, J. J. Montgom­ Donald to the highland hostelry as ery, Kentucky '* motorists, passed has been here the past week vistlng visit, stopped here last week to visit her j guests. During • their hbseace through the city last week. They W. B. Gentry, of Willow FUt, stayed friends. friends. were greeted while here by a former with Dr. McVay. Mrs. Lawrence E. Kiteon, of San ('apt. and Mrs. C. C. Seeley mo­ Kentuckian, Allan Hart. Francisco, is visiting with her |>ar- tored down over the Fourth for a The following Logantown, Pa., When you come in to see these o ® Mrs. H. Brewiw returned laat week ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staten. visit witli Col. and Mrs. Charles from Copas, Minn., where she had party arrived the latter, part of last ten attractive styles, you’ll have Ö® week on a motor trip of tire Pacific E. II. Holbrook is engaged in con­ Steinhauscr, of the Upper Valley. been called by the fatal illneM of Northwest for a visit with the fa a very pleasant surprise. For family structing a new home on Cascade Mrs. J. E. Muller and son, of Sac­ her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hickman, I they are very unusual values! of I.. M. Karstetter, of “ Summit: - ■ ’ ~ ■ avenue. ramento, Calif., are here visiting Mra. Mrs. Hickman's death occurred June ■r J. Kemmer, J. ; N. Kemmer, J. L. Made beautifully, with finest 1 Muller ’ s slater. Mra. I. D. Parking, Miss Helen Barstow, of Portland, is . 21. Kemmer, Claire Kemmer und David workmanship. French seams. here looking after a West Side or­ and .Mr. Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. • Beth man. accom- Renninger. chard place. ■>. Cut generously. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kastner and Mr. ■ panieeen a member of the staff of the daughter, Maxine, and Mr. and Mrs. nual convention of the church. Fine tissues and smart new Challis- Life Insurance Company of. New York Pansy plants, 20c per dozen, balance F. Honk, all of Portland, were week Circle theatre in Portland. is the Oldest Legal Reserve Life In­ R. D. Chatfield, manager of the surance Company in America carrying charmingly trimmed of season. Mrs. T. W. Berry, tel. 6428 end visitors here. Chicken or eslmon dinners, special Mosier Fruit Growers Association, more than Thirty Five Millions of jl2tf and styled Trunks, Bags, Suitcases. I-arge as­ luncheon«. The Rapids, Cascade Locks. and Fruit Inspector Hazen, of Wasco Dollars worth of Insurance in Oregon Kelly Breakfast«, too, are our specialty. Try county, were here Monday as wit­ and cash investments -tn thlH state of sortment, reasonably priced. ml6tf us the next time you get up early and nesses In the Nicklen-Howard dam­ Eighteen Millions of dollars? Certain­ Bros. Co. «tart out for Portland. m22tf age case. Our fashion service offers these lovely, cool, sheer street dresses in a great variety ly a good asset for this state. Rep­ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gook motored In her opening contest in the Ore­ resented by John H. Young. District up from Portland for a week end vis- , Mrs. C. M. Snider, whose late hus­ of styles, trimmings and colors. Light or dark backgrounds, fine laces, important perma­ it with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nichols. band was formerly editor of the gon State Tennis tournament in Port­ Manager for Hood River, Wasco and land Monday Mrs. J. R. Norton won 8herman counties. Hood River, Ore. Wasco Enterprise, baa moved here to nent finished organdy, novel button and self-mgterial trimmings. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilkerson, of make her home. Mra. Snider spent her match. She was matched in the Mias May Davidson and Mrs. Susie Iowa, are here for a visit with Mr. the second round of play with Miss Hald, Lynn left last Thursday afternoon on past week in Portland. and Mra. W. R. Sherwood. a motor jaunt to Baker, where they Kenneth McKay, formerly local one of the state'a noted tennis stars. VERY NOTEWORTHY VALUES! II. G. Ball and A. F. 8. Steele left, fruit man. now in business in Port­ Paul and Lynn Winans have started visited Mrs. Aimee Walton Bergman, Sunday on a camping and fishing land, accomiMtnied by Mra. McKay a new service station near the Punch formerly of this city, and her family. trip northeast of Mount Adams. and’ their small daughter, spent the Bowl. It will tie known as The They returned home Monday. The vis­ We expressly invite you to come into our store within the next few day* to Howard L. Moore, of Detroit, Mich., Fourth at the Columbia Gorge hotel. Punch Bowl service station. The men itors to the eastern Oregon city de­ will carry campers’ supplies, soft clared that the Old Oregon Trail was has been here the past week the guest Mr. and Mra. J.