The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 01, 1924, Image 5

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The Touch of Spring
—It is on the land and our appetite has a
hankering for green things.
Our stock of vegetables is always fresh
and contains a full assortment. '
When you want something real good, try
some of our homemade Boston Brown
• Bread—there was never any better made.
We are distributors for the
Walking and Tractor Plows
Arsenate of Lead
Nitrate of Soda
Orchard Supplies
Fresh Milk
We are handling Fresh Milk
Order it with your
Yours For Service .
The Home of Quality Groceries
Salt White
Cartnote White Enamel has
that clear white tone seen in
salt, snow and swansdown. It
has a soft depth like velvet. It
flows smoothly from the brush
and dries thoroughly, giving a
tough resistant surface to wood­
work, metal surfaces, and fur­
niture. Its finish is so hard and
smooth that it is slow to soil
and easy to clean.
Spray, Nitrate of Soda
Orchard Supplies
We are now arranging account» for the coming
season. Call and see us
Office Supplies
These are days when you are thinkingof them
We have nearly everything In the staple line you
may desire. If you want anything special, we II get
it for you.
Andersbn Undertaking Co
C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor
Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director
At a meeting of the executive com­
mittee of the local American Legion
post last week, the resignation of Ber­
keley Snow as commander was accept­
ed and. Ray Lee, present vice com­
mander, was gboaen as commander for
the balance of the year. Van W. Clad-
den waa chosen vice commander in
place of Ray Lee.
Among other business the committee
decided to have some sort of display
in the U-gion ¡>arade during the state
convention in Portlaud ■ descriptive of
the poet’s mountain activities. The
Legion climb committee, With Wui.
Cooil ran and Banks Mortliuet, will
work out the details of this display.
The following committee was ap­
pointed to direct the work of cleaning
up the camp sites on the highway,
which was tiegun last («11: Levi Wted-
sel, Wrn. Allyn. Thad Peterson. Allyn
Button and Leonard Howard. A com­
mittee was also apiaiinted to confer
with the city council to see If there is
something that the Legion could do
in connection wtth the new city auto
park. This committee is composed of
C. M. Hurlburt, Dr. V. R. Abraham
and Charlea Gunn.
Odd Fellow rite« were accorded
Bari M. Noble, aged 38, who died at
Pendleton Friday eight. Mr. Noble
waa a native of tbe valley. He was
stricken in 1919 with influenza, never
recovering from tbe after effects. Tile
services 'were conducted from the Odd
Fellows’ hall, taterawnt followed at
Idlewiide eemetarv.
Mr. Noble is survivied by hte widow
and two email sons, who have been
making their home in Portlaud with
Mrs. NoWe’a mother, Mra. R. M. Stone.
Hte father, M. R. Noble, survives as
do the following sisters: Mrs. George
Stokoe, of Bend; end Mrs. Marsh Isen­
berg and Mrs. Clarence Carnee, of
Hood River. •
i Ttie Christian Science service was
read by Mrs. C. O. Huelat. The fuue
ral was directed by C. C. Anderson.
We have two Dodge touring cars
for sole. One is a 1021 model which
has had excellent care and shows it.
Has a new set of pistons and is in A-l
Condition throughout. Price $500 at
Bennett Brothers.
A 11)1(1 touring looks mighty young
for its age. Rebored last fail; new
K -404
lottery; fair tires and in very good
Notice of Sheriff’» Sale
runuiiig order. A serviceable car for
In the Circuit Court of the State of only >175. Jtonnett Brother^
Oregon for Multnomah County.
Dee Flat Goto Afore Cows
Credit Service Company, a corpora­
tion, Plaintiff, ys. G. L. Davenport.
