■ / 'H »» I » I I I I I I I I | n | H 11 j I . * HOOD RIVER OLA Mrs. Willis Van Horn was hen« Mr. and Mrs. G A. Frey, who bar» from Portland the latter part of last been at Emporia, Kas., for ths past week visiting friends. several weeks, write that they left Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peters and chil­ there May 80 for a visit la Oklahoma *"*■11 i » i » < i i i i i i 11«s o w a s« dren have been in Portland visiting They expect to return to Arvada i» * bu«1“4ee visitor Mr. Peter's parents. Colo., for a visit before starting on iu Bend the first of the week. JV.' J. A. Baker, who is Just tack Mr. and Mrs. Merle Shockey, of Min­ the journey tack to Hood River. J- (’<»teman was a visitor nesota, have arrived here to make Mte. J. F. Hackett has been elected from Spartanburg, 8. C.. with enesf asm • th 1 ortland over the week end. a member of the faculty of the White the display and »alee trucks utilised ■-■>w»dr their home in Jhc valley.' __Mumen and girls wauled for steui- Salmon high school the coming year. last season Iq the Apple Growers As ­ O. H. Lynn, faking his vacation from raing strawlierries. Good wages. Hood r». Hackett, who is now secretary sociation in opening new markets for Friday-Saturday, May 23-24 River < anuing Co. Phone 3531. tf poetoffice duties, is on a fishing trip on Sthe organisation, was a prime mov- apples, declares R tt hi bls belief that the the Deschutes river. .il!.r. H. 8t *;Ob pnc? p,id ,or Tonr n,ed Grand Lodge » sessions of Odd Fellow« before sailing on the Haxoula for turned to Hood River. WhRe ou his ' '»rn.iufe, .tove.and ........ rug.. Call McClain I wllI1,ni 7». last journey iuto the south Mr. Baker William Davis, former local resident England to visit her mother. •t E. A. Fran» Co. asoit sold 20 carloads of Newtowua. it-_, ■ who wav now resides in Portland, was up Mr. and Mr». F.sE. Dean returned Snag proof Cordovan Horsehide Blucher, (PI lamvlng Hood River last October, Mrs. Tied Bueelie, of Underwood, thia , week week for f„r the G Odd Fellows Grand last week from à motor trip to t'en Mr. Baker traveled south over the wn» u bhslneKs visitor in the city the Lodge sesslone. Side Out,) cap toe, full vamp, hooks and trails. Wash., having gone there to latter part of last week. - 1’ .. ....... Pacific highway into California. Other Bennett Brothers are pleased to an­ visit a niece and her husband, who re­ HtaU-s visited in succession were Ari­ army gusset double brass nailed-Reduced nounce that Max Gutenberg is again side there. They «topped in Portland zona. New Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, in charge of their Dodge Brother» ser­ ou theit return for a few days' visit Louisiana, Alaitama, Tennessee,-Georg­ with another niece and her husband, ia. North Carolina and South Caro­ vice department. V (i Fred Howe »uffered the misfortune and also on account of Mrs. Ihrnn's lina. He says he found the best roads last week, while cranking an automo­ health. They report finding the Pacific in Oregon, H'alifornia * and the Caro­ For a comfort work shoe—Cordovan Horsehide bile, of suffering a broken arm when highway in flue condition. linas. The other states hsve prac­ and Blucher, soft cap toe, full vamp, army Mrs. G. C. Kills, an enterprising tically no highway systems. Those the engine backfired. matron of the Oak Grove district, has that were available were made nearly Mrs. J. K. Ferguaon la at Oregon gusset, flexible soles — Reduced to......... Telephone Girl, No. 4 are now popular and we are City this week, representing the local found a new use for old dbuurdcd lmiMiNMible by the heavy rains. inner tubes of motor tires. Mrs. Kilis Mr. Baker made most of hla sales Woman'« club at the annual conven­ prepared to supply recently lias added considerably _________ * _ to in the south and east, where the people tion of the Oregon Federation. For the hardest use—Wolverine Cordovan Horse­ your wants. If vou do not receive your Oregonian