HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1024 , i .... .■ .. ........................................... expenses Incurrid “Always Havp Something to Sell.” by the Western ill districts and APPLE ADVERTISING IS CONSIDERED Two rules of Rood farming are man's heritage from centuries of tilling the soil:- fiy practising dairying and llv6 stock raising Tn addition to,cultivation of crops, thousands are followln¿these,two ----- -------- rules tq , Success and pros- perlty. They always have ismlle, fdr they 'Always Have Something to SelL” recognize in their negatives the possibilities that lie in enlarging the whole or parts of them. Let us select one of your best negatives for a trial en­ largements. - We use the proper paper that gets the most pleasing results from all kinds of* negatives. KRESSE DRUG COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON “SQUIBBS” SPECIFY SQUIBBS—Distributed by HOOD RIVER DRUG CO Borrowers and Lenders * Shakespeare says,—“Neither a borrower nor a lender be,” but our customers find it necessary or desirable to occasionally do either or both. We' also have customers who have good security and would like to borrow the following amounts for from 1 to 3 years, $3000, $3000, $2,500. Call on us for further information WE SERVE A MERCHANTS’ LUNCH Fountain Service Phone 1551 The Priceless Ingredient of every product is the honor and integrity of its maker. BUTLER BANKING COMPANY I L * Young men with a sense of style are wearing the straight, loose models this season. It’s the mode of the spring. \ / sense by wearing the right clothes at right time. We are showing smart, live models, Dress, Sports, Travel and Business. Feature Values » _J \ • WWW ’RAiriH 1 ' rf—1 ||l 1 i 1 M •."•'vfil*- A *1 ’L” *** 1 Make Every Minute Count ” 'J’HIS year is now well on its way. Right now you are probably planning your spring building activities, You'sure invited to visit this office and see the many beautiful hand colored pho­ tographs of homes that have actually been built EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO Everything to Build Anything ESTABLISHED 19H TRUE-TO-NAME NURSERY H. S. GALUGAN, Proprietor Spaulding’s Tailor Shop HOOD RIVER, ORE R EnlargenMBts-Few persons (1) Raise what you need for your own table. (2) Always have something to sell. BIG CEREMONIAL SATURDAY Cherries are profitable J River. Galligan has a ood stock of all leading varieties, ood River grown and guaranteed, and the price is attractive. S TRUE-TO-NAME NURSERY Phone 47H The moat far reaching advertising campaign ever launched in behalf of the .Northwestern apple raisers is Tn process of formation. C. N. Palmer, advertialng and publicity manager of the Western Frutt Jobbers’ Associa tion, ia visiting the. traffic organisa­ tion« and shipping interests of Ore­ gon and Washington sections, seeking a tax of one cenUper box on all fruit ▲ party! of members of the local siilms-d for such a fund. Yakima Masonic lodge Saturday motored to ahipiiera, it is declared, , have ex­ the West SideiJwme of Capt. C. A. pressed themselves In favor, and Mr. Schetky. oldest American naval offic­ I’alirter, Who took up the matter with er, *to join him in the celebration of tlio foret-traffic— amui eflnion, found his 97th birthday. Capt. Schetky endormdnent for his plans. - > served for. 47 years In the mercliaut Mr. r ■ Palmer hi out from Chicago, marine and the navy. Capt. Schetky. headquarters **— of -- tie --J Western Fruit who was initiated at Lodge No. 2. jobbers Association. Association, following up Philadelphia, ban been a Mason for plaits launched (inched last fall by William «9 years. Having sailed the seven oneffit. manager of the organisation. seas, be visited Masonic lodges at If Wenatchee shippers endorse the moat of the larger ports of the world. Saturday Capt. Schetky exhibited plan it Is anticipated that it will be adopted. to the Masons who Ctftled to greet The plan, briefly, calls for a gen­ him a unique watch, which was a eral campaign of education through gift of his daughter. Dr. Elixalwtli newm>apera and in ’schools and col- Schetky, of Boat/m. It ia triangular leges. It Is admitted that a greater in shape and instead of Roman nu­ consumption is the most serious need merals, the hours are designated by of the Northwestern apple grower. Masonic emblems.... Other children of Box sales of apples wlU be pushed. the dean of Oregon Masons an* Mrs.' Retail dealers will be educated to Scott F. Aitken, with whom he re­ deal in the fruit as a staple like sides, and Mrs. Carol Turvey, of Port­ land. The local Masons presented potatoes. Capt. Schetky with a handsome bout Mr. Palmer, an expert In placing ' , ’ ,v_ publicity, has worked out the detail« quet. Capt. Schetky ran away to sea at or the idea conceived by Mr. Garfltt to the exact cost of each item and the age of 15, shipping on the Venice, how every cent is to lie spent. In a bound to Sidney, China ami. Oriental last effort to convince the Northwest ports. The youngest of eight boys apple product*» of the feasibility of aboard th« old Bailing vessel, he was the idea the Western Fruit Jobiiera, out for 17 months with a captain no­ a mutual association of between TOO torious along the Atlantic coast as a and *800 fruit and vegetable jobbers hard taskmaster. Ia spite of the all yearn, the Spanish display space in newspapers in 226 having mapped it. lie found many cities In 38 states east of the Kock.v motnitmi'iH, each paper tz> run 32 ad­ errors, discrepancies in distances in vertisements of 190 to 1050 lines each eases being a« much as 40 miles. twice a week for 1« weeks this ftiil. Captain Hchetky'e charts of this coast use today. Trade papers, organs reaching T0.000 are It in