M T*‘ 4* 4' « s e. ’'f.*?' r-'i ■ f •• r » I t BOOP $LVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JONE 19, 1924 ----------- PHASES OF OREGON COOPERATIVE SALES Not only does “an apple a day keep .the doctor away" in Hood River, but 1t haa lad to closing the hospital there, « Everythtng^ for lack of patleuto. While naturally sympathizing with the hospital com­ After four years of trial in coopera­ A pany for the loss it sustains through tive marketing, more than three- lack of business, congratulations are fourths of the prune growers of the extended to the citizens of Hood River Vancouver district already have signed on the efficacy of their apples.—Port­ a new five-year contract to continue Bacca» ensDcrs to tie Hood River their organisation until 1929. The an- land Spectator. aociatlon uow has about 450 members valley cannot realize tbe progress and . representing 3,700 acres In prunes, terètopment that haa marked the In his report to the Bankers' conven­ which includes 800 acres never before Odell community ia tbe put 10 years. tion at Seaside last week, L. L. Bar­ signed. ▲ decade ago, irittt tbe ML Hood R. R, num, of The Dalles, reporting *en the Tbe saaociatioa has no debts, and Company's Une stimulating an Interest activity of the tri county aaaoclation owns the largest prune packing plant in the Pacific Northwest, covering a among apple «hlpia-r«, it could easily of banker« in Sherman, Wasco and apace of 50x100 feet, three stories in This is one of the biggest values that be fbreeen that Odfell waa going to Hood River counties, stated that his height and representing a valuation has been offered anywhere.. Ladies’ develop into a chief apple shipping organization had aided in numerous of about »40,000, This plapt last year point - of tae »oted apple district. worthy projects. He named the Wan- handled 7.500,000 pounds of dried Pumps and Slippers with medium, low and during the past four years Odell became a center of activity, koma interets ie bridge and the Coop­ prunes, heel, in black and brçwn and military brQwn Made of good grade Chambray, neat­ over 23,500,000 pounds. In addition social and Industrial. Churches and ers Spur lateral. Hood River thanks to prunes, the association last year Kid, Gun Metal and Patent Leathers. ly trimmed and made up in a most schools second to none, attracted a you, gentlemen. ___ bandied more than 381,000 worth of ____ There are about all sizes in this lot and becoming style. A good assortment strawberries for members. citizenship of a high type. Ware The Vancouver Association la a of sizes. This is less than half price values up to $5 the pair. Your QO a houses and stores were brought Into Some motorist was guilty recently strong supporter of the proposed being to accommodate a growing busi­ of earelessnewi that came very near Northwest Prune Federation, and and they are truly bargains, ' A fir choice the pair only..... ness. Good hotel conveniences were causiqg a tragedy. A huge rock was ready to federate wjih Dregon local your choice.................. “tOU made available. left on the Dee Flat grade after It had uuit«, including units already formed Fifteen years ago Odell was not been used to block a car. Dave Arm­ at Eugene, Dundee, Scotto Milla, and units being formed at Springfield and much more than a country cross roads. strong came down the steep grade a Dallas. _______ j Today it is one of the most progressive little later, one of the front wheels of The Oregon Poultrymen's Associa­ and thriving rural districts in the his truck striking the rock and deflect­ tion is planing permanent Oregon egg­ &Northwe«L ing it over the grade. Such careless­ laying contests. Oregon hss about Footwear in this lot suitable for any Odell now needs Just one thing, a ness la culpable. 5.1)00 poultry producers, about 1,0001 of whom would be classified as com- occasion. These are mostly broken good tie-in road with the Loop high­ merclal poultrymen, these two classes way. We hope that state and county lots that we are closing out. You’ll Our elater county, Wasco, has been representing a »10,00,000 Oregon in­ You will like the style and workman­ authorities will work together in order through a recent epidemic of criminal dustry. I find them wonderful values. Good The purpose of such an egg­ ship on these. Neat, dressy, cool and that such a highway may be soon trial«, for offenses ranging from cattle laying contest would be to advertise styles, desirable leathers. QO available. comfortable Wash Suits for Summer rustling to murder. Juries, however, Oregon as a poultry state, and to stim­ Your choice the pair ............ ^fcnwO ulate higher average production among wear. seemed In no mood for leniency, and state poultry flocks. Washington has WORTH NOTICE maybe the citizens there who have a a poultry industry probably two and The Arlington Bulletin last week proclivity for mischief will be prone to one-half times as great aa that of Ore-. Children’s and Misses’—a j carried a brief news item that was take a cure.________ ______ gon ; and California probably five run of sizes in these exce times as big. Both Washington and worthy of more than passing notice. dresses. You know the quality California have permanent egg-laying The story told of a motor tourist who of good grade Organdy and silk Ool. Henry E. Doach, one of Ore­ contests. Idaho also will start such a' of material and workmanship ih .Made had been stranded In the automobile gon's most notable citizens, celebrated aintest in October, at Caldwell. Oscar in white and colors, most becoming, Jack Tar Togs and can realize cool and dainty for summer wear. park at Arlington. Business men ad­ hie 83rd birthday In Portland Monday. L. Dunlap is president of the Oregon vanced him more than 440 to reach Col. Donell will be remenitsTed by all Poultrymen’s Association, and Prof. the values these are when we E. Crosby, of Corvallis/ Is secretary- Wenatchee. The subscription was those who took a part In establishing II. At For Ladies—these are wonderful tell you they are regular values {Visit our Infant’s Department We tbe recent annual sessions of tbe I made and forgotten, but last week the apple industry here. He is one of treasurer. values that we’d like you to see. $3.50 to $5.50. Our Special to have everything for the infant—the Rev. Neufeld, of Arlington, received a America's foremost horticulturists. Washington State Grange, at Vancou­ close them out, your Cl QO largest and most complete Infant’s ver, and the Oregon State Grange, at I cheek for the full amount with in­ choice ............... ......... *1 -w Department in the city. 2nd Floor. Tbe Dalles, tbe nstional master, L. J. I — 2nd Floor — terest. of "It ia the duty of every citizen _S A Tabar, delivered addresses relating to I Such Instances restore confidence in Bead to cast their vote next/Wednee- cooperative marketing in America. He humanity. It is cheering to read of day,” aays the Bend Press in commit made special reference to the Williams I i j.------ ' .¡ SE such appreciation of one who has hit on a special election called to vote on tiill now liefoTe congress, which Is | one of life’s tight places. Too often a municipal water propoaitidn. We based on recent recommendations by a total of 4100,000,000 ; 959 fruit and For Hale—f room bouse with large basement For Rent-Two farnlebed rooms, gentlemen MISCELLANEOUS Herbert Hoover. Mr. Hoover advo­ toilet and balb, 4 lota and sarag», Rome fruit preferred. Cloee in, 718 Caecade Ave. Tel MIS the «lay’s news carries stories of thought repeating had gone out of cates the promotion of cooperative vegetable associations approximately traae, shade trees sad ehnibbery. 1102 Taylor after 6 p. m a34tf Hay on Hbsres — Who'll ooms cut lit 80 »2X0,000,000 ; 1182 dairy aiwoclations Street, on the Helgbta, Hood Biver. Ad drew forged checks, confidences violated, fashion. scree on Htanlon place. Fine opportunity for marketing as the most direct means about »300,900.099. and 2000 grain as­ Oarooa C. Maatkar. Maryhill, Wash. mieif For Reni—2 furuUhed room« with bath and eomeoce to get good bay. Tel. E. J. Vogler, toward the solution of our agricultural sociation« about »490,(XX),000. furnaoe beat. SOI State Street, acroae from No, »1»__________ - starts« that dim faith and hope and . ~T1» For Halo—Fir and pine IS tn. end library. n>«U After the very beneficial rains last marketing problems in America. mnffie that inherent disposition delivered anywhere In tbe valley. Loot — Monday on River Road betweea The Hoover plan includes govern­ Sard. Tel. Udell SOS. Tocker’« Bridge end Winans, a bine asrge week, it is no longer ao dry in the. ment amongst all at us to be charitable. aid, tn the starting of local units ooet. Finder please phone Odell 17, |el> * Spinach Mast Valuable Foci For Hale—Apple, peach, pear and eberry mid-Columbia, and no one can say and central selling agencies by com- tree«. We beve a full line of general nnreery Lost — Between Cemetery and Oak Grey* by « The lowly spinach, served as a side a lock. Pbone Parkdale «4 or write C. T. Raw- that Jt ia the least bit hot. It ia Jnat modifies ; then regulation on much Tucker Road ■ brown wool sweeter. TH«»« WANTED , eon, Parkdale. r»tf dish