HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924 Frost leiisation tions, and Kelsey Slocom, <’ieer leader. was granted to Gills-rt Watson, who H ROUND TRIP left a large company from Boston L Summer for with W. C. T. U. NOTES Oregon. loiter th«* mistake was rectified and a chart«* in due form y Excursion was granted for Oregon t’lt.v. The The Riverside church was the acene document, however, was used for of hu interesting event Tuesday even­ F Fares ing when a banquet was served to Honolulu. IN EFFECT nlMiut 108 members of the W. C. T. U. Th«* Grand Lodge was Instituted at DAILY BETWEEN Oregon City. May 23, 185«. Ellison The banquet was the outcome of a 90- Encumpment was __ instituted in Port- day membership contest which in­ land Scptemlwr 25. 1857. Tiie Orand creased the mvtniiershlp from 48 to Encampment was instituted at Port­ 108 members, making this one of the largest women’s organisations in Hood land March 2ft, 1875. River. Musical numliers were rendered by Students Engage in Politics Miss llouchen. Mrs. Keenen, Mrs. Es- Cleveland .$108.56 Danvar ... .$ 64.00 T jih I Thursday morning the students selstyn and Miss Prudence Hpight. Toronto ... 113.75 Omaha .... 72.00 Pittsburgh.. 119.76 Kantaa City 72 00 of Hood River high sclKsd had a taste Two appropriate readings were given Washington 141.56 6t. Loula... 61.M> of real election*. Tile annual student by Miss Lucille Acheson. The prlnci- Phll'delphla 144.92 Chicago ... 86.00 Isaly election was carried out in a |uil speaker of the evening was Mrs. Mew York. .147.40 Detroit .... 105.62 Boaton .... 153.50 Cincinnati.. 106.30 rather unusual way for high school Davenport, of Portland, state super­ Corresponding {area-to other important affairs. Prof. Tingelstnd and John intendent of Americanisation, who was Centura. Final return limit October 31, Mohr were Judges, and Wllmuth Gib­ Introduced by Mrs.. Schmidt, local 1924. I.lbernl atop-over privilege» going son and Riddell I-ago. clerks. 'Printed president. and returning. Mrs. Davenport gave an able and t>a llots were used. The student who A aldo trip to Yeliowatonfe at email additional coat will afford the experience desired to embark on a political career inspiring address. She paid tribute to Of a life time. was given a ballot and then retinal to the many young women who are taking Call us by phone and let us make all regular voting booths to vote. Elec­ up ttie work of the W. C. T. U. in for­ ynvr srrangomenta. It costa no more and will auvo your valuable time. tioneering on the first floor was pro- eign countries and of the necessity of hihtted by an order of the executive the prohibition law enforcement In J. H. FREDRICY committee. To enforce this any stu- this country. Mrs. Hchmldt gave an interesting Agent dent caught electioneering wns as­ signed two hours sweeping halls. F. talk on the Children’s Farm Home at Hood River, Ore. Kandman, C. Foreman. K. Rlocom and Corvallis, and Mrs. Aimes, who is su- A. Met'arty ’lent two enjoyable hours perintendent of the L. T. L. at Hood WM McWtMAY sweeping. Miss Florence Rtrannhan River, told of the work the children General Pa«»engei Agent Portland. Oregon washed Hie windows of the principal's were doing and the plans being made for Hn entertainment to be given by office for a similar offense. The officers elected were: Edward the children of the L. T. L. At the Xiiumeg, who is editor of the Mascot close of the evening’s entertainment this year, president: Hazel Kirk, vice flic Indies expressed themselves as be­ president; Werdna Isbell, secretary; ing enjoyably and profitably enter­ Clifton Emniel. treasurer; Ernest Me- tained. Kltriek. editor-in-chief of Mascot; Ar­ len McCarty, luislness manager of pub­ COUNTY HEALTH NOTES lications: Harriett Fuller and Miss Dr. Estelle Ford Warner, of Port­ Iva Howey, executive committee, and land, will conduct a series of clinics Kelsay Slocom, y«4l leader. Th«*se officers will -be inaugurafed in Hood III ver county during the sec­ some time iu the near future. The ond week of Jun«\ as a part of Mrs. oflhets who will retire are: Roscoe H. L. Bickford’s program for her pub­ Anderson, president: Margaret Pier lic b«*alth nursing. A ciiuic will be son vice president: Renn Harney. sec held Ih-each community in the valley, retnry, and Ix*jvis Eastman, treasurer. so that everyone will have opportunity to bring tile children conveniently. Be­ cause of tills program the regular May t-linic for pre-school children will ba |H>st]s>n<*d until the June dates. Fur­ ther announcement will lie made later. Mrs. II. L. Bickford, public health nurse, this week resumed her full schi*dnle of school and general work, after a month's vacation during which C. L HOWARD. Prop she did emergency work. Rhe will keep office hours each morning at her Imine in Pine Drove from 8.30 to 9, where her telephone numtier Is 4998. Washable Walls BUNTS & VARNISHES BOLD BY ‘ H. S. BRAAKMAN THIRD 8TRFET HQOD ÄlVtR, < >RI «.•’ 'N are the Reasons for the Power, Smoothness and Endurance of Oakland?* Six-Cylinder Engine HEIGHTS GARAGE Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier Office