~ Martin, Mr. and drinks and ice cream. these Summer Dresses. constantly crowded wth tourists. They of his brother, 8. J. Moore. W. Bowser and Arthur Gelse, of met cars bearing the license plates of Col. W. 8. Dowd was a business Mrs. We have just received a shipment oi Ixis Angeles, arrived last week for a the old reliable Eastern White Oak sole 15 different states. Many British Co­ visitor in Portland the flrat of the visit at the Oak Grove home of A. leather. For those who prefer leather lumbia motorists are out on jaunts in week. Mende. on the bottoms o( their shoes, there is the States. The West Side Circle of Riverside Frank Depue, formerly of Odell, nothing better. We'll put soles on yoor Mrs. Fred. H. Weiss, ypung matron fhurch will hold an all day meeting who moved to Goidendale, Wash., last ihoes while you wait. T. C. Smith’s of Sarita Crua, Calif., who la here with Mrs. C. C. Paddock tomorrow. year, has written that he and his Champion Shoe Shop. 114tf visiting her parent* Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald and family have left for Thompsonville, Mrs. L. E. Taft last week In a let­ H. J. Frederick, made a record trip little daughter, Catherine, were vis­ Mich., to make their home. to her husband stated that she north. Mrs. Weise left Santa Crux ter to itors Sunday with relatives in Bingen. Ont on s western honeymoon tour, Ti - ’ad the pleasure of attending at 9.30 a. m. Friday morning. June nlshed small |>ungalow here or near Mrs. Lulu Carter and daughter are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Gerdes had the Chicago church of Rev. W. H. 27. She arrived in Portland Sunday the city where he can make his home here visiting her brother, Banks Mort­ have arrived .from Milwaukee for a Boddy the Sunday previous. Mra. afternoon. Mrs. Weiss said the roads for the summer. imer, and family. visit with Mr. Gerdes’ father, J. H. Taft is on a visit with eastern rel­ north were in excellent condition. Searches of records and reliable ab­ Gerdes, and his sisters. She declared they were crowded with atives. Vacation Time stracts make by Oregon Abstract Com­ A. G. Thompson and family, who California tourists, on the way to Miss Sarah Howes has left for pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 306 Portland, having accepted the place have been at Michigan points the j»ast the green forests of the northwest. (By Frederick D. Stricker, M. D., Pak Street. Phone 1621. fy20-tf of autistitute organist for Mt. Tabor 'several months, have returned to the Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Perkins, wlm collaborating epidemiologist, Oregon > Cleaning and pressing your clothes Presbyterian church for the month of city. Mr. Thompson says that indus­ recently arrived ■ from I xm » Angeles, State Board of Health, In cooperation •ids wonderfully to their wvsr. Tel. July. trial plants of the great eastern cen­ are temporarily domiciled at the G. P. with the United States Public Health 1014 for Meyer A King. Quick delivery After a seven years’ absence, Lon Is ters are beginning to slow up ma­ Morden home on Cascade avenue. Service). •ervice. j5tf They had planned on moving to an Lofts, son of Mr. and Mra. S. It. terially. , No one need question the necessity Mrs. K. W. Sinclair motored to ixtfta, returned home the latter part _ Mr. aud Mrs. Forrest L. Mw will orchard place in the Mosier section for cessation, for a brief period dur­ Portland Sunday to join her father, of last week and will begin work leave by automobile today for San but found that their well had been ing the year, from the daily routine Sidney C. Miller, on a boat trip to with a steel crew on the Waukoma Francisco, Calif., where Mr. Moe will polluted by drowned digger squirrels. of your work. There are sound phys­ Astoria aboard the steamer Georgiana. interstate bridge. Young Lofts, while attend a training camp for reserve Mr. Perkins, who for many years was iological, mental, social, and econom­ Next week Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and still in his late teens enlisted in the officers of the United States army. a printer in the composing rooms of ic reasons for a vacation period. The children, accompanied by Miss Har- air service during the world war. Mr. Moe holds a commission as flrat the Oregonian, is now seeking a fur- physical energy upon which you have * Constantly drawn must be renewed and increased. That tired, listleaa feeling, the accumulation uf your re­ peated and hearty responses to the demands of your work, must be dis­ pelled. Your visions and Ideals must not only be maintained but also en­ larged. And, Anally, your mental and physical condition must be so guarded that your earning capacity be not impaired. j Wonderful scenery, cooling winds, and the normal human response to c all that la living In the realms of natnre have made it customary for Phone 1032 Located in the Gross