and scorned by many aa “ grati«. ” regu- tbe same principle as banka are return to Glacier offioe. Reward. Jel» a typical Oregon summer, with day« «11 lated, in order to give public confi- is now found to be one of the moat val­ Lew««* Trapneeted Reda again at tbe top. of beauty and comfort. Rug Weaving—Warp furnlabed, at 6kC per Wanted-Woman tor general housework. deace. In bis recent official statement uable foods known to arience. Prof. Hen No 717 took Orel honor« for April, out­ Phone yard. For three moot ba. Mra. Lillie A."Wea- <062 Jel* laying all olberaat Puyallup In alaa and unin- W. M. Bunker, of Ma«aac|iuaetts Insti ­ ver c-o Mart Horn, HL 1. Oak Grove, Mood Mr. Hoover says that agriculture, be­ 8lx hundred of the beet bird» In ~J3 Wanted—Experlerced girl wanta general River, Or, Jnat a month until the fourth Legion cause of lack of organization, haa re­ tute of Technology, has proven ita berofegga America oom paled. Ralph K. Lew 1«. ml6tf bouaework or any kind of boneet work: good Hood Climb. Time yotl were getting quired more than four years to ac­ value. Fed to white rata, ita effect Fur Service—Coaeter White boar. Tsl 44». wage«. Tel. 47V3. > Jel» F. A. Me D oa alfe. ______ JeiStf was conclusive. «)ne rat made a start­ FOR RENT ready by taking a few long hikes. complish the same readjustment fol­ ling Wanted—To buy from 1 to * acres, Dealre growth Immediately after being lowing the World war deflation, as In­ We arekuyisg ■ UmiteU Dam ber of to work out part or ell of purchase price. Tel. Phone a« what yon bava, call evenlnga, Hood River ought to be well repre dustry .was able to accomplish in a put on a «plnacli diet, while another, For Rent—Baren-room lioow In Oak Grove, 2SM. J»U mtn Bro«. Tel. 4717. opposite tbe Country Club, modern Improve, seated on the climb thia year. Have few months. ________ denied it, was itunted. 5' meiile, vegetable and flower garden« and Wanted —To buy a aecond baud bicycle, Painting, ablugle elalnlng and tinting, you made your reservation? fruit. Sts per month. Key al T. J. Annala’a, muat be al leaat IS, onuld nae 22. Must be In Important steps have been taken In after 8 p.m. •- ji» Orel claaa condition State price and"when It Erloea reasonable, work guaranteed, nothing The principal object In cultivating nt lead and oil uaed, day or contract. L. A. Oregon toward tbe development of a can be seen. Wrlte.X care Glacier. inlSlf E. Clark. Box Ml, Odell, Or. |24 For Ren'-«* room« and a Bleeping porch, 801 ■very Hood River citisen who wit­ great flax industry. Experiments row cropa like potatoes or corn is to HUI» 81.. tel. 1374. Mrs M. A. Shoemaker. f» Wanted—Work by day nr hour. Experi­ Portable gaaoliue power wood raw. Will nessed the floral parade at the rose fes­ prove that western Oregon and west­ kill weeda. Many persons think their enced In kaslallng In aervlng lunebee. etc. cultivation 1« is largely Jor stirring up For RfUI-Zroom cottage, unfdrnlahed No. Mrs. Eudora Hilton, 102 Eugene Hl. call ImmedlaUly In either city nF valley. m22tf tival last Thursday wished that the ern Washington can produce the best the ground, but really the cultivation IZ3b ■^Qaick^jood work,” my motto. W. A- Caln. tin. Hberman Ara. Je24 -4 -i flax in America ; and the United K. P. band had been along in their In States annually imports flax and linen is principally to prevent weed growth, For' Rent—Fnmlabed apartment, 122.1 Caa- Wanted — Woman for general bouaework. Call at tor Eleventh Hl., or phone llo*. mllf For Exchange—Block and dairy rfeaeh. diaa costumes. They would have scored products to the value of about »100,- since weeda are the worst waster« of Oregon Cooperative Mint Grotvers, tile ■ The Legion climb ia awfully near. Pacific Cooperative Poultry 1‘rodi'Cers. For Hale—A 14-1 noh Oliver »teeI plow and The council also Includes representa­ Osburn aprlnr tooth narrow Fred J. How. The memliers of Evan Child« Post. Get in trim. tives of the Oregon State Bankers* As­ a rd. Tel. Odell 34« noon or evening. J2S American Legion, are to be congratu­ •4 Pioneer Minced Clam«, New 1924 Pack, 20 cento each; dozen $2.35 sociation. the Oregon State Chamber lated on their enterprise in giving pub­ of Commerce, the agricultural comtnil- Advise en Codling Meth Spray ------------- , , licity to the annual Mount Adams climb, tre of the Portland Chamber of Com­ (By Leroy Childs) to<* propoaltlon. Stocked r 4 The first cover spray for the second unregulated market. The sesslon ap- er. r With horror, catlie «nd machinery "If so de»- more alluring. On behalf of the Hood A perfectly roasted, perfectly point«*d Hie following committee