The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 10, 1924, Image 6

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Order It Today!
Detroit, Michigan
See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer
HE old reliable rparket, where the dollar or any
multiple of it does its full duty. A full line
of all the staples for -your table, and as well
the special articles of food that you so often
Kippered Salmon and Smoked Salmon
Telephone 4311
J. T. üalllday. W. L. Mason, W. C.
Smullen and J. C. Hatfield erected the
garage at the manse Monday.
-The Riverside Brotherhood of Hood
River wiU meet at the Men's Forum
in the grade school Thursday evening
at 7 o’clock.
You are cordially invited to the
services In the Community church
next Sunday.
Church school and
forum at 10.15. Morning worship at
11.30. Young js-ople's meeting. 0.45
and preaching service at T.80. Pre­
Easter services every evening during
Holy week from 8 to 9. Vital mes­
sages will be delivered by the pastor.'
Come and Invite your neighbor to join
The following are the standing com­
mittees of the Men's F^rum for the
ensuing year : Executivé,-K. C. Euwer,
8. G. Baltson. W. I* Mason. J. P. Coop­
er; devotions 1. C. E. Craven. J. B. Dog­
gett, A. J. Brunqulst : entertainment,
C. C. Walton. W. Blake. J. E. Van
Nnyp; public welfare. M. O. Boe, J. D.
Smnilln, G. Wertgen ; moving pictures.
R. Davies. C. K. Craven, H. L. Bom;
mers. The officers of the forum are:
E. C. Euwer. president ; C. E. Craven,
vice-president : W. C, Bmallin, secre­
Nr. and Mrs. H. G. Keeney were ,
among the. Hood River people who b ’
attended the play here Saturday night.
Hundreds of outsiders sampled Up­
per Valley scenery and atmosphere '
Sunday. Indications are that we will 1
need another traffic officer during the
Rememl»er the services in the church
every evening from 8 to 9. If you
come once you'll want to come again. .
Dr. C. II. Duy has purchased a new .
Overland Redbird car.
A. M. Kelly motored to Portland
Florence Craven was at home last
week «to take part in the ^»lay given
Saturday eveuiug.
(Vit W. 8. Dowd and children mo­
tored to Portland last week end to see .
Mr«. Dowd, who la gaining very rapid­
ly and hopes to lie able to come home
next week.
J. I). Stnullln and Earl Newman
were business visitors to Portland
Monday of last week. _
---- ,
Mrs. Tod Culiiertson has returned
home after attending a couple of Weeks
in the Hood River Cottage hospital.
, Mary Babson entertained with a
birthday party at her home Monday
A school meeting was held in the
grade school building last week. The
meeting was tulled to discuss the pol­
icy of ths school for next year. Mr.
Gibson and Mr. Keeney were up from
Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smiillin motored
to Portland Saturday tp meet Mrs.
Clyde Fitzgeriild and son, who expect
to visit in Parkdale for a short time.
Mrs. Bert Middlcswnrt and daugh­
ter, Sylvia, were called to White
Salmon Wednesday, on account of the
illness of Mrs. Charles Gregory (Clar­
isse Middles wart ).
Mrs. R. A. Hutchinson and little
daughter, Patricia, who has-la-en ill.
returned to their home Saturday.
I«ast Saturday evening Mclsaac's
hall was jammed to thé doors to see
and enjoy the cleverly produced com­
edy. "Fighting Father." C. C. Walton
and W. D. Drake, as managers, and
Mrs. Geo. Blodgett, director, are de­
serving of unstinted praise for their
untiring la^pr and ability in putting
on this play, which hasfthe distinction
of iM'ing one of the fipst amateur pro­
ductions ever given at Purkdale. The
entire cast is to lie congratulated, all
taking tbêlr respective ¡tarts In a most
creditable manner. The I at lies' Aux­
iliary realizes a neat sum of money,
which will lie applied on the church
The Ladles’ Aid Society met at the
home of Mrs. Harry Roiitson Wednes­
day afternoon. Every one enjoyed the
Franz Wertgen left Monday to try
and. find work.
The McNary-Haugen Export Oor-
|M>ration bill, now before congress, is
receiving the hearty support of Rep­
resentative Sinnott of Oregon, who has
Issued the following series of questions
and answers -egarding the measure:
What la th. purpose of the McNary-
Haugen Export Corporation bill? To
equalise the farmer's dollar with the
other man's dollar.
How will It accomplish this purpose?
By the establishment of an export
agency to handle wheat an<L other
major farm products If and when nec­
essary. under provisions which will
maintain legitimate prices.
Boes this mean the government la
going Into the general farm marketing
business? No, it wiU operate through
regular channels, and deal only as
necessary to maintain proper prices.
Will it destroy cooperative market­
ing? It will encourage cooperative
marketing by assisting cooperative as-
soctattons In a task which ’they cannot
accomplish without such aid.
