HOOD HIVEB GLACIER, THORSDAI, JONE 19, 1924 RAINFALL BENEFITS ALL FRUIT CROPS Buy” Word s M < 7 * i/ • Does Your Do not suffer needlessly. We have a remedj that relieves almost all form^_of headaches:- nw vous, neuralgic, stomachic, etc. \ \ i Plumbing, Beating c Sheet Metal Worl are already widely known. We have letters, orders, telegrams, etc. to prove this statement. People are ordering them from all over the country. Why? Because they contain no dangerous drugs, are not injurious, and give almost instant relief. 31t Cascado Avenue — HOOD RIVER, OREGON SCHOOL NEWS (Werdna Isbell) At the close of school certificates of award were given to nearly SO uupils for a perfect record of attendance and punctuality for the entire school yeerv These certificates are 10x13 inches in' size and bear.the signatures of State Supt. of Instruction Churchill, City Snpt. Cannon. the principal of the building and the teacher of the pupil. The following pupils received these testimonials: Real Estate and Insurance Coe Primary school: Jane Mac­ Millan. Park Street school: Oran Chrisman. Harvey WiRiaius, Louis Larson, Kath­ leen Hartwig, Jjtwrence Hoover, Ar­ J. D. McLUCAS thur Steele, Frank Williams. Evelyn CONTRACTOR Derby, Eleanor Coulter, Lillian Ha­ Practical worker in Stone, Concrete, gers, Jeanette Parker. Douglas Button, Dorothy Steuhlng, Elizabeth Strana­ Brick and Plaster. han, Gladys Hicks, Gertrude Buelow, Telephone 6934 Robert Naumes. Zelda Spencer, Kath­ erine Lybarger and Russell Acheson. Junior, high school: Edythe McKee. Robbie Wheeler. Ronald Ingalls. Marte McIlwain, Blenda Youngstedt, Herbert Peterson. Olive Sbepler, Lucille Tor- riaon. Edetha Hartwig, Mary Camp­ bell. Audelle Wendling, Ruth Blagg Drs. Abraham & Sifton and Lucille Atkinson. High school: Aileen Johnson, Hazel PHYSICIANS and BURGEONS Rooms 17, 19, 20 Brosins Building Rath, Gladys Rath. Virginia Vanghan. Laura Tomlinson, Tretta Downing. Res. Phones: Dr. Abraham 4162. Dr. Sifton 3618. Office 4161. Gordyg Bloat. Margaret Canller, Helen Dickson, EdnavFonst. Helen Richards. Anita Rpencer, Jack Cornett and Olive Dr. W. DONALD NICKELSEN. Fischer. A. S. KEIR Reliable Druggist Hood River Abstract Co. Make “Star Brand” your “buy word” and avoid disappointment. J. C. JOHNSEN Surgeon STEVENS BLDG.. PORTLAND 'Consultation Hood River by appoint­ ment. Phone 596» Drive HEN a family buys a Jewett they marvel at the vast dif­ ference between the ordinary 1 iMh t, flimsy, under-powered car— ‘a “toy” —and Jewett’s husky weight and power. At anywhere near $1065 Jewett Six has no equal. Never before such power, strength, sheer abil­ ity, roominess, convenience. “In all the world no car like this.” Come in, today—let us prove it. W Touring . . . $1065 Brougham . . . 1325 Sedan...................... 1495 ” (SZT-M Coups . . • . $125# De Luxe Touring . 1220 De Luxe Sedan . . 1695 An important fruit growers’ confer­ emo will be held In the Spokane valley 8 and 9. Thia la the regular sum­ Drs. Thrane & Bogers July mer meeting of the Washington State Horticultural Association and will be P hysicians a S urgeons tile flrat meeting of thia kind ever held Davidson Bldg., Officejphone 2172 in the Spokane volley. There will be on indoor session in lift» forenoon of d _. _u,,_ai Dr. Thrane 2174 Res. phons j Dr Roger, the sth at Opportunity, at which im­ portant horticultural topica will be dis- by leading authorities of the L. B. Alexander,¡D. M. D. «iMsed Northwest. DENTIST Luncheon will lie served at'Oppor­ Office, 4, 6 and 6, Smith Building. tunity and the Afternoon will he spent Office Phone 2021 Ree. Phone 3144 in the orcharda. where talks will be ’ Hood River, Oregon given on leflf roller control and kin­ dred topics. On the 9th the forenoon «easlon will be held at the Community ball Otis orchards, and the afternoon devoted to-ogchard visits and a tour of the upper valley. In the evening a picnic dinner will he served pr.Xebly at Liberty Lake. The arrangements for tiw conference are being handled cooperatively by the Bnrcan of the Spokane Telephones: Office 1081; residence 3331 < Agricultural 'handier of, Commerce and the Spo­ Office over Butler Bank kane Valley (Chamber of Commerce. DENTI8T Eliot Building, Hood River, Oregon. Phones: Res. 2743, Office 8812 L. L. MUBPHY, Dentist C omplbts X-R ay E xamination Suite 6, Brosiua Bldg. L DEBBY Lawyer We will please you with our J. C. DEVIN & SON USED CAR PARTS We are wrecking the following , • Automobiles for their good parts: 1 Overland “75” 1 Ford Touring Any part approximate half price. HIGHWAY AUTO CO., Inc Corner Oak and Fiffh Streets HOOD RIVER, ORE Spokane to Entertain Fruit Growers Dressmaking Hemstitching a Specialty FLORENCE SIMONTON LEAVES YOU FOREVER Deep Seated Urie Acid Deposits Are Dissolved and the Rheumatic Poison