Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1924)
HOOP HIVER THOHHDAY, APRIL 17, 1924 HOOD RIVER PLAYS buy cheap Shoes for . P!T"!.de,,t Coolidge baa set aside April 21 to 27 as Forest Protection Week throughout the L'nited States. His official proclamation has Just H-eu released to the press in which lie strongly urges the governors of all states, organizations, schools, and nil cltUeaa to Join iu giviug thought to he very heavy but preventable annual loss from 3W.OOO furvrt flrtn( iu Cnlied States. H "Plans are laid for an extiusive pnr- tiei|Mition in Forest Protection Week In the Staten ot Oregon and Washing ton, said Geo. H. Cecil, district for ester, in calling attention lo tlie pres ident s proclamation. •The interest of the public gener ally waa never so keen in forestry and forest protection as it is today. lliiH in timely, for mm h nation we are eiittiug hih I letting burn our timlter BUP Iu y -li v« tim ea faa ter than WW Ml tr growing it,” «aid Mr. Cwll. Here iu Oreg,m and Washington that ia not strictly the ease, but when we realize that, these two states inay a said to be the last great stand of timber, it certaiuly is good bimiuetui to keep what we have from needless Imrnhig. the district forester stated. Mr. Cecil called attention' to the fact that President Coolidge has shown win-re he stands on forest pro tection mid conservation in no uncer tain terms., >> Both ragged ffelding and the (From the Hkamania County Ploueerj breaks of the game defeated Ilood The monthly meeting of the county River in a contest with White Hal mon Chamber of Commerce held at the Cd- last Sunday, « to 8. Hood River’s derwood school Wednesday of last pitching waa wabbly in places bnt week was a record in attendance so ttfbt in pinches, Smith' fanned seven, far, the stormy weather having kept walked six and allowed two bits. Aui- a few at home, and those few would hurn. for White Salmon, struck out have brought the attendance to the UK) tire while Ihsal River gathered 10 hits mark. The turkey dinuer with naiad. off his delivery. Errors at the plate, Ice cream and finishing up with lam short, second and third base presented bone and cigars, was probably the l<est White Salmon with live of their runs. I »art of the meeting for those with Tlie opposition stole seioud five times appetites. but the.entertaining features while Hood River pilfered nary a sack. and addressee were enjoyed. r - - White Salmon's ffelding was flrat class, Ixiulg Thun extended a welcome while in the fourth and eighth Hood greeting to tbe visitors and he was /^•LEAN house this Spring and from now on with a new River hit Into double plays. -White made chairman for tbe evening. Salmon scosvd two in the fourth Premier Duplex Vacuum Cleaner that gets ALL the dirt A. II. Wright of the forestry depart through a hit to left flaid and errors ment gave statistics concerning ihe and that has a motor which runs for years without oiling. at home undaboft, They scored again In the fifth through a base on balls forest, allowing the amount anti value Regardless of the make, age or condition of your old vacuum and a «teal home. They made two I of the timber used and available. h I h «> I the amount of money spent oh roads cleaner we will pay you $10 for it on the purchase prijtfe of a more tallies In the sixth through new Premier scratch hits and a wild throw. ,A hot and trails, aud other work contein- •--- --------------- — grounder past third counted one more, I plated. Mias Christensen gave a vioHn selee- making six all told. Hood River counted one In the sixth by Carroll's jtion, accompanied by Mrs. Boiufnger., In addition to this $ It for your old machine we will also single, Senter's sacrifice and Smith's that was greatly enjoyed. two tagger. Again in the seventh the alloW you the same easy payment terms offered to those Dr. Flesher, secretary of the Wash register Jingled twice by the stick work ington Children’s Home society, urged who have no cleaner to trade in. This is only a dollar bf Puddy, Bruce aud Carroll. '. I the |»eople to "sell the scenery" of Ska down and the balance on easy $5 payments with your Next Sunday, April 21*. Hood River mania county, saying that in