» i" *. ■c* r J 4 • * 'X' ■ Mir ..... Kg* Y-1- vi.; i / I, --------- Í . Bhatnu, net aside for the work, something like the road working days on the high­ way some. 10 years ago. 1* n' -r — « r at I t 4, * ? ■ÜÉÉ . 'J ' * ’’ ■ - - J -111 ssreraresMto« r I I MR. CLARK WILL LEAVE TBE ASS’N ^-1 f mane Wag*, state should i. CMldass if they haw ♦ t I X P. F. Clark, for the past three years sales manager of the Apple Growers Association, announced Tuesday that be had terminated hie contract, effec­ tive July 1. Mr. Clark, who for alx years was sates manager of the Yaki­ ma Fruit Growers Association before ooming here, says be has no definite plans for the future. Mr. Clark, who has been in ill health for tbe past several months, returned from Callfor- pia recently. ' . ‘ ’ The Red Cross plays an Important part in the administration of charity la the Hood River valley. Raed the report of tbe Public Health Assorts tion, which appears In this west’s issue, and you will comprehend the The next regular monthly meeting Importance of the Red Cross and why of the Hood River Chamber of Com­ it deserves yonr loyal support. merce Will be held Monday evening in the Chamber of Commerce rooms at The board of directors Tragedy becomes a passenger when 8 o’clock. granted the request to make the next a man with an overload of liquor alts regular monthly meeting a road meet­ at the wheel of an automobile. Tbe ing of Hood River county and haa ex­ indiscretion of a moment may lead to tended a special invitation to the resi­ a lifetime of regrets. We just dte dents of the Dee district and and to you to tbe frightful Incident of Cas­ the county court to be present. Another matter of Importance to cade Ixcks last Sunday night be taken up will be the situation re­ garding the Forest Service appropria Springtime la here. The valley will tion now before congress, which was ■non be a sen of blooms, and e’er we cut by the bureau of budget and know it we will be ready to make the which, if passed, would mean a cur­ tailment of the road program of tbe journey to tbe Upper Valley to join Forest Service. This comes home to in tbe Mount Hood Ixx>p Hlghway- Hood River county in tbe matter of the Mount Hood Loop and the Coopers Blomom ivlebrntlon. Spur lateral which would he affected Tbe Park Orange players add to Cltlsens are urged not to miss the dis­ cussion of these Important lasuee. their popularity annually. Their “Clarence" of last week was a classic. Three New Gm!" * Customers will ask this question when they look down our line of re­ conditioned Dodge Brothers cars—and the machines are aa good as they look. We have 1928, 1921, 1919 and 1916 models, all priced attractively low. Also two good screensides. Bennett Brothers, . z $ * 4 « WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS 1 11 CITY READY TO IM­ PROVE AUTO PARK 1 t . —■ f - Tfce long tunic b twy becoming; 7576-^ wool poplin, Csnton crepe, ratine, and wool crepe are among the materials recommended for this dress. Visit our piece-goods counter where you will find • I avr ® assortment of materials in all the new colors. But Before you get your material buy your Standard - Designer Pattern and see how much or rather how little you need. The city council Monday bight rati­ fied the purchase of the 87-acre Batch­ elder tract and work Will be started at ono by City Hnpervisor Clark to­ ward the improvement of a portion of th« wooded acreage as a municipal automobile perk. Numerous citizens have signified their Intention to aid in the development of the auto park by donating labor. a», j i The city eounril pass«l at first reading* sn ordinance that provides for the _ - paving State ----------- street. ,, ______ - of east —----------- connecting the concrete bridge with the of the the Sty. me the bnsmeM husmees section section of city. ’ The' judiciary committee was Instructed to draft another ordinance that will pro­ vide for paving of Oak street from Ninth street to the paving of the high­ way at the west edge of town. S.7 , ♦ j « I®--A Lx- •• H V •r ■■■ r We have a wonderful showing of fine new Coats that we have secured at a price that will surprise you examine them and note the high class tailoring, style and quality. We only have a limited number and we wonla advise you to call early and make your • £4 selection. While this lot lasts, your choice....... * New Easter Silks and Beautiful Tub Cottons Simple and The rich colorings and weaves that rule the Spring vogue are reflected in all these new fabrics. All that is new and novel is ready for your choosing. New Fancy Brocades, Ginghams, Plaids, Cotton Crepes, Zephyr Ginghams, Lingerie Checks, Voiles, Cantons, Tissues. Come in and see them. effective; 7557— Sise 36 requires only yards of 40 - inch crepe de Chine, Georgette» organdy, swiss — on” - New Easter Millinery our piece'- goods - counter. The Bel- robe enclosed with your pattern shows you step by step how to the dress from start to finish. A suitable shape for every face—all the very newest styles. We can please you in style, quality and price. New Baby Bonnet«— A large display in the latest styles, very attractive. Made-of Silk and Organdy, in Slain white and colors. .- Bring the baby in and try on iese cute styles ‘ r Lost — Toesdsx morolo«, MO la eurrouy. Want*! — Troek Hauling. (»enervi Motor track will iianl anything, any place, any Finder pissa» laavasi Frasnr’s«rooary. Re­ ward. »10 time. - Tet. MM apd 1«3X !.. T. Culp. a2Ttf Ix»t— a sold Wallham open ease. I6-J»*cl waicb, with sold bar chain sttaohed. May bave been dropped oo ball diamond Halor- For Rent—5 rooms at old Tucker place, small day. Finder pleas» leave al Glacier offias. SM garden. Hee T. H. Acree. Tel. MM. »10 l.o»f-8otnewhero on Rood IUver bnalnSt Thureday, April S, a gold ring, »el wtlb For Rent—Furnished bouaekeep ng room». street» rub»-, valnsd aa enira«»nienl ring. Reward. Tri 2751. ‘ sii tf Write Mrs. K. L. HopkTna, SOI AlvOidBl., fb» ,10 For Rant— A «va-room bouse and «»race. Halles. Phon»M77. " »10 u ViMiTED • ■ ’/M FOR RENT ir For Kent—Fnrnlabtd apartment and room-. 239 Blate BL, pbons Mis. Connsiroy 3213, after 5 p. m. »10 Netiee te Crediten Notice la hereby given: That the undersigned has been appointed Ex­ ecutor of the will of John Bullwinkel, deceased, by the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, and has duly quallfled as such. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified according to laW, to the undersigned, at the office of hie attor­ ney, George R. Wilbur, Eliot Building, . For Hale—15 bead of haavy Inreln« borees. wall matebed team», priced to Mil. o. K. Feed Hood River, Oregon, within six Barn, Tbe Dallae, o*. • alO montlis from this dace. Dated and first published this April 10, 1924. Fred Vogel. Executor of the Estate of John Bullwinkel. alOml ■ “¿T f 20th CENTURYGROCERY * FOR SALE ■ «**» ‘ .............................. — I 104 OAK STREET nooimva. me . (UNDER MT. HOOD ANNEX) I 2Oth Century Food Prices-Good Friday and Saturday Citrus Washing Powder Large Package 22,/1c Powdered Bon Ami 2 Pack. oe« 25c I I Old Dutch Cleanser 3 can« 23? Ivory Soap, gue«t «ize, 59c dozen-! pkg. Rin»o Free with each dozen J. T. VOLSTORFF For Hale—Hardie »prayer, orchard wagon, spring tooth and dise. 8. D. KUnger, Metho- dlat Lane. m«tt Cor. Cascade and 4th 4 FOR SALE Sunmaid Seeded Raisins, 15 oz. package« *. Dessert Seedless Raisins, 15 oz. packages .. Thompson’s Seedless Fancy Dried Peaches Raisins, Bulk 3 lbs. 29c : 2 lb«. 35c For Sale—One rendition, n»w esb and "Red," Belmont Gara««. Soft Shell Walnut« Choice Grade per pound, 29c Choice Apricots 19c pound ------ J.2 for 25c ---------2 for 21c Prune«, Extra Large, 3 pounds 23c K Royal Club. Coffee 3 lbs., 11.37 I Federal Milk Tall cans, 9c Carnation Milk Borden’« Milk Tall can«, 9c Tall cân«, 9c Sugar Cured Bacon, extra nice, half or whole piece____ pound 27c Singapore Pineapple 20th Century Brooms in light syrup Light weight, best Large No. 2p£ cans grade straw, 98c 2 for 35c Booth’s Sardines.. Gjuntry Gentlemen Corn Sifted Early June Pea« All kinds, each 14c r f thrC Va,,ey U|y of V-lley 6 cans for 83c - Can n/gc; 6 can« $1.00 Can 22*£c; 6 cans $1.27 CRISCO, 1 pound, 27c; | \/2 pound«, 39c; 3 pound«, 75c; 6 ppund«, $1.45; 9 pound«, $1.99 r Sun-Lit, Soiid_ Pack Tomatoes, 6 for 75c ForHak—Tbs leading varisti»» of apple», pears, eherrtoe. piuma, aprirete, prone» and grape» one sad two yaaro ago. F. A. Masare, phone Odell IM.