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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1924)
VOL. XXXV 4IOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924 In our advertisements we talk quite a bit about saving. So much, perhaps, that some may think-we favor miserliness. time most »ood judgment in ali pur ging upon not more than income. Save the other Accessories of the smart Toilette which present new Standards of Style, Beauty and Value. Perfume * Toilet Water - Face Powder - Tab cuín Lotion - Single and Double Vanities Lipstick - Cleansing Cream - Vanish ing Cream - Sachet-Bath Crystals Brilliantine - Fragrant Dusting Powder DRUG COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON THREE FLOWERS Rouge, Twin Compacts, Lipstick, Travelettes, Perfume, Sachet Powder, Etc HOOD RIVER DRUG CO. Phone 1561 Squibb Quality Fountain Service We serve a Merchants’ Lunch. The third annual mld-Columbia hirer-mholastic track aud field nwrt will lie held at' Gibson field next Sat urday. V tailing team« are expected from The Dalle«, Maryhill, Dufur, Goldeiidale. Stevenaon, Whit»1 Salmon and eaateru Oregon high achoolg. The Hood River athlete« have sac- rificed I»«MelMill thia spring, In order to devote their entire time to track. Conch Kcmey will endttovor to cap ture the track and field meet. ,Mav 17 lie will take the Hood River teihu to Pacific unlveraity at Foreat ’Grove for ao annual event that will draw team« from the main high «ch«Mda of western Oregon and Wa«hlngton. Mr. Keeney, who will h>ave the local acbtail ne»t fall to become principal of tbe Parkdale Union high school, i« presi dent of the niid-Columliia athletic as »elation. C. II. McNight, of Dufur, is secretary of the organization. * Hood River boys who will imrtici- |Mi(e in tiie meet are: Boger ami Bartley Woodyard. Arlen McCarthy. Jesse Hatt home, Kent, Hukarl, JHp ¿ilng and Waach. CONTRIBUTED Vanishing Cream, Cleansing Cream, Skin and Tissue Cream Face Powder BUTLER BANKING COMPANY^ Member Federal Reserve System More than Columbia Gorge Hotel The management wishes Hood River folk to feel that this is their own hostelry Per Daj Per Year $11.07 $400.30 ALL M1D-COLUMBIÂ TO PARTICIPATE lat Lieut. S.30 »33.00 2nd I.i. ■ ui, • 4A0 270.00 1 «8.1X1 dat Sgt. ‘2.80 108.00 •»rgiapt 1.80 Corporal 1.26 TS.00 Frisate lei. 1.15 • OOJMi Private LOO oo 5 qo The captain receives $240 per yeur tor property accountability, the au.n 11 Next Thursday evening at the Co payable quarterly. He get« an armory lumbia Gorge hotel, with delegxitibna nlhiwance of $7<X> per year. Th«1 llg- | from all uiid-Coliimbla frutt district« Utfiea on the pay of men. is baaed on I participating, the third annual Apple a streugtli of txt men. all men attend Kinssoiu banquet of the Hood River ing live drill« per mouth. The income 1 ’’l.ambei of Commerce will be held. tor th»> annual encampment, providing :| Rev. R. A. Hutcbinsqn. of Parkdale, all men attend for 15 days, readie« 1 «ill I h > a principal speaker. Efforts $1.033.tX). •will be m«Me to have A. 8. Dudley, The legion «Company Co committee nuinagrr of the State Chamber of consists of Dr. Plneo, Don McCloml Conimer««1, here to deliver an address, and Fred H. Bell. F. S. Kelly repre With invitation« ia«ued to Mpaler, sents the Chamber of Commerce on UnderwiMid and White Salmon. It la .the committee and L. B. Uiliaou waa expe»te»l tliui the banquet wilt attract appointed from the Tuesday Lonoh a record large attendance. Many Mo dub. sier fo|k have already signified their iutruthm »if living present. The chil dren of the Mosier sebooia, who »eond with their vaudeville «how last week, will entertain the1 dinner guests with their junior vaudeville