Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1924)
aooi> mvaa placier , thcuuu > ay , apbxl at, im FORD CAR OWNERS’ . GEORGE T. COCHRAN FIAT RATE SERVICE æC ALLS ON ELECTORS . We carry “Eastman Cameras, Films, Film Packs—everything to help make your picture taking a success. ■ eTi DEL MONTE service counts too Let ùs do your developing and printing. H. L. Hasbronck. optometrist. 4:00 p. m. tomorrow KEIR Reliable Druggist CHASE IS UNDER WAY Why We Patronize Home Industry B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Métal Work ZEROLENE Hood River Abstract Co. STANDARD OIL COMPANY I <eAi.iroANiA> : Real Estate and Insurance J. D. Me LUO AS CONTRACTOR. Practical worker in Stone, Concrete, Brick and Planter. Excavating, Grading, Etc. L umber B ill , Mgr. P hone 4121— that ’ s our self - starter Mrs. Ferguson At Convention# Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, member of the executive committee, left Monday for Portland, where she will attend the annual state Sunday school convention. Mrs. Ferguson, one of the most en thusiastic Bunday school workers of the mld-Columbia, will proceed to Mc Minnville. where she will attend the girl«' conference. , 8TEVEÄ8 BLÄK. PORTLAND Consultation Hood River bv appoint ant. Phone WW FINE LINE OF MILK BREAD JUST LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE HOWELL BROS FOURTH STREET DENTI8T Office, 4, 5 and 6, Smith Building. Office Phone 2021 Res Phone 3144 Hood River, Oregon AND HT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY WM. WEBER Time Table No. 37 ThèElectric Bakery W. A. Osborn, Prop Taking effect Sunday, July 34th, 1423. Na. i Na. 3 Netor »•"y r. m . tally No. 1 •Dally Except ----- a. ■. 11.40 11 43 11.53 12 03 12.06 A. ». 4.46 4 52 4 57 5 01 6. <15 6.10 5.15 12.11 8.43 8.48 8 63 9.03 9.08 9.15 9.26 5.25 5 30 P M. 12.50 12 55 10 00 ....Ar. P. M. 1 A. M. 4.15 4.18 4.38 4.41 - —7 - Stations — 8.00 . ...I,V. Iee4 Ptver Ar.......... 8.06 ............. Powsriisle ............. 8.15 ........ Switchback.............. j 8.25 ...i... Van Horn .............. 8.30 Na. 3 Jh.4 •Daily Except Holiday Sunday ». a. A.«. 0.15 8.15 0.12 3 IS ».<>2 8.0fi 8.W 8.52 t un 8.48 Ns. 4 Metéf MU a. m . 2.65 2.52 2 42 2.32 2.28 P. M.- • 7.80 7.27 7.17 7.07 7.03 • 48 8.36 8 81 8.27 8 24 8 20 8.12 2.38 2.16 2 11 2.07 2.04 2.00 1.32 8.58 8.51 6.46 642 6 39 «36 6.27 8.05 8 00 A. M. 1.45 1.40 6.20 6.15 P. M. ................ Lents ................. 12.17 12 22 12.26 12.80 12.35 12.40 2 45 2.40 .............. Summit ............. . ............... Bloodier .............. 2 35 2.26 ................ Holstein ............... .............. Winans ................ 2.20 ......... Dee............ pm . .. 2.15 .......... Tront Creek ............ 11.16 ............. Camp 1 ............ 9.35 ............. Woodworth ............ 11.05 Parktet Lv...... 11.00 A. M, N#8 f Stfvduy •* I * P. M. •Steam, t Motor. Owing to limited space on Motor Oars all trunks ahd heavy baggage will be handled on the steam trains, either in s ivinos of or following the passengers. ■ Nos. S, 4, 6. 6 and 8, Motors, have right of track over Nos. 1 and 2. Steam Trains will ciaar time of Motor Cars at all meeting and passing points Five (5) Minutes. Steam Trainswill occupy Mail. Una at meeting and passing pointe, but will permit motors to pass withont delay. Motor Cars will approach Bidings and Stations cautiously, exacting to find main line occupied. h . L. M c K ittrick , Dwpr. _; f . m . bhurti . iff , sUpt. Fuel Fuel Call us for wood or coal. We also do heavy freighting, as well as light hauling. Sand, gravel and builderg’ materials. ___ _ REAL BREAD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C omplktb X-R ay E xaminatiom Suite 5, Broeius Bldg. The University of Oregon school of lournallam is working with the Ore gon State Editorial Aasoclatlon and the Aasoclated Industries of Oregon in the promotion of a contest for the lient editorial or article published in any Oregon newspaper on the benefits of patroataiag Oregon industries and home-town merchant#. Dan C. Free man. of Portland. manager of the Associated Industries. is Offering a prize of »100. and the winner will be announced at the state editorial con vention at Tillamook next July. The committee in chaw of the contest is: Tisi E. Ho«#, president of the Oregon State Editorial Association; George S. Turnbull, of the school of journalism facility, sad Mr. Freeman. A.•cord Ing to statlatics of F. L. Kent. Oregon federal crop sfatlstlrian, Waa- a» county for 1023. produced and mar keted more cherriea than any other county of Oregon. ‘The total «top reacted 8,500k000 pound#, valued at $280,OQO. Other count lea produced cherries aa follow#: . , Union, 2,500.000 pounds: Umatilla. 1.500,000; Polk. 1.500,000; Marion, 1.500,000; Lane. 1.250.000. The entire Oregon cherry crop ta valued at »1,400,000. - 7T Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks LUMBER Confectionery DEE, OREGON Phone: Odell 406 TRY OUR 4th of July WATCH