R. 8. Jlaseltine and’R. A. Collins,
of Dee, each owns aaoth.r registered
By virtue of- an attachment execu­ Jersey cow. The two men, each driv­
tion, Judgment order, and order of sale ing a light truck, equipped with a
issued oitt of the above entitled Court delivery body, left their Dee Flat or­
in tbe aliove entitled cause, to me di­ chard places at ■ daybreak recently.
rected and dated the 21 at day of They selected cows of their choice and
March, 1924, upon a judgment ren­ returned to their ranch places the
dered and entered in aaid Court on same day.
the 14th day of January. 1924. in
favor of Credit Service Company,
Plaintiff, and against G. L; Davenport,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Defendant, for the sum of $722.50 with Oregon, for Hood River County.
interest at ike rate of 7 per cent per
A. D. Moe, Plaintiff, vs. Hazel Dunn
annum from the 3rd day of January,
1922, together with the sum of $125.00, and Jesse N. Dunn. Defendants.
To Hazel Dunn nnd Jesse N. Dunn,
a reasonable attorney’s fee, ami for
tlie further sum of $21.40 costs and the above named defendants?
disbursements and the costs of and
In the name of the Blate of Oregon:
upon tills writ commanding me to
You and each of you are hereby re­
make Bale of the following described quired to appear and answer the cun­
reffl property, to-wlt:
plaint of the plaintiff on file in the
Ttie South Half of Lot Nine (9), above entitled Cause, on or before six
Lots Twelve (12), Thirteen (18), weeks from the date of the first publi­
Fourteen (14), Mclrwin Tract, in Sec­ cation of this mqnmona, to-wlj: on or
tion Nine (9), Township Two North of before six weeks from the 3rd dny of
Range Eleven (11) East of the Wil­ April, 1924; and If you fail so to
lamette Meridian, situated in tbe appaar and Answer «aid complaint the
County of Hood River and State of plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for therein, to-wit:
Now Therefore, by virtue of said ex-- For the foreclosure of that certain
ecution, Judgment order and, order of mortgage executed by the defendants
sale ani in Compliance with the com- on the North Half of the North Half
numda of said writ, I will, on Satur­ of the Bou fh west Quarter of the North­
day, the 31st day’ of May, 1924, at 10 west Quarter, Section 10, Township 2
p clock a. m., at the East Front door North, Range 10 East of the Willam­
of the County Court House, Hood ette Meridian, and recorded in Volume
River, IltMid River’ County, Oregon, 18, at Page 551 of the Records of
sell at public auction (subject to re­ Mortgages of Hood RfVer County. Ore­
demption), to the highest bidder for gon. and for such other relief as to
cash in hand, all the right, title and the Court may seem Just.
interest which the within named de­
This summons is served on you
fendant, G. L. Davenport, had on the pursuant to the order of the Honor­
18th day of September. 1922, the date able H. L. Haabrouck, Judge of the
of attachment thereof or since that County Court of the State of Oregon,
. date had In and to the above descrilied for Hood River County, dated, made
property or any part thereof, to satis­ god entered on the 3rd day of April,
fy said execution. Judgment order and 1924, requiring you and each of you to
decree, interest, costs and accruing appear and answer aaid complaint on
Thos. F. Johnson,
or before six weeks from the date of
Sheriff of Hood River County. Ore­ the first publication of this summoos.
ml-29 which date is the 3rd day of April,
Itated thlp 25th d«y of April, 1924.
A. 3. Derby,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
Hood River, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given, that by vir­
tue, of an execution in a foreclosure
Notice ef Street Improvement
duly issued out of the Circuit Court
Went Oak Street
of the State of Oregon, for Hood River
County, by the clerk of said Court, • Pursuant to the order of the Com­
mon Council contained in Ordinance
under the Seal thereof, dated the 28th No.
