HOOD RIVER GLACIER, .THURSDAY, JÜNE S, 1924 The Amaizo Way is the short­ est way to more delicious, more economical Home-Baking. Ask your Grocer for Amaizo— the perfect oil for frying, short­ ening and Mayonnaise making. Send for a copy of the Amaízo Cook Book—It’s FREE! Address t 111 West Monroe St., Chicago, III. American Maize*Products Co MOSIER Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamlin, and baby and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Husbands were in Hood River Monday. Mrs. Mendenhall returned to her home in Portland Monday after aev- eral days’ visit with her son, A. H. Graves, and family. J. F. Blanchard and sons, Ted and HaL left Monday for Longview, Wash. Mrs. L. Shelly left on the early morning train for Portland Monday. Jess and Ted Huskey and Miss Bob­ bins were in Hood River Monday. Alex Carlson and friend, Mr. Thomp­ son, motored up from Portland Mon­ day and spent a day with Alex’ par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Carlson. They returned to Portland Tuesday, accom­ panied by Miss Elsie Carlson, who will resume her work in music with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bryant and Forrest, motored to Portland week. Robert Glenn and daughter, Lenore Frances, who has just returned from Paige Performance Comfort, Style, now $1795 RY to match New Paige per­ formance, comfort, appear­ ance. Compare it in these points with other high quality cars. Then compare prices. The New Paige Phaeton at $1795, with all its improvements is an even finer car than last year’s $2450 Paige! Think of the big, able New Paige at the price of an ordi­ nary, smaller car. Come in and see it. T (Pdsyuidy to cook J. C. DEVIN & SON PICNIC TIME IS HERE MAKE US YOUR HEADQUARTERS Lunch Meats Cheese Saratoga Chips Olives Pickles Grape Juice Ginger Ale Port-o Loganberry Juice Fruit and Vegetable Salad and many others Yours For Service properly and not corrode metal parts. So be sure you order by name— “Pearl CXI.” It's refined and rc-refined by a special Standard Oil Com* VINCENT & SHANK “The Home of Quality Groceries*' Pearl Oil is ecorp omical, odorless and good to the last drop. STANDARD OIL COMPANY The Best Foods from Oregon Cattle. Pure Foods at the most moderate prices FISH AND POULTRY THE HOOD RIVER MARKET A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop .0. R. Hag«, of Napavine, Wn., spent the week visiting hi* brothers at the Hage Cider Factory — Mrs. Louise Polk, of East Liverpool. Monday for a Ohio, arrived in Mrs. E. M. visit with her Strausa. Mr. snd Mrs. W. E. Venael spent Sunday in Hood River at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tnggasell. Roscoe Davidhlxiir left Thursday for Oakridge, where he expects to work for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans were in Tlie I tall«* Wednesday. Mrs. E. D. Piercey and children spent the week at the home of her mother, Mrs. 3. K. Higley. Earl Bailey moved hla family to Oak Grove Wt ifnus lay. where they ex- jw-t t tc wpt-tm tiM? tntnvr. Mr. and Mrs I «lie Root were In Portland a couple of days this week. E. W. Davtdhlsur and W. A. nua- Itands went to the I H-schutes Thursday to spend the remainder of the week flailing. B. W. Veatch was In The Dalles Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain and daughter, Montana, and Mrs. T. E. Morgeaon were in The .Dalit* Thurs­ day. Mias Sara Folsom return<*d home from Portland Friday, where alie was shopping and visiting her alater, Mrs. Allen Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Jas. Carroll were in Hood River. Thursday. Ed B. W imm I s , special agent of the O.-W. It. A N., of Portland, and daugh­ ter, Gertrude, were-visitors at the Jas. Cherry home Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Nichol, Mrs. Holly, Mrs. Bertha Johnson and eon, Bert, motored up the Loop road Dec­ oration day. Mrs. Stoneman and sister-in-law. of The' Italics. were visitors at the Carl­ son home Friday. - Mrs. Wesley Huskey and sons, of Portland, spent a few days with their daughter and stater, Mrs. Archie Hus­ key. They' visited the Cemetery Dec­ oration day. Darrell Evans, who la working at A. M. Williams' store at The Dalles, spent Friday with his parents. Alls-rt Osborn, accompanied Wheeler Clark to The Dalles one day last week. Judge and Mrs. F. 8. Gunning, of The Dalles, spent Friday with their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. < 'herry. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Strauss and fam­ ily had as their guestR Decoration day and the rest of the week. Mrs. Strauss’ mother, Mrs. Prill, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Danielson and family, of For­ est Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ixtesby, of .