Starts to Leave the System Within Twenty-four Haun. Every druggist in this country Is au­ thor lied to say to every rheumatic suf­ ferer that if a full pint bottle of Allen- rhu, the sure conqueror of rheumatism, does not show the way to stop the agony, reduce swollen Joints and do away with even the slightest twinge of rheumatic pain, be will gladly re­ turn your money without comment. Allenrhu has been tried and tested for years, and really marvelous results hsve been accomplished in the most sevete cases wherer the suffering and agony was Intense and piteous and where the patient was helpless. Mr. James H. Allen, of Rochester, N. Y., the discoverer of Allenrhu, who fur many years suffered the torments of acute rheumatism, desires all suffer­ ers to know that he does not want a cent of anyone’s money unless Allenrhu derisively conquers thia worst of all diseases, and he has Instructed drug- gists to guarantee it ns above in every instance.—A. 8. Kelr Drug Store. Stall orders accepted. _- - ---- , 1 JUST LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE Tfie Electric Bakery W. A. Osborn, Prop REAL BREAD Hood River Garage WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NOTICE To Whom it May Concern : s Whereas, The State Game Commls- at THE PARIS FAIR alon of the State of Oregon in author­ ised under Section 8. Chapter 00, Gen­ See O. A. LAKIN eral Laws of Oregon, 1921. to open any closed season In any county or dlstrfri for Painting, Kalsomining, Paper of the Stnte of Oregon for the hunt­ Hanging, Decorating. ing. ahootlng. killing, taking or having Have your work attended to in the Win In poaseaaioin, alive or dead. In whole. ter and avoid the Spring rush. <>r in ¡»art. of game animals and game Telephone 8122 hirda; therefore. Notice la hereby given. That the State Game Commiaalon of the State LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON of Oregon lina made and entered of record anil doea hereby issue the fol­ la prepared to do any work in the lowing veterinary line. He can be found by Order calling at or phoning to the Fashion That for the purpose of protecting Stables. certain species of the wild game lift* of the State from extermination, and for the purpose of propagating and In­ creasing such species of wild game as hereinafter mentioned, the State Game Commission of the State of Oregon hereby gives notice that the open sea­ son for hunting, ahootlng. killing, tak­ ing or having In possession, alive or dead, male doer with horns throughout the entire State of Oregon, as defined In Section It», Chapter IM, General Ijiwa of Oregon, 1921, shall be and la hereby declared to be closed for the year 1924. Notice la also given that the State Game Commission of the State of Ore­ gon hereby declares an open aeaaon for the hunting, killing and taking of male deer with horns throughout the entire State of Oregon. Bald open season shall lie and is hereby declared to be from the 10th day of Heptemlier. 1924. to the Slat dRy of October. 1924, both Simple home method. Send for dates inclusive. Notice is also hereby given that, the FREE booklet and testimonials. change In the nrM'" season in nowise Wsrner’s Renowned Remedies Co. affects the bag limit or other regula­ 723 Security Bld*., Minneapolis, tions provided by law respecting the Minn. hunting, shooting, killing, taking or having In |H>st«e«w1an alive or dead. In whole or in (»srt. such game animal, namclyt Deer. Any and all persona hunting for, shooting, killing, taking or having in I>oaseasion. sUse or dead, in Whole or in part, any deer in violation of this Order shall l>e prosecuted as by law provided. Ihtt.d nt Portland. Oregon, thia 14th day of April. 1924. OREGON STATE GAME COMMIS­ SION. Be I. N Flelschner, Chairman. Ry J. W. Maloney. Commissioner. Ry B< n F. Darri*. Commliwioner. Ry 1 In raid II. Clifford. Commla- Jnl9-26 »loner. OREGON LUMBER CO REAL MILK BREAD Bridge of the Gods Revived Reports from Stevenson. Wash., and Cascade Locks are to the effect that work on the Interstate bridge, to cross tlie Columbia river below the Cas­ cudos. near the site of the mythologi­ cal Bridge of the Goda, will be re­ sumed in August. Borings for a pier on the Washington bank, it Is stated, will lie started next week. R**cause of lack of finances, work on the bridge. I dans for which were launched in 921, was stopped after a pier was constructed on the Oregon shore. Pro­ moters. It is declared, have recently made, arrangements to have $80,090 available immediately for applying on <-onst ruction. SLABWOOD FINE LINE OF LUMBER AND WM. WEBER DEE, OREGON Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery Phone: Odell 406 4th of July TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT KELLY BROS. GO Spray, Nitrate of Soda Orchard Supplies