658 of the’City ef Hood River,
day of April, 1924. in a certain suit in Oregon, passed i>y the Common Coun­
said Court, wherein Theodore Tlaas as cil April 21. 1924, and approved by the
plaintiff recovered Judgment and De­ Mayor on the 24th day of April. 1924.
cree against Belle Schmidt and Chas. notice is hereby given that the under­
P. Schmidt, her husband, and Fossil
Mei^antile Company, a corporation,.as signed City Recorder will receive bids
for the following improvement:
defendants, for the sum of TWO
Oak Street and Cascade Avenue
from the west line of Ninth Btreet on
thereon at the rate of eight per cent Oak
west to the end of the pave­
per annum- from March 11, A. D. 1*22 ment Street
on Cascade Avenue and Colum­
until paid; for the further sum of
attorney's fees and 318 costs: and bia River Highway which is about 96
feet west of the east line of Nine­
said decree foreclosed that certain teenth
mortgage executed by first two above River, Street In th« City rtf Hood
Oregon by constructing and
named defendants to pMintiff. against laying down
thereon from the «nt
♦he hereinafter descrilied real proper­ line of
ty and ordered and commanded ine to section Ninth Street went to tbo Inter-
wlth the center line of Cas-
sell the said real property according -ade Avenue,
n concrete pavement 18
to law;
Now, therefore, by virtue and au­ feet in width, being 9 feet on either
thority of said decree and Writ. I will, side of the center line of said portion
on the 2nd day of Jnne. 1924. at the of said Oak street, and by construct­
ing nnd laying down thereon from the
north front door of the Court House, intersection
of the center lines of Oak
in Hood River City. In said County,
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said Street and Cascade Avenue west to
day. sell at public auction to tbe high­ said paveptent a concrete pavement
est bidder, for cash, tbe following de­ 10 feet in width, tieing 8 feet on cither
side of the center line of aaid portion
scribed property, to-wit:
Beginning one hundred-thirty three of Cascade Avenue.
AU work incidental to the construc­
and one third r<»ds south of the North­
east corner of Section thirty three tion and laying down of said pave­
(33) In Township one (1) North. ment, such as grading and conatruct-
Range ten (10) east of the Willamette ing water drains, shall be done if eny
meridian; running thence west one such is needed, and the composition,
hundred sixty rods; thence «oath dimensions, location and manner of
twenty six and two thirds rods; thence constructing or making each part of
east one hundred sixty rods; thence said improvements shall be strictly in
with the plans and spec­
mirth twenty six and two thirds rods accordance
containing ifications of the City Engineer, which
to tbe place of beginning,
the standard specifications of the
twenty six and two third,» acre«; to- are
gether with the tenements, heredita­ State Highway Department for con­
ment« and appurtenances thereunto be­ crete pavement.
Healed proposals for the work will
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 1st tie received at my office up to 8 o'clock
p. m.. May Sth, 1924, and the Common
day of May. 1924.
Council will at its next regular meet­
Thos. F. Johnson.
Sheriff of Hood River County, Origon. ing after the completion of the pub­
lication of this notice, to-wit: On
E H Hartwig. Esqnlfe,
ml-29 tlie Sth day of May, 1924, at the Coun­
Attorney for Plaintiff.
cil Cha miter at the hour of 8 o’clock
p. m.. proceed to open and consider
aU blds for said work, which Is or­
dered by the Common Council by said
Ordinance No. 657, duly enacted as
above specified; that the Improvement
will be let in one contract, and will
lie required to be completed within
We have just received a car thirty (30) days from the date of. the
of Land Plaster which we offer awarding of the same to the successful
bidder, who will be required to fur­
warehouse at
nish a bond to the City of Hood River
$14.00 per Ton
in a sum' of not less than 25 per
cent of the estimated cost of the con­
We also have a complete line tract for the faithful performance
of Fertilizers for Orchards, Berries. thereof; that complete specifications
are on file in my office covering the
Gardens and Lawns—
Improvements • for which bids are
Tankage, Fish Meal, Sheep Guano, called, which may be examined by
prospective bidders upon application,
Muriate of Potash, Superphosphate and said contract will be awarded to
the lowest and tieat bidder upon said
The City reserves the right to reject
any or all bids, or to waive any de­
fects therein, for the benefit of the
City of Hood River. The terms of the
specifications shall be notice to pros­
pective bidders of the requirements
Call, Phone or Write
demanded by said City in ths per­
formance of said work.
This notice Is given fox ten days by
publication In ths Hood River Glacier,
a newspaper published at the Gity of
Hood River, Oregon, the date of the
first publication being the 24th day of
Tomato Special
Clark Special
April. 1924. .
