HOODRTVEB, THÜBßDAY, JUNE 26. X924 BEING PLACED OEWS WORK ON WAUKOKA SPANS You can’t blame them, either, when you That's why it's a mistake to keep bonds or other securities, or jewelry, around where thieves can feet them. Is It worth takmfe the chance when you can feet a Safe Deposit Bp? In our vault for so reasonable a rental ? BATH SPRAYS KRESSE DRUG COMPANY NOTHING There to nothing new er stousual about this advertisement and mpy of our readers will entirely disregard It lim­ ited number will momentarily decide to act on our suggestion, but before they can get to the bank something will change their plan. 1 SQUIBB QUALITY $1474.85 TOPOGR APHICALMAP 1SINTHEMAHNG W. 0. W. SMOKER TO BE STAGED TONIGHT A much smaller number will i baps one out of a hundred of those steadfastness to do just this thing: D RIVER DRUG CO COMPANY CB - BUTLER BAILING COMPANY itamins CLIMB INQUIRIES ARE BEING RECEIVED JOHN KOBERG, P roprietor After Otiwr Satura Hood River folk are Invited to attend the Sat­ urday Evenlnfe After-Dinner Dances at 50c per person. Ladles of Hood River Valley, who wish to entertain chibs or feroups of thetr friends, will W.C.T.Ü. SERVES DINNER TO CLUB MEN EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO Tsungani I have installed several seta of these wonderful pistons in the last three months, and thetr performance is won­ derful. Drop in and let me tell you about them. FASHION GARAGE Special Canning Price on Bkiebsck Salmon 67>e LAURNELL MARKET VINCENT & SHANK BATTLE ROTAI TO