all Ids monthly light bill. plays Dufur at Hood River. Hood travels he had found nothing to com River will be considerably strength pare with the scenic beauties of the ened by tliat time with Bill Hall of the Columbia gorge. He announced tiiut a old Height's team fame behind the bat, new >(1.000 building will soon la con The Duplex has a powerful suction that cleans as any structed at the home in Home Valley. Ilruee pitching and Smith on first. really fine suction sweeper will. But that alone is not ! Geo. Christenson spoke of early day Club Percentages enough. Suction alone won’t get dirt from the bottom Won Ix»st Percent road building and bonding and com Waseo B4 -100QI plimented the county officials, nresent of the nap—without a motor-driven brush. The ftemler 000 and iuist. on their accomplishments. Hood River has both—the brush and strong suction. Double actiop I M. 8. Smith spoke of improvements 500 White Salmon 500 and progress during His 21 years here, Dufur 5oo and bis listeners base always found The Dalle* 000 tliat be fs usually connected up with 0 4 Goldendaie A motor that need« no oiling, that runs smoothly Sunday Ilood River wiU play Dufur ail the progressive developments of for years without attention. AV light to handle as at Hood River. The team will-be con his community. • toy. As finely and as tirmly built as an engine. siderably strengthened by.Jjjgi lime | AJL Shipiey gpfilMt Aif the oppor Quick. Thorough! That's the new Premier Du aud a snappy game is promised. The tunities for encouraging the touris; plex. Won’t you come in for a demonstration, playing field will tie rotted off and seats traffic over the North Bank highway, or call us? We’ll be glad to show you this won provided fur the fans. The game will and asked for encouraging' support for derful cleaner in your own home. the children ’ s home. His motion to i»e called it 2.30 p. m. " • w hold a Fourth of July and North Bank picnic at Big Cedars carried. Your satisfaction in the future ae well as the Geo. Christensen was elected dele present is, with us, an obligation. And so we are gate to the Western Washington Coun glad to recommend the Premier Duplex. We know ties association. it will give you lasting service. But we can pay SI* A special meeting will la1 held in for your old machine and offer you this doubts Btevenson in two weeks and the next action cleaner for a dollar down only until May 1. regular uniting will be held at Cai** Come in today. Funeral services for MUton Delaney Horn in May. latham. who died last Thursday at The ladies who prepared the ban .tlie home of his daughter. Mrs. W. H. quet were praised and thanked by thy- 8iicirls»n. of the Odell district, were organization by a special vote. held Tuesday afternoon at the Odell Methodist church, the pastor, Rev. W. Libby To Put L'p Heavy Park K. Gleiser, officiating. Interment fol The Ubby, McNeil & Libby cannery, lowed at Idlewilde cemetery. 8. E. of The Dalles, will handle a heavy Bart mess directed the funeral. Mr. Iatham, a native of Illinois, and tonnage of berries from this section his wife came here recently for a this season. J. H. Lake, representa visit witli tire family of their daughter. tive of the cannery, here last week, They celebrated their golden wedding stated that contracts had already ¡Hlortlj- after their arrival. Ho well l>een made for Clark Seedling straw pleased were they with Oregon that larries aggregating 400 tons. Prices take the entire tonnage of raspberries for the latter, they had decided to maf^ their home J of this fruit ruu from (I to ’N cents and loganberries, paying cents per Mr. lake st here. Mr. Iathain. who was 74 years jar pound. The concern ex|s*eta to pound for the former and five cents io put up a li old, had lived at Alexander, la., for 51 years liefore coining here. Other surviving children, all'of whom were here for the funeral, are: Mrs. lxnvis Peters and Jesse Iathain, of Alexan- der, Ta„ and Mrs. C. A. Mlssman, of Woden. la. Two sisters reside in Chicago, Mr. Iatham leaves 12 grand- children - and doubla action for à dollar, too! For a dollar - 7 . Double action No oiling Poll-Parrot” Shoes Our obligation Pacific Power & Light Company oA lvv ays At Your Service YES? Then come the questions—what colors or shades?—which will harmonize? — what shall I select? Which Shoes are Cheaper? Solve these questions by consulting a Fuller dealer, lie is supplied with the color cards and charts you need to make a satisfactory selection of paints. And, perchance, he lacks a certJfh one, he can get it with in 24 hotirs from the nearby Fuller Wholesale Branch. You can depend on Fuller defers as yon can on Fuller Products. Write for FREE book “Home Painting.” It’s full of helpful painting information. FOR ANY FULLER FROnüÇT CONSULT THE NEAREST FLLLEIUDEALEK : SHOES HOOD RIVER “Star Brand” Shoes are Better R. J. McIsaaoA Co. PARKDALE Dr. Murphy in New Office Dr. L. L. Murpliy has Just removed from his old quarters In tbe Brosius building to a suite in the northeast corner of the building. He has had the rooms gone over entirely a.nd tbe waiting and operating room are very restful. Hardwood floors have been placed in the waiting room. - The walls have been done in a pleasing gray, and the draiaries over the windows are in a French gray. Tlie floors of tbe operating room are covered wtTh a heavy inlaid lino leum. Tlie lighting fixtures are at tractive and efficient. Dr. Murphy lias a miniature phar macy in ills new office. He is install ing the latest word in'an X-ray ma chine. es|M*eially equipped for dental work. Miss Mary Meyers, of Tacoma. Wash., trained for a dental nurse, hns arrived here for work in Dr. Murphy's office. facal Men At Masonic Meetings A. D. Moe left Sunday for Haleni for a visit with Ilfs daughter, Mrs. Oral E. Palmateer and husliand. and to attend the annual meetings of high Masonic (todies at Alltany. Tile grand chapter of the Royal Arch Masons met there Monday. Tuesday, the grand council of Royal and Select Masters met. and yesterday, the grand com- mandery, Knights Templar, waa held at Albany. +— Dr. E. L. Scoltee and E. O. Blanchar attended the grand commaudery meet ing. They were accompanied by their wives on the motor trip to Albany. Mrs. Roger W. Moe accompanied Mr. Moe as far as Portland. CATTLE TOM WARD PLACE, Between Gresham and Troutdale APRIL 21 GRADES REGISTERED GUERNSEYS 7 GRADE GUERNSEY COWS VARNISHES 13 GRADE JERSEY COWS 6 GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS 12 OF THESE COWS ARE FRESH, THE BALANCE ARE SHORT SRINGERS NEARLY ALL ARE YOUNG COWS YOU WILL FIND AN EXTRA FINE HERD RENEWED TESTIMONY The double strength tea in leadfoil package insures you a delightful aroma and an enticing flavor. Double strength and double econo my Comes packed in four sizes. Ail brands of best quality coffee in ■took. W HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 1811 No one in Ilood River who suffers, headaches or distressing urinary ill» can afford to ignore this Hood River woman's twice-told story, It la cou- firmed testimony that no Hood River resident can doubt. Mrs. M. A. Douglas, 14th and C streets, says says: “At the time I took Doan's, I was more or less subject to backs« lie. Itnrlng this trouble with my back, my kidneys were irregular and I felt generally depressed and had no ambition. Two boxes of Doan'a Pills made me feel like a different The misery pprwm. my back stopped my kidneys have never caused me any trouble since." (State ment given May 4, 1914). May 3. 193l>. Mrs. Douglas added: “Doan's Pills always help me when my kidneys get out of order so I will always recommend them.” Price flOe, at all dealers. Don’t glrtpfy ask for * kidney remedy MACHINERY ROSS ENSILAGE CUTTER, NO. 30 —12-H. P. GAS ENGINE MOUNTED ON TRUCK —R. I. SULKY PLOW — 14-INCH PLOW — 40-TOOTH HARROW —IRON AGE POTATO PLANTER — DOWDEN POTATO DIGGER — CASE KALE PLANTER — CORN PLANTER — 12-18 DISC — HAY RAKE — McCORMICK MOWER — 3»/t WAGON, HAY RACK —RIDING CULTIVATOR — DOUBLE SHOVEL — ROOT CUTTER — POWER WASH ING MACHINE —AND LOTS OF SMALL ARTICLES nTprniC Sum* under $20.00 Cash. $20.00 or over six months * vi HI* ; time will be given on approved security. WASH. get Doan's Pills—the same that Mrs. Douglas bad. * Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. A. MEYERS, Clerk FIRST STATE BANK OF GRESHAM RUBBBR STAMP INK AT GLACIER OFFICE ROBERT .GIFFORD, Owner