H. L. Howe,
City Recorder.
The annual .tat. convention .of the
American Legion win be held in Port­
land during tbe Roes Festival wdsk,
June 11 to 14, under the auspices of
Fortland Poet No. 1. The special
comailttee from the Portland poet In
< barge of convention arrangements is
James R. Bain, chairman; Harry B-
C tilth low, E. L. Wilson, Chester A.
Fuller. Arthur M. Geary, Fred Angell
and John A. Beckwith.
The convention sessions will be held
in the beautiful Labor temple at
Fourth and Jefferson streets, and reg-
iat ration headquarters will be at the
elub rooms of tbe Portland poet, above
the Hibernia I ihii X on the corner of
Fourth and Washington streets.
Many features ere being planned by
the different poets throughout the
state for their participation in one of
ttie big Rose Festival parades In
which the Legion will march. The
Hood River poet plana to feature its
mountain activities In «-unique way
and Kent Shoemaker la In charge of
the arrangements.
He states that
Hoed River to out after the« craad
prize for tbe number of men in line
and tlie most unique display.
Time to think
Spring h the time
Nature come» out in fre»h apparel.
What about your home? Going to give
it a new spring dress? Inside and out,
winter leaves its marks. Why not sms *
m »A them away?
Go over the floors.
Brighten up the woodwork. Touch up :
furniture that has become worn and dulL
We sell the particular varnish you need
for each particular purpose—
Holman A Samuel Make 1
Holman A Samuel have mads a de­
cided improvement at their Sanitary
Market sn the Heights. The growth
«t- their business haa been such that
they have had a trunk line telephone
Installed. Beginning with today the
new phone of the popular market and
grocery will be 8811.
You can always depend upon thee«
famout vxrnishee. They come specially
prepared for each type of wort
in one of the largest varnish works in th«
country. Marked by the Acme Quality
label which is the safest guaranty we know.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given: That the
undersigned has been appointed Ex­
ecutor of the will of John Bullwlnkel,
<lecease<i, by the County Court of
Hood River County, Oregon, and has
duly qualified as such. AU persons
having claims against said Estate are
hereby notified to present the same,
duly verified according to law, to the
undersigned, at the office of hia attor­
ney, George R. Wilbur, Eliot Building,
Hood River, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated and first published this April
10, 1924.
Fred Vogel,
Executor of the Estate of John
Phone 8811
Notice ef Guardian’s Sale
Notice is hereby given that by vir­
tue of aii order of the County Court
of Linn County, Oregon, made April
14, 1924, authorizing and empowering
the undersigned as Guardian of Pearl
May Jones, Insane, to aeil the .Intereat
of the said Pearl May Jones in the
fitllowing described land, to-wit: An
undivided one-fifth interest, subject to
the right of dower of Mary B. Thom­
as, as widow of E. L. Thomas, de­
ceased, in and to the Northwest quar­
ter of Section One, in Township Two,
North Range Eight East of the Wil­
lamette Meridian, In Hood River
Connty, Oregon
at private sale;
Therefore, 1 will from and after
the Ztet day of April. 1934, at tbo
office of Aubrey 8. Turning, Browns­
ville, Oregon, sell the above described
interest In tbe above described land
at private sale, to the highest bidder
for cash in band, subject to confirma­
tion by said Court.
Mary B. Thomas.
After May 1st, our phone number
wiU be S811
We have installed < double trunk
phone system by which we are
able to give you better service
Our meats are fresh and
ferred Stock Line comp
We thank you for your patronage.
Notice of Sale of Real Property
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood River County.
In the matter of the Rotate of Dee
and Freda Tomlinson, Minora
Notice la hereby given that, pursu­
ant to an order and Licence of sale
...... ........ „.J
P hone 8811
of the above entitled Court in said o
cause, I will, on and after Saturday,'
the 3rd day of May, 1924, proceed to
sell at private sale to the highest ! mid
liest bidder tbe undivided one
te half
interest of tbe sbove named minor.