-.Loe Angeles, Calif. i Mrs. Isitilse Polk, of East Liverissih O., and Fay­ ette Oakley, of Portland. Miss IvvHowey, of Hood River, was in Mosier Friday visiting old friends. Mrs. Hattie Bailey is improving her home by the addition of a new kitchen and bathroom. Mr. and'Mrs. Paul Fitch and daugh­ ter». Naomi and Louise, and Eiden Woodworth. of Portland, came np to visit Mrs. Fitch's mother. Mrs. O. C. Evans, over*the week end. Marion Yonlsh and George Wilson have accepted positions in the Ford garage in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs> Clyde Root, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans and family and Howard Root spent Decoration day motoring on the Mount Hood Loop rond. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey and daughter were visitors at the Cherry home Friday from Hood River. Roger Cliown and Ferdinand Strauss were in Hood Iliver Friday. Hood River visitors Thursday were Mrs. Fanny Piercey and son ; Mrs. E. 1*. Piercey nod children; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beldin and Evelyn and Harold; Mrs. Camp and son. Leslie, snd Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Allington and daughter, Barliara. Mrs. E. M. Strauss and daughter, Harriett. Mrs. Polk and Mrs. J. R. Wilcox and children visited with Mrs. 8. E. Evans Thursday. Mrs. E. J. Middleewnrt. of Hood River, sjient Sunday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Goo. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowland and eon, Claude, spent Sunday at Parkdale. Mr. Neilson and Joe Weller were fishing in tlie Deschutes Sunday. Miss Bishop was in The Italics Sat­ urday. E. IL Piercey, Joe Higley and Dar­ rell Allington returned from an outing at Elk lake Saturday. Visitors at The Dalles Saturday were Mrs. Bailey. Marcella Race, Geo. Chanilierhiiii, Montana Chamberlain, J. O. Boldin, Otto Hage and C. R. Hage, of Niipavine, Wash. Miss Allie Llebtrau, secretary of the Y. W. C. A., of The Italic«, met with the high school club Thursday. They s|s’iit tlie afternesm cleaning graves and putting flowers on graves at the cemetery. Both clubs joined in this work of public service, after which the nienilters returned to the Blue Tri­ angle hut where Nedra Evans and Ella Folsom were hostesses. Ths club voted to send Its president, Mae Camp, and vice president, Nedra Evans, to summer conference at Gearhart June 16. A lawn social is planned for June <1 with both clults participating In an out of door program. It will be held at the Mosier auto park and the pub­ lic is invited. Ice cream, punch, lem- onndo and cake will be served Pro­ ceeds will be used in defraying ex- is-nses for a Lost take camping trip this summer. After the business of the club was finished the hostesses served cake and lemonade to the weary club inemlters. The Christian Endeavors of Wasco and liood River counties held a pic­ nic on Mosier creek Decoration day. A large crowd was in attendance and a Ismnteous basket dinner was served at noon. In the afternoon a baseball game was played on the home diamond between Hood River and Wasco coun­ ties, Hood River winning. Miss Annabell Blain was delightful­ ly surprised at her home Monday evening when a numl»er of her friends gathered to give her a farewell party. They are very sorry to lose Annabell as she Is liked by all. The evening was spent in playing games until a late hour when rake and punch was Served. AltouC 30 enjoyed the evening. The Mosier lisscliall team and aev- eral cars of fans motored to (Mell Sun­ day. where thejr defeated the nine theft* 14 to 13. — It Easy For All Motorists With Full-Size Balloons Simplified application of AMERICA SHOULD PRODUCE ITS OWN RUBBER MITCHELL POINT SERVICE STATION COLUMBIA SERVICE STATION White Salmon, Wash. Odell, Ore “Rench my hair in the dew—th’o my hat; June wants me and Pm to spare. r Spread them shadders anywhere: Pll git down and waller there And obleeged toyouat that. ’* “Shaddeis” are thick and cool, along the rivers, in the moun­ tains and on the highways. For those who heed the call, we have everything necessary to make the trip comfortable and enjoyable — Auto Tents, Camp Beds, Tables, Chairs and Stoves. GOLF, TENNIS, BASE BALL, FISHING AND SWIMMING Get your share of it this summer—begin now Refrigerators Hammocks Ice Cream Freezers-Lawn Sprinklers Oil Cook Stoves - Steam Canners Hot Weather Comforts for the home E. A. FRANZ CO All kinds of Motor Trouble Shooting Eledtrical Work a Specialty We have a special every Saturday—see our window that day for a bargain in meats. HECK UNGER GARAGE - Successor to TUCKER’S GARAGE i Phone 2133 Our Mehts are U. S. In spected. Office Supplies C. L HOWARD. Prop.