her plu money by the sale of hand­ wen- prt»|M-rous Itecause of the good bags, table covers and mats, made prices of cotton and tohacqo. Discuss­ hide Blucher, cap toe, full vamp, army gusset, 2 regularly or with to »ubscribe for same, either by carrier or mail, please call from woven strands of old tubes. The ing bis journeys, be says; Blue Ribbon Beer rubber can be dyed and various color full extra heavy Oakatan Horeshide Sole, double “If we pursue the truck system of Oregonian agent. Phone 2303. f21tf NEWS—TOPICS - FABLES sales, we can grfetly Increase the dis We pay cash for your old furniture or schemes obtained tn the weaving. brass nailed and stamped Wolverine Budweiser 4 Mrs. Jessie M. Bishop, county treas­ tri but ion of applt*» in new territory. make a libera) allowance on new good». Call Hackett 841 J, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur- urer, has received word that her niece, I found hi many Instances that I could 1000 miles — Reduced to....... ............. , 30c and 50c Cliquot Club Ginger Ale nitiire Exchange. Miss Marjorie Campbell, who with her not have sold many dealers apples had ml7tf I not had my samples with me on th« Searches of records and reliable ab­ mother. Mrs. Floy Caniplx*ll, formerly truck. Tli<‘ samples were the only Bargain Matinee Fri., 10capd35c Beechnut Ginger Ale stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com- resided here, will gradunte this spring And—One made from the Best Selected Horse­ 306 at the University of Washingiton, Br­ thing that interested them. The salt*» I • r - . . I P»ny, A- w- Onthank, Manager, 3t_ trucks offer the Association a Dm* hide Stock of medium weight, double attle. Miss Campbell, who formerly Lime Juice - Pineapple Juice | Oak street. Phons 1*21. jy20-tf attended the local schools, will secnr'e fhture In apple distribution." W. L. Carnes, who ia now at North her bachelor of science degree from brass nailed — Reduced to Ttie following article, showing the Grape Juice Powder, having moved from northern the department of physical education. interest the apple sales trucks created, California, was here the first of the was clipped from the Bpartanburg. 8. Many flower lovers are now pit-king C„ Herald: week for Odd Fellow Gram) Lodge Loganberry Juice wonderful Iris blooms. Gardeners Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Seasiona. The truck was driven here by W. J. have never made aa much of this Porto—the little bottle that Msx F. 'Ostenberg, who was in species of flower an they should here. A. Baker, representative of the Hood of Bennett Brothers’ repair New interest is being aroused this River Apple Growers Association -athl May 25, 26, 27 makes a gallon of delicious charge shop for several years, haa returned to will be left here until It is ready again year in the Iris. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. punch. to make Its return trip back to the the same position, after spending sev­ Sargent have a flue collection of iris, apple section of Oregon.--^ eral months in (Talifonia and Portland. Mrs. 8. J. Moore the past week Mr. Baker started out last Septem­ Fresh Milk and Cream—You Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll, who re­ and haa shown to friends souk * exceedingly ber, 1923. from Oregon with hla dem­ cently sold their East Side place to had better have a supply in Dr. Hearn, of The Dalles, wen* here handsome blooms, some of them very onstration trnck and toured the lower and like orchids. belt of the United Rtates, crossing the your pantry for a hot aay or Monday from the Wasco capital where nearly Bunday, May 25, at the Asbury sands of the desert in the west, across Great Supporting Cast they are now making their home. when company comes. Methodist church, the Bunday school the Mississippi river and up through J. 'L. Carter, on the way to Ixi will meet at 10 a. m. At 11 a. m. the Georgia to Bpartanburg, where lie de­ in Grande for a visit with relatives, liastor. Rev. W. N. Byars, will deliver cided his trip could end. stopped here over the week end to be the Memorial aermou to the G. A. R. This Biqitember Mr. Baker will with his son, Mlles C. Carter, and At 7 p. m. the Epworth Ix-ague will again receive a new stock of his family. hold their devotional aervice. At 8 famous aitples, load tliem in his ex­ Owners of Dodge Bothers cars Will p. m. the choir, under the leadership position truck and start back again Good Things to Eat lie pleased to know that Max Oaten- of Mrs. A. W. Beckley, will render the ovgr a different route, demonstrating lierg is again in charge of Bennett last sacred concert of the year.- The to the iMxtple through the center of Brothers rejmir department, after pastor will give a book review. The the United States the value of the eight months' absence. public la cordially invited to attend fruit grown on the west coast. Chicken or salmon dinners, special these services. Phone 8561 When Mr. Baker arrived in Spar­ luncheon». The Rapid», Cascade Locks. Among those visiting Mount Hood tanburg 10' days ago his wares were Breakfast», too, sre our specially. Try lodge recently from Hood River and received by local wholesalers snd job- This shipment will h* Saturday, May us the next time you get up early and vicinity were the following: Mr. and iter» with enthusiasm. Altogether 15 start out for Portland. n>22t f aTU i uresses are in the new designs and Mrs. P. L. Manser and eon, Gordon: carloads of luscious apples were or­ Fl v Screens—It's easy to screen your Mr. and Mrs. E. L. WHUama; William dered by Pearce, Young, Angel, i '— j - summer wear already The picture and story the en­ windows if you phone your orders to us. Rendenherg; Mr. an* Mrs. John Bttan- pony, nml a uii«»“— I Faetory- bu ift ■ screens are sturdy ano son; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur IlanimroL (m „ ...—nn The market. T'be chief varieties grown by Hie tire country is talking about. made to last. Emry Lnmber A Fuel Co. Mary, Roy and Harold *«—•**«■«*; Manufacturers of sash, doors and Mrs. Mary a. noggs; Mr. and Mrs, Hoorl River Association Is the Orttey Paul Sunderland; Miss Josephine Beer- and Newtown Pippin. The Ortley is also screens. J12 characterised by its delightful flavor A cool airy screened porch is I the most ri; Heth and Dale Burnell; J. H. Tre, - - ho, loar. of Dee; Dorothy Pemberton, Dor- and golden yellow color. The keeping delightful snot in any home dni •Hrr Hnti. G^rdou Graff. Harold qualities of the apples are said to be waatli»*, why not Dona yours ■ ___ enjoy it during the entire summer Em- Fletcher, Linda Udelius aud Emily scarcely unsurpassed. Ernest Carnes, county agricultural Fletcher, of Odell. ry Lumbar A Fuel Company. il2 Showing some of the Athletic agent, declared that the exposition J. F. Vototorff, who reports that bus­ Champions in Training, apple truck is a model way of showing iness bi his lias has been boomlag the Wetaher Favorable for Codling Moth to the world th« products raised in (By Leroy Childs) past week, has just delivered a bus- and the Hood River valley and that Bpar­ Iness Sedan, Oakland, to Orvle Hall, The station has t*een keeping records tanburg might profit by taking leMwm» Odell orchardist. relative to the earliest deposited eggs 1 . S' B X BEN TURPIN from the methods of advertising the Mr. and Mr». Clyde Simpson ar­ of the codling moth since 1013. Eggs cooperative organisation of that place in rived by automobile last week from were found this year 12 days earlier makes use of. Ran Francisco. Mr. Simpson ----- ~~ ‘ I h ----------- now a than any previous record noted. These member of the staff of the Bon Ton dates have been as follow»: 1913, May “Where Is My Wandering 27; 1014, June 8 ; 1015; May *24; 191«, burlier »hop. Boy Tonight?” Ixist Bunday night Rev. W. N. By- June 10; 1917. June 18; 1918. May 27; ar», pastor of the ___ Anbury _______ Methodist _ ___ 1919, May 27; 1920, June 17; 1921, church, delivered the baccalaureate May 25: 1922. May fill 1923, May 21 Prices, 30c and 50c sermon to the graduating claaa of the (very few until June 8), and 1924. May 11. Bargain Mat. Tues., 10c and 35c Mosier high school. The members of. the Apple Growers Because of this situation growers Mrs. P. L. Manser and Mrs. W. If must re«>gnixe the need of thoroughly Association, at a special meeting McClain are at Oregon City this week applying the cover spray» in order to i-alled for Saturday afternoon at the Pythian temple, will vote on the prop­ to represent the local club at the con­ handle the first brood. Wed. and Thura, May 28-29 Where the vention of the Oregon Federation of brood laanes late aud emerges over a osition of affiliation with Pacific Northwest Fruitgrowers Exchange, Women's clubs. relatively short time, often one cover Mrs. Citas. IL Castner left with the spray will suffice. Knowing the con­ central sales agency established as a Hood River delegation the first of the ditions as they egiat thia ymr. it neems r<een tad. double Salmon last week, when she delivered may meet with disfavor Saturday, It expose to which an address to the inemlsTs of the strength is advised for these early la Mid. sprays. Many growers favor the addl- ------- LLL. -4L - -IL L Woman's club there. A large numtier the author didn’t tin given by J. C. Devin Jt " H. ri. 8. fera» Bras km an does painting, paper augment his supply of favors. ‘ Hon at their Mount Hood community Tlie new fountain, its front ha hanging and decorating. Have yonr TORCHY COMEQY ball. The ride up the Ixmp highway house enameled inside and outside with she great piece of marble, ia one of In the light of the fnll moon, with the a guarantee for six years. Tel. 2404, the most beautiful ever seen here. It pleanant dancing parties at the end of With each order of a Dozen Cabinet Photo*. Braakman's Hard« are, Paint and Wall 1» simple and carries a dignified hand- 30c and 50c the jaunt, han lieen a feature of enter­ no ineneM. paper, Smith Building, a5tf tainment for younger delegatee. Mrs. Owen D. Hutton, mother of The farewell dance for the teachers Sliver Fax Lecture Scheduled Bring this ad which also entitles you to a discount The picture taken from Mrs. Oswald West and Mrs. Ben W. R. V. Bruce, proprietor of the Ca of the Upper Valley community and Olcott, who is here for the Odd Fel ­ ‘ at Studio. those of the Ixiwer Valley was well the boot that set the whole lows and Riffiekah convention, ia the cade Black Hllver Fox Fa>m, of the Í attended last Friday night. Barrett district, will give a talk on guest of her old fWend. Mrs. G. A. world talking. Molden. Salem guests of Mrs. Molden fox farming at Park grange hall next Blagg, Lister Nominated Wednesday evening. Also C. K. Ben­ ■■ • are Misses Seigmunds. ton will talk about hln recent trip to F. H. Blagg. whose naipe appeared Saturday-Sunday, May 24-25 SECOND AND STATE FORMERLY DEITZ STUDIO We have just received a shipment oi California. Washington and virions regularly on the ballot, was nominated the old reliable Eastern White Oak sole part« of Oregon in connection with the Republican candidate for justice of >♦ leather. For those who prefer leather committee of live on cooperative mar the peace for the Hood River district on the bottoms of their shoes, there is keting. This will be of special interest last Friday. J. B. Lister, who .an- ■4 nothing better. We'll put coles on yonr to ranchers. There will be community nonnied that hi» name could be writ­ shoee white you wait. T. C. Smith’s singing, refreshments and ■ social ten in on the ballots, received the EPISODE No. 4 Champion Shoe Shop. f 14tf < Mount llood Goes to Mooter , A> . ¿-Bids Fw time. All are vfricome. Democratic nomination for the office. If they find orcharding to their lik­ School district Ne LIBERTY “Way of a Man EBY’S ^TUDIO Dempsey In Training BEN TURPIN COMEDY Prices 30 and 50c Bargain Mat. Tuesday 10 and 35c A. M. EBY, Photographer