Dee Tomlinson, in andzto tbe follow­
ing described real property, situated
in Hood River County, Oregon;
Ix>ts 3-4-5-20-21 and 22, Block 7,
Idlewiide Addition to the City of
the Mood
blood of such bulls
Hood River, Oregon;
YOU ’ ’ LL
upon the following terms: The pur­
GLOWS CHIEF, ST. MAIVE8 and other noted sires are close up in the
chaser to secure the purchase price
pedigrees of the offering.
of said minor's Interest by first mort­
The offering luclu
ten of such bulls as OXFORD
gage upon said entire real property,
drawing interest at the rate of seven
CHIEF, ONOTAS C ’ILLON BOY, etc. They are cu
per cent per annum, interest payable
semi-annually, to run for such time
BEAU) and FERNS OXFORD WARFARE. (He to rich In U m
ss may be agreed upon, and subject to
Hensetional Fern, Eminent an* Violas Oxford Lad.)
confirmation by said Court.
Thia lierd is lieiug used for practi<-al work in the dairy,
Dated and first published this 3rd
many J «specially the young stock) would command favorable a
day of April. 1924.
the »Sow ring. Certainly an Ideal opportunity to secure heavy
8. J. Moore, Guardian. x
foundation cows, bred heifers, younger calves, both sexe«
forget the young bull. -Fern'* Oxford Warfare, who to especially recon-
mended to those wanting tbe very best show type from producing and
Market Road Highway Csmtractlsa
show winning ancestry.
Hood River County, Oregon
The cntaloga are now ready—eent free upon request. Sale to be held
Healed bids will be received by the
on tlie Bemom Hotel Farm, 14 miles east from Portland, Just off tbe
County Court of Hood River County.
Line Road. Watch for sign on the roadalde.
Oregon, st the office of the County
Cleric in the City of Hood River, Hood
Rlv«r County, Oregon, at 1.30 o’clock
p. m.,'on the 12th day of May, 1924.
Forest Grove, Oregon.
for construction of a section of con­
crete road beginning at the west end
Port tend,
of the West Hide Market Road and
running West for a distance of approx­
imately 3400 feet.
The work lnvolvea approximately
100 cu. yds. common excavation; 6100
sq. yda. preparation of subgrade; 6100
sq. yds. 7 in. (1-2-3 mix)’ concrete
paving; 30 lin. ft. 12 in. culvert pipe;
1KOO lin. ft. expansion Joints; 6800 Un.
ft. shoulder construction; 60 cu. yda.
croaked rock.
No bid will be considered, unless
accompanied by cash, bidder’s bond or
certified check for an amount equal to
at least five per cent of the total
amount of the bid.
A corporate surety bond will be re­
Goods will be picked up at all of the
quired for the faithful, perforiqapce of
the contract In a shm equal to one half
following places (Valley point») on Tuesdays
of the total amount of the bld.
and returned Thursdays:—
Plana, specifications, forms of con­
tract, proposal blanks (same as used
by state) and full information for
Parkdale—at Mclsaac’s.
bidders may be obtained at the office
of the Coubty Clerk. Hood River,
Pine Grove—at Bickford’s.
Oregon, upon the deposit of $5.
The right Is reserved to reject any
Odell —at Odell Hotel.
and all proposals or to accept the
proposal or proposals deemed best for
Mt. Mood—at Mt. Hood Postoffice.
the County.
By order of the County Court.
Kent Shoemaker,
Oak Grove and Barrett Garments—will
a 24 ml
Codnty Clerk.
Godwin’s Jerseys at Auction
Tuesday, May 6, 1924
Parkdale Auto Stage
f Phone ¡201
Leaves Hood River daily at
4.30 p. m.
be picked up at the Oak Grove and Barrett
Stores, on Wednesday and will be returned
Friday or Saturday.
- Mosier Garment» — will be picked up Mon*
days at Race’s Confectionery and returned on
Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8
a. m. (except Sunday).
Every Saturday Leave*
Parkdale at 6 p. m.
Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier