The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 17, 1924, Image 9

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The ladies of Asbury Methodist brother, Sidney 0. Miller. Mr. Miller
hold an Easter bake sale is owner of * large printing business
jat Franz's store Battuday, April . 19, ill Chicago.
Mil day.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Nash and two
H. L. Hasbronot, optometrist. -
Witham Cloyd, member ot the Pa­
Hail Inaurance. See R. E. Scott, mfitf cific Power A Light Co,, wbe recently children returned last week from the
Willamette Valley where they. spent
' **"-,Ze* Porter, of Underwood, waa ■praiued bis ankle severely, is again several days on a motor trip. Mr.
here Monday shopping.
able to be out and about.
Nash declared that the crop condi­
U you »io not receive your Oreeonian tions of the valley look reassuring.
. I£P
K M Blu,k motored
to Portland last week.
regularly or wish to subscribe for same,
H. 8. Braakman does painting, paper
by carrier or mail, please call hanging and decorating. Have yoor
a visitor from either
Oregonian agent. Phone 2303. t 2ltf
bouse enameled inside and outside with
the Upper Valley last »wk.
Searches of records and reliable ab­ a guarantee tor six years. Tgl. 2404,
Highest hash price paid lor your used
tarnitura, stovMand rugs. Call McClain stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com­ Braakman’a Herds are, Paint and Wall
•t E. A. Frans Co.
a2Qft pany, A. W. Ontbank, Manager, 806 paper, Smith Building,
Oak Street. Pbone 1621.
Eves scientifically examined by H. L
We pay cash for your old furniture or group of chlldreu last Thursday af­
HMbroMte, Optometrist Heilbronner
make a liberal allowance on new good». ternoon in celebration of the joint
. fHti
Hackett 8411, Kelly Bros. Co. Fnr- birthdays of her little daughters, Jan­
Trank», Bags, Suitcases. large gR- Call
nitpri Exchange.
et Ilay and Palate.
lortment, reasonably priced.
Mias Anelory Everson is ill at the
Are you Interested In community
Bros. Co.
If Cameron could not have fixed your Cottage Hospital. Rhe la resting well singing? Are you Interested in bee
llectric ayetem I would have told you after an operation Tuesday. Miss keeping? Are you interested in thei
Everson toi suffering from the effei-ts latest word from the Ilood River Ex­
1 »•
<>f an attack of pneumunia.
periment Station? If 'ao, 'come to
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kocken, accom­
Rtanipher, superintendent of Park Grange hall next Wednesday
panied bv Mrs. Forrest I, Mm* mo tlie Mins
Cottage hospital, spent Monday in evening. Social time and refrvahmenta.
iored to PortlautHBunday.
l*ttrth»nd vistttng relatives and friends
Mrs. Alexander Thompson, formerly |
Pastelle and oil painting, china dee- and ntttudlng to busitu-ss.
joint representative in the legislature
iratlun and firing. See busiu«wa «<i
Want sninethtng good fur rhe Kairer ticm H' hh I River and AAaseo counties, I
Roas Phlllipl, Tel. 34S2.
dinner? Then Unit tlie Asbury Meth­ who now reHides in Portland, is a can­
Edison diamond disc phonogruph odist ladies’ bake sale at the Franz didate for delegate at large to the
Democratic National convention.
•nd records for sale at a bargain. store,- all day Saturday.
Telephone 1234.
Sir. and Mrs. L. C. Baldwin, back
Ito.v A. Klein, state highway engi­
Remember the Easter'bazaar given neer, on the way into eastern Oregon from, California, where they spent the
•t Kelly Bros.’ April 19 front 10 a. in. on a tour of inspection, visited J. it. winter, have removed to their Colum­
to 4 p. tn.
bia street home. Mr. and Mfs, Ernest I
Nlckelaen .last Saturday.
Dr. W. F. Laraway, who lias I teen
Gaily colored eggs, small eggs, large J. Smith and children, who liave been ,
indisposed at home the imHt two Weeks, eggs., candy and real eggs, all at the reHiding there, have moved to the Glad J
ia reported making a good recovery.
Eastau* lbi^Plis headquarters. Pythian den house on Columbia.
Mrs. J. O. Butcher wTltes from Cal­
Eugene C. Euwer motored down Sisters Bazaar.
from hia Upper Valley place last week
('apt. Wilhur and J. H. Hazlett, ifornia that Mr. Butcher haa lieen
to look after business matters.
joiirm—cd to Portland to attend the apriously ill the past several weeks.
Recently she and Mr. Butcher went
Virgil Cameron, who is now a stu­ Jefferson ' Day rally and dinner of to St. Helena Sanitarium, located a
dent at the University of Oregofi med­ Ih'inoemts of the state Huturdiiy short distance from Ban Jose. Mrs.
ical school in Portland, was here last night,
Butcher'stated in her letter that they
week visiting friends.
' James Fenenmre is now ________
a member hoped to find relief at the sanitarium.
Want something good for the Easter
Chas. Morrison, memla-r of the Gil-
dinner? Then visit the Asbury Meth­ having jinrcliiiHcd stock in the com­ piu Construction Company's crew, hsd
odist ladlen’ bake sale at the Franz
a narrow escape yesterday while at­
•tore, all day Baturday.
tempting to pilot a car to a garage
Mrs. A. 8. Kelr was in Portland last for brake repairs. The car tiecame
Ladles, those dainty spring under­
garments are now ready at the l’jth- week visiting relatives-and friends.
unmanageable on a stedp grade.and
ian Bisters bazaar Saturday, April 19. ' Al. Hutson was liepe from the Up- ran into' another machine on Cascade
per Valley tlie latter part of last week avenue after narrowly missing other
Mr. and Mrs. ,C. H. Jones had as on business' nml calling on friends.
machines. The damage was slight.
their guests over the week end their
woman who wants a newTIat
daughter, Miss Vivian, and Mrs. T. for The
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Schaffner for
Easter, and that, of course, means
Turppa from Portland.
every woman, will find Dress Hate .the past few dayiT have been enjoying
J. R. Phillips, of Bingen, is now'at nml Sport Hats In smart styles for a visit from friends of their youth,
the Oregon Lumber Co. camp lieiug maids' aud matrons at Tlie Gertrude Mrs. G. W. IIiMtd, of Muskegon, Mich.,
and Mrs. 8,'A. Btnock, of Redlands,
operated by E. C. Wolf. Mr. Phillips Hat Shopis*.
Calif., sisters of W. H. _Angell, vice
to saw filer for the camp.
Mr, ami Mrs. John Van Horn, re­ president of Continental Motora ofr
I. E. McNutt, who re<-ently left with turning to their home at Fossil from
Mrs. McNutt for Portland to reside, California, where they Aid spent the Detroit, Mich. Mrs. H imk I is return­
was here the first of the week looking winter, were here last week calling ing to her home in Muskegon after a
four months' visit with Mr. Angell and
after business matters.
on their daughter, Mrs. Folston, and his family at their winter residence
Wm. P. Allyn is spending this’ week family, of tlie Oak Grove district.
at Riverside, Calif.
in Eugene attending the University of
Mr. *nd Mrs> E. B. Winter iiasseil
An article telling of the successful
Oregon school for secretaries of Ore­ through the city hint Thursday, mo­
business methods enqiloyed by a Ilood
gon chambers of commerce.
toring from their home at Pendleton River drug store, has lteen written by
The ladies of Asbury Methodist to Portland. Mi;. Winter, formerly, Margaret Morrison, a Hood River girl
church will hold an Easter bake sale with the First National Rank here, In the .school of journalism at the Uni­
at Frans's store Baturday, April 19, is now wit li a Pendleton bank.
versity of Oregon, and accepted by I
all day.
John-J. Miller, ell route from Cal­ the “Western Druggist,’’ a trade maga­
W. II. Edlck, who soon expects ap­ ifornia. where he s|a>nt the winter, zine published in Clili-ago. Miss Mor­
pointment as sheriff, will move to the to Heattie by automobile, and Mrs. rison is a pupil of Prof. Ralph D.
McNutt bouse from his Mount Hood Miller will stop for n visit the latter Casey, instructor, in trade journalism
ranch the latter part of this week.
part of the week with Mr. Miller's at tlie university. Rhe lias submitted
several other articles to trade maga­
zines which will likely be acceptable
to the publishers.
- Following a meeting of some 30
independent shippers and apple grow­
ers of the valley wRh C, K. Benton, I
Oregon representative of the North-
West Growers' Commission, which has
brought to the point of functioning a
new north west wide cooperative sales
agency, a numlier of the growers have
lteen lien rd to express a sentiment
favorable to affiliation with the Apple
Growers Association. Others of the
independents, however, o|i|Miae the ‘
central sales plan, which will prohibit n rare treat, carrying out the “Coon
Phone 1032
their shipping through its machinery Town” effect. Ice, cream, cake and
without affiliation with some local co­ coffee wen; sold to pay for the play
operative agency.
H. GROSS, Proprietor
;round equipment.
Mr». W. J. Fit* entertained 40 ladies
at her home Thursday afternoon, the
occasion being a kitchen shower for
Mr. and Mrs. River Johnson have re­ Miss Elizabeth Campbell.' bride “elect.
turned from California where they The room wan very artistically dec­
spent the winter. Ell Johnson and orated with yellow and white stream­
family have moved back to their er*. daffodllls and jonquils. The color
ranch at Camp No. 1. r
«■lieine waa also carried out in the
Mrs. W. H. Edick -was a Hood River 'Utility refriminiM'iita of angel food and
mnshine cakr and marshmollow whip.
business visitor Friday.
Cage Stott was Hp from Longview. Mr*. Fill was assisted l>y Mrs. Shaw,
Mrs. It unicorn. Mrs. Burchett and Mrs.
Wash., Friday, visiting friends.
Itinger. Miss t'ampltcll received many
Mrs. Endicott is here from Pendle­ pretty and useful gifts.
ton visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Joe Hoffman.
Fletcher fa Candidate
Mrs. Roberts has returned from Eu­
gene where she was under medicHl
Friends of Allison Fletcher. Repub­
lic n incumbent. Tuesday Sled for
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lereaux have re­ him ns a <-andidate for county com-
It was nnnounced last
turned to their ranch after living kev- mission) r.
week that II. F. Goodlander, prom­
eral years in Hood River.
* '
\ .
••'•••.... ............ —------- --
W. E. Barr and family have moved inent Tpper Valley grange member,
would seek the office, but no filing
to Hood River.
Jost received a carload of Flour and Feed and we are
was made.
W. T. Wyatt was a Hood "River vis
While W. A. Langille had forwarded
offering a special price on it This flour is guar­
itor Wednesday.
Ills filing to Balem as candidate for
Miss Anelory Everson was taken to Republican nomination for represent­
anteed to bake—% sack of it If you don’t get sat­
the hiispital at Hood River Thursday ative from Hood River county, no an­
isfaction, will return your money if you bring back
after a siege of of the flu and pneu­ nouncement has been made from Ra-
the balance.
leni. and friends fenr that Mr. Lan-
Horace Mecklin and family came tip gille's filing arrived too late.
trrtm Portland Rgttmtay to visit the
Blue Mountain Flour, 49 lb. sack..... ................ $ 1 .49
Mr. Langille stated yesterday, how­
W. A. Langille family. They returned ever, that he had received a letter
1% lb. sack of same flour free to a customer, as
home Sunday.
front the secretary of state formally
Beaufort Doggett came home Sun­ acknowledging his filing.
- long as they last.
day from Portland to apend the Easter
Crown, Olympic, White River or Drifted Snow
Ixiughery Wins Frans Rod
Mrs. W. J. Fill was a Hood River
Despite the chilly atmosphere many
Flour, per sack
...................................... $1.67
visitor Friday.
anglers whipped Hood river Tuesday
Mrs. Fisher came up from Hood on the initial day of o]s*n trout sea­
1 Carton Jersey Matches, 6*boxes to a carton,
River to spend Thursday with her son. Tlie fiali responded well to fly
daughter, Mrs. W. J. Fill.
in the aftem<M>n and several fisher­
1 to a customer................................
Mr. Krueder was up from Portland men landed the limit catch of 20.
a few days visiting hia daughter, Miss
C. W. Loughery. resident game
10 lbs. Sugar, 1 package to a customer .
Ixniise Krueder.
warden, won a handsome trout. rod
The Parent-Teacher association held given for the lsrgest trout on opening
Sugar Cured Bacon Back or Side Bacon, Streaked,
s very successful social at Devin's hall. day by E. A. Frans. Ills largest flab
Saturday evening. The program wan was 15 Inches.
* per pound.........................................
April 19 and 21
All City Limit Deliveries 10c for each or­
der. If you can’t come, call us up, tel. 1032.
Sugar Cured Eastern Hams, medium size, per
pound........................................ —.........
Borden’s, Libby-*, Carnation, Armour», Alpine, Dari-
made Milk, 10 cans to a customer, no more,
per can......................................................... ...... .
or Gunpowder Tea in bulk, per lb......45c
Crystal White Soap, not over 10 bars to a
cim -
National Biscuit Co?s Soda Crackers, 3% lb. box 49c
Blue Bell Cornflakes, per package
12 ox. pkg. Gold Dust Washing Powder, 2 pkgs... 15c
California Fancy White Navy Beans, 3 lbs.......... 24c
Red Mexican Bean*, 3 ib*.
Bayo Beans, 2S lbs.
Fresh Vegetables and Fruit at Special Prices.
Send or phone for Price List if you haven't yet done
so and compare the prices with what others are charging.
Orders should be sent in at once. We are already sold
out of a few varieties, and orders Bhould be sent us imme­
diately to avoid disappointment.
Phone 3263
'The tourist situation will be handled
by mi executive committee composed
of tlie chairmen of the committees
interested in this work. President
Wilbur announces the following com­
mittees which have l»eeti approved by
the Imard of directors:
Tourist and executive, Leslie But­
ler, Dr. C. II. Jenkins, It. E. Bi-ott,
P F. ('lark, E. O. Blanchar, J. H.
Fredricy, Kent R|>oemaker, Truman
Butler and A. F. 8. Steele; general
chairman of tourist committee, hotels
and resorts, Ix*alie Butler, 0. A. Bell,
Dr. J. W. Rifton and J. H. Fredricy;
auto park. Dr. C. II. Jenkins, P.< L.
Tompkins, A. Me-4tonnon, L. A. Ben­
nett. O. O. Hneiat. F. A. Olmstead.
H. O. Kresae and J. W. Crites; tour­
ist contact snd information distribu-
tlon, R. E. Scott, C. C. Anderson, R. L.
Bartel. Harry DeWitt. James Strana­
han. C. A. Bell. George R. Tremblay.
Earl Welter, E. A. Holman and L. E.
Taft: membership, A. F. 8. Steele;
publicly', folders snd pamphlets, P. F.
Clark. Victor C. Follenlus, 0. N. Rav-
lln. H. G. Ball, J. D. Tliomlaon. P. L.
Manner and R. J. Moore; roads, rout­
ing. signs, Improvements, E. O. Blan­
ch« r, J. H. Fredricy, Dr. V. R. Abra­
ham. F. H. Kelly, W. L. Nichols, C. N.
liavlln. Col. Win. R. Dowd and C. H.
Vaughan; fishing, bunting and forest
trails. J. H. Fredricy, 8. C. Walters,
W. A. langille and Edgar Franz;
Mount Hood development. Kent Shoe­
maker. Truman Butler, H. O. Kreaae.
8. J. Moore, C. E. Graves, G. I. Sar­
gent and 8. C. Walters; reception,
noted visitors and delegations, Tru­
man Butler. E. O. Blanchar, R. B.
I'ertgo and C. II. Caatner.
General committees have been ap­
pointed as follows: Agricultural, Gor­
don G. Brown, Leroy Childs anil A. F.
8. Steele; auditing, Ray Acheson and
Vau W. Gladden; entertainment. Dr.
II. I). W. Plneo, Ray Lee, Levi Whet-
sel. Van W. Gladden; fairs and ex­
hibits. C. C. Crew, J. II. Fredricy, P.
I* Manner, J. II. Kolierg and Cecil
I«afferty; house, K. W. Sinclair, W.
R. IxN* and J. H. Fredricy; industrial,
F. A. Olmsted, E. A. Fran, Nelson
Emry'and M. E. McCarty; land settle­
ment, Ix*roy Childs, R. J. Mclsaac,
Dr. J. D. Glittery, R. E. Scott and H.
L. Shoemaker; legislative and judici­
ary, J. II. Haslett, Geo. R. Wilbur and
John Baker: port and dix-k, Truman
Butler; safety first. Rev. L. H. Miller.
O. H. Caatner, C. H. Vaughan. Fred
Bell. A. T. Case and Mrs. A. G. Lewis:
scenic preservation. R E .Scott, 0. E.
Graven, J. H. Fredricy nml Geo.
Thompson : transportation, Earl Frans,
Corbett Alexander and Verne Horne.
Doings of Company C
Bunday evening the Bunday Kven-
fng Club of the Riverside church very
kindly loaned us the church for a
combination meeting at’ which Adju­
tant Genera! George A. White and
Captain George R. Wilbur were the
principal speakers. The aims and
pnr|>oaes of the National Guard were
explained by the speakers and an
a|*peal was made to the citlaena to
support .the National Guard. Several
fine musical numbers, were rendered
by the choir and A. T. Case.
Major and Mrs. James B. Gay ac­
companied General and Mrs. White
on the rieit.
Tlie annual encampment has been
nnnounced for June 10 to 24 at Del
Monte, Calif. Troops will be quar­
tered in squad tents, mess halls will
be furnished, as well as showers with
hot and cold water. The camp to only
a mile from the Pacific, so a plunge
In the surf will be a simple matter.
We will use the Del Monte polo field
for a drill ground and for ceremonlca.
The field proldeina will lie worked ont
somewhere on a reservation of about
115,000 acre*. Each man in the com-
pany will turn In by next Monday
night, to the first sergeant, a slip
showing bls name and address snd the
name sml address of bls employer, so
that the matter of camp may be taken
up with him as warn as practicable.
If you know whether or not you
can attend camp turn tn a written
statement to that effect and If you
cannot go state your reasons.
Tlie American Ix*gion committee on
National Guard affairs waa present
at drill Monday night.
We have t>een instructed to recruit
the company up to 99 ipen. That
means thst we need about 40 new men
who can go to camp. who live in Hood
River all year, who can and will at­
tend drills regularly and who will be
assets to the comisiny In every way.
We want 40 men who <«n meet these
requirements, and we want them now.
We n«-ed more men who can attend
drills and camp than we now have.
In fact, we must have them if Hood
River wishes to retain Company C
hs one of its is*rmanent organlzationa.
Enlist now and go to Del Monte with
us and then get the benefit of the
year's drills and drill pay.
Enlist now.
Winged R Club To Give Dance
Tlie members of the Winged R Club,
<x>n>posed of boys of the city and val­
ley. who are developing along various
lines of athletics, will give a dance at
the old K. of P. hall Friday night.
The I mi . vs . wlm plan on raising funds
for their activities from the dance,
will furnish the l>e*t available music.1
they aay.
For Easter Breakfast
Candy Easter Eggs
in various sizes will
please the kiddies.
The Star Grocery
Good Things to Eat
Phone 8561
“The Torreadors
Friday, April 25th, 1924
Tickets, 35c and 50c