What effect will it have on the mill­
ers? It will relieve millers from the
danger of serious price fluctuations,
due to speculation or other cause.
What will it do to present prices of
farm products? It will increase pres­
ent prices for wheat from 40 to 00
cents a bushel, hog prices about 40
¡»er cent, cattle about 90 per cent, etc.
Will it increase production? Not
more than profitable prices for farm
products secured by any other means,
and profitable prices must .be obtained
unless American agriculture is to ¡«»r-
How does it effect business man and
tmnker? America ia an agricultural
nation. The success ■ of all depend«
upon the success of agriculture. The
McNary-Haugen bill means success for
Ia It fulr to other industries? Ex­
actly. Under the bill, farm prices
increase only as prices for other prod­
ucts increase. It does for the farmer
only what other« legislation already is
doing for other industries.
Preferred Stock
The AM Ceylon Tea
“À Star Line”
The double strength tea in leadfoil
package Insures you a delightful aroma
and an enticing flavor.
> Double strength and double econo*
my. Comes packed in four sizes.
All brands of best quality coffee in
' . .
P hone 1811
Let us deliver them with your groceries.
Yours For Service
“The Home of Quality Groceries
Washington Deputy Arrested
Joseph Koane, of Vancouver, Wash..
Clarke county deputy sheriff, was ar­
rested by County Traffic Officer Mur­
ray Monday on a charge of speeding
his automobile through Cascade Locks
and on the Columbia River highwn.v.
He posted a bond of fit) with the offi
Other recent traffic delinquencies
reported by Officer Murray were: Wil­
liam Shank, of Mt. Hood. $<l fine for
Improper lights; W. C. Hotllday, of
Parkdale, a similar fine for the same
offense. The Ford garage was fined
*10 for operating a tractor on cuunly
Thirty Can Apples Left Here
The Apple Growers Association an­
nounced Saturday that .*uly an ap-
¡iroxiinate 30 cars of The 180O-car crop
of the organization remained In loOl
refrigerated storage quarters. The
sale« organization lias another 210 cars
ston'd at various distributing points.
The apples remaining are of New­
town variety of good quality. .
All kinds of
Motor Trouble Shooting
Electrical Work a Specialty
We can also supply your every need in all other
kinds of lumber, both dressed and rough. We will
make deliveries, where desired, to all Valley points.
Horn Bros., Tel. 5581
Put Your Swamp Land to Work
RAINING swamps and marshes puts unpro­
ductive land to work—fertile acres made to
pay their way.
Du Pont 50% to 60% straight dynamite blasts
drainage ditches easily, quickly and cheaply—place
the “sticks” of dynamite in holes about 18 inches
apart along the line of proposed ditch, insert blast­
ing cap and fuse in centre charge, light fuse and—•
BANG—there’s your ditch.
Why delay your ditching when DU PONT
DYNAMITE'will do the “digging”?
Let us figure with you on the cost of any ditching,
stump-blasting and tree-planting work that you
want to do. We carry stocks of du Pont dynamites
at all times and assure you of quick service.
Hood River Spray Company, Hood River
R. J. Mclsaac & Co., Parkdale, Oregon
Byrkett Powder Co., White Salmon, Wash
Although lie had not received formal
notice of his appointment, Washington
pre«« di«|uitches la«t week carried the
announcement that Thomas F. Johnson
him I>eeii appointed postmaster here
to succeed T. A. Reavis. Mr. Johnson
will resign the office of sheriff which
lie has held continuously since 1911.
William Edlck, senior deputy of the
office, according to announcement of
County Judge ilasbrouck, will lie ap-
IMiinted to fill Mr. Johnsofi's unexplred
term. Mr. Edlck lias already an­
nounced his candidacy for the Repub­
lican nomination for sheriff.
Mr. Johnson Is a native of Kentucky.
He came to the valley in 1902 and pur-
ehaaed a West Bide orchard place.
For a number of years before becoming
«lieriff he was on the staff of the Hood
River Apple Growers Union,
Sheriff and Mrs. Johnson are the
¡inrent« of five sons. Charles is a grad­
uate of the Oregon Agricultural Col­
lege. James Is a student of law at the
University of Oregon. He was recent­
ly announced as an honor student.
Julius, after attending O. A. C. for
a year, is a menilier of the local staff
of the Standard Oil C<x All are
graduates of the local high school.
Another «on is a student in the high
school nt present.
Mr. Johnson Is the son of a Civil
war veteran,,the late J. L. fobnson,
who was a menibej* of Canby Post,
<1. A. It. He is a past master of the
local Masonic lodge and a Shrlner.
He hr fwist chancellor commander of
Waucoma Ixidge,- Knights of Pythias.
For 18 years he has been master of
finance of the lodge. He is a member
of the D. O. K. K.
A Pacific Northwest Product