HOOD RIVER PLACIER. THITB8DAT, MAT 29, 1934 At The Theatres OREGON FUR BEARING ANIMALS ’ 4 Silver Black Foxes Raised By Date M. Hagklu». Former Hoed Mau on bis Farm ia Yamhill County. A battery of huge Transfer & Livery Co. trucks yas been busy the past week trtmqwrting 21 carloads of fab rlcated steel from the yards of the O.- W. R. A N. Co. to the ^Columbia river­ side, where Jhe steel spang will soon rise In s|*ana of the Waukuma Inter­ state bridge. Another cargo of the steel Is exiMH-ted to arrive in Portland soon by way of the Panama canal from Baltimore. Md. All of the steel was fabricart-d at Ambridge. Pa., and shipped to Baltimore, where It was loaded 00 steamers for Portland. Steel crews are expect«! to. start their Work'stringing six spans of the steel about June 15. Seven of the 11 concrete piers are alsiut «»tn- pleted. The remaining four will be construct«! hh h . hsi as tlie annual Co­ lumbia flood recede«. . RIALTO Friday-Saturday, May 30-31 pola N egri in SHADOWS OF PARIS and Telephone Girl, No. 5 “KING LEARY” NEWS- TOPICS,—FABLES 30c and 50c 4------------------- -------- Sunday, one day, June 1st HOOD RIVER KING Viola Dana in In Search of a Thrill Mark Sennett Comedy “MOVIE FANS” Prices, 10c and 35c Mon. and Tue«., June 2 and 3 * By popular request and de­ mand the Rialto presents a return engagement of the screen’s most artistic triumph SCARAMOUCHE Rex Ingram's great master­ piece of the silent drama. Also STAN LAUREL in FROZEN HEARTS” A comedy riot . Prices, Matinees 10 and 35c Evenings, 30 and 50c , N. B. FREE-FREE-FREE A handy Broom, Duster or Umbrella Holder to each lady attending our Monday Matinee, Actual 25c Value, FREE, FREE. SPECIAL-LOOK-SPECIAL WED. AND THURS. June 4 and 5 6Ä« RIALTO presents THE LANCASTER-BAIRD PLAYERS (No connection with the MACY- BAIkD Players.) —with several well known stage and stock stars of the Pacific Coast in a new play each night. Each play direct from Broad- way. Each one a scenic*production with special scenery and ■effects and with stars from The Alcazar Players of Portland. The Wilkes Players of Seattle. The Dalton Players of Los Angeles. The King Players of Frisco. The greatest traveling stock company on the road. They will please you or your money refunded. FIRST TIME IN HOOD RIVER BUT NOT THE LAST NEW FACES - NEW PLAYS NEW SCENERY PRICES-POPULAR OF COURSE HOOD RIVER NAP CRACK TEAK FMK MR. BYARS GIVES FOBTIAKB-COKIM MEMORIAL SERMON Rev. W. II. Byars delivered the an­ imili Memorial -sermon for the Grand Army of the Republic at the Asbury Methodist church Sunday morning. Nine Grand Army men. aud a delega­ tion of gome 40 members of the Women'll Relief Corps were present in a liody. Ix>glon and Auxiliary inein- liers were present. Special musical numliers were given by the choir and the Asbury men's quartet, L. A. Ben­ nett. Earl. M Spaulding, James Wilson and Mark E. Moe. Mr. Byars H]M>ke otj “Our Memoria, to. Them.” Some of the potuta of his Hermon were as follows : "Memorial day liegan as n commun- ity endeavor, hut gradually tlie custom grew until It-was oliscrved throughout the north and south. Soldiers of tie Civil wnr decorated the graves of the veterans of.former wars and of the Civil war. Now the veterans, of the Spihilnh American wnr and the Amer­ ican Legion bave followed the plan. Soon it will be the privilege of the American Ix'gion to decorate the graves of the veterana of all our wars. 44] 'Lincoln, in his Gettysburg address said, ’It is for us the living, rather, to lie dedicated here to the unflnislied work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.* These words of Lincoln express the underlying purpose of Memorial day.. We can liest memorialize our soldier dead by dedicating ourselves and our efforts to the maintenance of our highest national ideals. “From the past we have inherited the Ideals of lllierty. fraternity anti Justice. To advance the muse of free­ dom and to maintain these ideals we must realize that we are no longer an isolated nation. Wo have become citizens of the world. We hood to gtmrd against the sel'lshness of mili­ tarism. We should continue to agi­ tate against secret diplomacy and star chamber methods. We must «instnnt- ly remember that might does not make right, though we are the stroll Rest nation of the earth. We ought tn work for further reduction^ of arina- ments among,the nations. The United States should participate in a world court of arbitration. “ '"The Man of Galilee pointed the way. He said. "Thou shalt love tli.v neighbor as thyself.’ Tlie world has never done this. “Today let ns honor our dead who kept the faith with their conntry. “The fhith is kept, the oath re- mcil * And shell ’ torn earth with chaos seamed, Did from the sleeping heroes gain A priceless boon in hand and brain.’ “Tlie Flag they followed must never tie stained by Injustice, bigotry or revenge. “ Thus nobly stands our precious Flag. Tlie hope of crumbling nations. A gleam of light from heavens guild. To temper man's creationa. And though our God may smile on us. Trials sore shall n'er more eense ’Till hearts are ruled by Him alone. Only then shall there lie peace.’ ” - 30 and 55c News of the Golfers S^e LIBERTY Saturday-Sunday, May 30-31 ALICE BRADY in THE SNOW BRIDE” and WHITE MEDICINE” EPISODE No. 5 Way of a Man” th« great story by Emerson Hough, the author of the “Covered Wagon. Usual Price», 10c and 35c CLIFTON EMMEL at the Piano. BRIDGE STEELIS HAULED FROM CARS Danny Pierson. 15. Saturday set a ne.w re«»rd for the Oak Grove golf links of the Hood River Country club, making the second hole in one. The boy. whose playing Is declared re­ markable by elders who have lieen watching his work recently, lives near the links. He lias developed into one of the valley's best golfers in a few months. ___________ ___ Mt. Hood Dances Please The three Odd Fellow dances at the Mt. Hood Community hall of J. C. Devin A Son last week attracted a great deal of attention and won the plaudits of the many fraternal guests who attended them. The Wednesday and Thursday evening dances drew the largest attendance of visitors. All expressed themselves as charmed with the greeting by Mr. Devin and his son. Keltsie. The Mt. Hood Comnma- Ity hall was declared one of the most wholesome recreational places in the state of Oregon. The Friday evening dances will he resumed at the «immunity hall to­ morrow night, when it is anticipated a Urge crowd will be present. Grand ('ottneil Ftre The grand council fire of the Camp Fire girls, which was held Saturday, proved a success, a few friends and parents attending. Miss Ethel Moore, of Portland. was In charge. The girls entered from'two doors, the utility costume girls «>mlng first and the ceremonial girls coming Inst. Two of the (^■remonial gown girls car­ ried the American Hag and the Camp Fire flag. The hand sign was given in unison. Kstello Mays, of Taleakwa Camp Fire lighted the candle of work. Miriam Knoblock. of Ocowaaln. light­ ed the candle of health, anil Fraiicea Acheson. of Selolie, lighted the candle of love. “Burn, Fire, Burn” was sung while Miss Moore gave the mot ions. Scripture reuilings. representing the law of the Ciiinp Fire, were read by various girlH. A number of girls took the rnnk of wiHidgather and tiremaker. The w<*od- gatherers were; Pearl Mohr^ Ann Wueat and Nargnret Canller, of the Taleakwa;. Emma Stnmin. of Selolie, and Sylvia StewarJ of O cowsh I ii . The llreinukers were; Edith Coovert. Inez Young, Kathryn I'erigo and Evelyn Brane, of Taleakwa, and Mias KnoU, Biirbiira McDonald and lxtftie Flint, of Helohe. Honors were- awiird<>d pri- ________ '_______ _ Miss Moon- gave a short talk on Camp Fire. Two new meinliera were received, Mildred Smith by Taleakwa. and Mildred Triplett by Selohe. The fire extinguislilng ceremony was given by Joyce Nye, of Selohe. “Mammy Moon” was sung and the motions given. The girls then fill'd out by the cxiuncll step singing “The Suu is Sinking in tlie West.” The Camp Firl girls stand for high­ er ideiilH of living. Tlie ceremony is nn elpresslon of tlielr ideals. They are trying to promote community wel­ fare in every way isissilde and need more of the sup|*ort of the general public. H ikm I River defeated the fust Wasco team, headers In the Mld-Colunibia league, Sunday 7 to 5 in 12 innings. It was a pitchers’ battle lie tween J. Anderson, of Hood River, and Mon­ tague, of Warns*, the former having tl*e edge. II imm I River garnered their hita when hits meant runs, and won out in the twelfth on succiwdve bits, singles by Cooper and A. Anderson. Hale’s double and Hogaette'a triple netting four runn. Smith, Rand. Gardner and A. Anderson did fine work in the field, the latter making a wonderful one- hnndwl shoe string catch. Bert Sen­ ter. veteran outfielder and coach, was unable to accompany the team on account of injuries received from slid­ ing in a game at Dufur two weeks ago. At the beginning of the twelfth inn­ ing nntiHiial donations were offered for hits nnd runs. About a dozen of the lady fans offered kisses to the men who scored. This accounts for the much needl'd rally. Hood River will play the fust Alberta cluh of the Port­ land City league here Memorial day, anil Tlie Dalles Sunday, June 1. Other games played last Sunday : White Salmon 4, Goldendale 10 at White Salmon ; Dufur 8, The Dalles 12 nt Dufur. Tlie standing of the league is as follows: G. Was«» _____________ 10 E. P. MARTIN White Raimon____ _ 10 Hood River ..... ..... 