________ ____________ JU If SEASONED WOOD FOR SALK M Inch HlabwooS.......... ....................... Blneh Fir........................ ....... ............. Inch PoleOak.., ^..^.......... ft... RAY K. H a AFEA. Pbon» MM / f Junkef Powder, A««orted Flavor«, 2 package« for 25c Del Monte Tomatoe« F Preferred Stock Apricots, A & L or _ , Tomatoe«, large can, Mission, large can, 17c . Each 17%c; 6 cans $1.00 Each 17^4«; 6 can« $1.00 3 cans, 50c Standard Peaa, No. 2 tin« 2 for 25c; 6 for 70c 20th CENTURY COFFEE—-The „Id price f„, Pound. 35c; 3 pound, for $1.00- ' •y? Roasted today and on your table tomorrow Fancy Sunkist Oranges, «mall «ize, r | 15 cents per dozen Florida Grape Fruit, 54 size,______ «aement ■ Tas toe Address m■Tw -t»fe Market Baidcet« 15c each Large Shapp 3c eat For Hate- Wheat hay and Umo|hy bay. C. T. Retorta, photo MM. JMtf _ g * - r! ■ 4 i Easter Coat Special - $14 . The wedding of Amos 8. Benson, well known business man and son of Bimon Benson, and Miss Bertha Van Dcrmcer, was held Saturday night at the home of Mr. Benson's sister. Mrs. Caroline Hensan Vnander, on Port­ land Heighta. Rev. W. G. Eliot offici­ ated. The ceremony was performed In the presence of a few relatives and friends The bride is a graduate of Jefferson high acbool and a graduate' nurse of the Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Benson left for a two months’ wedding trip to California, In Hollywood they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Simon Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Henson will make their home in Port­ land. 7 s Reasons For Buying Lewis’ Reda— You For Kant—An S-rooiu U uum , newly pa.nled wbat you ar« «»ttlng. Th» only so and papered downstalr< Tel. 9783 or call at see ment tested Reds In Hood River. The MB Pin« M. • a3tr 80 per cent non.»ettero. Recommended t For Rent—A «-room poU»sa*T»l. 'J0S4. mitt beaiautborlllee. Will batch May cblcka Mcb If ordeieq In advanoa. Ralph K. Lew»», pbone Od^HW. mSHT For Rent—3 furnished rooms with »ath and ftirnace hast. SOI Slate Street, scrotm from w»ute< - Kxperlcncad dreaataakae wants library. m«U . Wantad—A roans girl la aaalat In house­ work. Hava your old »nit mad» over intosn ' work la mornings. Call Mrs. Bwksley H. For Rent — Rooms and fnrnlsbed suite». U[>to.dateSpring draaa. Will work by d*T<>r Snow, tel. M3I. slOU Pbon« 3M«, Mrs H. J. Fryrlek._______ n22H For Exchange—Stock and dairy nutate. Want borne preposition, Inrente, what bgva MISCELLANEOUS youT AdSreaa c. M. C.,eare Olneler. rtf Whit» Leghorn». Hollywood »tram. fl Will Trade—Town property, two lot» aad paraeltlng. I.1P. Calhoun, 811 Jun» Bl. all. small botn» on Belmont road, vale» 3600, ape Fw Sale-Clark good milch sow and bogs. Phon» MSI. iffitf Lost—On last Friday, between < and J p. m from yoeng Mocl In Hood River shopping district, a narrow MM. Any girl In trouble may rommnntaate with knitted pearl sweater belt. Finder pleree leave F.nelgu L m of tb» salvation Ariny at ttea al Glacier offlee oriel. Mrs. 8 G. Babhon, Park­ White Hhielir Hos»», 6M Maytedr Av«., Pun- For Sal»-Jersey Black GI»Dt batch In« a««,. dale 134. ,10 ana, Oregon. all 'M * per 13; ball pries after May l«t. Call pbone toffii_________________________________ »!