- V..' ■. 1 . 3» * r HOOD RIVER PLACIER, THÜRBDAT, MAT 22, 1224 I ? » T5B sasmes 4* ==s tese UT i d U i S ewidaum uMrUftl rwmr mmo DALE HASKINS NOW S. BENSON GETS BASBiemFAfiM MEDAL OF HONOR FLAGS FROM LEGION rr** * _ 3 Congoleum Week y 1 iV . * Mr. and Mrs. C. A. BeU and Leslie Butler represented Hood River st the dinner giyen in honor of S. Benson at the Portland- Chamber of Commerce last night by tbe Knights of Elect rs, the tatter organisation presenting Mr. Benson with a medal of honor. lie also received a.bound album contain­ ing the name« of all the guests. The dinner was to show public ap­ preciation to Mr. Benson for bia many public services to Oregon and tbe years of work he unaelflshly gave to promote the state's development. These include bis 860.000 donation to make establishment of the Benson If Cameron had not understood his Polytechnic school |>o«aible: his pre- business I would have told you so. I28tf wm tat ion to the city of Portland of the at reel comer hronse drinking foun­ tains; his gift of Benson park on the Columbia highway to the people, and the many years he gave aa highway commissioner and private dtisen toward dlrectfag the constrwtion of the highway system of the state. In additlotr Mr. Benson built the Benson hotel and later the 8400,000 Columbia Gorge hotel to create facili­ ties to attrac t tourists to Oregon. His most recent gift was 810,000 to the nev^Masouie temple. Ilarry -L. Corbett, past president of the chamber, acted aa toastmaster, Music was furnished by the Benson Polytechnic orchestra. Last week at the Instance of the American Ix-gion poet, citieena and Lualnees house« purchased upiform Flags to be used on patriotic occasions. Practically every business house tn tuwu purchased one of the Flass Mid standards, which will be placed on tbe curb on days of patrioUc parades. Tbe uniform ayatem of displaying the Flag has been adopted In moot Oregon and Washington cities. It i* in great vogue in tbe east and middle west. It is hoped, according to the legion­ naires, that the new Flags will in- here by Memorial day. • ROUND TRIP Summer A Excursion Fares IN BFFBCT DAILY BITWKN MAY 22 AND SEPT. 15 * Ü-9? 72 00 Kansas City St Louis... Chicaao ... D.trolt .... Cincinnati.. 72 00 _ «I SO M-00 105.62 10«. JO Cleveland »10S.5J T*wewe**v .. Toronto • •• m 3»7 w Pittsburgh.. 11*.7* Pittsburgh. Washington 141.B« pttll'delphla 144. St New-York. .147.4S Boston 1U.80 Corresponding fares to other Important centers. Final return limit October 11, 1*14. Liberal stop-over privileges going and returning. A side trip to Yellowstone at small add 11 ional coat will afford the experience of a life time. Call us by phone and let us make all your arrangements. It coots no more and will eave your valuable time. J. H. FREDRICY Agent Hood River, Ore. ’ County Election Results William Edick was tbe successful «■amlidate for Republican nomination at the polls Friday, defeating C. G. Cornelius by 600 to 224. Mr. Edlck was formerly Sheriff Johnson’s chief deputy. Mr. Johnson has just as­ sumed the postmasterahip. No other county office was contested. L Nominees are: Kent Shoemaker, county clerk: Mre. Jeanie M. Bishop, treasurer; Allison Fletcher, commis­ sioner; C. M. Hurlburt, engineer; Jesse W. Crites, school superintend­ ent, and Dr. J. W. Rifton, coroner All but Mr. Crites are incumbents in office. John Baker, unopposed, incumbent, was nominated Republican candidate for district attorney. Judge Fred W. Wilson, receiving 73« votes, was nom­ inated for Judge of the Judicial cir­ cuit comprised of Hood River and Wasco counties. R. R. Brttler led M. M. Uurtner by a vote of 588 to 221 for -Republican nomination for joint state senator from Hood River and Wasco counties. W. A. Langille was named Republican candidate for leg­ islative representative. 