70 Deputy Head Consul,. Woodmen of Dtifur ....--------------- 10 the World, in charge of extension Th? Dalles____ __ _ 10 work in Oregon, Washington and Ida­ Goldendale ........... _10 ho, who will preside as Consul Com­ mander nt tlie big initiation cereqtypi^ Just How I Frei next Thursday evening. Dear Mr, ‘Ertttnr: Grant opfxirtunity to express my apprecia­ tion of those friends of mine of the Democratic party who noiqinated me for the office of Justice of Uie pea«' for IL mm I River. This action was like a sunbeam radiating tlirouglW clouds in my sky. nnd I feel ns If I could tiHvignfe tlie waters of Scilla aud Charlbdis. I mn well aware that some of my Is-st friends are Democrats. Being a Itepuhlicnn myself for 32 years, and a “line l>ack" in that pa ret y. I threw many jolly Joshes at these friendn, but usually got Just as good tn return. There are two sides to political ques­ tions. line wlio has been a friend for 27 years said the Democratic party did this to «invert me from the errors of my politics. That ia a fine idea, to “overcome evil with gd.” I appreci­ ate this action to the extent that I ac­ cept the nomination so gratuitously bestowed. Another hopeftil ray is tliat a goodly number of Republican frk-nds wr<»te my name on the ballot. Rhotild the election next Novemlier place me in tlie office I shall feel that I am under the highest classed bonds to give the best service in my power. These fnvors remind me of the man who had two friends who were hatters F. A. BEARD who simultaneously appeared one ev­ District Manager of Portland, ening at the man’s home, each with a hat of his heat as a gift. The man trlct No. 1, who is In charge of the was puzzled as to how express his general campaign, featuring the big gratitude and put in tlielr hearts equal Thursday picnic and celebration. He esteem. He said, ’’Friends, your hata will fill the office of Past Consul Com­ mander. do mutually surpass each other." With kindest regards I am. The Baptist Church Very truly, J. B. Lister. Do not forget Pussyfoot Johnson on 4 i. ...... -.. . Fridny at the M. E. church. And Seiohe Camp Eire News Bundle day for tlie Armenians June 4. at 10 a. m. Preaching The Selolie Camp Fire girls- hiked Sunday at school 11 a. m. Subject of sermon. to tlie home of their guardian early service "Did Joseph Believe Meryl” At the Saturday morning and then went evening servlet the church will unite dawn to the river to prepare their In the union service at the M. E. breakfast. to hear tlie liaccalaurente.ser­ Barbara McDonald. Lottie Flint and church Miss Knoll, who are candidates for mon. Tlie junior B. Y. I*. U. will meet 5 p. in. They art now engaged in the rank of firemaker, prepared and at translating parables into taldeaua. served the breakfast. The girls played around the river Tlie other B. Y. P. U.S will not meet for a while. Three of the girls fell in Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday but suffered no III effects from the ex­ at 8 p m. C. R. Delepine, pastor. perience. The girls then hiked home to prepare for the grand council fire F.ditk Expresses Thaaks which was held Saturday evening. I wish to expreet through tjhe col nmns of The Glacier my sincere thanks Eby Bays Deitz Rtutte to the jieople of Hood River county for .... A. M. Eby, formerly of Salem. has their heartening snpport. as evidenced purcluised from IL C. Deitz the latter'a at the polls last Friday. 1 assure idiotograpli studio. Mr. Deitz, who them that It will lie by constant en­ has lieen taking pictures of local folk deavor to maintain the standard of for the past generation. will retire to my past record and to live up to the his East Side orchard place. confidence the people repose in me. W IJ Edlek Mr. Eby formerly operated the De Luxe studios at Salem and Dallas. Republican nomine« for sheriff. Women and girls 14 yrs. old or over. » Attractive working quarters. Wages. THE HOOD RIVER CANNING CO. ASHLAND'CHOSEN BY ODD FELLOWS At the final session of the Oregon Grand Ixslge, I. O. O. F.. here Thurs­ day Ashland won the 11*25 convention of the fraternal order. Officers elected for the coming year are L. E. Carter, of Portland, grand master; Henry Young, of Joseph, deputy grand mus­ ter; J. T. Jackson, of Roseburg, grand warden; E. E. Sharon, of Portland, grand secretary; Dr. O. I). Doane, of The Dalles, grand treasurer, and Past Grand Muster Taylor, trustee. The Rebekah Assembly presented Mrs. Edythe Kelley, retiring president with a handsome dlamoiid-emlienished |*ast president’s pin. Hood River became quiet again Thursday night, most delegates leav­ ing by private automobile, stage and train. 'X^kjiecial train left Thursday evening