*L Terpsichore's Party Friday Night Andrews Fares Six IJquor Complaints Terpsichore, muse of dancing, will A sequel to the fata) accident at reign next Friday night at the Mount Cascade Locks Bunday evening, when H<>od Comm unity ball, and J. C. Devin Chas. Tysten, 8t. Helens boy. was and son: K el tale, say they anticipate kljlcd »Wen dragged automo- .. — from sn ------ - ---------- another large crowd of merrymakers ,,ne, *n. ,T Y*0- Keswick, Ixx&s from all mld-Colnmbla points to be youth, District Attorney Baker yre- prow-nt for the event The Ixxip high terday filed six complaints against wnl is now In such excellent condition Alvin Andrews, another Cascade that the motor jaunt tends to Whet the Ix>cka boy, for sale of moonshine. appetite of those who journey from Keswick, who te living held to the Mosier, this city and other pointe to IPteBd jury on recommendation of a the weekly community hall dancing fWroner’« Jury, to ahawer for the parties. Ssath of TusLu. I. cited by titrer Oh last Friday hlgKtthe dancé of ***** ** .complalnfa as purchasing liquor from the jesters was held, and a merry quip Andrews. WTsyne Dillaboy Is named was jolted by those who thronged the •y complalnta as purchasing liquor recreational center. y sdvsn- -and you’ll have a great many mom ..tm than you’ll find elsewhere. The fashions a.- -uthentic. Every coat has been marked at the lowest possible-price, giving you the biggest value for your money, -"t For Hal» Very Cheap—A brown leatherette For Hale — Apple, nwach. pear and cherry r pLonawi “*w' AM,I, W# T’r*,ftbJ8‘- trova. We bava a rail Ilo» of general nursery •toek. Phone Parkdale «S or writs C.T. B mp soo, Parkdale. flMif WEDDINGS I„ choosing yourgnew mat youTHW at Eastertide %-x.V Richard W. Montague, prominent If you are going to be a primary Portland attorney and public speaker, For Hate 01 candidate, yon bad better burry. will nddrvaa the Association of Unl- m»nt tor For veraify Women Saturday. The lunch For Hale- Hargsln. Uns Kingsbury piano, »uxr son will be held at the Oregon hotel graoeaab. Tsl.fcl. at 1 p. m. £, Easter Coats ®e c^ady,for the Promenade .... t te Notice to W< Timber men or woodmen please notice: I am making a collection of woods for the Hood River high school. I wiNh half sections of the following woods from this country: Yellow pine, white pine, black pine, nut pine, red fir, yellow fir, common hemlock, alp­ ine lieinhx k. spruce, lovely fir. Noble fir (called larch), white fir, alpine fir, tamarack, yew, cottonwood, hackberry, aspen, alder, haw, or any other tree not mentioned. Sections should be two feet or over in diameter,- one foot long, free from knots or rot Anyone cutting such trees, or having them in- tbeir possession, will confer an obliga­ tion by leaving such sections with me. For Bale-Oookin» appia», »km whlUr Fakin or notifying me that they have them • aio cut down, and I will co^e out and cut duck aggs (»hatching. TM.Mtl- my own sections. I would also like Foe Sals-- Auto Knitter. Call tret. an to secure sections of maple and asb. For Bals — Organ, almocl n»w. Tal. MM. <10 m27al0 L. F. Henderson. DEE FOLK TO ATTEND r MEETING OF CHAMBER I The Store of Bireeet — Values £. CHURCH CLUB WILL BOOST COMPANY C X r < i i I ‘ i F, k’>. - Retailers of Everything , |E to Wear Cherrive on the lower levels here a*9 in full bloom, and by Bunday, if the weather continues warm, the cherry orebanlH of the Lower Valley will be out in their glory. LHacs of tbe city lawn* ar* opening. The first fuR-btown lilac was picked Monday To the Republicana of Hood River by Mrs. Geo W. Thomson. and Wasco counties; Valley reeorts, open for the season, I hereby announce myself aa a can­ are making preparation for a heavy didate for tbe Republican nomination traffic of visiting motorists Bunday. for State'Senator for th<- 10th Sena­ torial District, composed of the coun­ ties of Wasco and Hood River, and. if nominated and elected. I will per­ form tbe duties thereof to tbe best of my ability, and will strive to promote the interests and welfare of tbe citi­ zens and taxpayers or my District, Annonnremeiii bao been made of a and of the State of Oregon. I favor OMptinc at Riverside church Sunday fewer laws and better enforcement, evening at 7.45 o’clock at which a lower taxes and less extravagance. special program ha« been arranged In . mfitf (Paid Adv.) B. R. Butler. the interest« of (Company C,. The, Bunday Evmfnx- Ohtb has donated the church