Building Phone 1032 the vacation period to be allotted to one of the summer months. Trans­ portation facilities—the train, the boat and the automobile—make it and exercise your knowledge of sani­ Electric Bakery Again Open possible for you to visit every nook tary decency. and corner of the world, Whetber H. P. Condon, formerly of Yakima Your vacation will have been mer­ you should have solitude or should ited and successful if, upon your re­ and Portland, a skilled baker, has seek the excitement of crowds is for turn, you are mentally and physically purchased the Electric Bakery. He to decide—you may have either, refreshed, and are not only ready but will open his shop today, serving the Choose, however, that which is en- also eager to resume your daily public with high class homemade pas­ tlrely foreign to your dally mode of activities. tries snd bread. life and of play. Keep away from anything that resembles an activity that la routine to your work. Give SOCIETIES your mind complete relaxation. Your physical activities should, at CO Hood River Commindrry No 11, K.T all times, be so apportioned that . i Z t . Mesta every flrat Tuesday evening month. K 1. Soobee, K. 0. there should be no need to "rest up” •mmf each Wm. Irwin, Recorder. after your return from your vacation. Whatever exercise you indulge in see MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. », R. SH. M. M m U that it is in keeping with your phys­ In Masonic Hall «vary third Tucadav In month. W. V. Laraway, 1. t. M. ical requlreinenta.' Avoid excesses of •sch A. Canfleld, Recorder. any kind, Give hroper and careful Bordens’ Milk, tall can........................................... 9c Blue Mt. Hard Wheat Flour, 49 lb. sack.....$1.50 attention to the foód you eat and to UW OFFICE MOVED the water you drink, Bear in mind ------ -- ---------- ~ .......................... ------------- that typhoid fever and other intes­ The law office of Geo. R. Wilbur and Libbeys’ Apple Butter, tall can..................... ...15c tinal diseases and disorders may lie J. 11. Hazlett ha» been removed to tlie White River Flour 49 lh. sack...................... $1.65 easily acquired from contaminated aecond floor ofcths K. P.i Heilbronner) k «■ food and water supplies. Maintain Building. —- ------- { BSIBT LOCAL MKNT10N J Molden, Huelat, Sather Co WIRTHMOR JIFFION VV ASH FROCKS of Cool, Sheer Materials for Street and Resort Wear Every Dress is Priced Remarkably Low ! Cash & Carry Grocery H. GROSS, Proprietor Specials for SaL^und Mon., duly 12 and 14 As you all know, the condition of wheat, which has been very short this year, means a high price on flour. But, we still have the flour which we bought at the old price, therefore we are giving you the benefit of it. The same flour has been sold all over Hood River Valley and has prooved satisfactory. And any one of our customers who cannot make good bread out of the same flour may bring back the balance of the sack and well return your money in full. It’s no use to pay money for other brands when this Bhse Mountain Flour is just as good. Silver Crest Pure Lard, 8-lb. can, net wt. ..$1.85 Gold Bar Jelly in glasses, all flavors, each...... lOc Sugar Cured Side Bacon« lean streaked, lb.... 2Oc Kelloggs’ Cornflakes, each..................................... Wax Lunch Paper, 3 rolls.... ..................... lOc Shredded Wheat or Puffed Wheat, 2 for........ 23c 12 Paper Picnic Plates for.............................. 10c Ice Cream Powder, all flavors, 2 for.................23c Pure Honey, pint............. 3Oc; quart............ 55c Lemons, size 300 in case, per dozen................ 25c New Potatoes, 7 pounds for.................................25c Home Grown Cabbage, per pound.......................:4c ---------------------------------- —------------------------------------ Catering to your Taste SERVING YOU BETTER 9c Ordtr your apricots for canning at the low price at which they will be on sale . Saturday. .. ■ ....... ... M ~ ' 1 ■ ' *"• Mr. ML X Kstoo representattve of Armour & Cor will demonstrate soap, washing powder and cleanser at our store Saturday. And you will be able to buy the actual value of $1.86 for 98c-8aturday only. If you cant come, call us up, phone 1032. We will deliver goods to your home—it will cost you 10c for delivery in city limits. H. P. Condon Wishes to announce that he has purchased the fixtures and equipment Of the Electric Bakery and has again opened the shop. » ’ We will serve with o4kes, Pastries and Pies, all home­ made, fresh every day. Try a loaf of our home-made bread. is our principal bvsinsss. Our high grade stock* are widely varied and priced con­ sistently with quality. If you desire quality, merchandise and service, we can better serve you than any store in tins vicinity. AT YOUR SKRVICK The Star Grocery “Goul PERICO & tat",