Ï1ÜOD RIVER G THÜR8DAT, APRIL 10. 1924 — ^uoh Shirr "" ""TT**??""**.----- The Store of Bin V. -. s;' 73 -.4.. for the ‘Promenade at Sas tertide* ’ Easter Coats New Easter Silks and Beautiful Tub Cottons The rich colorings and weaves thatrrule the Spring vogue are reflected in all these new fabrics. All that is new and novel is ready for your choosing. New Fancy Brocades, Ginghams, Plaids, Cotton Crepes, Zephyr Ginghams, Lingerie Checks, Voiles, Cantons, Tissues. Come in and see them. . New Easter Millinery A suitable shape for every face—all the very newest styles. We can please you in style, quality and price. New Baby Bonnets— A large display in the latest styles, very attractive. Made of Silk and Organdy, in Blain white and colors. Bring the baby in and try on tiese cute styles. ,. • % FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS White legborne. Hollywood airain, ssga 11 par art ting. I. P. Calhoun, BIB Jone BL al7 DEE FOLK TO ATTEND MEETING OF CHAMBI (UNDER MT. HOOD ANNEX) Dodn Franklin Touring . . Samson Truck............. . The Park Grange player* their popularity annually. “Clarence" of last wwk was a ............... FOR SALE WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS Richard W. Montague, prominent Portland attorney and public speaker, will address the Association of Uni­ versity Women Saturday The lunch­ eon will be held at the Oregon hotel at 1 p. m. WEDDINGS • The city council Monday nfght rati­ fied the purchase of the S7-acre Hatch­ elder tract and work will be started at once by City Supervisor Clark to­ ward the improvement of a portion of the wooded acreage as a municipal automobile perk. Numerous citizens have signified their Intention to aid in the development of the auto park by donating labor. • The city council passed at first reading an ordinance that provides for the paving of east State street,, eoaaecting the concrete bridge with the bnsiioMM section of the city. The judiciary committee was instructed to draft another ordinance that will pro­ vide for paving of Oak street from Ninth street to the paving of the high­ way at the west edge of town. .......... »... 1M-00 wedding of Arnoa 8. Benson For Bale-One Chevrolet l-tou truck, A Mo. 1 condition, new cab and paint. A snap Seo “Red,” Belmoot Oarage. alOU For Hale nr Trade— Auto wood saw attach mew tor Ford ear. 11». Tai. Ml. alOtr For Hale- Bargain. Ono Kingsbury piano, (lOOeaab. Tel. 9M. alter For Halo Very Cheap— A brown leatherette ** pLon^JSt *MW* Appl’ U* For Hale—Freeh cow, t-weeka old pigs, Un. blech Iron pipe, a No. 1 ram, 4-in. aewer tile, concrete or glased Reel» to red Jersey Ball tor service, price gl.00 Walter Welle. T0I.47B. eM For Kale— ».room bungalow, lOlt Blate St. P. F. Clark, tel. nu. alOtr For Hale—a lumber wagon and a bark, both very ebeap. Mrs. J. W. Armetrong, Wil 41 b 8t. alO FOr Bale—4 weeks old plga. Charles phone Odell 108. reb. a 17 For Sole—400 or MO ft. 1 and 4 In. used wood stave pipe. TM. Odell M, K. K. Miller. alter For Sale— A MO pound Polar King rotilger- ator Tel. 47M. el7 For Sale—About lun.noo strawberry plants Inspected ant reneral Ion plaata. grown on now gpennd. Write J. H. Shall, 1U. t. Hood River, ore. or phone Odell Ini. a!7 Trrpslrhore’a Party Friday Night Terpsichore, muse of dancing, will reign next Friday night at the Mount Hood Community hall, and J. C. Devin and son. Keltaie; say they anticipate another large crowd of merrymakers from all mid-Columbla points to be present for the event. The Ixmp high w»l is now in such excellent condition that the motor jaunt tends to whet the appetite of those who journey from Mosier, this city and other points to the weekly community hall dancing parties. On Inst Friday night the dance of the jesters was held, snd a merry quip was joined by those who thronged the recreational center. For Bale or Trade for Hood River proper y-SO-acre term, suitable tor ohlckeo raising, r. O. Boz B011. Portland, ore. a»l For Bale—Baby ehloko and hatching ena, JanotMon and Klleoamlth Barred Hock a. and with 170 average egg record, Rhode Island Red (Cockerel, from trapneeted stock) and Anew- nae, clock from heaa with over wo egg record, •88» limited. Also White leghorn hens, tto each and a few Rhode Island bene, Mrs. Ueo. Chamberlin. Phone Odell 8X1. ml 1 20th Century Brooms Light weight, best grade straw, 98c