was during the Nicaraguran sur­ retail grocers, will be used, which have contact with 35,000,000 potential vey that Captain Schetky went sud­ shoppers and consumers of apples denly blind, due to the biasing sun on through the grocers. Street ‘ 'car the daxsllng white sand and bt«*ause cards, ...... billboards and other mediums of the clow* oliservatlon work be had found desirable may also be used if to do. He waa blind for many months funds permit. The budget for adver­ and wan ordered home on sick leave. He has never fully re«*ov0red his ey« Using ts about $250,000. The merchandising ____ __ ___ _____________ service consists sight. On two occasions Captain Schetky of contact men. ---- 1. For this purpose the has received thanks for saving vessels t’nited States Is to be divided into on which he sailed. In the first case five districts with headquarters in he brought the bark Texaa from Bor­ New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, to New Orleans. The* mer­ Atlanta and Kansas City, with one deaux chantman carried n cargo valued at supervisor in charge of each, state $170,000.^ and city contact men working under "We carried 87 passengers and 14 his direction. It is thought 50 con­ ‘jacks and Jennie«.says Captain tact men could handle the work the first year. A total of $68,000 is the Schetky, recalling with a smile the in­ budget for this work, which could be cident of long ago. “I was the only reduced to the else of funds avail­ navigator aboard, with only a green mate to relieve jne. But we able. These men would call on retail second landed'the cargo and nil hands* under grocers, consumers and jobbers dally, extraordinary circumstances. Upon putting In window displays and urg­ arrival I received a letter <>f ing the selling of apples by the box our thanks signed by everyoné on board." as cheaper for the consumer.! The second occasion waa when he The dealer helps consist of 50,000 saved the City of Houston (New York window displays and cards and 500,- (XX) apple recipe books for distribu­ to Galveston) in a hurricane, landing her,gafe with all passengers. Later tion to consumers. This phase would h» waa sent by the Navy w|th a draft, cost about $40,000. 88 men and two Junior. .Wflcers to In addition the big newspapers of. Key West, Fla. Afti*r a narrow es­ which maintain special service to ad­ cape from floundering he made port vertisers will aid the fruit men by at Fernandina, For this work he tieing up the apple drive to adver­ received official Fla. and $500 from tising of retail stores in their publi­ the de|>artment thanks a new Uniform. cations. They will also aid retail The achievement for was incorporated in merchants to put on special apple the naval records.' week sales and will use news col­ Captain Schetky hns served In the umns for publicity for-the movement. Navy in all parts of the world. In In New York alone contact will be 1889 he waa retired from active ser­ made with 9,000,000 persons daily. vice on the age limit of 62 years. He Radio broadcasting will be followed ts now the oldest officer Of the United exUnsTvely. High schools and col­ leges will !>e induced to carry out ex­ States Navy., periments In the' use of apples. Do­ mestic science experts will be em­ * Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Goodlander. of ployed to write articles advocating Parkdale, after attending the Pad­ apples as a health food. City and erewski concert in Portland, returned state health officials will be asked to their Parkdale home the latter part to boost for apples. Teachers In pub- of last week. . thl« fall and aid in extending an in­ vitation to the Muscovites to hold their sovereign grand lodge in Port­ land next year. Two uniforms bands and Muscovite Jn full regalia will participate In the parade. The cereApnial will Include activities of the Lady Muscovites. ^Hard-Tack/’ the Muscovite eoat, and Rada. the Lady Muscovite goat, both full of pep. according to the officers, will be frequently in the lfama- light. Ixtcal Odd fellows have arranged for the main. assembly places of the city for the evening. At 9.30 p. m. a banquet to the Muscovites and sotes ■K) candidates will be held at the Odd Fellows’ halt The initiatory cere­ monial will follow immediately at the Pythian temple. SCHOOL BOARD IS GIVEN AUTHORITY A telegram was received by The Hood River Glacier Friday from Rep­ resentative N. J. Rlnnott confirming press dispatches which stated that Thomas F. Johnson was the only one of seven applicants for the Hood Riv­ er poetoffice to make the eligible list under examination of the Civil Ser­ vice Uonmitsaion. The action of the Civil Service Commission created surprise among the supporters of other applicants, who are: Roy IX Smith, Geo. I. • Rlocom. Frank R. Riggs, C. E. Graves. J. W. Morton and Mrs. W. W. Rodwell. , Mr. Johnson has lieen sheriff of the county continuously'for the past 14 years. A native of Kentucky, he is owner of a West Side orchard plain. He will resign from' the sheriff’s of­ fice, to take effect as soon as he re­ ceives notice of his formal appoint­ ment, and his successor must be ap­ pointed by the county court. Sheriff Johnson, on receipt <>f his commission, will resign. His succes­ sor will be appointed by the count.’ court. ' ’ : ! Wm. II. Edick, for seven years dep­ uty county assessor and the past three years deputy sheriff, Monday announced his candidacy for Repub­ lican nomination for sheriff. 1ft. Edlck will also apply to succeed Shte- Iff Johnson, just declared the only eligible among seven applicants fdr the local poxtmasterahlp, as soon as the latter receives notification of for­ mal appointment. Although Ave vacancies ta eMBtff offices must be filled this year, Mr.