stunts. • The Chamber entertainment commit tee consists of Dr. H. D. W. Plneo, Bay la«1 and L. Wetzel In charge of arrangement«. Mr llmilby yesterday telephoned to William Allyn that he would send Jake Alien. w»‘U known advertising ami pnlillclty muu. hen1 tor the ban quet if he could tyit atteud liiiuaelf. The P»»rHand I*rogn*«ive Buslneaa Men’s ylub has lieen Invited to attend the fuix'tiuu. Grade MANY HIGH SCHOOLS WILL CONTEST g iptain i Prof. L. F. Henderson, in an addr»*« to the memtier« of the Tuesday Lunch club at the Hotel Oregon, stated that of the 4.T treta found tn tbe state Of -Oregon, a total of 33 «re found in Hood River county. He declared that he ’ knew of only one other county, I-ane. that would |s»mdbl.v have more *I»oci<*. Prof, Henderson gave an ex tremely interesting talk, carrying Ida ln'arera from th»1 lowlands along tbe Columbia up to the very snow« of Moiiut Ifood. He began with a de scription of the larg»1 cottonwisids. indigenous to the lowland«. Prof. Henderson stated that cottenw«H><l« are peculiar in that some of the tree* l«*r male and others female blossoms. Hie latter produce the tine. eott»»a.v down that creates a nuisance after blooming time. lie told of a visit lo Detroit. Mich., a number of years ago when he found axemen felling mag nificent cottonwoods along the av- enues. Someone In planting the early day tree* had selected fi-inalea of the species, with the result that the down after the bloomtug period ao thickened tbe air aa almost to choke residents. Prof. Henderson ended with the white barke»! pine, which grows at the .very snow line. Frequently, he said, a tree will lie no more than 20 feet high with a trunk 18 inches in diam eter. The specimen may be several hundred years old. Dr. H. L. Dumble waa chairman of the meeting. President Burt me«« read a letter from Vicg President Snow,- wiio tendi'n-d his resignation. On motion of Dr. Sitton lie waa voted life membership. R. W. Kelly will be chairman of the meeting next week nt the Mount H»« h 1 hotel. Guiwts pre« ent ware: E. It. Holbrook, T. A. lieekhr, W. B«iiwartzculH-rg. of the Anwrleuu Trading Co., and H. E. Baker, who will befóme new P. P. A L. manager here. J. 6. Meyer an»l C. T. Howe w«»re annonneed as new memtier«. The name of Mr. Holbrook was pro[«»«e<l for memliershlp. Mr. Snow gave a abort appeal to niemlieni of the club to Join In the plans for popularizing Company C. At hi« Instance it was voted to appoint Prof. Gibson from the club on a com mittee of the American Legion and Chamber of Commerce which will a»-t in the » uiiaclty of a lietter understand ing between tbe company and the general public. ERAL WORK STARTED Aa the time approaihea for the In tel»« I ve work for tlie University of Oregon Endowment eaiupalgn the member* of the gilumni' and former «indent* are ahoWlng more enthusiasm for tiie program. It I* just being real ized hoy neceKHary it Is that Improve ment« and new building« are placed on the campus. Also the alumni has a feel ing of sacrifice In entering thta cam paign a« they witnt to do something lasting for their unlveraity comrades who lost their life in the great"war. This will find expression in the me morial court, around which will be placed aoine of the new Im lid Inga. May II tbe endowment dinner will be held in Hood River and all gradu ate*. former students. their wives, or husband«, are Invited to atteud. Thia dinner 1« tender»*d by the endowment campaign general committee and a speaker will I* on hand from bead- quarter« to make a talk. Tliere will be other «|ieakers during the evening and rentiion feature* will be Indulged in. The dinner will he served by the Hood ltiver Drug Co. GEO. R. TREMBLAY, Manager Take Advantage of These Low Prices REMEMBER OUR EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO Everything to Build Anything MEN’S SUITS Cleaning Pressing Satisfaction Guaranteed Berkeley II. Snow, manager of tbe Hood River office of tbe Pacific Power Light Co.. haw tendered his resigns- tlon and has accepted the Northwest editorahip of the Journal of Elec tricity, published at San Francisco. Mr. Snow, who lias tender««’ bia r»*ig- iflltio'n Rs vice president of the Tues day Lunch dull and tbe Chamber of ('»immerce. will make Portland bia headquarter«. He waa also command er of the poet of th»» American Ix'glon. Ho will leave soon for San Franciaco. where he will sp»>nd several week« liecoming acquainted with hla new duties. H. E. Baker, who haa been ktationed at the Naches. Wash., office of the power concern, will succeed Mr. Snow «« manager here, With hl« coming the power system of th* mid-Columbla. which ha« formerly been administered from The Dalle« office of tha company, will he liM-ated here. New* of the action of. Mr. Know in deciding to leave Hood River reunited in a general expression o'f regret«. Mr« Ejecta Bryant, aged 75 yearn and native of New York state. died at the home of her daughter, Mra. I* E. Taft Monday night. Funeral services were conducted yesterday at River- able (Viniinunlty dittreh, Rev. W. H. Buddy offivtatlrtlg. Interment occurred nt Idlewilde cemetery. 8. E. Bartinea« directed the funeral. Mr«. Bryant, who 1« aurvive<l by an other daughter. Mra. E T Folia, of Eugene, had resided in. Hood River «Ince 11X17. Mr«. Bryant, who,waa the «later of .Indxe G. B. Searle, of St. (loud, Minn., waa born June .0. 1818. at Franklin ville. N, Y. Iler brother waa on the supreme bench of Minnesota for 30 year«. Another brother. Hon. L. E. Hear)»1, was a- prominent lawyer of New York City. News of the deatli brought genuine grief to a boat of frleiiila. ESTABLISHED 1H$ TRUE-TO-NAME NURSERY H. S. GALUGAN, Proprietor Cherries, are profitable to grow in Hood Biver. Galligan has a good stock of all leading varieties, Hood River grown and guaranteed, and the price is attractive. TRUE-TO-NAME NURSERY The American legion Post, through n recently appointed committee, in en deavoring to stininlate luter«*t in Com pany 0, 180th Regiment, thia city'« Oregon National Guard unit, to the point where a waiting list will be maintained for membership. Reernita to the company have be»>n called for. T)i<* new men are asked to report next Monday night. If they choose they ran proceed at have Dr. V. R. Abraham give them a physical exam ination,- la' order that they may be ready for signing up at the armory next Monday. Working with Capt. H. JL Blackman, the Legion comhiittce has compll»1»! flgnrea to «how that the guard com pany la a good thing for the city from1 An approxlmnte 40 members of the Hood River, Waa»1»» and "Rherman county group of file Oregon State Banker« Association participated in their jirat meeting of tile year follow ing n lianquet at the Columbia Gorge hotel Saturday night, Chief «ileaker« of the oci-aaion were; Edgar Honaen- I ch', preaident r_______ __ of the ___ «tate organiaa- tion, I and Andrew H. Miller, -it« field the Hood River Country Club. On»1 of the most active chamber of commerce secretaries at the Univer sity of Oregon school last _week was Hood River’s Win P. Allyn. He waa electc»l editor of the “I Opener,” offi cial dally paper of the session. Ho was niade^segxfGi.’XM.tDe state #«ae-. elation of ehatnber secretaries. While in Eugene Mr. Allyn dev»ite»l aom»1 time to plans for the no* $16,000 Masonic • club honae which will bo erected nt the University of Orsgfm. Mr. Allyn conceived the Idea of the fraternal club house. ,