3. H. Haslett was the Democratic nominee for this office, Neither was opposed. th«' Yamhill county by Dale M. HssÂIns, whd formerly résidednere and woo te a grandson of Mrs. Phoebe Foes, a pi­ oneer of r—----- --------- “ kina, who showed a keen in the foots hot ta«a Nt h Ctttfoleum kept by his ua< and other loco! declared it Week for M btr. Every l>ia opinion < ' ™ that climatic «mditloos of the __ _ r ^_ he Hood Rfver valley are ideal. boMsewife is urged te see He auggested that --------- many ~ ranchers t ,1! might find tbe raising bf pelts of silver tor display of these and black foxes _ — a profitable side ____ line * for orcharding. Mr. Haakina started his term on which is the chief scene In tbe play, twtrrowed utoney in 1821. He pur- have a total value of 160,000 and each ehased a Mingle pair of foxes. Today one had to ba accounted tor before the he haa 75 pew of silver foxw. His studio could be closed tor the night. - farm is considered one of tbs most auccessful tn the Northwest. AU of Many a returning soldier has vowed his animals are registered. he would never "look a bean in the We feel certain that Mr. Haakina states that wonderful face" again as long as be lived. In housekeepers win he inter* interest la iwlng taken in this new and this respect he has nothing on Hob moat profitable Industry In the North brook Blinn, star of Edwin Carewe’s ested in oar offering of west, and tbgt many people are awak­ production of "Tbe Bad Man,” a First ening to the facts introduced by the National picture whiciv comes to the the nationally advertized and United Htatas government concerning Rialto theatre Friday and Saturday. In one of tbe principal acenes In the wealth to be made from tbsfie live guaranteed e diamonds. "Tbe Bad Man.” Blinn, as Pancho Lo g Mr. Haskins states that ho has sold pea, the bandit, eats dinner. As no several pairs of pups to be delivered self-respecting Mexican bandit would this fall, which shows the interest eat anything else tor lunch except taken to secure the first seie< ____ __ of beans, Blinn was forced to eat them. selections Tills does not seem like a very tough these valuable pearls of fur. He is tie i-Hlegwl by inquiries, natur- Job, until it U is la considered .that that Blinn Bl ally, but Mr. dr. Haskins la glad to give' played -. y.’ the role of Pancho Lopes __ j «■ any information he can about this new the stage for more than three solid years and w « h forced to eat lieans and attractive industry. SHALL CONGOLEUM RUGS GIVEN Tills foundation stock- Is aU direct once and aometlmes twice « day. FREE WITH PURCHASE OF EVERY from W. K. Rogers, of Charlottetown, To make matters worse, during tbe Prince Edward Island. Canada, who is filming of the picture he was appear­ ROOM SIZE RUG - NOTE LOW PRICE! the largest individual breeder of silver ing in the stage play at tbe same time. foxes in tbe world, having on his These days, counting the retakes of ranches over 600 pairs of the highest the eating scenes, he sometimes had to eat a plate of beans four times a day. quality breeding foxes. 9x16 Gold Seal Congoleum Rug*«nd 8 18x36 rugs, only 922 95 There never was a soldier who was Mr. Rogers owns the pioneer Dalton ll u a it u it a and Tuplin ranches and aU their foxes. HO heHrtUy Sick of beans as Holbrook ... 17.95 9x12 ll s Charles Dalton, now Sir Charles Blinn. a a a a a a a a Playing opposite Blinn are Jack Dnltoa, who was a trapper and! fur 15.75 2 A 9x10« trader of Prince Edward Island in 'Mulhall, Enid Bennett and Waitdr il li li II il li II H 13.50 1880, waa the flrst man to domesticate M«-Grail. 9x9 2 the silver fox and soon took in Mr. II il II II il II II il Bacchanalian muaic — forerunner of 11.50 1 Oulton as his partner. Tbe next great 7«x9 name was Tuplin, who became an as­ modern Jans—underlined the glory •• y H II II II II II II 9.00 6x9 1 sociate of Dalton, and is now known that waa Rome's and is bringing Amer­ as the “Burbank of the silver fox," tor ica perilouriy close to the brink of 41 il 95c 6 ft. “ by the yard, per eq. yd, only Jim Tuplin, by his original system of disaster, 8o avers Louis H. Chalif, famous line breeding, has produced animals « « <« 9 ft. *“ “ “ “ ,..$1.00 and pelts that capsheaf the market tn Russian professor of dancing, who re­ price and admiration and hâve no cently arrived in this country. A famous American author, hiding rival. Mr. Haskins is satisfied with his under the pen name of “Warner strain that has for over one-third of Fabian,” agrees with him > and has a century been building to tbe highest written a daring novel treating with degree possible and states that as contemporary life, which points an long as he is in this profitable business accusing Anger at modern society, its he will not waste time and money on unrestraint and its abandon of the the new so-called strains now sold conventions. — Tbe American author declares that everywhere. It took these pioneers -, ' yesrs to breed to this, their highest the spirit of jasz, hootch and cigarette smoking women is undermining the degree. Mr. Haskins is their representative greatest of all institutions—the home. tor Oregon, Washington and Califor­ His daring book, be said, was written nia. Mr. Rogers says that In only a as a means of bringing America to its tew yean great wealth win be realised a ens e s and to a realisation of its jass- here from silver fox farming. Al­ mad. pleasure-craving course. Phone 8411 A screen version of this daring, sen­ though the industry is new here many people are awakening to the facta in­ sational story is to be shown Sunday, troduced by the U. 8. government con­ Monday and Tuesday at tbe Rialto cerning the wealth to be made from theatre. “Ftamlng Youth” is a First National these live diamonds. In the last live months silver fox picture; and a photoplay which has attend aeMlons here and end their pelts have advanced 50 per cent, been the basis of sermons. Its-vivid meeting with • banquet at the Colum­ which should be an encouragement to interpretation is in the hands of a bia Gorge, hotel. Bunday will be spent the beginner. Mr. Haskins receives brilliant cast including Colleen Moore, in motor toura over the Mount Hood inquiries nearly every day from all Milton Sills, Elliott Dexter, Myrtle Loop highway and other scenic points Stedman, Sylvia Breamer, Betty Fran­ sections of the Northwest. ■ Hood River has always enjoyed tbs in the mld-Oilumbia. cisco, Phillips Smalley, Walter Mc- reputation end good fortune of having Oregon registered a most insistent Grall, Ben Lyon and others. a group of business men and citlsetis desire for Calvin Coolidge for tbe Christian and Mesisnary Alliance The blood-thirsty members of the who were always eager to work for presidency. President Coolidge swept the good of the community. The the state, receiving over 60,000. more The Christian and Missionary Alli­ Coo Coo Clan give "Torchy" a harrow­ Cliamtwr of Commeri-e information votes than Hiram YT. Johnson. Iow- ance had a Imptismal service Sunday ing experience in "Torchy’s Ghost,” booth la a good example of thia. den led tbe Republican ticket for vtee afternoon at Koberg's beach. The fol­ which is on tbe program of tbe Rialto The Tum-A-Lum I .umber company president. v lowing persons were baptized: Mr. ___ theater next Wednesday and Thurs­ and the Emry Lumber A Fuel company Without opposition. McAdoo and and Mrs. Jacob Horn, L. Horn, Mrs. Editor Glacier:—It was with no day. But "Torchy” comes out on top, furnished the materials for the build­ Berry received the Democratic nom­ Kiser. Mr. Clark,- Mr. and Mrs. Earl small amount of pleasure that I picked an is usual with the lovable office boy ing at cost. E. R. Holbrook, contract­ up on my desk this morning a copy of When he is Inspired by the opportunity or and builder of wide experience, who ination for presidency and vice pres­ Mansfield, Mr. Donaldson. Mr Brigga, , Mr. Downing and daughter, Alleen, The Glacier of April 24. I poured of winning extra favor from "Vee,” is now making his home in Hood Riv­ idency. Chas. L. McNary's big vote, more, Mrs. Dewey Zwvigart, Henry Zwei- over the columns of the paper and his a we«-1 heart. er, and Oscar Shear, well known was surprised at tbe amount of news After a glimpse of a akating party painter of this city, who painted the than 20,000 greater than his nearest gart, Clarence Zweigart, Frank Smith, It contained for me even though I had which is long enough to see "Torchy" kiosk, contributed their work at a opponent. Geo. L. Baker, was an out­ Maurice Fagaly, June Hicks. Gladys standing feature of tbe election. Hicka. Ar vesta Redmond. Evelyn Gra­ not been actively in Hood River for rejected cruelly when he appeals to very nominal figure. N. J. Sinnott will again represent ber, Margaret liaru, Floyd Holman. several years. It seems that one of •‘lee’s” father for consent to marry The painting on the north end of our trucks had met with some difficul­ her, the picture turns to more serious the building is the work of P. L. Man­ eastern Oregon in Congress. He de­ Donald Kirk, Anita Spencer, Charles ty in Hood River and the paper was affairs than skating outings. The Coo ser. who also was largely responsible feated Geo. T. Cochran by a major­ Donaldson and Francis Donaldson. ity of 4,831. Harvey Graham, who Rev. Kirk officiated assisted by E. M. Cod Clansmen are threatening to kid­ for the design of the booth. sent describing tbe accident. has been Democratic candidate for liolmap. W. P. Kirk, Pastor. I received my L. L. B. degree from nap “Vee," and they have her father tbe office for the (test 10 years, was tbe university at the close of tbe fall very much disturbed. Library Nstes again nominated. Ralph W. Swagler, "Torchy" frames up a kidnaping Two Climb Hood quarter, took the bar examination in The library for April loqned 3,640 however, lost out by a very small vote. January and was then admitted. which will not scare “Vee" at all, be­ H. L. Davis and E. A. Dilley, of Attorney General Van Winkle de Since that time I have been with the cause site knows all about it in ad­ volumes. The average daily circula­ Odell, made the season's flrst ascent feated Robert B. Kuykendall. tion was 136. The largest daily cir ­ vance, but which is intended to>send Automobile Club of Washington, hav­ Judge Belt won over Judge Knowles Of Mount Hood from the north side ing been placed at the head of their the 81<>.f*«> reward offered by her culation reached 246. The increase for the Republican nomination for su­ Saturday. Unaccompanied by a guide, over April, 1823, was 435 volumes. legal department the first of thia father to “Torchy." Gifts for the month were: “Tbe preme court. J. D. Mickle and H. H. they made the top In reeord time, al­ But the real Coo Coos come riding month. We have -a membership of be­ though no life line is in place up the tween 8,000 and 10,000. It is my job down the road that very evening, and Young Crusader,” a year’s subscrip­ Corey were nominated respectfully for steep chimney for the last 1,000 feet. to give legal advice to all members on because "Torchy” and “Vee” think the tion, and “The Union Signal." a year's state dairy and food commissioner and The men left Mr. Davla’-'raneh by au­ automobile law as well as to look after masked figures are their friends tbe subscription, W. C. T. U. “Just Da­ public service comniiaaloner. tomobile at 4.30 a. m. Leaving tbe Clansmen meet with no opposition in vid,” "The Breaking Point" and “In the legislative program of the club. «■ar at Homestead inn, they walked to Bar Meeting in September “In The delegation which has attended running off with “Vee." whom they His Htepa,” Mrs. Rebecca Fry; Coopers spur up the base hogback be­ the University of Washington from take to a dreary, big old bouse on a His Image." Mrs. Amanda Whitehead; Judge Wilson, president of the Ore­ tween Rand canyon and Ttlly Jane Hood River high school has made a hill. "Torchy" is confident of the re­ "A Compilation of the Message and gon State Bhr association, and Cspt. «■reek. Tbe men were back at the very good name for tbemaelver around ward, but when the young “hero” gets Papers of the Presidents,” Carl H. Wilbur, member of the executive Odell ranch by 6.30 p. m. these parts. George Bragg has done into tl>e deserted house he finds, not Vaughan ; “Taxation.” McMillan A committee, who returned Monday from Mr. Davis says that the «now on the exceptionally well. Ha is a member of his friends, but a band of Coo Coos. Co. ; "People's Corporation,” Bonis Eugene, where they met with members mountain at present la no Liveright Co. ; National Geographic And those Coo Coot.certainly lead him Beta Gamma Sigma honorary business of ths bar of Lane, Benton. Polk. hi usually encountered in magasine, 8 copies, Mr. Spencer. fraternity and is one of the most pop­ a merry c I ishc for a few minutes. Linn and Douglas counties, stated that New hooka received are: Garstin, Johnny Hines make« in this picture ular men of his class. Besides thia he Willamette valley lawyers are display­ Owls ’ House; King, Happy Islra; Tar ­ the moat of an idea which has not has worked his wg_v through school ing a keen interesj in the apnual con­ and la assistant manager of tbe Pack­ been used before in Torchy Comedies, kington, Midlander ; Wilson, Some­ vention, which wHl lie lield at The The weekly meeting of the Seiohe ard Seattle company. He attended and, with the support of a good cast, where at Sea and Other Tales. Italics and Hood River In September. Camp Fire waa held Monday evening the national convention of Pal Upsllon provide« real n muse inent. The first day, a Friday, will be at the library hall. Topics diacuKM-d or Spiralis corsets, Mrs. Fred Howe, spent in The Dalles. -The following last year. He was also sent to Detroit were: ‘-Plana for Grand Council Fire” The shows of Wednesday and Thurs­ Cascade ave. Phono 2464. m8tf by. the Packard people to study their Saturday the visiting delegates will and “Saturday Morning Hike.' iflant there. George will graduate this day will be for tbe benefit of the Dis­ June. Tom Scott has made quite a abled Veteran's Fuad of the Women’s name for himself In school as a base- Auxiliary of the American Ioglon. In tall pl teller. He ‘ is now on ’ the squad addition to “Torakff’s Ghost." the pic­ will make his _________ . letter this year. He tures will be “The Light that Failed" lias also done well scholastically. He and “Among the Miming." See special la a member of Alpha Kappa Psi hon­ story for the last named thrilling orary ImaliKwa fra tern Uy. Roos Collie seven-reel digest. is in his senior year here. He is on The Dalles Te Be Invaded the varsity track squad and la a very popular man around school. Byron Plan* of Hood River county grange lane is In bis second year. He made members call for an attendance in ex- Ills numerals last year rowing number ccm of SOU Hood River day at the an­ •lx in the flrst frosh boat. He is a lit­ nual state grange convention, to be tle green for varsity but will undoubt­ held at The Dalles, June 3-6. inclu­ edly make his letter liefore be gets sive. Hood River day will be ob­ through. Coach Edmonson, of the served the final day of the session. track team, tells me he expects great A committee of Hood River Pomona things of Paul Friday one of these grange, composed of A. I. Mason, A. days. G. Wing and G. A. Weber, was ap- While in school I waa a member of 1 minted to stimulate an Interest in the Oval club upperclassmen's honor The Dalles junket. society, Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity, and Sigma Nu social fraternity. I Card of Thanks also sang on tl?e glee duh for two We wish to extend our moot sincere y«4«rs and nerved one year on tbe and heartfelt thanks to our many hoard of control. I thought perhaps some of the people kind frlenda for their amlatance dur­ in Hood River might be interested In ing the recent iUneoo and death of our whst their sons were doing in a for­ beloved wife and mother. Robert Leasure. eign state, and seeing the old rdlaltle Telephone 3631 Mrs. John Hook. llood River Glacier. I decided to try Mrs. Donald Drtbyahire, my hand nt reporting. Hoping that ” ■ - Mrs. J?"H. Keoiing. all is well in your fair city, Miss Eva Loasure. I remain. William Leasure. David Lee Spaulding *7 Monday, May 26th to June 2nd w s-’--" Lovely Modéra Rugs at economical prices “Gold Seal” Çongi ¡oleum Art Rugs 4 Take advantage of Congoleum Week offerings and get the small rugs Free. Bring us the room size and we will do the rest FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. KELLY BROS CO. HAVE YOU A GARAGE ? Handsome, roomy and durable garages are so inexpensive and easily and quickly erected that no one owning a car should be without one. We have •complete plans and all materia) for erecting either portable or permanent garages of one or two car capacity, at a cost that will be within your reach. These can be erected either frame, or cement, or combination. ' They are neat in appearance and include strong doors; one, two or three windows; space for work bench and floor pit, if wanted. Ask us about them. ways at your disposal. Our Plan Service is al­ TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY L umber B ill , Mgr. P hone 4121— that ’ s our self - starter HODGEN’S CALF MEAL PUBLIC SPIRIT AIDS COOLIDGE CHOICE HOOD RIVER CHAMBER OF OREGON VOTERS i LEE SPAULDING IS AUTO CLUB ATTORNEY r SOLD BY ALL DEALBBS manufacturad by A LIFE SAVER HODGEN-BREWSTER MILLING CO. S3 FOURTH STREET, For Your Baking We Carry Pure White and Del Monte Flour—the latter ifi something new, a superfine hard wheat product. Remember our deliveries: City —9 a. m.; 2:80 p. m. We deliver Tuesdays and Fridays tQ all parts of the Valley. Get your order in early THE HOOD RIVER CANNING CO. WILL TAKE GOOD Cull Strawberries Ford Track for RSM Thia truck is a '21 model and la an unusual buy l>ecauae it haa never done any heavy hauling. Good tire*, sturdy tM*dy, cab, self starter, shock absorbers and other extras. If you have much hauling the truck will noon pay for it­ self. Ser it at Bennett Bros. Women and girls wanted for stemming Strawberrj.es A ¿mitai/