on J brood will have to be applied some orderly marketing : W. A. Btewart, Ired. W. Fred Gronewald, Mode Hprlnn, Y River Legion and tbe p«»ople of Hood time Idaho. JM satisfactory blend between the 4th and 10th of July. River, we tender an invitation to all Worms are uow Just leaving the apples Baker; Wm. Pullman, Baker; K. A. For Haie—HooaehoM gooda, eloctrlc reb­ ♦ÄÜ I 1 Mtauffer, Jordan Valley; E. W. toiles, pound 38c; 2 pounds 75c ln, machln«, vaenum «leener, and ofher 1 those who Join the Evan Childs recre- from which moths will emerge and de­ Haine«; Geo. F. Moader, Prairie City. «ooda ton nnmeron ■ lo mentlon. Tsl. 7I7X, ntlonal party to come nlong-Jater in posit eggs. Advice for this application Dr. M Thran«. Jt* Roasted today—On your will be given out at a later date. July and climb Mount Hood. Said United States Senator Arthur table tomorrow X .... ««'L11.1 t'npper, in a recent Interview: “More Fumw Overcome Two Mesi tlinn ever I feel that only a «mall part Rrpn docent paclfigts' Mood boiled to Glern Lens and William Smith were agriculture's ilia ctn lie cured by mJ9tf the fighting point last week when n overt-.me from the fumes of a chemicnl of law makers. Our government liaw y dentist Dr. Cyrus P. Johnson, threw fire eitlnguisber yesterday when an again ami again announced, a« a fixed expimdou occurred in a pit at the Hood red hot coin« from hi« office window to ¡tollcy, its encouragement of coopera­ For Sale—One of th» flneat location« on tbe n group of nrebin« who were making River Machine works. Hot metal par­ tive marketing. Now it’s the farmer « Onlombla Klver Highway between Portland ticles from welding operations near move, lie must «boose trained lead­ •nd the llall.», a Camp Ground He'vloe merry in the street while awaiting the tbe pit cauHed the fire. The men were ers. Today. In farming as an indiistry, Station, Garage, for guaranteed to the last ounce «tore and Raouareal. Term» floral parade of the ro«e carnival relieved as soon as the strangling the individual is helpless. Only by and a bargain If taken eoow. Inquire at Gle- efer office Jel» 49 Ib. sk. $1.49 > Mnolcfpal Judge Stadler fined Johnson fnmes were removed from their tungs union and working to a common end For Bale-Good all ro m hoaee with SR lot» »109 and eent him to jail for 10 day«. The «Linings from the fire was ini can farmers earn lietter profits.” on Proapeci Ave., Ka»t, No. MS. If Interested, material. look ua np. Jel» If Patrolman Miller, who caught John The fire occurretl within a few min­ At a recent mevXIng the dairymen Linit Starch Lemona-Sunkist Brand New-Potatoes-Very nice son In the fiendish feet, had forgotten utes after the electric fire siren had of the Vancouver dlstrh-t, Clarke coun­ For Rale—IS-ln fir. M-ln. «Ina. Oas aava voa money. Call me ap. Odell IM mntt 2 for 15 cents Dozen 25 cent* 8tOck, 3 pound« 23c hl« official dignity and administered a sounded the neon hour and many, not ty, Washington, decided to work out For Hele-1 caddie horaea which are «I. The thrashing to Johnson on the spot, even liavlng noticed the noon whistin, did plans for a county association to prie* it« la a raaaonable cash oflhr. H. Montgom not know that a fire alarm was lielng those,whs have (he highest respect for sounded. The fire department re- handle all milk products through a ery, MU Hood. Pbooe Farkfeale Ml. mlMf Fruit Jar« — Ball Mason equipped with Zinc Caps, New Rubber. central factory, including the distribu­ law and order could have condoned IL «ponded promptly. tion of whole milk In tributary towns For Hale—a room rol tega. One block eaal of All new Stock — Pints 79c; Quarts 95c; Gallon $1 29 achnol Good woodabsd and fruit room, and cities. I^*wis Hhattuck.president of high (area alile In hoaae, flue abade Ireos, garden U. B. Bishop Vlaita Ball Ideal Quart Jar. with Glaw Lid., dozen $1.15 • the Vancouver «'handier of Commerce, tolloa, dandy gara««. All In Une ehape. Tbla TMa fall we will get the annual er. early In tbe future. i relatives In California during vacation. I of •»182,000,000 : 78 cattle cooperatives nth Btttrr (Hartar Setalleni of 67>e PARIS FAI R, SPECIALS FOR TIIIS WEEK ■ii' Jack Tar Dresses 98c Children’s Rompers . y 4 ‘ I 1 I I? _ Slippers - Special 98c I Ladies’ Strap Slipper and Oxfords - $2.98 ♦ [ The Store of Biggest ■Values I’ $1.00 -4. T Infants and Children’s Bonnets < New White Silk Wash Skirts i I ■ I I F- ? ■ ■ ■— I - * 't * =? ■ I 20TH CENTURY STORES ARE SELLING SATURDAY AND MONDAY j ’’K 20th Century Coffee I Kerr’s Best Patent Flour t » * - ■* ' a-« . • H^- - £ • ‘ 4- ‘ a F - c 1 I •At A 1 >1 X ■ c ! 4 a w ¡W ? . I