and Is «operating with I hereby respectfully submit to the the guard company In this program, wi)lcb will interpf t the alms and Republican voters of Hood River aspirations of the {iSTional guard and county, for their action at the May will show the value of the local unit primaries, my name as candidate for thé nomination for sheriff. All I ask to Hood River. Several local business men and min- is that they Investigate my record as istera and organzatkms are Interest­ deputy county assessor for seven ing tKemselves In the affairs of the yean and deputy In the sheriff’s office Giard company In the hope of stimu- for more than three yean. tlng Interest in it. believing that m27tf (Paid Adv.) Wm. H. Edick. this tori of citizen «oldiery should command community wide interest. For Sheriff The American Ixurion baa recently I wish to announce myself as a Re passed • resolution »¡»onsoring the local company and appointed a com­ publican candidate of the Farm, Labor. mittee to assist the company in work­ Progressive, Independent type, for above office, subject to the primaries. ing out Its problems. Commander Snow, of the American If the above suite yen, vote for me. r- CL Q. Cornelius. legion, has tieen ask«! to preside at Let’s go. (Paid Adv.) the Sunday night meeting, the pro­ / ; ■■ f f -tiOOD RIVER GLACIER, THÜR3DAÏ, APRIL 10, 1924 Early____ _ INDEPENDENTS TO TALK WITB BENTON ..< il Are REGISTER All good citizens should vote for the chotpe of their party at the ap­ proaching May primaries. You should register. Next Tuesday will be the last day for registration before the prinmriea. You must reregister If gram of which will include: Invoca­ you have moved.from one precinct to tion, Rev I* H. MHIer: addresses by Adjutant General White and Colonel another. _______________ Gilbert; music by the Riverside choir The so-called Oregon compulsory and Albert Case, and benediction by Dr. W. H. Boddy. I achool bill has liven declared uncon­ Capt. Blackman will conduct the stitutional by a district federal court, the interests of Company C. • The guard to the services and tbe three Judges reaching a clear cut, lie is cordially Invited to attend, definite decision. The presumption is following «»mmittee has charge that the recent d«-lslon will be af­ tbe arrangements: B. H. Suow, Irmas; Capt. Blackman, Dr. W’. firmed by the United States supreme Fielding 8. Kelly and ’ H. court, should an appeal be taken. If ah appeal IF contemplated. It should r~ _ ■ . ...LJ , ‘ be taken' at the earliest possible «M> ment. In order that the schools men­ aced by the tegialatlon may know with definltenees their statu«. * New that the courts have peseafl 1 on the law, the heat and prejudices rssred by the campaign should be • fisrgotten. Sg. 1 ! - - on two occaaiona and Julius Cafgon wbq U m » purchawr In auothvr Instance, aopngdlng to a complaint. 'TSrsws *waa arrested MoMsr duriSr progress of tbe coroner’s In­ quest? ea information furnished by young Keswick. - ' • THE AUTO PARK ’ The city council haa ratified the purchase of the Batchelder tract and preparations are under way for the improvement of a new municipal auto park. The council haa bein promised the support of citizens who will do- nste work. Every hour’s work do­ nated to the task of cleaning up the park will l>e money saved In taxes. We might bStve a day or a half day z i -te 4 X V 1.1, out ^‘4 Eb. _ V > ' Hoed River haa a baseball team of which all citizens may well be proud. With the weather Ideal Sunday after­ noon. those fane who appeared at the Paradise diamond were well repaid. The Crowd at the next game here should be all the larger. With an •-arrest support of citizens the base­ ball team of thia season should go well toward winning a pennant Tbe baseball fever might, with ben­ efits to all, develop to the .point where we will have some inter professional and business men’s game in the city. > & —.... «tuer (Starter feh-- . I I kt j ‘ -Í I * :-r ■ Pr-r • ’ 4 ’ I 1 <1 Wax Paper 3 rolls, 10« mù H 4- r. L * * I ? ■ r ,4 ' ..V * V -.1 il.